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slice.go 21.25 KB
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zhenyangze authored 2022-10-04 23:27 . master: [feature] update package
package zlib
import (
// Part 1: unique a slice, e.g. input []int32{1, 2, 2, 3} and output is []int32{1, 2, 3}.
func UniqueIntSlice(src []int) []int {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int)
return v
func UniqueInt8Slice(src []int8) []int8 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int8)
return v
func UniqueInt16Slice(src []int16) []int16 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int16)
return v
func UniqueInt32Slice(src []int32) []int32 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int32)
return v
func UniqueInt64Slice(src []int64) []int64 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int64)
return v
func UniqueUintSlice(src []uint) []uint {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint)
return v
func UniqueUint8Slice(src []uint8) []uint8 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint8)
return v
func UniqueUint16Slice(src []uint16) []uint16 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint16)
return v
func UniqueUint32Slice(src []uint32) []uint32 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint32)
return v
func UniqueUint64Slice(src []uint64) []uint64 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint64)
return v
func UniqueFloat32Slice(src []float32) []float32 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]float32)
return v
func UniqueFloat64Slice(src []float64) []float64 {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]float64)
return v
func UniqueStrSlice(src []string) []string {
dst, _ := UniqueSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]string)
return v
// Part 2: reverse a slice, e.g. input []int32{1, 2, 3} and output is []int32{3, 2, 1}.
func ReverseIntSlice(src []int) []int {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int)
return v
func ReverseInt8Slice(src []int8) []int8 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int8)
return v
func ReverseInt16Slice(src []int16) []int16 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int16)
return v
func ReverseInt32Slice(src []int32) []int32 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int32)
return v
func ReverseInt64Slice(src []int64) []int64 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]int64)
return v
func ReverseUintSlice(src []uint) []uint {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint)
return v
func ReverseUint8Slice(src []uint8) []uint8 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint8)
return v
func ReverseUint16Slice(src []uint16) []uint16 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint16)
return v
func ReverseUint32Slice(src []uint32) []uint32 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint32)
return v
func ReverseUint64Slice(src []uint64) []uint64 {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]uint64)
return v
func ReverseStrSlice(src []string) []string {
dst, _ := ReverseSliceE(src)
v, _ := dst.([]string)
return v
// Part 3: sum a slice, e.g. input []int32{1, 2, 3} and output is 6.
// SumSlice calculates the sum of slice elements
func SumSlice(slice interface{}) float64 {
v, _ := SumSliceE(slice)
return v
// Part 4: determine whether the slice contains an element.
// IsContains checks whether slice or array contains the target element.
// Note that if the target element is a numeric literal, please specify its type explicitly, otherwise it defaults to int.
// For example you might call like IsContains([]int32{1,2,3}, int32(1)).
func IsContains(i interface{}, target interface{}) bool {
if i == nil {
return false
t := reflect.TypeOf(i)
if t.Kind() != reflect.Slice && t.Kind() != reflect.Array {
return false
v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if target == v.Index(i).Interface() {
return true
return false
// Part 5: join slice with a separator. e.g. input []int32{1, 2, 3} and separator "#", output is a string "1#2#3"
// JoinSliceWithSep joins all elements in slice with a separator
func JoinSliceWithSep(slice interface{}, sep string) string {
s, _ := JoinSliceWithSepE(slice, sep)
return s
// Part 6: CRUD(Create Read Update Delete) on slice by index.
func InsertIntSlice(src []int, index, value int) []int {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int)
return v
func InsertInt8Slice(src []int8, index int, value int8) []int8 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int8)
return v
func InsertInt16Slice(src []int, index int, value int16) []int16 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int16)
return v
func InsertInt32Slice(src []int, index int, value int32) []int32 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int32)
return v
func InsertInt64Slice(src []int, index int, value int64) []int64 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int64)
return v
func InsertUintSlice(src []int, index int, value uint) []uint {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint)
return v
func InsertUint8Slice(src []int8, index int, value uint8) []uint8 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint8)
return v
func InsertUint16Slice(src []int, index int, value uint16) []uint16 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint16)
return v
func InsertUint32Slice(src []int, index int, value uint32) []uint32 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint32)
return v
func InsertUint64Slice(src []int, index int, value uint64) []uint64 {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint64)
return v
func InsertStrSlice(src []int, index int, value string) []string {
tmp, _ := InsertSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]string)
return v
func UpdateIntSlice(src []int, index, value int) []int {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int)
return v
func UpdateInt8Slice(src []int8, index int, value int8) []int8 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int8)
return v
func UpdateInt16Slice(src []int, index int, value int16) []int16 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int16)
return v
func UpdateInt32Slice(src []int, index int, value int32) []int32 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int32)
return v
func UpdateInt64Slice(src []int, index int, value int64) []int64 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]int64)
return v
func UpdateUintSlice(src []int, index int, value uint) []uint {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint)
return v
func UpdateUint8Slice(src []int8, index int, value uint8) []uint8 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint8)
return v
func UpdateUint16Slice(src []int, index int, value uint16) []uint16 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint16)
return v
func UpdateUint32Slice(src []int, index int, value uint32) []uint32 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint32)
return v
func UpdateUint64Slice(src []int, index int, value uint64) []uint64 {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]uint64)
return v
func UpdateStrSlice(src []int, index int, value string) []string {
tmp, _ := UpdateSliceE(src, index, value)
v, _ := tmp.([]string)
return v
func GetEleIndexesSlice(slice interface{}, value interface{}) []int {
indexes, _ := GetEleIndexesSliceE(slice, value)
return indexes
// Part 7: get the min or max element of a slice.
func MinIntSlice(sl []int) int {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(int)
return v
func MinInt8Slice(sl []int8) int8 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(int8)
return v
func MinInt16Slice(sl []int16) int16 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(int16)
return v
func MinInt32Slice(sl []int32) int32 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(int32)
return v
func MinInt64Slice(sl []int64) int64 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(int64)
return v
func MinUintSlice(sl []uint) uint {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(uint)
return v
func MinUint8Slice(sl []uint8) uint8 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(uint8)
return v
func MinUint16Slice(sl []uint16) uint16 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(uint16)
return v
func MinUint32Slice(sl []uint32) uint32 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(uint32)
return v
func MinUint64Slice(sl []uint64) uint64 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(uint64)
return v
func MinFloat32Slice(sl []float32) float32 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(float32)
return v
func MinFloat64Slice(sl []float64) float64 {
min, _ := MinSliceE(sl)
v, _ := min.(float64)
return v
func MaxIntSlice(sl []int) int {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(int)
return v
func MaxInt8Slice(sl []int8) int8 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(int8)
return v
func MaxInt16Slice(sl []int16) int16 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(int16)
return v
func MaxInt32Slice(sl []int32) int32 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(int32)
return v
func MaxInt64Slice(sl []int64) int64 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(int64)
return v
func MaxUintSl(sl []uint) uint {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(uint)
return v
func MaxUint8Slice(sl []uint8) uint8 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(uint8)
return v
func MaxUint16Slice(sl []uint16) uint16 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(uint16)
return v
func MaxUint32Slice(sl []uint32) uint32 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(uint32)
return v
func MaxUint64Slice(sl []uint64) uint64 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(uint64)
return v
func MaxFloat32Slice(sl []float32) float32 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(float32)
return v
func MaxFloat64Slice(sl []float64) float64 {
max, _ := MaxSliceE(sl)
v, _ := max.(float64)
return v
// Part 8: get a random element from a slice or array.
// GetRandomSliceElem get a random element from a slice or array.
// If the length of slice or array is zero it will panic.
func GetRandomSliceElem(i interface{}) interface{} {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice && v.Kind() != reflect.Array {
return i
idx := RandInt(0, v.Len())
return v.Index(idx).Interface()
// Part x: basic operating functions of slice.
// UniqueSliceE deletes repeated elements in a slice with error.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func UniqueSliceE(slice interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
// unique the slice
dst := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(slice), 0, v.Len())
m := make(map[interface{}]struct{})
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if _, ok := m[v.Index(i).Interface()]; !ok {
dst = reflect.Append(dst, v.Index(i))
m[v.Index(i).Interface()] = struct{}{}
return dst.Interface(), nil
// ReverseSliceE reverses the specified slice without modifying the original slice.
func ReverseSliceE(slice interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
// reverse the slice
dst := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(slice), 0, v.Len())
for i := v.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
dst = reflect.Append(dst, v.Index(i))
return dst.Interface(), nil
// SumSliceE returns the sum of slice elements and an error if occurred.
func SumSliceE(slice interface{}) (float64, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return 0.0, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
var sum float64
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
switch v := v.Index(i).Interface().(type) {
case int:
sum += float64(v)
case int8:
sum += float64(v)
case int16:
sum += float64(v)
case int32:
sum += float64(v)
case int64:
sum += float64(v)
case uint:
sum += float64(v)
case uint8:
sum += float64(v)
case uint16:
sum += float64(v)
case uint32:
sum += float64(v)
case uint64:
sum += float64(v)
case float32:
sum += float64(v)
case float64:
sum += v
return 0.0, fmt.Errorf("the element %#v of slice type %T isn't numerical type", v, v)
return sum, nil
// MinSliceE returns the smallest element of the slice and an error if occurred.
// If slice length is zero return the zero value of the element type.
func MinSliceE(slice interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
if v.Len() == 0 {
return nil, nil
// get the min element
min := v.Index(0).Interface()
for i := 1; i < v.Len(); i++ {
switch v := v.Index(i).Interface().(type) {
case int:
if v < min.(int) {
min = v
case int8:
if v < min.(int8) {
min = v
case int16:
if v < min.(int16) {
min = v
case int32:
if v < min.(int32) {
min = v
case int64:
if v < min.(int64) {
min = v
case uint:
if v < min.(uint) {
min = v
case uint8:
if v < min.(uint8) {
min = v
case uint16:
if v < min.(uint16) {
min = v
case uint32:
if v < min.(uint32) {
min = v
case uint64:
if v < min.(uint64) {
min = v
case float32:
if v < min.(float32) {
min = v
case float64:
if v < min.(float64) {
min = v
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the element %#v of slice type %T isn't numerical type", v, v)
return min, nil
// MaxSliceE returns the largest element of the slice and an error if occurred.
// If slice length is zero return the zero value of the element type.
func MaxSliceE(slice interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
if v.Len() == 0 {
return nil, nil
// get the max element.
max := v.Index(0).Interface()
for i := 1; i < v.Len(); i++ {
switch v := v.Index(i).Interface().(type) {
case int:
if v > max.(int) {
max = v
case int8:
if v > max.(int8) {
max = v
case int16:
if v > max.(int16) {
max = v
case int32:
if v > max.(int32) {
max = v
case int64:
if v > max.(int64) {
max = v
case uint:
if v > max.(uint) {
max = v
case uint8:
if v > max.(uint8) {
max = v
case uint16:
if v > max.(uint16) {
max = v
case uint32:
if v > max.(uint32) {
max = v
case uint64:
if v > max.(uint64) {
max = v
case float32:
if v > max.(float32) {
max = v
case float64:
if v > max.(float64) {
max = v
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the element %#v of slice type %T isn't numerical type", v, v)
return max, nil
// JoinSliceWithSepE joins all elements in slice or array with separator and return an error if occurred.
func JoinSliceWithSepE(slice interface{}, sep string) (string, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice && v.Kind() != reflect.Array {
return "", fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice or array", slice, slice)
// join the slice or array
var s string
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if len(s) > 0 {
s += sep
str := InterfaceToString(v.Index(i).Interface())
s += str
return s, nil
// InsertSliceE inserts a element to slice in the specified index.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func InsertSliceE(slice interface{}, index int, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
t := reflect.TypeOf(slice)
if index < 0 || index > v.Len() || t.Elem() != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
return nil, errors.New("param is invalid")
dst := reflect.MakeSlice(t, 0, v.Len()+1)
// add the element to the end of slice
if index == v.Len() {
dst = reflect.AppendSlice(dst, v)
dst = reflect.Append(dst, reflect.ValueOf(value))
return dst.Interface(), nil
dst = reflect.AppendSlice(dst, v.Slice(0, index+1))
dst = reflect.AppendSlice(dst, v.Slice(index, v.Len()))
return dst.Interface(), nil
// UpdateSliceE modifies the specified index element of slice.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func UpdateSliceE(slice interface{}, index int, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
if index > v.Len()-1 || reflect.TypeOf(slice).Elem() != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
return nil, errors.New("param is invalid")
t := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(slice), 0, 0)
t = reflect.AppendSlice(t, v.Slice(0, v.Len()))
return t.Interface(), nil
// GetEleIndexesSliceE finds all indexes of the specified element in a slice.
func GetEleIndexesSliceE(slice interface{}, value interface{}) ([]int, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the input %#v of type %T isn't a slice", slice, slice)
// get indexes
var indexes []int
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if v.Index(i).Interface() == value {
indexes = append(indexes, i)
return indexes, nil
// DeleteStrSlice deletes string slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteStrSlice(src []string, indexes ...int) []string {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]string)
// DeleteIntSlice deletes int slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteIntSlice(src []int, indexes ...int) []int {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]int)
// DeleteInt8Slice deletes int8 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteInt8Slice(src []int8, indexes ...int) []int8 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]int8)
// DeleteInt16Slice deletes int16 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteInt16Slice(src []int16, indexes ...int) []int16 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]int16)
// DeleteInt32Slice deletes int32 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteInt32Slice(src []int32, indexes ...int) []int32 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]int32)
// DeleteInt64Slice deletes int64 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteInt64Slice(src []int64, indexes ...int) []int64 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]int64)
// DeleteUintSlice deletes uint slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteUintSlice(src []int, indexes ...int) []uint {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]uint)
// DeleteUint8Slice deletes uint8 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteUint8Slice(src []int8, indexes ...int) []uint8 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]uint8)
// DeleteUint16Slice deletes uint16 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteUint16Slice(src []int, indexes ...int) []uint16 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]uint16)
// DeleteUint32Slice deletes uint32 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteUint32Slice(src []uint32, indexes ...int) []uint32 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]uint32)
// DeleteUint64Slice deletes uint64 slice elements by indexes.
func DeleteUint64Slice(src []uint64, indexes ...int) []uint64 {
return DeleteSlice(src, indexes...).([]uint64)
// DeleteSliceElms deletes the specified elements from the slice.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func DeleteSliceElms(i interface{}, elms ...interface{}) interface{} {
res, _ := DeleteSliceElmsE(i, elms...)
return res
// DeleteSliceElmsE deletes the specified elements from the slice.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func DeleteSliceElmsE(i interface{}, elms ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, errors.New("the input isn't a slice")
if v.Len() == 0 || len(elms) == 0 {
return i, nil
if reflect.TypeOf(i).Elem() != reflect.TypeOf(elms[0]) {
return nil, errors.New("element type is ill")
// convert the elements to map set
m := make(map[interface{}]struct{})
for _, v := range elms {
m[v] = struct{}{}
// filter out specified elements
t := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(i), 0, v.Len())
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if _, ok := m[v.Index(i).Interface()]; !ok {
t = reflect.Append(t, v.Index(i))
return t.Interface(), nil
// DeleteSlice deletes the specified index element from the slice.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func DeleteSlice(slice interface{}, indexes ...int) interface{} {
res, _ := DeleteSliceE(slice, indexes...)
return res
// DeleteSliceE deletes the specified index element from the slice with error.
// Note that the original slice will not be modified.
func DeleteSliceE(slice interface{}, indexes ...int) (interface{}, error) {
// check params
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return nil, errors.New("the input isn't a slice")
if v.Len() == 0 || len(indexes) == 0 {
return slice, nil
// convert the indexes to map set
m := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, i := range indexes {
m[i] = struct{}{}
// delete
t := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(slice), 0, v.Len())
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if _, ok := m[i]; !ok {
t = reflect.Append(t, v.Index(i))
return t.Interface(), nil
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