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bitbtn.go 17.64 KB
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不在乎y 提交于 2018-06-03 05:10 . Squashed commit of the following:
// 代码由GenlibVcl工具自动生成。
// Copyright © ying32. All Rights Reserved.
package vcl
import (
. "github.com/ying32/govcl/vcl/api"
. "github.com/ying32/govcl/vcl/types"
type TBitBtn struct {
instance uintptr
func NewBitBtn(owner IComponent) *TBitBtn {
b := new(TBitBtn)
b.instance = BitBtn_Create(CheckPtr(owner))
return b
func BitBtnFromInst(inst uintptr) *TBitBtn {
b := new(TBitBtn)
b.instance = inst
return b
func BitBtnFromObj(obj IObject) *TBitBtn {
b := new(TBitBtn)
b.instance = CheckPtr(obj)
return b
func (b *TBitBtn) Free() {
if b.instance != 0 {
b.instance = 0
func (b *TBitBtn) Instance() uintptr {
return b.instance
func (b *TBitBtn) IsValid() bool {
return b.instance != 0
func TBitBtnClass() TClass {
return BitBtn_StaticClassType()
func (b *TBitBtn) Click() {
func (b *TBitBtn) CanFocus() bool {
return BitBtn_CanFocus(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool) {
BitBtn_FlipChildren(b.instance, AllLevels)
func (b *TBitBtn) Focused() bool {
return BitBtn_Focused(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) HandleAllocated() bool {
return BitBtn_HandleAllocated(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Invalidate() {
func (b *TBitBtn) Realign() {
func (b *TBitBtn) Repaint() {
func (b *TBitBtn) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32) {
BitBtn_ScaleBy(b.instance, M , D)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32) {
BitBtn_SetBounds(b.instance, ALeft , ATop , AWidth , AHeight)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetFocus() {
func (b *TBitBtn) Update() {
func (b *TBitBtn) BringToFront() {
func (b *TBitBtn) ClientToScreen(Point TPoint) TPoint {
return BitBtn_ClientToScreen(b.instance, Point)
func (b *TBitBtn) ClientToParent(Point TPoint, AParent IWinControl) TPoint {
return BitBtn_ClientToParent(b.instance, Point , CheckPtr(AParent))
func (b *TBitBtn) Dragging() bool {
return BitBtn_Dragging(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) HasParent() bool {
return BitBtn_HasParent(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Hide() {
func (b *TBitBtn) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int {
return BitBtn_Perform(b.instance, Msg , WParam , LParam)
func (b *TBitBtn) Refresh() {
func (b *TBitBtn) ScreenToClient(Point TPoint) TPoint {
return BitBtn_ScreenToClient(b.instance, Point)
func (b *TBitBtn) ParentToClient(Point TPoint, AParent IWinControl) TPoint {
return BitBtn_ParentToClient(b.instance, Point , CheckPtr(AParent))
func (b *TBitBtn) SendToBack() {
func (b *TBitBtn) Show() {
func (b *TBitBtn) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32 {
return BitBtn_GetTextBuf(b.instance, Buffer , BufSize)
func (b *TBitBtn) GetTextLen() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetTextLen(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent {
return ComponentFromInst(BitBtn_FindComponent(b.instance, AName))
func (b *TBitBtn) GetNamePath() string {
return BitBtn_GetNamePath(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Assign(Source IObject) {
BitBtn_Assign(b.instance, CheckPtr(Source))
func (b *TBitBtn) DisposeOf() {
func (b *TBitBtn) ClassType() TClass {
return BitBtn_ClassType(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ClassName() string {
return BitBtn_ClassName(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) InstanceSize() int32 {
return BitBtn_InstanceSize(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) InheritsFrom(AClass TClass) bool {
return BitBtn_InheritsFrom(b.instance, AClass)
func (b *TBitBtn) Equals(Obj IObject) bool {
return BitBtn_Equals(b.instance, CheckPtr(Obj))
func (b *TBitBtn) GetHashCode() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetHashCode(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ToString() string {
return BitBtn_ToString(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Action() *TAction {
return ActionFromInst(BitBtn_GetAction(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetAction(value IComponent) {
BitBtn_SetAction(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) Align() TAlign {
return BitBtn_GetAlign(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetAlign(value TAlign) {
BitBtn_SetAlign(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Anchors() TAnchors {
return BitBtn_GetAnchors(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetAnchors(value TAnchors) {
BitBtn_SetAnchors(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode {
return BitBtn_GetBiDiMode(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode) {
BitBtn_SetBiDiMode(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Cancel() bool {
return BitBtn_GetCancel(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetCancel(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetCancel(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Caption() string {
return BitBtn_GetCaption(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetCaption(value string) {
BitBtn_SetCaption(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Default() bool {
return BitBtn_GetDefault(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDefault(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetDefault(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) DoubleBuffered() bool {
return BitBtn_GetDoubleBuffered(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetDoubleBuffered(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) DragCursor() TCursor {
return BitBtn_GetDragCursor(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDragCursor(value TCursor) {
BitBtn_SetDragCursor(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) DragKind() TDragKind {
return BitBtn_GetDragKind(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDragKind(value TDragKind) {
BitBtn_SetDragKind(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) DragMode() TDragMode {
return BitBtn_GetDragMode(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDragMode(value TDragMode) {
BitBtn_SetDragMode(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Enabled() bool {
return BitBtn_GetEnabled(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetEnabled(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetEnabled(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Font() *TFont {
return FontFromInst(BitBtn_GetFont(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetFont(value *TFont) {
BitBtn_SetFont(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) Glyph() *TBitmap {
return BitmapFromInst(BitBtn_GetGlyph(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetGlyph(value *TBitmap) {
BitBtn_SetGlyph(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) Kind() TBitBtnKind {
return BitBtn_GetKind(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetKind(value TBitBtnKind) {
BitBtn_SetKind(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Layout() TButtonLayout {
return BitBtn_GetLayout(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetLayout(value TButtonLayout) {
BitBtn_SetLayout(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ModalResult() TModalResult {
return BitBtn_GetModalResult(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetModalResult(value TModalResult) {
BitBtn_SetModalResult(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) NumGlyphs() TNumGlyphs {
return BitBtn_GetNumGlyphs(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetNumGlyphs(value TNumGlyphs) {
BitBtn_SetNumGlyphs(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool {
return BitBtn_GetParentDoubleBuffered(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetParentDoubleBuffered(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ParentFont() bool {
return BitBtn_GetParentFont(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetParentFont(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetParentFont(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ParentShowHint() bool {
return BitBtn_GetParentShowHint(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetParentShowHint(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetParentShowHint(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu {
return PopupMenuFromInst(BitBtn_GetPopupMenu(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent) {
BitBtn_SetPopupMenu(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) ShowHint() bool {
return BitBtn_GetShowHint(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetShowHint(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetShowHint(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Style() TButtonStyle {
return BitBtn_GetStyle(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetStyle(value TButtonStyle) {
BitBtn_SetStyle(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Spacing() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetSpacing(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetSpacing(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetSpacing(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) TabOrder() uint16 {
return BitBtn_GetTabOrder(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetTabOrder(value uint16) {
BitBtn_SetTabOrder(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) TabStop() bool {
return BitBtn_GetTabStop(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetTabStop(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetTabStop(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Visible() bool {
return BitBtn_GetVisible(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetVisible(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetVisible(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) WordWrap() bool {
return BitBtn_GetWordWrap(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetWordWrap(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetWordWrap(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) StyleElements() TStyleElements {
return BitBtn_GetStyleElements(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements) {
BitBtn_SetStyleElements(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnClick(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnContextPopup(fn TContextPopupEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnContextPopup(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnDragDrop(fn TDragDropEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnDragDrop(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnDragOver(fn TDragOverEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnDragOver(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnEndDock(fn TEndDragEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnEndDock(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnEndDrag(fn TEndDragEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnEndDrag(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnEnter(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnExit(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnKeyDown(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnKeyPress(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnKeyUp(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnMouseDown(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnMouseEnter(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnMouseLeave(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnMouseMove(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnMouseUp(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetOnStartDock(fn TStartDockEvent) {
BitBtn_SetOnStartDock(b.instance, fn)
func (b *TBitBtn) CommandLinkHint() string {
return BitBtn_GetCommandLinkHint(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetCommandLinkHint(value string) {
BitBtn_SetCommandLinkHint(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) DisabledImageIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetDisabledImageIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDisabledImageIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetDisabledImageIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ElevationRequired() bool {
return BitBtn_GetElevationRequired(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetElevationRequired(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetElevationRequired(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) HotImageIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetHotImageIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetHotImageIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetHotImageIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Images() *TImageList {
return ImageListFromInst(BitBtn_GetImages(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetImages(value IComponent) {
BitBtn_SetImages(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) ImageAlignment() TImageAlignment {
return BitBtn_GetImageAlignment(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetImageAlignment(value TImageAlignment) {
BitBtn_SetImageAlignment(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ImageIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetImageIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetImageIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetImageIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) PressedImageIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetPressedImageIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetPressedImageIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetPressedImageIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) SelectedImageIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetSelectedImageIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetSelectedImageIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetSelectedImageIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) StylusHotImageIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetStylusHotImageIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetStylusHotImageIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetStylusHotImageIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) DockSite() bool {
return BitBtn_GetDockSite(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetDockSite(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetDockSite(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Brush() *TBrush {
return BrushFromInst(BitBtn_GetBrush(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) ControlCount() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetControlCount(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Handle() HWND {
return BitBtn_GetHandle(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ParentWindow() HWND {
return BitBtn_GetParentWindow(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetParentWindow(value HWND) {
BitBtn_SetParentWindow(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) UseDockManager() bool {
return BitBtn_GetUseDockManager(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetUseDockManager(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetUseDockManager(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) BoundsRect() TRect {
return BitBtn_GetBoundsRect(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetBoundsRect(value TRect) {
BitBtn_SetBoundsRect(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ClientHeight() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetClientHeight(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetClientHeight(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetClientHeight(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ClientRect() TRect {
return BitBtn_GetClientRect(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ClientWidth() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetClientWidth(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetClientWidth(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetClientWidth(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) ExplicitLeft() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetExplicitLeft(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ExplicitTop() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetExplicitTop(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ExplicitWidth() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetExplicitWidth(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ExplicitHeight() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetExplicitHeight(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Floating() bool {
return BitBtn_GetFloating(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) Parent() *TWinControl {
return WinControlFromInst(BitBtn_GetParent(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetParent(value IWinControl) {
BitBtn_SetParent(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) AlignWithMargins() bool {
return BitBtn_GetAlignWithMargins(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool) {
BitBtn_SetAlignWithMargins(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Left() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetLeft(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetLeft(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetLeft(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Top() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetTop(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetTop(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetTop(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Width() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetWidth(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetWidth(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetWidth(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Height() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetHeight(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetHeight(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetHeight(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Cursor() TCursor {
return BitBtn_GetCursor(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetCursor(value TCursor) {
BitBtn_SetCursor(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Hint() string {
return BitBtn_GetHint(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetHint(value string) {
BitBtn_SetHint(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Margins() *TMargins {
return MarginsFromInst(BitBtn_GetMargins(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetMargins(value *TMargins) {
BitBtn_SetMargins(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) CustomHint() *TCustomHint {
return CustomHintFromInst(BitBtn_GetCustomHint(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) SetCustomHint(value IComponent) {
BitBtn_SetCustomHint(b.instance, CheckPtr(value))
func (b *TBitBtn) ComponentCount() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetComponentCount(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) ComponentIndex() int32 {
return BitBtn_GetComponentIndex(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetComponentIndex(value int32) {
BitBtn_SetComponentIndex(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Owner() *TComponent {
return ComponentFromInst(BitBtn_GetOwner(b.instance))
func (b *TBitBtn) Name() string {
return BitBtn_GetName(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetName(value string) {
BitBtn_SetName(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Tag() int {
return BitBtn_GetTag(b.instance)
func (b *TBitBtn) SetTag(value int) {
BitBtn_SetTag(b.instance, value)
func (b *TBitBtn) Controls(Index int32) *TControl {
return ControlFromInst(BitBtn_GetControls(b.instance, Index))
func (b *TBitBtn) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent {
return ComponentFromInst(BitBtn_GetComponents(b.instance, AIndex))
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