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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package trace is a Google Stackdriver Trace library.
// This package is still experimental and subject to change.
// See https://cloud.google.com/trace/api/#data_model for a discussion of traces
// and spans.
// To initialize a client that connects to the Stackdriver Trace server, use the
// NewClient function. Generally you will want to do this on program
// initialization.
// import "cloud.google.com/go/trace"
// ...
// traceClient, err = trace.NewClient(ctx, projectID)
// Calling SpanFromRequest will create a new trace span for an incoming HTTP
// request. If the request contains a trace context header, it is used to
// determine the trace ID. Otherwise, a new trace ID is created.
// func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// span := traceClient.SpanFromRequest(r)
// defer span.Finish()
// ...
// }
// SpanFromRequest returns nil if the *Client is nil, so you can disable
// tracing by not initializing your *Client variable. All of the exported
// functions on *Span do nothing when the *Span is nil.
// Although a trace span object is created for every request, only a subset of
// traces are uploaded to the server, for efficiency. By default, the requests
// that are traced are those with the tracing bit set in the options field of
// the trace context header. Ideally, you should override this behaviour by
// calling SetSamplingPolicy. NewLimitedSampler returns an implementation of
// SamplingPolicy which traces requests that have the tracing bit set, and also
// randomly traces a specified fraction of requests. Additionally, it sets a
// limit on the number of requests traced per second. The following example
// traces one in every thousand requests, up to a limit of 5 per second.
// p, err := trace.NewLimitedSampler(0.001, 5)
// traceClient.SetSamplingPolicy(p)
// You can create a new span as a child of an existing span with NewChild.
// childSpan := span.NewChild(name)
// ...
// childSpan.Finish()
// When sending an HTTP request to another server, NewRemoteChild will create
// a span to represent the time the current program waits for the request to
// complete, and attach a header to the outgoing request so that the trace will
// be propagated to the destination server.
// childSpan := span.NewRemoteChild(&httpRequest)
// ...
// childSpan.Finish()
// Spans can contain a map from keys to values that have useful information
// about the span. The elements of this map are called labels. Some labels,
// whose keys all begin with the string "trace.cloud.google.com/", are set
// automatically in the following ways:
// - SpanFromRequest sets some labels to data about the incoming request.
// - NewRemoteChild sets some labels to data about the outgoing request.
// - Finish sets a label to a stack trace, if the stack trace option is enabled
// in the incoming trace header.
// - The WithResponse option sets some labels to data about a response.
// You can also set labels using SetLabel. If a label is given a value
// automatically and by SetLabel, the automatically-set value is used.
// span.SetLabel(key, value)
// The WithResponse option can be used when Finish is called.
// childSpan := span.NewRemoteChild(outgoingReq)
// resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(outgoingReq)
// ...
// childSpan.Finish(trace.WithResponse(resp))
// When a span created by SpanFromRequest is finished, the finished spans in the
// corresponding trace -- the span itself and its descendants -- are uploaded
// to the Stackdriver Trace server using the *Client that created the span.
// Finish returns immediately, and uploading occurs asynchronously. You can use
// the FinishWait function instead to wait until uploading has finished.
// err := span.FinishWait()
// Using contexts to pass *trace.Span objects through your program will often
// be a better approach than passing them around explicitly. This allows trace
// spans, and other request-scoped or part-of-request-scoped values, to be
// easily passed through API boundaries. Various Google Cloud libraries will
// retrieve trace spans from contexts and automatically create child spans for
// API requests.
// See https://blog.golang.org/context for more discussion of contexts.
// A derived context containing a trace span can be created using NewContext.
// span := traceClient.SpanFromRequest(r)
// ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx, span)
// The span can be retrieved from a context elsewhere in the program using
// FromContext.
// func foo(ctx context.Context) {
// newSpan := trace.FromContext(ctx).NewChild("in foo")
// defer newSpan.Finish()
// ...
// }
package trace // import "cloud.google.com/go/trace"
import (
api "google.golang.org/api/cloudtrace/v1"
const (
httpHeader = `X-Cloud-Trace-Context`
userAgent = `gcloud-golang-trace/20160501`
cloudPlatformScope = `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform`
spanKindClient = `RPC_CLIENT`
spanKindServer = `RPC_SERVER`
spanKindUnspecified = `SPAN_KIND_UNSPECIFIED`
maxStackFrames = 20
labelHost = `trace.cloud.google.com/http/host`
labelMethod = `trace.cloud.google.com/http/method`
labelStackTrace = `trace.cloud.google.com/stacktrace`
labelStatusCode = `trace.cloud.google.com/http/status_code`
labelURL = `trace.cloud.google.com/http/url`
labelSamplingPolicy = `trace.cloud.google.com/sampling_policy`
labelSamplingWeight = `trace.cloud.google.com/sampling_weight`
type contextKey struct{}
type stackLabelValue struct {
Frames []stackFrame `json:"stack_frame"`
type stackFrame struct {
Class string `json:"class_name,omitempty"`
Method string `json:"method_name"`
Filename string `json:"file_name"`
Line int64 `json:"line_number"`
var (
spanIDCounter uint64
spanIDIncrement uint64
func init() {
// Set spanIDCounter and spanIDIncrement to random values. nextSpanID will
// return an arithmetic progression using these values, skipping zero. We set
// the LSB of spanIDIncrement to 1, so that the cycle length is 2^64.
binary.Read(rand.Reader, binary.LittleEndian, &spanIDCounter)
binary.Read(rand.Reader, binary.LittleEndian, &spanIDIncrement)
spanIDIncrement |= 1
// Attach hook for autogenerated Google API calls. This will automatically
// create trace spans for API calls if there is a trace in the context.
func requestHook(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) func(resp *http.Response) {
span := FromContext(ctx)
if span == nil || req == nil {
return nil
span = span.NewRemoteChild(req)
return func(resp *http.Response) {
if resp != nil {
} else {
// EnableGRPCTracingDialOption enables tracing of requests that are sent over a
// gRPC connection.
// The functionality in gRPC that this relies on is currently experimental.
var EnableGRPCTracingDialOption grpc.DialOption = grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor(grpcUnaryInterceptor))
// EnableGRPCTracing enables tracing of requests for clients that use gRPC
// connections.
// The functionality in gRPC that this relies on is currently experimental.
var EnableGRPCTracing option.ClientOption = option.WithGRPCDialOption(EnableGRPCTracingDialOption)
func grpcUnaryInterceptor(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
// TODO: also intercept streams.
span := FromContext(ctx).NewChild(method)
err := invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...)
if err != nil {
// TODO: standardize gRPC label names?
span.SetLabel("error", err.Error())
return err
// nextSpanID returns a new span ID. It will never return zero.
func nextSpanID() uint64 {
var id uint64
for id == 0 {
id = atomic.AddUint64(&spanIDCounter, spanIDIncrement)
return id
// nextTraceID returns a new trace ID.
func nextTraceID() string {
id1 := nextSpanID()
id2 := nextSpanID()
return fmt.Sprintf("%016x%016x", id1, id2)
// Client is a client for uploading traces to the Google Stackdriver Trace server.
type Client struct {
service *api.Service
projectID string
policy SamplingPolicy
bundler *bundler.Bundler
// NewClient creates a new Google Stackdriver Trace client.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, projectID string, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*Client, error) {
o := []option.ClientOption{
o = append(o, opts...)
hc, basePath, err := transport.NewHTTPClient(ctx, o...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating HTTP client for Google Stackdriver Trace API: %v", err)
apiService, err := api.New(hc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating Google Stackdriver Trace API client: %v", err)
if basePath != "" {
// An option set a basepath, so override api.New's default.
apiService.BasePath = basePath
c := &Client{
service: apiService,
projectID: projectID,
bundler := bundler.NewBundler((*api.Trace)(nil), func(bundle interface{}) {
traces := bundle.([]*api.Trace)
err := c.upload(traces)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to upload %d traces to the Cloud Trace server.", len(traces))
bundler.DelayThreshold = 2 * time.Second
bundler.BundleCountThreshold = 100
// We're not measuring bytes here, we're counting traces and spans as one "byte" each.
bundler.BundleByteThreshold = 1000
bundler.BundleByteLimit = 1000
bundler.BufferedByteLimit = 10000
c.bundler = bundler
return c, nil
// SetSamplingPolicy sets the SamplingPolicy that determines how often traces
// are initiated by this client.
func (c *Client) SetSamplingPolicy(p SamplingPolicy) {
if c != nil {
c.policy = p
// SpanFromRequest returns a new trace span.
// It returns nil iff the client is nil.
// If the incoming HTTP request contains a trace context header, the trace ID,
// parent span ID, and tracing options will be read from that header.
// Otherwise, a new trace ID is made and the parent span ID is zero.
// If a non-nil sampling policy has been set in the client, it can override the
// options set in the header and choose whether to trace the request.
// If the request is not being traced, then a *Span is returned anyway, but it
// will not be uploaded to the server -- it is only useful for propagating
// trace context to child requests and for getting the TraceID. All its
// methods can still be called -- the Finish, FinishWait, and SetLabel methods
// do nothing. NewChild does nothing, and returns the same *Span. TraceID
// works as usual.
func (client *Client) SpanFromRequest(r *http.Request) *Span {
if client == nil {
return nil
traceID, parentSpanID, options, hasTraceHeader := traceInfoFromRequest(r)
if !hasTraceHeader {
traceID = nextTraceID()
t := &trace{
traceID: traceID,
client: client,
globalOptions: options,
localOptions: options,
span := startNewChildWithRequest(r, t, parentSpanID)
span.span.Kind = spanKindServer
span.rootSpan = true
if client.policy != nil {
d := client.policy.Sample(Parameters{HasTraceHeader: hasTraceHeader})
if d.Trace {
// Turn on tracing locally, and in child requests.
span.trace.localOptions |= optionTrace
span.trace.globalOptions |= optionTrace
} else {
// Turn off tracing locally.
span.trace.localOptions = 0
return span
if d.Sample {
// This trace is in the random sample, so set the labels.
span.SetLabel(labelSamplingPolicy, d.Policy)
span.SetLabel(labelSamplingWeight, fmt.Sprint(d.Weight))
return span
// NewContext returns a derived context containing the span.
func NewContext(ctx context.Context, s *Span) context.Context {
if s == nil {
return ctx
return context.WithValue(ctx, contextKey{}, s)
// FromContext returns the span contained in the context, or nil.
func FromContext(ctx context.Context) *Span {
s, _ := ctx.Value(contextKey{}).(*Span)
return s
func traceInfoFromRequest(r *http.Request) (string, uint64, optionFlags, bool) {
// See https://cloud.google.com/trace/docs/faq for the header format.
h := r.Header.Get(httpHeader)
// Return if the header is empty or missing, or if the header is unreasonably
// large, to avoid making unnecessary copies of a large string.
if h == "" || len(h) > 200 {
return "", 0, 0, false
// Parse the trace id field.
slash := strings.Index(h, `/`)
if slash == -1 {
return "", 0, 0, false
traceID, h := h[:slash], h[slash+1:]
// Parse the span id field.
semicolon := strings.Index(h, `;`)
if semicolon == -1 {
return "", 0, 0, false
spanstr, h := h[:semicolon], h[semicolon+1:]
spanID, err := strconv.ParseUint(spanstr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, 0, false
// Parse the options field.
if !strings.HasPrefix(h, "o=") {
return "", 0, 0, false
o, err := strconv.ParseUint(h[2:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, 0, false
options := optionFlags(o)
return traceID, spanID, options, true
type optionFlags uint32
const (
optionTrace optionFlags = 1 << iota
type trace struct {
mu sync.Mutex
client *Client
traceID string
globalOptions optionFlags // options that will be passed to any child requests
localOptions optionFlags // options applied in this server
spans []*Span // finished spans for this trace.
// finish appends s to t.spans. If s is the root span, uploads the trace to the
// server.
func (t *trace) finish(s *Span, wait bool, opts ...FinishOption) error {
for _, o := range opts {
s.end = time.Now()
t.spans = append(t.spans, s)
spans := t.spans
if s.rootSpan {
if wait {
return t.client.upload([]*api.Trace{t.constructTrace(spans)})
go func() {
tr := t.constructTrace(spans)
err := t.client.bundler.Add(tr, 1+len(spans))
if err == bundler.ErrOversizedItem {
err = t.client.upload([]*api.Trace{tr})
if err != nil {
log.Println("error uploading trace:", err)
return nil
func (t *trace) constructTrace(spans []*Span) *api.Trace {
apiSpans := make([]*api.TraceSpan, len(spans))
for i, sp := range spans {
sp.span.StartTime = sp.start.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
sp.span.EndTime = sp.end.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
if t.localOptions&optionStack != 0 {
sp.SetLabel(labelHost, sp.host)
sp.SetLabel(labelURL, sp.url)
sp.SetLabel(labelMethod, sp.method)
if sp.statusCode != 0 {
sp.SetLabel(labelStatusCode, strconv.Itoa(sp.statusCode))
apiSpans[i] = &sp.span
return &api.Trace{
ProjectId: t.client.projectID,
TraceId: t.traceID,
Spans: apiSpans,
func (c *Client) upload(traces []*api.Trace) error {
_, err := c.service.Projects.PatchTraces(c.projectID, &api.Traces{Traces: traces}).Do()
return err
// Span contains information about one span of a trace.
type Span struct {
trace *trace
span api.TraceSpan
start time.Time
end time.Time
rootSpan bool
stack [maxStackFrames]uintptr
host string
method string
url string
statusCode int
func (s *Span) tracing() bool {
return s.trace.localOptions&optionTrace != 0
// NewChild creates a new span with the given name as a child of s.
// If s is nil, does nothing and returns nil.
func (s *Span) NewChild(name string) *Span {
if s == nil {
return nil
if !s.tracing() {
return s
return startNewChild(name, s.trace, s.span.SpanId)
// NewRemoteChild creates a new span as a child of s.
// Some labels in the span are set from the outgoing *http.Request r.
// A header is set in r so that the trace context is propagated to the
// destination. The parent span ID in that header is set as follows:
// - If the request is being traced, then the ID of s is used.
// - If the request is not being traced, but there was a trace context header
// in the incoming request for this trace (the request passed to
// SpanFromRequest), the parent span ID in that header is used.
// - Otherwise, the parent span ID is zero.
// The tracing bit in the options is set if tracing is enabled, or if it was
// set in the incoming request.
// If s is nil, does nothing and returns nil.
func (s *Span) NewRemoteChild(r *http.Request) *Span {
if s == nil {
return nil
if !s.tracing() {
r.Header[httpHeader] = []string{spanHeader(s.trace.traceID, s.span.ParentSpanId, s.trace.globalOptions)}
return s
newSpan := startNewChildWithRequest(r, s.trace, s.span.SpanId)
r.Header[httpHeader] = []string{spanHeader(s.trace.traceID, newSpan.span.SpanId, s.trace.globalOptions)}
return newSpan
func startNewChildWithRequest(r *http.Request, trace *trace, parentSpanId uint64) *Span {
newSpan := startNewChild(r.URL.Path, trace, parentSpanId)
if r.Host == "" {
newSpan.host = r.URL.Host
} else {
newSpan.host = r.Host
newSpan.method = r.Method
newSpan.url = r.URL.String()
return newSpan
func startNewChild(name string, trace *trace, parentSpanId uint64) *Span {
spanID := nextSpanID()
for spanID == parentSpanId {
spanID = nextSpanID()
newSpan := &Span{
trace: trace,
span: api.TraceSpan{
Kind: spanKindClient,
Name: name,
ParentSpanId: parentSpanId,
SpanId: spanID,
start: time.Now(),
if trace.localOptions&optionStack != 0 {
_ = runtime.Callers(1, newSpan.stack[:])
return newSpan
// TraceID returns the ID of the trace to which s belongs.
func (s *Span) TraceID() string {
if s == nil {
return ""
return s.trace.traceID
// SetLabel sets the label for the given key to the given value.
// If the value is empty, the label for that key is deleted.
// If a label is given a value automatically and by SetLabel, the
// automatically-set value is used.
// If s is nil, does nothing.
func (s *Span) SetLabel(key, value string) {
if s == nil {
if !s.tracing() {
if value == "" {
if s.span.Labels != nil {
delete(s.span.Labels, key)
if s.span.Labels == nil {
s.span.Labels = make(map[string]string)
s.span.Labels[key] = value
type FinishOption interface {
modifySpan(s *Span)
type withResponse struct {
// WithResponse returns an option that can be passed to Finish that indicates
// that some labels for the span should be set using the given *http.Response.
func WithResponse(resp *http.Response) FinishOption {
return withResponse{resp}
func (u withResponse) modifySpan(s *Span) {
if u.Response != nil {
s.statusCode = u.StatusCode
// Finish declares that the span has finished.
// If s is nil, Finish does nothing and returns nil.
// If the option trace.WithResponse(resp) is passed, then some labels are set
// for s using information in the given *http.Response. This is useful when the
// span is for an outgoing http request; s will typically have been created by
// NewRemoteChild in this case.
// If s is a root span (one created by SpanFromRequest) then s, and all its
// descendant spans that have finished, are uploaded to the Google Stackdriver
// Trace server asynchronously.
func (s *Span) Finish(opts ...FinishOption) {
if s == nil {
if !s.tracing() {
s.trace.finish(s, false, opts...)
// FinishWait is like Finish, but if s is a root span, it waits until uploading
// is finished, then returns an error if one occurred.
func (s *Span) FinishWait(opts ...FinishOption) error {
if s == nil {
return nil
if !s.tracing() {
return nil
return s.trace.finish(s, true, opts...)
func spanHeader(traceID string, spanID uint64, options optionFlags) string {
// See https://cloud.google.com/trace/docs/faq for the header format.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d;o=%d", traceID, spanID, options)
func (s *Span) setStackLabel() {
var stack stackLabelValue
lastSigPanic, inTraceLibrary := false, true
for _, pc := range s.stack {
if pc == 0 {
if !lastSigPanic {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
file, line := fn.FileLine(pc)
// Name has one of the following forms:
// path/to/package.Foo
// path/to/package.(Type).Foo
// For the first form, we store the whole name in the Method field of the
// stack frame. For the second form, we set the Method field to "Foo" and
// the Class field to "path/to/package.(Type)".
name := fn.Name()
if inTraceLibrary && !strings.HasPrefix(name, "cloud.google.com/go/trace.") {
inTraceLibrary = false
var class string
if i := strings.Index(name, ")."); i != -1 {
class, name = name[:i+1], name[i+2:]
frame := stackFrame{
Class: class,
Method: name,
Filename: file,
Line: int64(line),
if inTraceLibrary && len(stack.Frames) == 1 {
stack.Frames[0] = frame
} else {
stack.Frames = append(stack.Frames, frame)
lastSigPanic = fn.Name() == "runtime.sigpanic"
if label, err := json.Marshal(stack); err == nil {
s.SetLabel(labelStackTrace, string(label))
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