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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
simonguo 提交于 2020-08-14 23:19 . Refactor some components. (#1241)


September 9, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed alignment of Loader within its container. (#599)


September 7, 2019

  • Bugfix: Update <Loader> styles replace table layout to flex. (#593)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue with <Cascader> select search result. (#561)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue with <Cascader> selected values. (#558)

  • Bugfix: 更新 <Loader> 样式将表布局替换为 flex。 (#593)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Cascader> 选择值后回调缺少参数的问题. (#561)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Cascader> 选择搜索结果值后没有触发 onSelect 回调的问题 (#558)


August 1, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fix <Uploader> showing file size issue (#533)
  • Bugfix: Fix <Uploader> reset button will trigger automatic upload. (#521)
  • Improve: Improve <Cascader> search results, formatting options. (#515)

  • Bugfix: 修复 <Uploader> 文件大小显示问题 (#533)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Uploader> 在手动上传的情况下,重新上传按钮会触发自动上传 (#521)
  • Improve: 改进 <Cascader> 搜索结果,格式化选项。 (#515)


July 11, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fix <Cascader> option value is not correct under controlled conditions. (#498)
  • Bugfix: Fix the style problem of <MultiCascader> text wrap. (#511)
  • Bugfix: Fix <MultiCascader> When searching for result status error when not cascading. (#513)
  • Bugfix: Fix an internationalization issue with a wrong title on the calendar panel (#513)

  • Bugfix: 修复 <Cascader> 选项值在受控条件下不正确。 (#498)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <MultiCascader> 文本换行的样式问题。(#511)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <MultiCascader> 在不级联时候,搜索结果选项的状态错误。 (#513)
  • Bugfix: 修复日历面板上标题错误的国际化问题。 (#513)


June 6, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fix the problem that <TagPicker> minimum width is inconsistent with design. (#482)

  • Bugfix: Fix <IconButton> loading status style problem. (#480)

  • Bugfix: Fixed TypeScript definition error. (#478,#479,#483)

  • Bugfix: Fix <Table> setting expandedRowKeys value, there is a problem that child nodes cannot be expanded. (#table-85)

  • Bugfix: 修复 <TagPicker> 最小宽度值与设计不一致的问题。 (#482)

  • Bugfix: 修复 <IconButton> loading 状态样式问题. (#480)

  • Bugfix: 修复一些 TypeScript 定义错误。 (#478,#479,#483)

  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 设置 expandedRowKeys 值,存在子节点不能展开的问题。 (#table-85)


May 23, 2019

  • Feature: Support cleanErrorForField method in <Form>. (#470)
  • Feature: Support open on <Whisper>. (#467)
  • Bugfix: MultiCascader: don't throw on a non-present selected value. (#468)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Fix type definition for DOMHelper (#469)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Add Steps.Item type definition to Steps (#464)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Fix value type for <Checkbox> <CheckboxGroup> <Radio> <RadioGroup> (#471)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Fix onChange type for <Radio> (#472)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Added icon names to Icon.d.ts (#476)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Update *.d.ts file directory for import on demand. (#475)

  • Feature: <Form> 组件里支持 cleanErrorForField 方法。 (#470)
  • Feature: <Whisper> 支持 open 属性,默认打开 speaker 设置的组件。 (#467)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <MultiCascader> 的值在选项中不存在时候会抛出异常。 (#468)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复 DOMHelper 类型定义 (#469)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Steps 中添加 teps.Item 定义 (#464)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复 <Checkbox> <CheckboxGroup> <Radio> <RadioGroup> 中的 value 类型定义 (#471)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复 <Radio>onChange 类型定义 (#472)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 为 Icon 的定义图标名称列表 (#476)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 为按需加载,更新 ts 类型定义文件目录 (#475)


May 9, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed TypeScript definition error. (#459,#460,#462,#463)
  • Improve: <Nav.Item> supports text wrap in <Sidenav> (#458)
  • Improve: Allow <Form> to trigger native submit event (#456)
  • Improve: isRequired method in Schema.Types.StringType supports trim parameter (#schema-10)

  • Bugfix: 修复一些 TypeScript 定义错误。 (#459,#460,#462,#463)
  • Improve: <Nav.Item><Sidenav> 中支持文本自动换行。 (#458)
  • Improve: 允许 <Form> 触发原生的 submit 事件 (#456)
  • Improve: Schema.Types.StringTypeisRequired 方法支持 trim 参数 (#schema-10)


April 18, 2019

  • Feature: Support reverse on <Table.Pagination>. (#444)
  • Feature: Support renderValue on <DatePicker> and <DateRangePicker>. (#435)
  • Bugfix: Remove invalid anchors in the Panel title. (#446)
  • Bugfix: Fixed missing Cascader style for modular import. (#440)
  • Bugfix: Fixed some style issues. (#439,#445)
  • Bugfix: Fixed TypeScript definition error. (#436)
  • Bugfix: Fixed unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener for InputNumber. (#441,#6662647093133312)
  • Bugfix: Fixed unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener for Table on drag. (#table-78,#5093566007214080)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a scrollbar being reset in the case of virtualized on Table. (#table-76)

  • Feature: <Table.Pagination> 支持 reverse 属性。(#444)
  • Feature: <DatePicker><DateRangePicker> 支持 renderValue 属性。(#435)
  • Bugfix: 删除 <Panel> 标题上无效的锚点。 (#446)
  • Bugfix: 修复模块化按需引入时缺少 Cascader 样式。 (#440)
  • Bugfix: 修复一些样式问题。 (#439,#445)
  • Bugfix: 修复一些 TypeScript 定义错误。 (#436)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <InputNumber> 滚动事件无法阻止被动默认的事件监听。 (#441,#6662647093133312)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 在移动端拖拽事件无法阻止被动默认的事件监听。 (#table-78,#5093566007214080)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 在设置 virtualized 情况下,滚动时滚动条被重置的问题。 (#table-76)


April 3, 2019

  • Improve: Update the title style of <Drawer> and <Modal> (#431)
  • Bugfix: Fixed Typescript incorrectly extends interface (#428)
  • Bugfix: Fixed scrollbar position not updated after data update (#table-75)

  • Improve: 更新 <Drawer><Modal> 组件的标题样式(#431)
  • Bugfix: 修复 Typescript 定义继承错误的接口 (#428)
  • Bugfix: 修复表格数据更新后滚动条位置未更新的问题(#table-75)


March 28, 2019

  • Feature: Support removable on <Uploader> (#426)
  • Feature: Support verticalAlign on <Table.Column> (#table-70)
  • Feature: Support renderEmpty and renderLoading on <Table> (#table-74)
  • Bugfix: Fixed Picker component to trigger onChange event when deleting search value (#425)
  • Bugfix: Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive (#table-73,#6662647093133312)

  • Feature: <Uploader> 组件支持 removable 属性 (#426)
  • Feature: <Table.Column> 组件支持 verticalAlign 属性 (#table-70)
  • Feature: <Table> 组件支持 renderEmptyrenderLoading 属性 (#table-74)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <SelectPicker><CheckPicker> 组件删除搜索框值时候会触发 onChange 事件 (#425)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 组件在 Chrome 73 版本中滚动时报错的问题 (#table-73,#6662647093133312)


March 21, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed modular styles issues for animation (#422)
  • Bugfix: Fixed TypeScript definition error (#415,#416,#419)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a scrollbar event invalid on the internal elements of the table (#table-67)

  • Bugfix: 修复了 animation 按需加载时的问题 (#422)
  • Bugfix: 修复了一些 TypeScript 定义错误 (#415,#416,#419)
  • Bugfix: 修复了表格内部元素的滚动事件无效的问题 (#table-67)


March 7, 2019

  • Feature: Add <TagGroup> (#411,#410)
  • Improve: Clear search box when <Cascader> is closed (#409)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Nav> ripple effect styles problem (#413)
  • Bugfix: Fixed *Hidden property is invalid on <Col> (#412)
  • Bugfix: Fixed disabledDate property to disable <DateRangePicker> shortcut option is invalid (#408)
  • Bugfix: Fixed icon style problem with Tree Table (#table-64)
  • Bugfix: Fixed invalid autoHeight property when table data is empty (#table-62)

  • Feature: 新增 <TagGroup> 组件 (#411,#410)
  • Improve: 在 <Cascader> 关闭后清空搜索框的值 (#409)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Nav> 涟漪效果的样式问题 (#413)
  • Bugfix: 修复 *Hidden 属性 <Col> 组件上无效的问题 (#412)
  • Bugfix: 修复 disabledDate 属性对 <DateRangePicker>的快捷选项的禁用无效 (#408)
  • Bugfix: 修复 Tree Table 图标的样式问题 (#table-64)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 数据为空时,设置 autoHeight 属性无效 (#table-62)


February 28, 2019

  • Feature: Support searchable on <Cascader> and <MultiCascader> (#401,#403,#406)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the tree table's cell word wrap (#407)
  • Bugfix: Fixed flip property not working on <Icon> (#402)
  • Chore: Update flow-bin 0.93.0 (#407)
  • Chore: Update the sample code in the documentation

  • Feature: <Cascader><MultiCascader> 组件支持搜索功能 (#401,#403,#406)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Tree Table 在自动换行时候的 bug (#407)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 flip 属性在 <Icon> 组件上无效 (#402)
  • Chore: 更新 flow-bin 至 0.93.0 版本 (#407)
  • Chore: 更新文档中的示例代码


February 21, 2019

  • Feature: Support onClean on picker (#398)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a tool function for <DateRangePicker> to disable dates (#400)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a style error with <CheckPicker> in IE (#394)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an error in calling Notification in ComponentDidUpdate(#393)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a Typescript definition error (#391,#399)
  • Extension: Add extension component @rsuite/document-nav

  • Feature: Picker 相关的组件都支持 onClean 事件 (#398)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <DateRangePicker> 禁用日期的工具函数 (#400)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <CheckPicker> 组件在 IE 浏览器上的样式错误 (#394)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Notification 在 ComponentDidUpdate 生命周期内调用的一个错误 (#393)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Typescript 定义错误 (#391,#399)
  • Extension: 添加扩展组件 @rsuite/document-nav


January 31, 2019

  • Improve: Adjust the style of the Close button on <Tag> (#387)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an errorMessage for <FormControl> that could not overwrite formError in <Form> (#389)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a passively triggered onScroll event on <Table> that caused the scrollbar to be misaligned (#388)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the style is not uniform when the picker mouse hovers (#386)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the <Notification> header text is too long to be displayed (#385)
  • Bugfix: Fixed searchKeyword not controlled in <TreePicker> and <CheckTreePicker> (#384)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where icons could not be used in combination in <DropdownMenu> and <Sidenav> (#383)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the node alignment issue that occurred after <Checktree> setting uncheckableItemValues and virtualized (#382)

  • Improve: 调整了 <Tag> 上关闭按钮的样式 (#387)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <FormControl>errorMessage 属性不能覆盖 <Form>formError (#389)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 上被动触发的 onScroll 事件, 该事件导致滚动条不对齐 (#388)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Picker 鼠标悬停时样式不统一的问题 (#386)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Notification> 标题文本太长无法显示的问题 (#385)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <TreePicker><CheckTreePicker>searchKeyword 属性不受控 (#384)
  • Bugfix: 修复了图标无法在 <DropdownMenu><Sidenav> 中组合使用的问题(#383)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Checktree> 同时设置 uncheckableItemValuesvirtualized 后出现的节点对齐问题 (#382)


January 25, 2019

  • Hotfix: Fix typos
  • Improve: Modular import react-virtualized


January 24, 2019

  • Feature: Support virtualized on all Tree components (#380)
  • Breaking: Migration from moment.js to date-fns (#367 @fnpen)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an uncontrolled situation about formError in <Form> (#379,#381)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the onChange event is overridden in the Group (#376)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a problem that select text when quick click expand icon (#372)
  • Bugfix: Fixed issues that cannot display text after a quick click in the <Sidenav> menu (#371)

  • Feature: 所有的 Tree 相关组件都支持 virtualized, 有效地呈现大列表数据 (#380)
  • Breaking: moment.js 迁移到 date-fns (#367 @fnpen)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Form> 中关于 formError 的不受控制的情况 (#379,#381)
  • Bugfix: 修复了在 <CheckboxGroup><RadioGroup>onChange 事件的被覆盖问题 (#376)
  • Bugfix: 修复了快速单击展开图标时会选择文本的问题 (#372)
  • Bugfix: 修复了在 <Sidenav> 菜单中快速单击后无法显示文本的问题 (#371)


January 18, 2019

  • Feature: Support virtualized on <Table>, effectively render large tabular data (#368)
  • Feature: Support oneTap on <DatePicker> (#362)
  • Bugfix/Breaking: Replace children with childrenKey on <CheckTreePicker> (#365)
  • Bugfix: Fix errors in SSR build (#364 @fnpen)

  • Feature: <Table> 组件支持 virtualized属性, 有效地呈现大表格数据 (#368)
  • Feature: <DatePicker> 组件支持 oneTap 属性 (#362)
  • Bugfix/Breaking: 在 组件中用 childrenKey 替换 children (#365)
  • Bugfix: 修复服务端渲染的错误 (#364 @fnpen)


January 10, 2019

  • Improve: The children property support function for <Cell> in <Table> (#360)
  • Improve: Make sure <NavItem> show in one line when setting horizontal for <Nav> (#359)
  • Bugfix: Fix onChange return parameter is incorrect on <Toggle> (#358)
  • Bugfix: <RadioGroup> and <CheckboxGroup> supported mutiple line when setting inline (#355)
  • Bugfix: Fix typescript type definition error (#352,#354)
  • Bugfix: Fixed style issue when table cell fixed and resizable (#348)
  • Bugfix: Fix issue that button border width is less than 1px (#346)

  • Improve: <Table><Cell> 组件,children 支持设置为函数,方便自定义单元格数据(#360)
  • Improve: 当 <Nav> 设置为水平布局时候,让 <NavItem> 都在一行显示(#359)
  • Bugfix: 修复了<Toggle> 在受控情况下,onChange 的回调参数错误的问题 (#358)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <RadioGroup><CheckboxGroup> 在换行后对齐问题 (#355)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 TypeScript 定义错误 (#352,#354)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 同时设置 fixed 和 resizable 滚动样式问题 (#348)
  • Bugfix: 修复了按钮边框丢失 1px 像素的问题 (#346)


January 3, 2019

  • Feature: Support sort for pickers that can be grouped (#343)
  • Feature: Support fixed column to the right on <Table> (#341,#table-53)
  • Bugfix: Fixed style issue when <Popover> has no title (#339)
  • Bugfix: Fixed issues of form inline layout (#338)

  • Feature: 支持 groupBy 分组的 Picker 组件,同时支持 sort 对选项排序 (#343)
  • Feature: <Table> 支持 fixed='right', 锁定列在右侧 (#341,#table-53)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Popover> 在没有 title 时候的样式问题 (#339)
  • Bugfix: 修复表单 inline 布局存在对齐问题 (#338)



  • Improve: Improve the experience of select months on Calendar (#334)
  • Refactor: Refactor the style of the button toolbar (#333)
  • Breaking: Remove limitStartYear prop from <DatePicker> and <DateRangePicker> (#334)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <CheckPicker> setting toggleComponentClass which will cause an error (#329)
  • Bugfix: Fixed disabledDate cannot disable the month (#327)
  • Bugfix: Fixed focus position error when <SelectPicker> and <CheckPicker> are controlled (#324)
  • Bugfix: Fixed calendar display date and value are inconsistent on <DateRangePicker> (#323)
  • Bugfix: Fixed some style issues (#321)
  • Bugfix: Fixed some issues with TypeScript (#320,#325)
  • Chore: Adjust the priority of rule execution for Schema (#schema-9)

  • Improve: 改善日历上选择月份的体验 (#334)
  • Refactor: 重构<ButtonToolbar>的样式 (#333)
  • Breaking: 删除在 <DatePicker><DateRangePicker>limitStartYear 属性 (#334)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <CheckPicker> 设置 toggleComponentClass 以后出现异常 (#329)
  • Bugfix: 修复 disabledDate 不能禁用月份 (#327)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <SelectPicker><CheckPicker>在受控情况下,选项焦点位置错误 (#324)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <DateRangePicker> 日历上显示的日期与值不一致的问题 (#323)
  • Bugfix: 修复了一些样式问题 (#321)
  • Bugfix: 修复了一些 TypeScript 问题 (#320,#325)
  • Chore: 调整 Schema 中规则校验的优先级 (#schema-9)



  • Feature: Support server side rendering (#315)
  • Improve: Improve picker active and hover effects (#314,#318)
  • Improve: The width of the picker menu is automatically calculated (#309)
  • Bugfix: Fixed that the icon was not vertically centered in <SlideMenu> (#315)
  • Bugfix: Fixed some issues with TypeScript (#312,#313)
  • Bugfix: Adjust breadcrumb font size (#308)



  • Breaking: Adjust the callback parameters of renderValue on all Picker (#307)
  • Feature: Added some default utility functions for disabledDate on <DateRangePicker> (#304)
  • Feature: Support appearance on <RadioGroup>, let Radio look like a Picker . (#303)
  • Feature: Support renderFileInfo on <Uploader>, custom file list style (#302)
  • Improve: Improve the Picker keyboard operation experience (#306)
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with active date item in time panel (#305)



  • Improve: Refactor the animations Bounce and Slide (#288)
  • Improve: The active state is Displayed when the Picker is expanded (#299)
  • Improve: Add a title to a multi-picker (#298)
  • Improve: Picker clears the search input when it is cloed (#301)
  • Bugfix: Update progress bar when the <Uploader> is controlled (#300)
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with active date item in month panel (#295)
  • Bugfix: Fixed selectNode null exception in <MultiCascader> (#293)
  • Bugfix: Fixed checkForField API in <Form> is invalid (#289)
  • Chore: Update flow type definition (#294,#295,#296)



  • Feature: Support uncheckableItemValues on <CheckTreePicker> (#284)
  • Bugfix: The Picker menu should update the position after the height has changed (#282)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the <Uploader> component retry button styles (#280)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the problem that cursor is default pointer when mouse over the <TagPicker> (#279)
  • Bugfix: Fixed bugs in IE10 browser (#277)
  • Bugfix: The Drawer will trigger onHide when clicking inside the Drawer (#273)
  • Improve: Improve the way that tree related components are updated asynchronously (#287)
  • Improve: Improve FormControl to avoid unnecessary rendering (#276) @zpbc007
  • Improve: Adjust the default font family (#275)
  • Improve: Improve TypeScript type definitions (#262,#264,#267,#270,#270,#274) @zpbc007



  • Feature: Support rowClassName on <Table> (#table-45)
  • Feature: Support defaultSortType on <Table> and let sortType be controlled (#table-43)
  • Feature: Added public API start on <Uploader> for manual upload (#255)
  • Feature: Improve the interactive experience of <MultiCascader>, <CheckTreePicker>, and <CheckPicker> (#259)
  • Refactor: Used new contextType API in <Form> (#256)
  • Bugfix: The height of body should be reset when the content in <Modal> is updated (#260)
  • Bugfix: Fix <InputPicker> The keyboard return event cannot select the new option (#254)
  • Bugfix: Fix the problem that <Tooltip> without arrow (#253)
  • Bugfix: Fix the problem that property fixedWith of <Icon> is invalid (#252)
  • Bugfix: Fix <CheckTree> to determine the problem with node state (#251)
  • Bugfix: Fix typescript type check error (#249)



  • Bugfix: Fix typos in Slider (#246)
  • Bugfix: Fix typescript type definition error (#245)



  • Feature: Support Typescript (#241)
  • Feature: Add <MultiCascader> (#238)
  • Feature: Support renderTooltip on <Slider> (#239)
  • Bugfix: The scroll bar is not reset after the column of the <Table> has changed (#244)
  • Bugfix: The option value of <InputPicker> does not exist or is disabled and cannot be selected (#243)
  • Bugfix: Cannot customize options in <DatePicker> shortcuts (#242)
  • Bugfix: Fix cannot preview images in fileList on <Uploader> (#237)
  • Bugfix: <FormControl> updates error information from the context of the <Form> by default (#236)
  • Bugfix: Resolve the problem that icon exception when modularity (#233)



  • Feature: Support sticky on <CheckPicker>, top the selected options in the options. (#226)
  • Feature: Support ellipsis and boundaryLinks on <TablePagination> (#221)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the input group was set inside and there were two addons. (#227)
  • Bugfix: sideEffects: false cause css file not bundled (#222)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a parameter error in the onOpenChange function when the <Sidenav> component was being controlled (#221)
  • Bugfix: Display a message when there is no option on the Picker (#232)
  • Improve: Optimize the experience of the resize spanner on <Table>. (#229,#230)



  • Feature: Add <IconStack> (#219)
  • Feature: Support for global configuration of the className prefix (#214)
  • Bugfix: Focus does not return to the input box on <TagPicker> when you click the option (#218)
  • Bugfix: Change <Modal> backdrop and <Drawer> backdrop zindex (#217)
  • Bugfix: Clicking when <Dropdown> is disabled still triggers ripple animation and the cursor is the default (#215)
  • Chore: Change browserslist IE supported to IE10+ (#216)
  • Chore: Remove dropdown disabled styles to dropdown.less (#215)
  • Chore: Update to babel 7 (#211)



  • Feature: International support for Portuguese (#208)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an exception when using <Modal>, <Drawer> in modular (#209)
  • Bugfix: Remove the deep clone from the filterNodesOfTree function (#206)
  • Bugfix: Problem with the first-level menu icon blinking when the sidebar is closed (#205)



  • Bugfix: Uploader size info in IE is abnormality. (#203)
  • Bugfix: The DateRangePicker end date is a problem that flashes wildly as the mouse moves (#202)
  • Bugfix: In safari, after multiple clicks , the loader still has not disappeared on <Table> (#201)
  • Bugfix: The loader on <Table> should be above the scrollbar (#201)
  • Chore: Compress lodash (#200)
  • Chore: Change icon font CDN path (#199)



  • Feature: Support combine in Schema (#195)
  • Feature: Support onHide on Picker (#194)
  • Feature: Support checkForField in <Form> (#193)
  • Feature: Support disabled on <Pagination> (#189)
  • Bugfix: Calender is not updated when the value is updated (#192)
  • Bugfix: Fix not updated after updating the value in <Cascader> (#188)



  • Feature: Support for return all data in Schema.Types.addRule (#186)
  • Feature: Replaced and created some icons. (#185)
  • Bugfix: Remove minimum with limit for menu of picker menu. (#182)
  • Bugfix: The default value of sortType on <Table> should be desc. (#180)
  • Bugfix: Backdrop set to static invalid on <Drawer>. (#179)
  • Bugfix: Fix disabeldDate callback parameter error on <DateRangePicker>. (#178)
  • Chore: Remove duplicate ripple DOM. (#183)
  • Chore: Reformat code style with prettier. (#184)



  • Bugfix: The flexGrow is invalid when there is only one column on <Table> (#177)
  • Bugfix: <Modal> and <Drawer> have no animation problems when modular. (#176)
  • Bugfix: <TreePicker> miss active className (#174)
  • Bugfix: An error occurred in the null value when the DatePicker was controlled. (#172)



  • Feature: Support onResize on <Table.Column> (#table-37)
  • Bugfix: Add className and style props for Tree and CheckTree
  • Bugfix: The scrollbar position is reset when the data is loaded (#table-36)
  • Bugfix: Tree has a scroll bar that should not be there (#169)
  • Chore: Refactor the <InputAutosize> component in <TagPicker> (#167)
  • Chore: [flow-typed] Add rsuite v3 libdef (#flow-typed-2547)



  • Bugfix: Fix click NavItem no response in Firefox.



  • Feature: Improve of ripple animation effects (#154)
  • Bugfix: Tab nav active styles abnormal (#156)
  • Chore: Migrated to new lifecycle method (#157,#158,#159,#161,#164)
  • Chore: Compatibility with the post-css autoprefixer (#155)



  • Bugfix: Fixed <CheckTree> label horizontal padding (#151)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Button> unusual styles when setting the size of the button group (#149)
  • Chore: Update flow-typed (#150)



Add a sample site: https://sample.rsuitejs.com/

  • Feature: Support placeholder on <InputNumber> (#140)
  • Breaking: Remove unused defaultActiveKey on <Sidenav> (#143)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the input box was not centered when the form was vertical aligned (#148)
  • Bugfix: Set backgroud color to table. (#146)
  • Bugfix: <Button> is missing border-radius in <ButtonGroup> (#145)
  • Bugfix: The option value error when current keyboard operation option on <TagPicker> (#142)
  • Bugfix: The callback for disableDate is incorrect on <DateRangePicker> (#138)
  • Chore: Add sideEffects: false for Webpack 4 (#144)
  • Chore: filter the ref value of null for tableRows (#table-33)



  • Feature: Support menuStyle on <TreePicker> and <CheckTreePicker> (#136)
  • Bugfix: Fix the color of pickers placeholders (#137)
  • Bugfix: Fix <TreePicker> and <CheckTreePicker> keydown event error (#135)
  • Bugfix: Table in the page picker should be subtle (#134)
  • Chore: The callback function returns detailed info on <Uploader> (#133)



  • Feature/Breaking: Support appearance on *Picker, The default value is default (#125)
  • Feature: Added InputPicker component (#129)
  • Feature: Added TagPicker component (#129)
  • Bugfix: Calendar render incomplete when set isoWeek (#128)
  • Bugfix: Table loading unclickable (#124)
  • Chore: Migrate code for picker related components to rsuite library



  • Feature: Support disabled on <InputGroup> (#117)
  • Feature: Support showHeader on <Table> (#table-30)
  • Feature: Support autoHeight and minHeight on <Table> (#table-29)
  • Feature: Support cellBordered on <Table> (#table-28)
  • Chore: Unhandled props are passed to the DropdownToggle (#119)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Checkbox> and <Radio> clickable area (#120)
  • Bugfix: <Loader> don't spin in Safari (#121)



  • Feature: Support expandAll on <TreePicker> and CheckTreePicker (#112)
  • Feature: Support searchKeyword on <TreePicker> and CheckTreePicker (#112)
  • Feature: Support autoVertical and autoHorizontal for placement value on <Popover> and <Tooltip> (#107)
  • Feature: Support disabledFileItem on <Uploader> (#101)
  • Feature: Support toggleComponentClass on <Uploader> (#104)
  • Feature: Support loadAnimation on <Table> (#table-27)
  • Feature: Support for <InputGroup> nesting <InputNumber> (#96)
  • Feature: Support noCaret and toggleComponentClass on <Dropdown> (#92)
  • Bugfix: Select the same file without triggering the onChange event in <Uploader> (#102)
  • Bugfix: <TreePicker> error when comparing values (#100)
  • Bugfix: The position was updated incorrectly when the scrollbar was clicked on <Table> (#table-26)
  • Bugfix: Increase z-index when drawer opened (#95)
  • Bugfix: <InputNumber> should not set the default value (#93)
  • Bugfix: Set minimum height for table body (#table-24)
  • Chore: Improve picker selected styles (#109)
  • Chore: Added transition for table loader. (#108)
  • Chore: Handle <InputNumber> combination styles (#106)
  • Chore: Button in <InputNumber>, defaults to the subtle button (#99)
  • Chore: Keep loader backdrop-color with table loader (#96)
  • Chore: remove all animation for tree to optimal performance (#94)
  • Chore: Allowed table header height can be 0 (#table-25)
  • Chore: Update style for table load (#table-25)



  • Bugfix: Unity picker style when select values. (#91,#issues-61)
  • Bugfix: Adjust sidenav dropdown padding (#90)
  • Feature: Support bordered on <Table> (#89)
  • Feature: Support onOpen and onClose on <Whisper> (#87)
  • Chore: Update createChainedFunction #86
  • Chore: Remove dropdown&picker open animations (#85)
  • Bugfix: Clear popover margin-top when it is full (#84)
  • Chore: Change the depth equal to the shallow equal for all pickers (#83, #88)

3.1.0 🎉


  • Feature: Support for style modularized (#76, #81)
  • Feature: Support bodyRef on <Table> (#TABLE-23)
  • Bugfix: The <FormControl> loses focus and the validated value is incorrect. (#79)
  • Bugfix: Fix some style problems (#78)
  • Bugfix: TreeNode title property display error on <TreePicker> (#77)
  • Bugfix: Remove popover/tooltip open animation delay (#73)
  • Bugfix: Bugfix: When the height of the content is updated, reset the scroll bar position (#TABLE-22)
  • Bugfix: <AutoComplete> cannot enter Chinese in controlled condition (#70)



  • Feature: The position of the overlay can be adjusted automatically (#69)
  • Bugfix: The default type of <Button> is button (#67)
  • Bugfix: <textarea> in form-control will produce a whitesapce (#65)
  • Feature: Support selectOnEnter on <AutoComplete> (#62)
  • Bugfix: Fix the problem on the Picker style (#58)
  • Feature: Support maxPreviewFileSize on <Uploader> (#57)
  • Bugfix: dialogDOM is null (#56)



  • Feature: Added support for block and toggleComponentClass on Picker (#54)
  • Chore: Update shouldComponentUpdate check in <Table> (#53)
  • Chore: Set max-width for some picker (#51)
  • Bugfix: Full Modal size not working (#50)
  • Bugfix: The event is not defined in the RadioGroup's onChange (#49)
  • Bugfix: The Click event Triggers 2 times when the checker is in the label (#46)
  • Bugfix: Events in the Panel header was blocked (#45)



  • Bugfix: The onSelect event is not triggered after the enter key on AutoComplete (#43)
  • Bugfix: Omit the style and className on DropdownMenu of Picker (#42)



  • Bugfix: Set all picker display inline-block (#36)
  • Chore: Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (#34)
  • Feature: Support onChangeCalendarDate on <DatePicker> (#33)
  • Chore: Fix travis config for npm deployment (#32)
  • Bugfix: Remove redundant check isNullOrUndefined (#31)
  • Bugfix: Serious typos (#30)
  • Bugfix: rsuite-schema get precise length of a string (#rsuite-schema-3)



  • Bugfix: The error is thrown when children is false in Container (#20)
  • Bugfix: Dropdown placement not customizable in Nav (#21)
  • Bugfix: tplTransform return value mismatch when parameter is 0 (#22)
  • Bugfix: Form error message incomplete display in Modal (#23)
  • Chore: Update Babel configuration (#24)
  • Bugfix: Increase z-index for dropdown when modal opened (#25)



  • Bugfix: pageDate not updated when value change for Datepicker.
  • Bugfix: The scrolling operation throws an exception, when InputNumber step is a decimal.
  • Feature: AutoComplete support {value,label} in data property.
  • Feature: Added support for keydown events in AutoComplete.
  • Feature: All picker added new property menuClassName.



  • Bugfix: styles directory not published to NPM



  • A brand new style.
  • Support react 16+.
  • Support Internationalization.
  • Support flow, a Static Type Checker for JavaScript.
  • Added prettier formatting.
  • Update build to use babel-preset-env.
  • Give up support for IE9.
  • Breadcrumb New support separator property, custom separator.
  • Modal autoResizeHeight attribute renamed to overflow.
  • Update Button Group
    • Delete shape property, replace with appearance property, add support for subtle and ghost button.
    • Add property color, define button color.
    • Add property loading.
  • Update Table
    • Integrate all rsuite-table functions.
    • Add support merged cells.
    • Add support text over long line wrap processing, you need to set the wordWrap property, default to flase.
  • Update Checkbox, support indeterminate property.
  • Update Dropdown
    • Delete the activekey and select properties, and use the Selectpicker component if you need to select a feature.
    • Add Support Multilevel Menu.
    • Add property placement` , set menu display location.
  • Update Nav components, add appearance (default,subtle,tabs) property.
  • Update Form related components
    • Integrates all form-lib and rsuite-schema functions.
    • Replaced the Field component with the FormControl component (default processing Input component, can be modified by accepter property).
    • Form checktrigger property value null to 'none'.
    • Support 3 kinds of layout layout: horizontal, vertical, inline.
    • Helpblock support tooltip property.
    • Add ErrorMessage component for displaying error messages.
  • Integrate standalone component library into rsuite library
    • Add Uploader.
    • Add Tree.
    • Add CheckTree.
    • Add TreePicker.
    • Add CheckTreePicker.
    • Add SelectPicker.
    • Add CheckPicker.
    • Add Cascader.
    • Add AutoComplete.
    • Add DatePicker.
    • Add DateRangePicker.
    • Add Slider.
    • Add InputNumber.
    • Add Steps.
    • Add Timeline.
  • New Components
    • Add Sidenav.
    • Added IconButton.
    • Add Icon, instead of IconFont component, while supporting SVG custom import icons.
    • Added Drawer.
    • Add Progress.
    • Add Alert.
    • Add Message.
    • Add Notification.
    • Add Loader.
马建仓 AI 助手


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