

HuiFeng 暂无简介


    6.7K OpenHarmony/docs

    OpenHarmony documentation | OpenHarmony开发者文档

    最近更新: 22小时前

    2.1K OpenHarmony/kernel_liteos_a

    LiteOS kernel for embedded devices with rich resources | 适用于资源较丰富嵌入式设备的LiteOS内核

    最近更新: 2天前

    808 OpenHarmony/arkui_ace_engine_lite

    JS lite framework | 轻量级JS核心开发框架

    最近更新: 2天前

    534 OpenHarmony/community

    OpenHarmony community governance, developer contribution guide, contribution agreement, and community communication | 包含OpenHarmony社区治理、开发者贡献指南、开发者贡献协议、社区交流等内容

    最近更新: 2天前

    376 OpenHarmony/communication_softbus_lite

    Implementation code for virtual bus discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现

    最近更新: 1年多前
