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frontend.go 3.81 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
yzsunjianguo 提交于 2024-02-08 10:53 . 初始化
// Package frontend embeds the frontend static file and adds routing.
package frontend
import (
// Note: the front-end static files must all be in the same directory, i.e. htmlDir
// when customizing customAddr, read static resources and save them to this directory.
var targetDir = "frontend"
// FrontEnd is the frontend router configuration
type FrontEnd struct {
// embed.FS static resources.
staticFS embed.FS
// must be set to false if cross-host access is required, otherwise true
isUseEmbedFS bool
// directory where index.html is located, e.g. web/html
htmlDir string
// configuration file in which js requests the address of the back-end api request, e.g. config.js
configFile string
// modify config
modifyConfigFn func(content []byte) []byte
// New create a new frontend
func New(staticFS embed.FS, isUseEmbedFS bool, htmlDir string, configFile string, modifyConfigFn func(content []byte) []byte) *FrontEnd {
htmlDir = strings.Trim(htmlDir, "/")
return &FrontEnd{
staticFS: staticFS,
isUseEmbedFS: isUseEmbedFS,
htmlDir: htmlDir,
configFile: configFile,
modifyConfigFn: modifyConfigFn,
// SetRouter set frontend router
func (f *FrontEnd) SetRouter(r *gin.Engine) error {
routerPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/index.html", f.htmlDir)
// solve vue using history route 404 problem
r.NoRoute(browserRefreshFS(f.staticFS, routerPath))
relativePath := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/*filepath", f.htmlDir)
// use embed file
if f.isUseEmbedFS {
r.GET(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {
staticServer := http.FileServer(http.FS(f.staticFS))
staticServer.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request)
return nil
// use local file
err := f.saveFSToLocal()
if err != nil {
return err
r.GET(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {
localFileDir := filepath.Join(targetDir, f.htmlDir)
filePath := c.Param("filepath")
c.File(localFileDir + filePath)
return nil
func (f *FrontEnd) saveFSToLocal() error {
_ = os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(targetDir, f.htmlDir))
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
// Walk through the embedded filesystem
return fs.WalkDir(f.staticFS, ".", func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the corresponding directory structure locally
localPath := filepath.Join(targetDir, path)
if d.IsDir() {
err := os.MkdirAll(localPath, 0755)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Read the file from the embedded filesystem
content, err := fs.ReadFile(f.staticFS, path)
if err != nil {
return err
// replace config address
if path == f.configFile {
content = f.modifyConfigFn(content)
// Save the content to the local file
err = os.WriteFile(localPath, content, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// solve vue using history route 404 problem, for embed.FS
func browserRefreshFS(efs embed.FS, path string) func(c *gin.Context) {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
accept := c.Request.Header.Get("Accept")
flag := strings.Contains(accept, "text/html")
if flag {
content, err := efs.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
_, _ = c.Writer.WriteString("Not Found")
c.Writer.Header().Add("Accept", "text/html")
_, _ = c.Writer.Write(content)
// AutoOpenBrowser auto open browser
func AutoOpenBrowser(visitURL string) error {
var cmd string
var args []string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
cmd = "cmd"
args = []string{"/c", "start"}
case "darwin":
cmd = "open"
default: // "linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "netbsd"
cmd = "xdg-open"
args = append(args, visitURL)
return exec.Command(cmd, args...).Start()
