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deliver.go 12.95 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
赵春 提交于 2022-02-22 14:31 . 基础版本作成
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package deliver
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/common"
ab "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/orderer"
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("common.deliver")
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/chain_manager.go -fake-name ChainManager . ChainManager
// ChainManager provides a way for the Handler to look up the Chain.
type ChainManager interface {
GetChain(chainID string) Chain
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/chain.go -fake-name Chain . Chain
// Chain encapsulates chain operations and data.
type Chain interface {
// Sequence returns the current config sequence number, can be used to detect config changes
Sequence() uint64
// PolicyManager returns the current policy manager as specified by the chain configuration
PolicyManager() policies.Manager
// Reader returns the chain Reader for the chain
Reader() blockledger.Reader
// Errored returns a channel which closes when the backing consenter has errored
Errored() <-chan struct{}
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/policy_checker.go -fake-name PolicyChecker . PolicyChecker
// PolicyChecker checks the envelope against the policy logic supplied by the
// function.
type PolicyChecker interface {
CheckPolicy(envelope *cb.Envelope, channelID string) error
// The PolicyCheckerFunc is an adapter that allows the use of an ordinary
// function as a PolicyChecker.
type PolicyCheckerFunc func(envelope *cb.Envelope, channelID string) error
// CheckPolicy calls pcf(envelope, channelID)
func (pcf PolicyCheckerFunc) CheckPolicy(envelope *cb.Envelope, channelID string) error {
return pcf(envelope, channelID)
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/inspector.go -fake-name Inspector . Inspector
// Inspector verifies an appropriate binding between the message and the context.
type Inspector interface {
Inspect(context.Context, proto.Message) error
// The InspectorFunc is an adapter that allows the use of an ordinary
// function as an Inspector.
type InspectorFunc func(context.Context, proto.Message) error
// Inspect calls inspector(ctx, p)
func (inspector InspectorFunc) Inspect(ctx context.Context, p proto.Message) error {
return inspector(ctx, p)
// Handler handles server requests.
type Handler struct {
ExpirationCheckFunc func(identityBytes []byte) time.Time
ChainManager ChainManager
TimeWindow time.Duration
BindingInspector Inspector
Metrics *Metrics
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/receiver.go -fake-name Receiver . Receiver
// Receiver is used to receive enveloped seek requests.
type Receiver interface {
Recv() (*cb.Envelope, error)
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/response_sender.go -fake-name ResponseSender . ResponseSender
// ResponseSender defines the interface a handler must implement to send
// responses.
type ResponseSender interface {
// SendStatusResponse sends completion status to the client.
SendStatusResponse(status cb.Status) error
// SendBlockResponse sends the block and optionally private data to the client.
SendBlockResponse(data *cb.Block, channelID string, chain Chain, signedData *protoutil.SignedData) error
// DataType returns the data type sent by the sender
DataType() string
// Filtered is a marker interface that indicates a response sender
// is configured to send filtered blocks
// Note: this is replaced by "data_type" label. Keep it for now until we decide how to take care of compatibility issue.
type Filtered interface {
IsFiltered() bool
// Server is a polymorphic structure to support generalization of this handler
// to be able to deliver different type of responses.
type Server struct {
// ExtractChannelHeaderCertHash extracts the TLS cert hash from a channel header.
func ExtractChannelHeaderCertHash(msg proto.Message) []byte {
chdr, isChannelHeader := msg.(*cb.ChannelHeader)
if !isChannelHeader || chdr == nil {
return nil
return chdr.TlsCertHash
// NewHandler creates an implementation of the Handler interface.
func NewHandler(cm ChainManager, timeWindow time.Duration, mutualTLS bool, metrics *Metrics, expirationCheckDisabled bool) *Handler {
expirationCheck := crypto.ExpiresAt
if expirationCheckDisabled {
expirationCheck = noExpiration
return &Handler{
ChainManager: cm,
TimeWindow: timeWindow,
BindingInspector: InspectorFunc(comm.NewBindingInspector(mutualTLS, ExtractChannelHeaderCertHash)),
Metrics: metrics,
ExpirationCheckFunc: expirationCheck,
// Handle receives incoming deliver requests.
func (h *Handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, srv *Server) error {
addr := util.ExtractRemoteAddress(ctx)
logger.Debugf("Starting new deliver loop for %s", addr)
defer h.Metrics.StreamsClosed.Add(1)
for {
logger.Debugf("Attempting to read seek info message from %s", addr)
envelope, err := srv.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
logger.Debugf("Received EOF from %s, hangup", addr)
return nil
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Error reading from %s: %s", addr, err)
return err
status, err := h.deliverBlocks(ctx, srv, envelope)
if err != nil {
return err
err = srv.SendStatusResponse(status)
if status != cb.Status_SUCCESS {
return err
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Error sending to %s: %s", addr, err)
return err
logger.Debugf("Waiting for new SeekInfo from %s", addr)
func isFiltered(srv *Server) bool {
if filtered, ok := srv.ResponseSender.(Filtered); ok {
return filtered.IsFiltered()
return false
func (h *Handler) deliverBlocks(ctx context.Context, srv *Server, envelope *cb.Envelope) (status cb.Status, err error) {
addr := util.ExtractRemoteAddress(ctx)
payload, chdr, shdr, err := h.parseEnvelope(ctx, envelope)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("error parsing envelope from %s: %s", addr, err)
return cb.Status_BAD_REQUEST, nil
chain := h.ChainManager.GetChain(chdr.ChannelId)
if chain == nil {
// Note, we log this at DEBUG because SDKs will poll waiting for channels to be created
// So we would expect our log to be somewhat flooded with these
logger.Debugf("Rejecting deliver for %s because channel %s not found", addr, chdr.ChannelId)
return cb.Status_NOT_FOUND, nil
labels := []string{
"channel", chdr.ChannelId,
"filtered", strconv.FormatBool(isFiltered(srv)),
"data_type", srv.DataType(),
defer func() {
labels := append(labels, "success", strconv.FormatBool(status == cb.Status_SUCCESS))
seekInfo := &ab.SeekInfo{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(payload.Data, seekInfo); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Received a signed deliver request from %s with malformed seekInfo payload: %s", chdr.ChannelId, addr, err)
return cb.Status_BAD_REQUEST, nil
erroredChan := chain.Errored()
if seekInfo.ErrorResponse == ab.SeekInfo_BEST_EFFORT {
// In a 'best effort' delivery of blocks, we should ignore consenter errors
// and continue to deliver blocks according to the client's request.
erroredChan = nil
select {
case <-erroredChan:
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Rejecting deliver request for %s because of consenter error", chdr.ChannelId, addr)
return cb.Status_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, nil
accessControl, err := NewSessionAC(chain, envelope, srv.PolicyChecker, chdr.ChannelId, h.ExpirationCheckFunc)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] failed to create access control object due to %s", chdr.ChannelId, err)
return cb.Status_BAD_REQUEST, nil
if err := accessControl.Evaluate(); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Client %s is not authorized: %s", chdr.ChannelId, addr, err)
return cb.Status_FORBIDDEN, nil
if seekInfo.Start == nil || seekInfo.Stop == nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Received seekInfo message from %s with missing start or stop %v, %v", chdr.ChannelId, addr, seekInfo.Start, seekInfo.Stop)
return cb.Status_BAD_REQUEST, nil
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Received seekInfo (%p) %v from %s", chdr.ChannelId, seekInfo, seekInfo, addr)
cursor, number := chain.Reader().Iterator(seekInfo.Start)
defer cursor.Close()
var stopNum uint64
switch stop := seekInfo.Stop.Type.(type) {
case *ab.SeekPosition_Oldest:
stopNum = number
case *ab.SeekPosition_Newest:
// when seeking only the newest block (i.e. starting
// and stopping at newest), don't reevaluate the ledger
// height as this can lead to multiple blocks being
// sent when only one is expected
if proto.Equal(seekInfo.Start, seekInfo.Stop) {
stopNum = number
stopNum = chain.Reader().Height() - 1
case *ab.SeekPosition_Specified:
stopNum = stop.Specified.Number
if stopNum < number {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Received invalid seekInfo message from %s: start number %d greater than stop number %d", chdr.ChannelId, addr, number, stopNum)
return cb.Status_BAD_REQUEST, nil
for {
if seekInfo.Behavior == ab.SeekInfo_FAIL_IF_NOT_READY {
if number > chain.Reader().Height()-1 {
return cb.Status_NOT_FOUND, nil
var block *cb.Block
var status cb.Status
iterCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
block, status = cursor.Next()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Debugf("Context canceled, aborting wait for next block")
return cb.Status_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, errors.Wrapf(ctx.Err(), "context finished before block retrieved")
case <-erroredChan:
// TODO, today, the only user of the errorChan is the orderer consensus implementations. If the peer ever reports
// this error, we will need to update this error message, possibly finding a way to signal what error text to return.
logger.Warningf("Aborting deliver for request because the backing consensus implementation indicates an error")
return cb.Status_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, nil
case <-iterCh:
// Iterator has set the block and status vars
if status != cb.Status_SUCCESS {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] Error reading from channel, cause was: %v", chdr.ChannelId, status)
return status, nil
// increment block number to support FAIL_IF_NOT_READY deliver behavior
if err := accessControl.Evaluate(); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Client authorization revoked for deliver request from %s: %s", chdr.ChannelId, addr, err)
return cb.Status_FORBIDDEN, nil
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Delivering block [%d] for (%p) for %s", chdr.ChannelId, block.Header.Number, seekInfo, addr)
signedData := &protoutil.SignedData{Data: envelope.Payload, Identity: shdr.Creator, Signature: envelope.Signature}
if err := srv.SendBlockResponse(block, chdr.ChannelId, chain, signedData); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Error sending to %s: %s", chdr.ChannelId, addr, err)
return cb.Status_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, err
if stopNum == block.Header.Number {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Done delivering to %s for (%p)", chdr.ChannelId, addr, seekInfo)
return cb.Status_SUCCESS, nil
func (h *Handler) parseEnvelope(ctx context.Context, envelope *cb.Envelope) (*cb.Payload, *cb.ChannelHeader, *cb.SignatureHeader, error) {
payload, err := protoutil.UnmarshalPayload(envelope.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if payload.Header == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.New("envelope has no header")
chdr, err := protoutil.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
shdr, err := protoutil.UnmarshalSignatureHeader(payload.Header.SignatureHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
err = h.validateChannelHeader(ctx, chdr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return payload, chdr, shdr, nil
func (h *Handler) validateChannelHeader(ctx context.Context, chdr *cb.ChannelHeader) error {
if chdr.GetTimestamp() == nil {
err := errors.New("channel header in envelope must contain timestamp")
return err
envTime := time.Unix(chdr.GetTimestamp().Seconds, int64(chdr.GetTimestamp().Nanos)).UTC()
serverTime := time.Now()
if math.Abs(float64(serverTime.UnixNano()-envTime.UnixNano())) > float64(h.TimeWindow.Nanoseconds()) {
err := errors.Errorf("envelope timestamp %s is more than %s apart from current server time %s", envTime, h.TimeWindow, serverTime)
return err
err := h.BindingInspector.Inspect(ctx, chdr)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func noExpiration(_ []byte) time.Time {
return time.Time{}
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