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client.go 47.71 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
package elastic
import (
const (
// Version is the current version of Elastic.
Version = "3.0.57"
// DefaultUrl is the default endpoint of Elasticsearch on the local machine.
// It is used e.g. when initializing a new Client without a specific URL.
DefaultURL = ""
// DefaultScheme is the default protocol scheme to use when sniffing
// the Elasticsearch cluster.
DefaultScheme = "http"
// DefaultHealthcheckEnabled specifies if healthchecks are enabled by default.
DefaultHealthcheckEnabled = true
// DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup is the time the healthcheck waits
// for a response from Elasticsearch on startup, i.e. when creating a
// client. After the client is started, a shorter timeout is commonly used
// (its default is specified in DefaultHealthcheckTimeout).
DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup = 5 * time.Second
// DefaultHealthcheckTimeout specifies the time a running client waits for
// a response from Elasticsearch. Notice that the healthcheck timeout
// when a client is created is larger by default (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup).
DefaultHealthcheckTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// DefaultHealthcheckInterval is the default interval between
// two health checks of the nodes in the cluster.
DefaultHealthcheckInterval = 60 * time.Second
// DefaultSnifferEnabled specifies if the sniffer is enabled by default.
DefaultSnifferEnabled = true
// DefaultSnifferInterval is the interval between two sniffing procedures,
// i.e. the lookup of all nodes in the cluster and their addition/removal
// from the list of actual connections.
DefaultSnifferInterval = 15 * time.Minute
// DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup is the default timeout for the sniffing
// process that is initiated while creating a new client. For subsequent
// sniffing processes, DefaultSnifferTimeout is used (by default).
DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup = 5 * time.Second
// DefaultSnifferTimeout is the default timeout after which the
// sniffing process times out. Notice that for the initial sniffing
// process, DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup is used.
DefaultSnifferTimeout = 2 * time.Second
// DefaultMaxRetries is the number of retries for a single request after
// Elastic will give up and return an error. It is zero by default, so
// retry is disabled by default.
DefaultMaxRetries = 0
// DefaultSendGetBodyAs is the HTTP method to use when elastic is sending
// a GET request with a body.
DefaultSendGetBodyAs = "GET"
// DefaultGzipEnabled specifies if gzip compression is enabled by default.
DefaultGzipEnabled = false
// off is used to disable timeouts.
off = -1 * time.Second
var (
// ErrNoClient is raised when no Elasticsearch node is available.
ErrNoClient = errors.New("no Elasticsearch node available")
// ErrRetry is raised when a request cannot be executed after the configured
// number of retries.
ErrRetry = errors.New("cannot connect after several retries")
// ErrTimeout is raised when a request timed out, e.g. when WaitForStatus
// didn't return in time.
ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
// ClientOptionFunc is a function that configures a Client.
// It is used in NewClient.
type ClientOptionFunc func(*Client) error
// Client is an Elasticsearch client. Create one by calling NewClient.
type Client struct {
c *http.Client // net/http Client to use for requests
connsMu sync.RWMutex // connsMu guards the next block
conns []*conn // all connections
cindex int // index into conns
mu sync.RWMutex // guards the next block
urls []string // set of URLs passed initially to the client
running bool // true if the client's background processes are running
errorlog Logger // error log for critical messages
infolog Logger // information log for e.g. response times
tracelog Logger // trace log for debugging
maxRetries int // max. number of retries
scheme string // http or https
healthcheckEnabled bool // healthchecks enabled or disabled
healthcheckTimeoutStartup time.Duration // time the healthcheck waits for a response from Elasticsearch on startup
healthcheckTimeout time.Duration // time the healthcheck waits for a response from Elasticsearch
healthcheckInterval time.Duration // interval between healthchecks
healthcheckStop chan bool // notify healthchecker to stop, and notify back
snifferEnabled bool // sniffer enabled or disabled
snifferTimeoutStartup time.Duration // time the sniffer waits for a response from nodes info API on startup
snifferTimeout time.Duration // time the sniffer waits for a response from nodes info API
snifferInterval time.Duration // interval between sniffing
snifferStop chan bool // notify sniffer to stop, and notify back
decoder Decoder // used to decode data sent from Elasticsearch
basicAuth bool // indicates whether to send HTTP Basic Auth credentials
basicAuthUsername string // username for HTTP Basic Auth
basicAuthPassword string // password for HTTP Basic Auth
sendGetBodyAs string // override for when sending a GET with a body
requiredPlugins []string // list of required plugins
gzipEnabled bool // gzip compression enabled or disabled (default)
// NewClient creates a new client to work with Elasticsearch.
// NewClient, by default, is meant to be long-lived and shared across
// your application. If you need a short-lived client, e.g. for request-scope,
// consider using NewSimpleClient instead.
// The caller can configure the new client by passing configuration options
// to the func.
// Example:
// client, err := elastic.NewClient(
// elastic.SetURL("", ""),
// elastic.SetMaxRetries(10),
// elastic.SetBasicAuth("user", "secret"))
// If no URL is configured, Elastic uses DefaultURL by default.
// If the sniffer is enabled (the default), the new client then sniffes
// the cluster via the Nodes Info API
// (see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cluster-nodes-info.html#cluster-nodes-info).
// It uses the URLs specified by the caller. The caller is responsible
// to only pass a list of URLs of nodes that belong to the same cluster.
// This sniffing process is run on startup and periodically.
// Use SnifferInterval to set the interval between two sniffs (default is
// 15 minutes). In other words: By default, the client will find new nodes
// in the cluster and remove those that are no longer available every
// 15 minutes. Disable the sniffer by passing SetSniff(false) to NewClient.
// The list of nodes found in the sniffing process will be used to make
// connections to the REST API of Elasticsearch. These nodes are also
// periodically checked in a shorter time frame. This process is called
// a health check. By default, a health check is done every 60 seconds.
// You can set a shorter or longer interval by SetHealthcheckInterval.
// Disabling health checks is not recommended, but can be done by
// SetHealthcheck(false).
// Connections are automatically marked as dead or healthy while
// making requests to Elasticsearch. When a request fails, Elastic will
// retry up to a maximum number of retries configured with SetMaxRetries.
// Retries are disabled by default.
// If no HttpClient is configured, then http.DefaultClient is used.
// You can use your own http.Client with some http.Transport for
// advanced scenarios.
// An error is also returned when some configuration option is invalid or
// the new client cannot sniff the cluster (if enabled).
func NewClient(options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error) {
// Set up the client
c := &Client{
c: http.DefaultClient,
conns: make([]*conn, 0),
cindex: -1,
scheme: DefaultScheme,
decoder: &DefaultDecoder{},
maxRetries: DefaultMaxRetries,
healthcheckEnabled: DefaultHealthcheckEnabled,
healthcheckTimeoutStartup: DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup,
healthcheckTimeout: DefaultHealthcheckTimeout,
healthcheckInterval: DefaultHealthcheckInterval,
healthcheckStop: make(chan bool),
snifferEnabled: DefaultSnifferEnabled,
snifferTimeoutStartup: DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup,
snifferTimeout: DefaultSnifferTimeout,
snifferInterval: DefaultSnifferInterval,
snifferStop: make(chan bool),
sendGetBodyAs: DefaultSendGetBodyAs,
gzipEnabled: DefaultGzipEnabled,
// Run the options on it
for _, option := range options {
if err := option(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(c.urls) == 0 {
c.urls = []string{DefaultURL}
c.urls = canonicalize(c.urls...)
// Check if we can make a request to any of the specified URLs
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
if err := c.startupHealthcheck(c.healthcheckTimeoutStartup); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.snifferEnabled {
// Sniff the cluster initially
if err := c.sniff(c.snifferTimeoutStartup); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// Do not sniff the cluster initially. Use the provided URLs instead.
for _, url := range c.urls {
c.conns = append(c.conns, newConn(url, url))
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
// Perform an initial health check
c.healthcheck(c.healthcheckTimeoutStartup, true)
// Ensure that we have at least one connection available
if err := c.mustActiveConn(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the required plugins
for _, plugin := range c.requiredPlugins {
found, err := c.HasPlugin(plugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("elastic: plugin %s not found", plugin)
if c.snifferEnabled {
go c.sniffer() // periodically update cluster information
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
go c.healthchecker() // start goroutine periodically ping all nodes of the cluster
c.running = true
return c, nil
// NewSimpleClient creates a new short-lived Client that can be used in
// use cases where you need e.g. one client per request.
// While NewClient by default sets up e.g. periodic health checks
// and sniffing for new nodes in separate goroutines, NewSimpleClient does
// not and is meant as a simple replacement where you don't need all the
// heavy lifting of NewClient.
// NewSimpleClient does the following by default: First, all health checks
// are disabled, including timeouts and periodic checks. Second, sniffing
// is disabled, including timeouts and periodic checks. The number of retries
// is set to 1. NewSimpleClient also does not start any goroutines.
// Notice that you can still override settings by passing additional options,
// just like with NewClient.
func NewSimpleClient(options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error) {
c := &Client{
c: http.DefaultClient,
conns: make([]*conn, 0),
cindex: -1,
scheme: DefaultScheme,
decoder: &DefaultDecoder{},
maxRetries: 1,
healthcheckEnabled: false,
healthcheckTimeoutStartup: off,
healthcheckTimeout: off,
healthcheckInterval: off,
healthcheckStop: make(chan bool),
snifferEnabled: false,
snifferTimeoutStartup: off,
snifferTimeout: off,
snifferInterval: off,
snifferStop: make(chan bool),
sendGetBodyAs: DefaultSendGetBodyAs,
gzipEnabled: DefaultGzipEnabled,
// Run the options on it
for _, option := range options {
if err := option(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(c.urls) == 0 {
c.urls = []string{DefaultURL}
c.urls = canonicalize(c.urls...)
for _, url := range c.urls {
c.conns = append(c.conns, newConn(url, url))
// Ensure that we have at least one connection available
if err := c.mustActiveConn(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the required plugins
for _, plugin := range c.requiredPlugins {
found, err := c.HasPlugin(plugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("elastic: plugin %s not found", plugin)
c.running = true
return c, nil
// SetHttpClient can be used to specify the http.Client to use when making
// HTTP requests to Elasticsearch.
func SetHttpClient(httpClient *http.Client) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if httpClient != nil {
c.c = httpClient
} else {
c.c = http.DefaultClient
return nil
// SetBasicAuth can be used to specify the HTTP Basic Auth credentials to
// use when making HTTP requests to Elasticsearch.
func SetBasicAuth(username, password string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.basicAuthUsername = username
c.basicAuthPassword = password
c.basicAuth = c.basicAuthUsername != "" || c.basicAuthPassword != ""
return nil
// SetURL defines the URL endpoints of the Elasticsearch nodes. Notice that
// when sniffing is enabled, these URLs are used to initially sniff the
// cluster on startup.
func SetURL(urls ...string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
switch len(urls) {
case 0:
c.urls = []string{DefaultURL}
c.urls = urls
return nil
// SetScheme sets the HTTP scheme to look for when sniffing (http or https).
// This is http by default.
func SetScheme(scheme string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.scheme = scheme
return nil
// SetSniff enables or disables the sniffer (enabled by default).
func SetSniff(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferEnabled = enabled
return nil
// SetSnifferTimeoutStartup sets the timeout for the sniffer that is used
// when creating a new client. The default is 5 seconds. Notice that the
// timeout being used for subsequent sniffing processes is set with
// SetSnifferTimeout.
func SetSnifferTimeoutStartup(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferTimeoutStartup = timeout
return nil
// SetSnifferTimeout sets the timeout for the sniffer that finds the
// nodes in a cluster. The default is 2 seconds. Notice that the timeout
// used when creating a new client on startup is usually greater and can
// be set with SetSnifferTimeoutStartup.
func SetSnifferTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferTimeout = timeout
return nil
// SetSnifferInterval sets the interval between two sniffing processes.
// The default interval is 15 minutes.
func SetSnifferInterval(interval time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferInterval = interval
return nil
// SetHealthcheck enables or disables healthchecks (enabled by default).
func SetHealthcheck(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckEnabled = enabled
return nil
// SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup sets the timeout for the initial health check.
// The default timeout is 5 seconds (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup).
// Notice that timeouts for subsequent health checks can be modified with
// SetHealthcheckTimeout.
func SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckTimeoutStartup = timeout
return nil
// SetHealthcheckTimeout sets the timeout for periodic health checks.
// The default timeout is 1 second (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeout).
// Notice that a different (usually larger) timeout is used for the initial
// healthcheck, which is initiated while creating a new client.
// The startup timeout can be modified with SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup.
func SetHealthcheckTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckTimeout = timeout
return nil
// SetHealthcheckInterval sets the interval between two health checks.
// The default interval is 60 seconds.
func SetHealthcheckInterval(interval time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckInterval = interval
return nil
// SetMaxRetries sets the maximum number of retries before giving up when
// performing a HTTP request to Elasticsearch.
func SetMaxRetries(maxRetries int) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if maxRetries < 0 {
return errors.New("MaxRetries must be greater than or equal to 0")
c.maxRetries = maxRetries
return nil
// SetGzip enables or disables gzip compression (disabled by default).
func SetGzip(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.gzipEnabled = enabled
return nil
// SetDecoder sets the Decoder to use when decoding data from Elasticsearch.
// DefaultDecoder is used by default.
func SetDecoder(decoder Decoder) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if decoder != nil {
c.decoder = decoder
} else {
c.decoder = &DefaultDecoder{}
return nil
// SetRequiredPlugins can be used to indicate that some plugins are required
// before a Client will be created.
func SetRequiredPlugins(plugins ...string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if c.requiredPlugins == nil {
c.requiredPlugins = make([]string, 0)
c.requiredPlugins = append(c.requiredPlugins, plugins...)
return nil
// SetErrorLog sets the logger for critical messages like nodes joining
// or leaving the cluster or failing requests. It is nil by default.
func SetErrorLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.errorlog = logger
return nil
// SetInfoLog sets the logger for informational messages, e.g. requests
// and their response times. It is nil by default.
func SetInfoLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.infolog = logger
return nil
// SetTraceLog specifies the log.Logger to use for output of HTTP requests
// and responses which is helpful during debugging. It is nil by default.
func SetTraceLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.tracelog = logger
return nil
// SendGetBodyAs specifies the HTTP method to use when sending a GET request
// with a body. It is GET by default.
func SetSendGetBodyAs(httpMethod string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.sendGetBodyAs = httpMethod
return nil
// String returns a string representation of the client status.
func (c *Client) String() string {
conns := c.conns
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i, conn := range conns {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
return buf.String()
// IsRunning returns true if the background processes of the client are
// running, false otherwise.
func (c *Client) IsRunning() bool {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
return c.running
// Start starts the background processes like sniffing the cluster and
// periodic health checks. You don't need to run Start when creating a
// client with NewClient; the background processes are run by default.
// If the background processes are already running, this is a no-op.
func (c *Client) Start() {
if c.running {
if c.snifferEnabled {
go c.sniffer()
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
go c.healthchecker()
c.running = true
c.infof("elastic: client started")
// Stop stops the background processes that the client is running,
// i.e. sniffing the cluster periodically and running health checks
// on the nodes.
// If the background processes are not running, this is a no-op.
func (c *Client) Stop() {
if !c.running {
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
c.healthcheckStop <- true
if c.snifferEnabled {
c.snifferStop <- true
c.running = false
c.infof("elastic: client stopped")
// errorf logs to the error log.
func (c *Client) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.errorlog != nil {
c.errorlog.Printf(format, args...)
// infof logs informational messages.
func (c *Client) infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.infolog != nil {
c.infolog.Printf(format, args...)
// tracef logs to the trace log.
func (c *Client) tracef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.tracelog != nil {
c.tracelog.Printf(format, args...)
// dumpRequest dumps the given HTTP request to the trace log.
func (c *Client) dumpRequest(r *http.Request) {
if c.tracelog != nil {
out, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r, true)
if err == nil {
c.tracef("%s\n", string(out))
// dumpResponse dumps the given HTTP response to the trace log.
func (c *Client) dumpResponse(resp *http.Response) {
if c.tracelog != nil {
out, err := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
if err == nil {
c.tracef("%s\n", string(out))
// sniffer periodically runs sniff.
func (c *Client) sniffer() {
timeout := c.snifferTimeout
interval := c.snifferInterval
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-c.snifferStop:
// we are asked to stop, so we signal back that we're stopping now
c.snifferStop <- true
case <-ticker.C:
// sniff uses the Node Info API to return the list of nodes in the cluster.
// It uses the list of URLs passed on startup plus the list of URLs found
// by the preceding sniffing process (if sniffing is enabled).
// If sniffing is disabled, this is a no-op.
func (c *Client) sniff(timeout time.Duration) error {
if !c.snifferEnabled {
return nil
// Use all available URLs provided to sniff the cluster.
urlsMap := make(map[string]bool)
var urls []string
// Add all URLs provided on startup
for _, url := range c.urls {
urlsMap[url] = true
urls = append(urls, url)
// Add all URLs found by sniffing
for _, conn := range c.conns {
if !conn.IsDead() {
url := conn.URL()
if _, found := urlsMap[url]; !found {
urls = append(urls, url)
if len(urls) == 0 {
return ErrNoClient
// Start sniffing on all found URLs
ch := make(chan []*conn, len(urls))
for _, url := range urls {
go func(url string) { ch <- c.sniffNode(url) }(url)
// Wait for the results to come back, or the process times out.
for {
select {
case conns := <-ch:
if len(conns) > 0 {
return nil
case <-time.After(timeout):
// We get here if no cluster responds in time
return ErrNoClient
// sniffNode sniffs a single node. This method is run as a goroutine
// in sniff. If successful, it returns the list of node URLs extracted
// from the result of calling Nodes Info API. Otherwise, an empty array
// is returned.
func (c *Client) sniffNode(url string) []*conn {
var nodes []*conn
// Call the Nodes Info API at /_nodes/http
req, err := NewRequest("GET", url+"/_nodes/http")
if err != nil {
return nodes
if c.basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(c.basicAuthUsername, c.basicAuthPassword)
res, err := c.c.Do((*http.Request)(req))
if err != nil {
return nodes
if res == nil {
return nodes
if res.Body != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
var info NodesInfoResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&info); err == nil {
if len(info.Nodes) > 0 {
switch c.scheme {
case "https":
for nodeID, node := range info.Nodes {
url := c.extractHostname("https", node.HTTPSAddress)
if url != "" {
nodes = append(nodes, newConn(nodeID, url))
for nodeID, node := range info.Nodes {
url := c.extractHostname("http", node.HTTPAddress)
if url != "" {
nodes = append(nodes, newConn(nodeID, url))
return nodes
// reSniffHostAndPort is used to extract hostname and port from a result
// from a Nodes Info API (example: "inet[/]").
var reSniffHostAndPort = regexp.MustCompile(`\/([^:]*):([0-9]+)\]`)
func (c *Client) extractHostname(scheme, address string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(address, "inet") {
m := reSniffHostAndPort.FindStringSubmatch(address)
if len(m) == 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s", scheme, m[1], m[2])
s := address
if idx := strings.Index(s, "/"); idx >= 0 {
s = s[idx+1:]
if strings.Index(s, ":") < 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, s)
// updateConns updates the clients' connections with new information
// gather by a sniff operation.
func (c *Client) updateConns(conns []*conn) {
var newConns []*conn
// Build up new connections:
// If we find an existing connection, use that (including no. of failures etc.).
// If we find a new connection, add it.
for _, conn := range conns {
var found bool
for _, oldConn := range c.conns {
if oldConn.NodeID() == conn.NodeID() {
// Take over the old connection
newConns = append(newConns, oldConn)
found = true
if !found {
// New connection didn't exist, so add it to our list of new conns.
c.infof("elastic: %s joined the cluster", conn.URL())
newConns = append(newConns, conn)
c.conns = newConns
c.cindex = -1
// healthchecker periodically runs healthcheck.
func (c *Client) healthchecker() {
timeout := c.healthcheckTimeout
interval := c.healthcheckInterval
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-c.healthcheckStop:
// we are asked to stop, so we signal back that we're stopping now
c.healthcheckStop <- true
case <-ticker.C:
c.healthcheck(timeout, false)
// healthcheck does a health check on all nodes in the cluster. Depending on
// the node state, it marks connections as dead, sets them alive etc.
// If healthchecks are disabled and force is false, this is a no-op.
// The timeout specifies how long to wait for a response from Elasticsearch.
func (c *Client) healthcheck(timeout time.Duration, force bool) {
if !c.healthcheckEnabled && !force {
basicAuth := c.basicAuth
basicAuthUsername := c.basicAuthUsername
basicAuthPassword := c.basicAuthPassword
conns := c.conns
timeoutInMillis := int64(timeout / time.Millisecond)
for _, conn := range conns {
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%dms", timeoutInMillis))
req, err := NewRequest("HEAD", conn.URL()+"/?"+params.Encode())
if err == nil {
if basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUsername, basicAuthPassword)
res, err := c.c.Do((*http.Request)(req))
if err == nil {
if res.Body != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode >= 200 && res.StatusCode < 300 {
} else {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead [status=%d]", conn.URL(), res.StatusCode)
} else {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
} else {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
// startupHealthcheck is used at startup to check if the server is available
// at all.
func (c *Client) startupHealthcheck(timeout time.Duration) error {
urls := c.urls
basicAuth := c.basicAuth
basicAuthUsername := c.basicAuthUsername
basicAuthPassword := c.basicAuthPassword
// If we don't get a connection after "timeout", we bail.
start := time.Now()
for {
// Make a copy of the HTTP client provided via options to respect
// settings like Basic Auth or a user-specified http.Transport.
cl := new(http.Client)
*cl = *c.c
cl.Timeout = timeout
for _, url := range urls {
req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", url, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUsername, basicAuthPassword)
res, err := cl.Do(req)
if err == nil && res != nil && res.StatusCode >= 200 && res.StatusCode < 300 {
return nil
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if time.Now().Sub(start) > timeout {
return ErrNoClient
// next returns the next available connection, or ErrNoClient.
func (c *Client) next() (*conn, error) {
// We do round-robin here.
// TODO(oe) This should be a pluggable strategy, like the Selector in the official clients.
defer c.connsMu.Unlock()
i := 0
numConns := len(c.conns)
for {
if i > numConns {
break // we visited all conns: they all seem to be dead
if c.cindex >= numConns {
c.cindex = 0
conn := c.conns[c.cindex]
if !conn.IsDead() {
return conn, nil
// We have a deadlock here: All nodes are marked as dead.
// If sniffing is disabled, connections will never be marked alive again.
// So we are marking them as alive--if sniffing is disabled.
// They'll then be picked up in the next call to PerformRequest.
if !c.snifferEnabled {
c.errorf("elastic: all %d nodes marked as dead; resurrecting them to prevent deadlock", len(c.conns))
for _, conn := range c.conns {
// We tried hard, but there is no node available
return nil, ErrNoClient
// mustActiveConn returns nil if there is an active connection,
// otherwise ErrNoClient is returned.
func (c *Client) mustActiveConn() error {
defer c.connsMu.Unlock()
for _, c := range c.conns {
if !c.IsDead() {
return nil
return ErrNoClient
// PerformRequest does a HTTP request to Elasticsearch.
// It returns a response and an error on failure.
// Optionally, a list of HTTP error codes to ignore can be passed.
// This is necessary for services that expect e.g. HTTP status 404 as a
// valid outcome (Exists, IndicesExists, IndicesTypeExists).
func (c *Client) PerformRequest(method, path string, params url.Values, body interface{}, ignoreErrors ...int) (*Response, error) {
return c.PerformRequestC(nil, method, path, params, body, ignoreErrors...)
// PerformRequestC does a HTTP request to Elasticsearch.
// It returns a response and an error on failure.
// Optionally, a list of HTTP error codes to ignore can be passed.
// This is necessary for services that expect e.g. HTTP status 404 as a
// valid outcome (Exists, IndicesExists, IndicesTypeExists).
// If ctx is not nil, it uses the ctxhttp to do the request,
// enabling both request cancelation as well as timeout.
func (c *Client) PerformRequestC(ctx context.Context, method, path string, params url.Values, body interface{}, ignoreErrors ...int) (*Response, error) {
start := time.Now().UTC()
timeout := c.healthcheckTimeout
retries := c.maxRetries
basicAuth := c.basicAuth
basicAuthUsername := c.basicAuthUsername
basicAuthPassword := c.basicAuthPassword
sendGetBodyAs := c.sendGetBodyAs
gzipEnabled := c.gzipEnabled
var err error
var conn *conn
var req *Request
var resp *Response
var retried bool
// We wait between retries, using simple exponential back-off.
// TODO: Make this configurable, including the jitter.
retryWaitMsec := int64(100 + (rand.Intn(20) - 10))
// Change method if sendGetBodyAs is specified.
if method == "GET" && body != nil && sendGetBodyAs != "GET" {
method = sendGetBodyAs
for {
pathWithParams := path
if len(params) > 0 {
pathWithParams += "?" + params.Encode()
// Get a connection
conn, err = c.next()
if err == ErrNoClient {
if !retried {
// Force a healtcheck as all connections seem to be dead.
c.healthcheck(timeout, false)
if retries <= 0 {
return nil, err
retried = true
time.Sleep(time.Duration(retryWaitMsec) * time.Millisecond)
retryWaitMsec += retryWaitMsec
continue // try again
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: cannot get connection from pool")
return nil, err
req, err = NewRequest(method, conn.URL()+pathWithParams)
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: cannot create request for %s %s: %v", strings.ToUpper(method), conn.URL()+pathWithParams, err)
return nil, err
if basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUsername, basicAuthPassword)
// Set body
if body != nil {
err = req.SetBody(body, gzipEnabled)
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: couldn't set body %+v for request: %v", body, err)
return nil, err
// Tracing
// Get response
var res *http.Response
if ctx == nil {
res, err = c.c.Do((*http.Request)(req))
} else {
res, err = ctxhttp.Do(ctx, c.c, (*http.Request)(req))
if err != nil {
if retries <= 0 {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
return nil, err
retried = true
time.Sleep(time.Duration(retryWaitMsec) * time.Millisecond)
retryWaitMsec += retryWaitMsec
continue // try again
if res.Body != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
// Check for errors
if err := checkResponse((*http.Request)(req), res, ignoreErrors...); err != nil {
// No retry if request succeeded
return nil, err
// Tracing
// We successfully made a request with this connection
resp, err = c.newResponse(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
duration := time.Now().UTC().Sub(start)
c.infof("%s %s [status:%d, request:%.3fs]",
return resp, nil
// -- Document APIs --
// Index a document.
func (c *Client) Index() *IndexService {
return NewIndexService(c)
// Get a document.
func (c *Client) Get() *GetService {
return NewGetService(c)
// MultiGet retrieves multiple documents in one roundtrip.
func (c *Client) MultiGet() *MgetService {
return NewMgetService(c)
// Mget retrieves multiple documents in one roundtrip.
func (c *Client) Mget() *MgetService {
return NewMgetService(c)
// Delete a document.
func (c *Client) Delete() *DeleteService {
return NewDeleteService(c)
// DeleteByQuery deletes documents as found by a query.
func (c *Client) DeleteByQuery(indices ...string) *DeleteByQueryService {
return NewDeleteByQueryService(c).Index(indices...)
// Update a document.
func (c *Client) Update() *UpdateService {
return NewUpdateService(c)
// UpdateByQuery performs an update on a set of documents.
func (c *Client) UpdateByQuery(indices ...string) *UpdateByQueryService {
return NewUpdateByQueryService(c).Index(indices...)
// Bulk is the entry point to mass insert/update/delete documents.
func (c *Client) Bulk() *BulkService {
return NewBulkService(c)
// BulkProcessor allows setting up a concurrent processor of bulk requests.
func (c *Client) BulkProcessor() *BulkProcessorService {
return NewBulkProcessorService(c)
// Reindex returns a service that will reindex documents from a source
// index into a target index.
// Notice that this Reindexer is an Elastic-specific solution that pre-dated
// the Reindex API introduced in Elasticsearch 2.3.0 (see ReindexTask).
// See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/reindex.html
// for more information about reindexing.
func (c *Client) Reindex(sourceIndex, targetIndex string) *Reindexer {
return NewReindexer(c, sourceIndex, CopyToTargetIndex(targetIndex))
// ReindexTask copies data from a source index into a destination index.
// The Reindex API has been introduced in Elasticsearch 2.3.0. Notice that
// there is a Elastic-specific Reindexer that pre-dates the Reindex API from
// Elasticsearch. If you rely on that, use the ReindexerService via
// Client.Reindex.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-reindex.html
// for details on the Reindex API.
func (c *Client) ReindexTask() *ReindexService {
return NewReindexService(c)
// TermVectors returns information and statistics on terms in the fields
// of a particular document.
func (c *Client) TermVectors(index, typ string) *TermvectorsService {
builder := NewTermvectorsService(c)
builder = builder.Index(index).Type(typ)
return builder
// MultiTermVectors returns information and statistics on terms in the fields
// of multiple documents.
func (c *Client) MultiTermVectors() *MultiTermvectorService {
return NewMultiTermvectorService(c)
// -- Search APIs --
// Search is the entry point for searches.
func (c *Client) Search(indices ...string) *SearchService {
return NewSearchService(c).Index(indices...)
// Suggest returns a service to return suggestions.
func (c *Client) Suggest(indices ...string) *SuggestService {
return NewSuggestService(c).Index(indices...)
// MultiSearch is the entry point for multi searches.
func (c *Client) MultiSearch() *MultiSearchService {
return NewMultiSearchService(c)
// Count documents.
func (c *Client) Count(indices ...string) *CountService {
return NewCountService(c).Index(indices...)
// Explain computes a score explanation for a query and a specific document.
func (c *Client) Explain(index, typ, id string) *ExplainService {
return NewExplainService(c).Index(index).Type(typ).Id(id)
// Percolate allows to send a document and return matching queries.
// See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-percolate.html.
func (c *Client) Percolate() *PercolateService {
return NewPercolateService(c)
// TODO Search Template
// TODO Search Shards API
// TODO Search Exists API
// TODO Validate API
// FieldStats returns statistical information about fields in indices.
func (c *Client) FieldStats(indices ...string) *FieldStatsService {
return NewFieldStatsService(c).Index(indices...)
// Exists checks if a document exists.
func (c *Client) Exists() *ExistsService {
return NewExistsService(c)
// Scan through documents. Use this to iterate inside a server process
// where the results will be processed without returning them to a client.
func (c *Client) Scan(indices ...string) *ScanService {
return NewScanService(c).Index(indices...)
// Scroll through documents. Use this to efficiently scroll through results
// while returning the results to a client. Use Scan when you don't need
// to return requests to a client (i.e. not paginating via request/response).
func (c *Client) Scroll(indices ...string) *ScrollService {
return NewScrollService(c).Index(indices...)
// ClearScroll can be used to clear search contexts manually.
func (c *Client) ClearScroll(scrollIds ...string) *ClearScrollService {
return NewClearScrollService(c).ScrollId(scrollIds...)
// -- Indices APIs --
// CreateIndex returns a service to create a new index.
func (c *Client) CreateIndex(name string) *IndicesCreateService {
return NewIndicesCreateService(c).Index(name)
// DeleteIndex returns a service to delete an index.
func (c *Client) DeleteIndex(indices ...string) *IndicesDeleteService {
return NewIndicesDeleteService(c).Index(indices)
// IndexExists allows to check if an index exists.
func (c *Client) IndexExists(indices ...string) *IndicesExistsService {
return NewIndicesExistsService(c).Index(indices)
// TypeExists allows to check if one or more types exist in one or more indices.
func (c *Client) TypeExists() *IndicesExistsTypeService {
return NewIndicesExistsTypeService(c)
// IndexStats provides statistics on different operations happining
// in one or more indices.
func (c *Client) IndexStats(indices ...string) *IndicesStatsService {
return NewIndicesStatsService(c).Index(indices...)
// OpenIndex opens an index.
func (c *Client) OpenIndex(name string) *IndicesOpenService {
return NewIndicesOpenService(c).Index(name)
// CloseIndex closes an index.
func (c *Client) CloseIndex(name string) *IndicesCloseService {
return NewIndicesCloseService(c).Index(name)
// IndexGet retrieves information about one or more indices.
// IndexGet is only available for Elasticsearch 1.4 or later.
func (c *Client) IndexGet(indices ...string) *IndicesGetService {
return NewIndicesGetService(c).Index(indices...)
// IndexGetSettings retrieves settings of all, one or more indices.
func (c *Client) IndexGetSettings(indices ...string) *IndicesGetSettingsService {
return NewIndicesGetSettingsService(c).Index(indices...)
// IndexPutSettings sets settings for all, one or more indices.
func (c *Client) IndexPutSettings(indices ...string) *IndicesPutSettingsService {
return NewIndicesPutSettingsService(c).Index(indices...)
// Optimize asks Elasticsearch to optimize one or more indices.
// Optimize is deprecated as of Elasticsearch 2.1 and replaced by Forcemerge.
func (c *Client) Optimize(indices ...string) *OptimizeService {
return NewOptimizeService(c).Index(indices...)
// Forcemerge optimizes one or more indices.
// It replaces the deprecated Optimize API.
func (c *Client) Forcemerge(indices ...string) *IndicesForcemergeService {
return NewIndicesForcemergeService(c).Index(indices...)
// Refresh asks Elasticsearch to refresh one or more indices.
func (c *Client) Refresh(indices ...string) *RefreshService {
return NewRefreshService(c).Index(indices...)
// Flush asks Elasticsearch to free memory from the index and
// flush data to disk.
func (c *Client) Flush(indices ...string) *IndicesFlushService {
return NewIndicesFlushService(c).Index(indices...)
// Alias enables the caller to add and/or remove aliases.
func (c *Client) Alias() *AliasService {
return NewAliasService(c)
// Aliases returns aliases by index name(s).
func (c *Client) Aliases() *AliasesService {
return NewAliasesService(c)
// GetTemplate gets a search template.
// Use IndexXXXTemplate funcs to manage index templates.
func (c *Client) GetTemplate() *GetTemplateService {
return NewGetTemplateService(c)
// PutTemplate creates or updates a search template.
// Use IndexXXXTemplate funcs to manage index templates.
func (c *Client) PutTemplate() *PutTemplateService {
return NewPutTemplateService(c)
// DeleteTemplate deletes a search template.
// Use IndexXXXTemplate funcs to manage index templates.
func (c *Client) DeleteTemplate() *DeleteTemplateService {
return NewDeleteTemplateService(c)
// IndexGetTemplate gets an index template.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexGetTemplate(names ...string) *IndicesGetTemplateService {
return NewIndicesGetTemplateService(c).Name(names...)
// IndexTemplateExists gets check if an index template exists.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexTemplateExists(name string) *IndicesExistsTemplateService {
return NewIndicesExistsTemplateService(c).Name(name)
// IndexPutTemplate creates or updates an index template.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexPutTemplate(name string) *IndicesPutTemplateService {
return NewIndicesPutTemplateService(c).Name(name)
// IndexDeleteTemplate deletes an index template.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexDeleteTemplate(name string) *IndicesDeleteTemplateService {
return NewIndicesDeleteTemplateService(c).Name(name)
// GetMapping gets a mapping.
func (c *Client) GetMapping() *IndicesGetMappingService {
return NewIndicesGetMappingService(c)
// PutMapping registers a mapping.
func (c *Client) PutMapping() *IndicesPutMappingService {
return NewIndicesPutMappingService(c)
// GetWarmer gets one or more warmers by name.
func (c *Client) GetWarmer() *IndicesGetWarmerService {
return NewIndicesGetWarmerService(c)
// PutWarmer registers a warmer.
func (c *Client) PutWarmer() *IndicesPutWarmerService {
return NewIndicesPutWarmerService(c)
// DeleteWarmer deletes one or more warmers.
func (c *Client) DeleteWarmer() *IndicesDeleteWarmerService {
return NewIndicesDeleteWarmerService(c)
// -- cat APIs --
// TODO cat aliases
// TODO cat allocation
// TODO cat count
// TODO cat fielddata
// TODO cat health
// TODO cat indices
// TODO cat master
// TODO cat nodes
// TODO cat pending tasks
// TODO cat plugins
// TODO cat recovery
// TODO cat thread pool
// TODO cat shards
// TODO cat segments
// -- Cluster APIs --
// ClusterHealth retrieves the health of the cluster.
func (c *Client) ClusterHealth() *ClusterHealthService {
return NewClusterHealthService(c)
// ClusterState retrieves the state of the cluster.
func (c *Client) ClusterState() *ClusterStateService {
return NewClusterStateService(c)
// ClusterStats retrieves cluster statistics.
func (c *Client) ClusterStats() *ClusterStatsService {
return NewClusterStatsService(c)
// NodesInfo retrieves one or more or all of the cluster nodes information.
func (c *Client) NodesInfo() *NodesInfoService {
return NewNodesInfoService(c)
// NodesStats retrieves one or more or all of the cluster nodes statistics.
func (c *Client) NodesStats() *NodesStatsService {
return NewNodesStatsService(c)
// TasksCancel cancels tasks running on the specified nodes.
func (c *Client) TasksCancel() *TasksCancelService {
return NewTasksCancelService(c)
// TasksList retrieves the list of tasks running on the specified nodes.
func (c *Client) TasksList() *TasksListService {
return NewTasksListService(c)
// TODO Pending cluster tasks
// TODO Cluster Reroute
// TODO Cluster Update Settings
// TODO Nodes Stats
// TODO Nodes hot_threads
// -- Snapshot and Restore --
// TODO Snapshot Create
// TODO Snapshot Create Repository
// TODO Snapshot Delete
// TODO Snapshot Delete Repository
// TODO Snapshot Get
// TODO Snapshot Get Repository
// TODO Snapshot Restore
// TODO Snapshot Status
// TODO Snapshot Verify Repository
// -- Helpers and shortcuts --
// ElasticsearchVersion returns the version number of Elasticsearch
// running on the given URL.
func (c *Client) ElasticsearchVersion(url string) (string, error) {
res, _, err := c.Ping(url).Do()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.Version.Number, nil
// IndexNames returns the names of all indices in the cluster.
func (c *Client) IndexNames() ([]string, error) {
res, err := c.IndexGetSettings().Index("_all").Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var names []string
for name := range res {
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil
// Ping checks if a given node in a cluster exists and (optionally)
// returns some basic information about the Elasticsearch server,
// e.g. the Elasticsearch version number.
// Notice that you need to specify a URL here explicitly.
func (c *Client) Ping(url string) *PingService {
return NewPingService(c).URL(url)
// WaitForStatus waits for the cluster to have the given status.
// This is a shortcut method for the ClusterHealth service.
// WaitForStatus waits for the specified timeout, e.g. "10s".
// If the cluster will have the given state within the timeout, nil is returned.
// If the request timed out, ErrTimeout is returned.
func (c *Client) WaitForStatus(status string, timeout string) error {
health, err := c.ClusterHealth().WaitForStatus(status).Timeout(timeout).Do()
if err != nil {
return err
if health.TimedOut {
return ErrTimeout
return nil
// WaitForGreenStatus waits for the cluster to have the "green" status.
// See WaitForStatus for more details.
func (c *Client) WaitForGreenStatus(timeout string) error {
return c.WaitForStatus("green", timeout)
// WaitForYellowStatus waits for the cluster to have the "yellow" status.
// See WaitForStatus for more details.
func (c *Client) WaitForYellowStatus(timeout string) error {
return c.WaitForStatus("yellow", timeout)
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