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config.go 15.88 KB
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andeyalee 提交于 2019-06-29 13:13 . chore: Improve the flag parsing
// Copyright 2016 HenryLee. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package faygo
import (
type (
// GlobalConfig is global config
GlobalConfig struct {
Cache CacheConfig `ini:"cache" comment:"Cache section"`
Gzip GzipConfig `ini:"gzip" comment:"Gzip section"`
Log LogConfig `ini:"log" comment:"Log section"`
warnMsg string `int:"-"`
// Config is the config information for each web instance
Config struct {
// RunMode string `ini:"run_mode" comment:"run mode: dev|prod"`
NetTypes []string `ini:"net_types" delim:"|" comment:"List of network type: http|https|unix_http|unix_https|letsencrypt|unix_letsencrypt"`
Addrs []string `ini:"addrs" delim:"|" comment:"List of multiple listening addresses"`
TLSCertFile string `ini:"tls_certfile" comment:"TLS certificate file path"`
TLSKeyFile string `ini:"tls_keyfile" comment:"TLS key file path"`
LetsencryptDir string `ini:"letsencrypt_dir" comment:"Let's Encrypt TLS certificate cache directory"`
UNIXFileMode string `ini:"unix_filemode" comment:"File permissions for UNIX listener, requires octal number"`
unixFileMode os.FileMode `ini:"-"`
HttpRedirectHttps bool `ini:"http_redirect_https" comment:"Redirect from 'http://hostname:port1' to 'https://hostname:port2'"`
// Maximum duration for reading the full request (including body).
// This also limits the maximum duration for idle keep-alive
// connections.
// By default request read timeout is unlimited.
ReadTimeout time.Duration `ini:"read_timeout" comment:"Maximum duration for reading the full request (including body); ns|µs|ms|s|m|h"`
// Maximum duration for writing the full response (including body).
// By default response write timeout is unlimited.
WriteTimeout time.Duration `ini:"write_timeout" comment:"Maximum duration for writing the full response (including body); ns|µs|ms|s|m|h"`
MultipartMaxMemoryMB int64 `ini:"multipart_maxmemory_mb" comment:"Maximum size of memory that can be used when receiving uploaded files"`
multipartMaxMemory int64 `ini:"-"`
Router RouterConfig `ini:"router" comment:"Routing config section"`
XSRF XSRFConfig `ini:"xsrf" comment:"XSRF security section"`
Session SessionConfig `ini:"session" comment:"Session section"`
SlowResponseThreshold time.Duration `ini:"slow_response_threshold" comment:"When response time > slow_response_threshold, log level = 'WARNING'; 0 means not limited; ns|µs|ms|s|m|h"`
slowResponseThreshold time.Duration `ini:"-"`
PrintBody bool `ini:"print_body" comment:"Form requests are printed in JSON format, but other types are printed as-is"`
APIdoc APIdocConfig `ini:"apidoc" comment:"API documentation section"`
// RouterConfig is the config about router
RouterConfig struct {
// Enables automatic redirection if the current route can't be matched but a
// handler for the path with (without) the trailing slash exists.
// For example if /foo/ is requested but a route only exists for /foo, the
// client is redirected to /foo with http status code 301 for GET requests
// and 307 for all other request methods.
RedirectTrailingSlash bool `ini:"redirect_trailing_slash" comment:"Automatic redirection (for example, '/foo/' -> '/foo')"`
// If enabled, the router tries to fix the current request path, if no
// handle is registered for it.
// First superfluous path elements like ../ or // are removed.
// Afterwards the router does a case-insensitive lookup of the cleaned path.
// If a handle can be found for this route, the router makes a redirection
// to the corrected path with status code 301 for GET requests and 307 for
// all other request methods.
// For example /FOO and /..//Foo could be redirected to /foo.
// RedirectTrailingSlash is independent of this option.
RedirectFixedPath bool `ini:"redirect_fixed_path" comment:"Tries to fix the current request path, if no handle is registered for it"`
// If enabled, the router checks if another method is allowed for the
// current route, if the current request can not be routed.
// If this is the case, the request is answered with 'Method Not Allowed'
// and HTTP status code 405.
// If no other Method is allowed, the request is delegated to the NotFound
// handler.
HandleMethodNotAllowed bool `ini:"handle_method_not_allowed" comment:"Returns 405 if the requested method does not exist, otherwise returns 404"`
// If enabled, the router automatically replies to OPTIONS requests.
// Custom OPTIONS handlers take priority over automatic replies.
HandleOPTIONS bool `ini:"handle_options" comment:"Automatic response OPTIONS request, you can set the default Handler in faygo"`
NoDefaultParams bool `ini:"no_default_params" comment:"If true, don't assign default request parameter values based on initial parameter values of the routing handler"`
DefaultUpload bool `ini:"default_upload" comment:"Automatically register the default router: /upload/*filepath"`
DefaultStatic bool `ini:"default_static" comment:"Automatically register the default router: /static/*filepath"`
// GzipConfig is the config about gzip
GzipConfig struct {
// if EnableGzip, compress response content.
Enable bool `ini:"enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not"`
//Content will only be compressed if content length is either unknown or greater than gzipMinLength.
//Default size==20B same as nginx
MinLength int `ini:"min_length" comment:"The minimum length of content to be compressed"`
//The compression level used for deflate compression. (0-9).
//Non-file response Body's compression level is 0-9, but the files' always 9
CompressLevel int `ini:"compress_level" comment:"Non-file response Body's compression level is 0-9, but the files' always 9"`
//List of HTTP methods to compress. If not set, only GET requests are compressed.
Methods []string `ini:"methods" delim:"|" comment:"List of HTTP methods to compress. If not set, only GET requests are compressed."`
// StaticExtensionsToGzip []string
// CacheConfig is the config about cache
CacheConfig struct {
// Whether to enable caching static files
Enable bool `ini:"enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not"`
// Max size by MB for file cache.
// The cache size will be set to 512KB at minimum.
// If the size is set relatively large, you should call
// `debug.SetGCPercent()`, set it to a much smaller value
// to limit the memory consumption and GC pause time.
SizeMB int64 `ini:"size_mb" comment:"Max size by MB for file cache, the cache size will be set to 512KB at minimum."`
// expire in xxx seconds for file cache.
// ExpireSecond <= 0 (second) means no expire, but it can be evicted when cache is full.
ExpireSecond int `ini:"expire_second" comment:"Maximum duration for caching"`
// XSRFConfig is the config about XSRF filter
XSRFConfig struct {
Enable bool `ini:"enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not"`
Key string `ini:"key" comment:"Encryption key"`
ExpireSecond int `ini:"expire_second" comment:"Expire of XSRF token"`
// SessionConfig is the config about session
SessionConfig struct {
Enable bool `ini:"enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not"`
Provider string `ini:"provider" comment:"Data storage"`
Name string `ini:"name" comment:"The client stores the name of the cookie"`
ProviderConfig string `ini:"provider_config" comment:"According to the different engine settings different config information"`
CookieLifeSecond int `ini:"cookie_life_second" comment:"The default value is 0, which is the lifetime of the browser"`
GcLifeSecond int64 `ini:"gc_life_second" comment:"The interval between triggering the GC"`
MaxLifeSecond int64 `ini:"max_life_second" comment:"The session max lefetime"`
AutoSetCookie bool `ini:"auto_setcookie" comment:"Automatically set on the session cookie value, the general default true"`
Domain string `ini:"domain" comment:"The domain name that is allowed to access this cookie"`
EnableSidInHttpHeader bool `ini:"enable_sid_in_header" comment:"Whether to write a session ID to the header"`
NameInHttpHeader string `ini:"name_in_header" comment:"The name of the header when the session ID is written to the header"`
EnableSidInUrlQuery bool `ini:"enable_sid_in_urlquery" comment:"Whether to write the session ID to the URL Query params"`
// LogConfig is the config about log
LogConfig struct {
ConsoleEnable bool `ini:"console_enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not console logger"`
ConsoleLevel string `ini:"console_level" comment:"Console logger level: critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug"`
FileEnable bool `ini:"file_enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not file logger"`
FileLevel string `ini:"file_level" comment:"File logger level: critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug"`
AsyncLen int `ini:"async_len" comment:"The length of asynchronous buffer, 0 means synchronization"`
// APIdocConfig is the config about API doc
APIdocConfig struct {
Enable bool `ini:"enable" comment:"Whether enabled or not"`
Path string `ini:"path" comment:"The URL path"`
NoLimit bool `ini:"nolimit" comment:"If true, access is not restricted"`
RealIP bool `ini:"real_ip" comment:"if true, means verifying the real IP of the visitor"`
Whitelist []string `ini:"whitelist" delim:"|" comment:"'whitelist=192.*|' means: only IP addresses that are prefixed with '192.' or equal to '' are allowed"`
Desc string `ini:"desc" comment:"Description of the application"`
Email string `ini:"email" comment:"Technician's Email"`
TermsURL string `ini:"terms_url" comment:"Terms of service"`
License string `ini:"license" comment:"The license used by the API"`
LicenseURL string `ini:"license_url" comment:"The URL of the protocol content page"`
// some default config
const (
// RUNMODE_DEV = "dev"
// RUNMODE_PROD = "prod"
MB = 1 << 20 // 1MB
defaultMultipartMaxMemory = 32 * MB // 32 MB
defaultMultipartMaxMemoryMB = 32
defaultPort = 8080
var (
// configDir the config files directory
configDir = "./config/"
// globalConfigFile global config file name
globalConfigFile = "__global___.ini"
// ConfigDir returns the config files directory
func ConfigDir() string {
return configDir
func resetFlag() {
flag.CommandLine.Init(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError)
for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] {
if arg == "-help" || arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" || arg == "--h" {
fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "Usage:\n")
// global config
var globalConfig = func() GlobalConfig {
// get config dir
flag.CommandLine.Init(os.Args[0], -1) // ignore error
flag.CommandLine.StringVar(&configDir, "cfg_dir", configDir, "Configuration files directory")
var background = &GlobalConfig{
Cache: CacheConfig{
Enable: false,
SizeMB: 32,
ExpireSecond: 60,
Gzip: GzipConfig{
Enable: false,
MinLength: 20,
CompressLevel: 1,
Methods: []string{"GET"},
Log: LogConfig{
ConsoleEnable: true,
ConsoleLevel: "debug",
FileEnable: false,
FileLevel: "debug",
filename := filepath.Join(configDir, globalConfigFile)
err := SyncINI(
func(onceUpdateFunc func() error) error {
if !(background.Log.ConsoleEnable || background.Log.FileEnable) {
background.Log.ConsoleEnable = true
background.warnMsg = "config: log::enable_console and log::enable_file can not be disabled at the same time, so automatically open console log."
return onceUpdateFunc()
if err != nil {
return *background
// NewDefaultConfig creates a new default framework config.
func NewDefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
// RunMode: RUNMODE_DEV,
NetTypes: []string{NETTYPE_HTTP},
Addrs: []string{fmt.Sprintf("", defaultPort+len(AllFrames()))},
UNIXFileMode: "0666",
MultipartMaxMemoryMB: defaultMultipartMaxMemoryMB,
Router: RouterConfig{
RedirectTrailingSlash: true,
RedirectFixedPath: true,
HandleMethodNotAllowed: true,
HandleOPTIONS: true,
DefaultUpload: true,
DefaultStatic: true,
Enable: false,
Key: "faygoxsrf",
ExpireSecond: 3600,
Session: SessionConfig{
Enable: false,
Provider: "memory",
Name: "faygosessionID",
CookieLifeSecond: 0, //set cookie default is the browser life
GcLifeSecond: 300,
MaxLifeSecond: 3600,
ProviderConfig: "",
AutoSetCookie: true,
Domain: "",
EnableSidInHttpHeader: false, // enable store/get the sessionId into/from http headers
NameInHttpHeader: "Faygosessionid",
EnableSidInUrlQuery: false, // enable get the sessionId from Url Query params
APIdoc: APIdocConfig{
Enable: true,
Path: "/apidoc/",
NoLimit: false,
RealIP: false,
Whitelist: []string{
func (c *Config) check() {
// switch c.RunMode {
// default:
// panic("Please set a valid config item run_mode, refer to the following:\ndev|prod")
// }
if len(c.NetTypes) != len(c.Addrs) {
panic("The number of config items `net_types` and `addrs` must be equal")
if len(c.NetTypes) == 0 {
panic("The number of config items `net_types` and `addrs` must be greater than zero")
for _, t := range c.NetTypes {
switch t {
panic("Please set a valid config item `net_types`, refer to the following:" + __netTypes__)
fileMode, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.UNIXFileMode, 8, 32)
if err != nil {
panic("The config item `unix_filemode` is not a valid octal number:" + c.UNIXFileMode)
c.unixFileMode = os.FileMode(fileMode)
c.UNIXFileMode = fmt.Sprintf("%#o", fileMode)
c.multipartMaxMemory = c.MultipartMaxMemoryMB * MB
if c.SlowResponseThreshold <= 0 {
c.slowResponseThreshold = time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
} else {
c.slowResponseThreshold = c.SlowResponseThreshold
func newConfigFromFileAndCheck(filename string) *Config {
var background = NewDefaultConfig()
err := SyncINI(
func(onceUpdateFunc func() error) error {
return onceUpdateFunc()
if err != nil {
return background
// Comb combs APIdoc config
func (conf *APIdocConfig) Comb() {
ipPrefixMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, ipPrefix := range conf.Whitelist {
if len(ipPrefix) > 0 {
ipPrefixMap[ipPrefix] = true
conf.Whitelist = conf.Whitelist[:0]
for ipPrefix := range ipPrefixMap {
conf.Whitelist = append(conf.Whitelist, ipPrefix)
conf.Path = "/" + strings.Trim(conf.Path, "/") + "/"
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