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dataset.py 14.27 KB
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xxiexuezhi 提交于 2023-09-25 11:44 . Add files via upload
import numpy as np
import scipy
import math
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import warnings
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
import biotite.structure as struc
from biotite.structure.io.pdb import PDBFile
from torch.utils.data._utils.collate import default_collate
non_standard_to_standard = {
'2AS':'ASP', '3AH':'HIS', '5HP':'GLU', 'ACL':'ARG', 'AGM':'ARG', 'AIB':'ALA', 'ALM':'ALA', 'ALO':'THR', 'ALY':'LYS', 'ARM':'ARG',
'ASA':'ASP', 'ASB':'ASP', 'ASK':'ASP', 'ASL':'ASP', 'ASQ':'ASP', 'ASX':'ASP', 'AYA':'ALA', 'BCS':'CYS', 'BHD':'ASP', 'BMT':'THR', 'BNN':'ALA', # Added ASX => ASP
'BUC':'CYS', 'BUG':'LEU', 'C5C':'CYS', 'C6C':'CYS', 'CAS':'CYS', 'CCS':'CYS', 'CEA':'CYS', 'CGU':'GLU', 'CHG':'ALA', 'CLE':'LEU', 'CME':'CYS',
'CSD':'ALA', 'CSO':'CYS', 'CSP':'CYS', 'CSS':'CYS', 'CSW':'CYS', 'CSX':'CYS', 'CXM':'MET', 'CY1':'CYS', 'CY3':'CYS', 'CYG':'CYS',
'CYM':'CYS', 'CYQ':'CYS', 'DAH':'PHE', 'DAL':'ALA', 'DAR':'ARG', 'DAS':'ASP', 'DCY':'CYS', 'DGL':'GLU', 'DGN':'GLN', 'DHA':'ALA',
'DHI':'HIS', 'DIL':'ILE', 'DIV':'VAL', 'DLE':'LEU', 'DLY':'LYS', 'DNP':'ALA', 'DPN':'PHE', 'DPR':'PRO', 'DSN':'SER', 'DSP':'ASP',
'DTH':'THR', 'DTR':'TRP', 'DTY':'TYR', 'DVA':'VAL', 'EFC':'CYS', 'FLA':'ALA', 'FME':'MET', 'GGL':'GLU', 'GL3':'GLY', 'GLZ':'GLY',
'GMA':'GLU', 'GSC':'GLY', 'HAC':'ALA', 'HAR':'ARG', 'HIC':'HIS', 'HIP':'HIS', 'HMR':'ARG', 'HPQ':'PHE', 'HTR':'TRP', 'HYP':'PRO',
'IAS':'ASP', 'IIL':'ILE', 'IYR':'TYR', 'KCX':'LYS', 'LLP':'LYS', 'LLY':'LYS', 'LTR':'TRP', 'LYM':'LYS', 'LYZ':'LYS', 'MAA':'ALA', 'MEN':'ASN',
'MHS':'HIS', 'MIS':'SER', 'MLE':'LEU', 'MPQ':'GLY', 'MSA':'GLY', 'MSE':'MET', 'MVA':'VAL', 'NEM':'HIS', 'NEP':'HIS', 'NLE':'LEU',
'NLN':'LEU', 'NLP':'LEU', 'NMC':'GLY', 'OAS':'SER', 'OCS':'CYS', 'OMT':'MET', 'PAQ':'TYR', 'PCA':'GLU', 'PEC':'CYS', 'PHI':'PHE',
'PHL':'PHE', 'PR3':'CYS', 'PRR':'ALA', 'PTR':'TYR', 'PYL':'LYS', 'PYX':'CYS', 'SAC':'SER', 'SAR':'GLY', 'SCH':'CYS', 'SCS':'CYS', 'SCY':'CYS', 'SEC':'CYS', # Added pyrrolysine and selenocysteine
'SEL':'SER', 'SEP':'SER', 'SET':'SER', 'SHC':'CYS', 'SHR':'LYS', 'SMC':'CYS', 'SOC':'CYS', 'STY':'TYR', 'SVA':'SER', 'TIH':'ALA',
'TPL':'TRP', 'TPO':'THR', 'TPQ':'ALA', 'TRG':'LYS', 'TRO':'TRP', 'TYB':'TYR', 'TYI':'TYR', 'TYQ':'TYR', 'TYS':'TYR', 'TYY':'TYR'
three_to_one_letter = {'CYS': 'C', 'ASP': 'D', 'SER': 'S', 'GLN': 'Q', 'LYS': 'K',
'ILE': 'I', 'PRO': 'P', 'THR': 'T', 'PHE': 'F', 'ASN': 'N',
'GLY': 'G', 'HIS': 'H', 'LEU': 'L', 'ARG': 'R', 'TRP': 'W',
'ALA': 'A', 'VAL':'V', 'GLU': 'E', 'TYR': 'Y', 'MET': 'M', 'UNK': 'X'}
one_to_three_letter = {v:k for k,v in three_to_one_letter.items()}
letter_to_num = {'C': 4, 'D': 3, 'S': 15, 'Q': 5, 'K': 11, 'I': 9,
'P': 14, 'T': 16, 'F': 13, 'A': 0, 'G': 7, 'H': 8,
'E': 6, 'L': 10, 'R': 1, 'W': 17, 'V': 19,
'N': 2, 'Y': 18, 'M': 12, 'X': 20}
class ProteinDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_path, min_res_num=40, max_res_num=256, ss_constraints=True):
# Ignore biotite warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*elements were guessed from atom_.*")
self.min_res_num = min_res_num
self.max_res_num = max_res_num
self.ss_constraints = ss_constraints
# Load PDB files into dataset
paths = list(Path(dataset_path).iterdir())
structures = self.parse_pdb(paths)
# Remove None from self.structures
self.structures = [self.to_tensor(i) for i in structures if i is not None]
def parse_pdb(self, paths):
logging.info(f"Processing dataset of length {len(paths)}...")
data = list(process_map(self.get_features, paths, chunksize=10))
return data
def get_coarse_constraints(self, model, cb, dist_threshold=7, dmax=20, block_dropout=0.1):
# Used for splitting block secondary structures
def consecutive(data, stepsize=1):
return np.split(data, np.where(np.diff(data) != stepsize)[0] + 1)
dist_threshold_norm = (dist_threshold / dmax * 2) - 1
psea_to_index = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
chain_id = struc.get_chains(model)[0]
s = [psea_to_index[i] for i in struc.annotate_sse(model, chain_id)]
if len(s) != cb.shape[0]: return None, None # Shape mismatch from PSEA: TODO: Find issue
# annotate_sse is based on CA coordinates, so the shape is wrong if a CA coordinate is missing
# Fix by inserting 0 at indices where CA coordinates are missing
# ca_mask_index = (1-ca_atom_mask).nonzero()[0]
# [s.insert(i,0) for i in ca_mask_index]
s = np.array(s)
helix_mask = (s == 1)
beta_mask = (s == 2)
# Block adjacencies
helix_indices = helix_mask.nonzero()[0]
beta_indices = beta_mask.nonzero()[0]
helix_indices_split = [i for i in consecutive(helix_indices) if len(i) >= 4]
beta_indices_split = [i for i in consecutive(beta_indices) if len(i) >= 4]
helix_mask_pair = np.zeros(cb.shape)
for i in helix_indices_split:
start, end = i[0], i[-1]
helix_mask_pair[start:end, start:end] = 1
beta_mask_pair = np.zeros(cb.shape)
for i1 in beta_indices_split:
for i2 in beta_indices_split:
start1, end1 = i1[0], i1[-1]
start2, end2 = i2[0], i2[-1]
beta_mask_pair[start1:end1, start2:end2] = 1
helix_beta_indices = helix_indices_split + beta_indices_split
block_adj_mask = np.zeros(cb.shape)
for idx1, block1 in enumerate(helix_beta_indices):
for idx2, block2 in enumerate(helix_beta_indices):
if idx1 == idx2: continue
b1_start, b1_end = block1[0], block1[-1]
b2_start, b2_end = block2[0], block2[-1]
dist = cb[b1_start:b1_end, b2_start:b2_end].min()
if dist < dist_threshold_norm:
block_adj_mask[b1_start:b1_end, b2_start:b2_end] = 1
constraints = np.stack([helix_mask_pair, beta_mask_pair, block_adj_mask], axis=-1)
# Convert to string for dataloader
helix_beta_str = ','.join([f"{i[0]}:{i[-1]}" for i in helix_beta_indices])
return constraints, helix_beta_str
def get_features(self, path):
with open(path, "r") as f:
structure = PDBFile.read(f)
if structure.get_model_count() > 1: return None
struct = structure.get_structure()
if struc.get_chain_count(struct) > 1: return None
_, aa = struc.get_residues(struct)
# Replace nonstandard amino acids
for idx,a in enumerate(aa):
if a not in three_to_one_letter.keys():
aa[idx] = non_standard_to_standard.get(a, "UNK")
one_letter_aa = [three_to_one_letter[i] for i in aa]
aa_str = ''.join(one_letter_aa)
aa = [letter_to_num[i] for i in one_letter_aa]
nres = len(aa)
if nres > self.max_res_num or nres < self.min_res_num: return None
mask = np.ones(nres)
atom_mask = np.ones((nres, 3))
bb_coords = []
for res_idx, res in enumerate(struc.residue_iter(struct)):
# Find backbone + CB atoms
atom_types = res.get_annotation("atom_name")
all_coords = res.coord[0]
crd = []
for atom_idx, a in enumerate(["N", "CA", "C"]):
idx = np.where(atom_types == a)[0]
if idx.size == 0:
atom_mask[res_idx, atom_idx] = 0
# Rolling mask i-1 and i+1 since all 3 atoms are used for CB reconstruction
mask[res_idx] = 0
if res_idx != 0:
mask[res_idx-1] = 0
if res_idx != nres-1:
mask[res_idx+1] = 0
crd.append([0, 0, 0])
bb_coords = np.array(bb_coords)
coords_6d = get_coords6d(bb_coords, dmax=20.0, normalize=True)
coords_6d = np.nan_to_num(coords_6d)
padding = np.ones((nres,nres)).reshape(nres,nres,1)
if self.ss_constraints:
block_adj, helix_beta_str = self.get_coarse_constraints(struct[0], coords_6d[:, :, 0], dist_threshold=5)
if block_adj is None: return None
coords_6d = np.concatenate([coords_6d,block_adj,padding],axis=-1)
coords_6d = np.concatenate([coords_6d, padding], axis=-1)
helix_beta_str = []
mask_pair = mask.reshape(1,-1) * mask.reshape(-1, 1) # N, N
coords_6d = coords_6d * mask_pair.reshape(nres,nres,1) # N, N, C
coords_6d = coords_6d.transpose(2,0,1) # C, N, N
return {
"id": path.stem,
"coords": bb_coords,
"coords_6d": coords_6d,
"aa": aa,
"aa_str": aa_str,
"mask_pair": mask_pair,
"ss_indices": helix_beta_str # Used for block dropout
def to_tensor(self, d): # this part is changed for helix project only.
feat_dtypes = {
"id": None,
"coords": None,#torch.float32,
"coords_6d": torch.float32,
"aa": None,#torch.long,
"aa_str": None,
"mask_pair": torch.bool,
"ss_indices": None
for k,v in d.items():
if feat_dtypes[k] is not None:
d[k] = torch.tensor(v).to(dtype=feat_dtypes[k])
return d
def __len__(self):
return len(self.structures)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.structures[idx]
##### Functions below adapted from trRosetta https://github.com/RosettaCommons/trRosetta2/blob/main/trRosetta/coords6d.py
# calculate dihedral angles defined by 4 sets of points
def get_dihedrals(a, b, c, d):
# Ignore divide by zero errors
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
b0 = -1.0*(b - a)
b1 = c - b
b2 = d - c
b1 /= np.linalg.norm(b1, axis=-1)[:,None]
v = b0 - np.sum(b0*b1, axis=-1)[:,None]*b1
w = b2 - np.sum(b2*b1, axis=-1)[:,None]*b1
x = np.sum(v*w, axis=-1)
y = np.sum(np.cross(b1, v)*w, axis=-1)
return np.arctan2(y, x)
# calculate planar angles defined by 3 sets of points
def get_angles(a, b, c):
v = a - b
v /= np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1)[:,None]
w = c - b
w /= np.linalg.norm(w, axis=-1)[:,None]
x = np.sum(v*w, axis=1)
return np.arccos(x)
# get 6d coordinates from x,y,z coords of N,Ca,C atoms
def get_coords6d(xyz, dmax=20.0, normalize=True):
nres = xyz.shape[0]
# three anchor atoms
N = xyz[:,0]
Ca = xyz[:,1]
C = xyz[:,2]
# recreate Cb given N,Ca,C
b = Ca - N
c = C - Ca
a = np.cross(b, c)
Cb = -0.58273431*a + 0.56802827*b - 0.54067466*c + Ca
# fast neighbors search to collect all
# Cb-Cb pairs within dmax
kdCb = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(Cb)
indices = kdCb.query_ball_tree(kdCb, dmax)
# indices of contacting residues
idx = np.array([[i,j] for i in range(len(indices)) for j in indices[i] if i != j]).T
idx0 = idx[0]
idx1 = idx[1]
# Cb-Cb distance matrix
dist6d = np.full((nres, nres), dmax).astype(float)
dist6d[idx0,idx1] = np.linalg.norm(Cb[idx1]-Cb[idx0], axis=-1)
# matrix of Ca-Cb-Cb-Ca dihedrals
omega6d = np.zeros((nres, nres))
omega6d[idx0,idx1] = get_dihedrals(Ca[idx0], Cb[idx0], Cb[idx1], Ca[idx1])
# matrix of polar coord theta
theta6d = np.zeros((nres, nres))
theta6d[idx0,idx1] = get_dihedrals(N[idx0], Ca[idx0], Cb[idx0], Cb[idx1])
# matrix of polar coord phi
phi6d = np.zeros((nres, nres))
phi6d[idx0,idx1] = get_angles(Ca[idx0], Cb[idx0], Cb[idx1])
# Normalize all features to [-1,1]
if normalize:
# [4A, 20A]
dist6d = (dist6d / dmax*2) - 1
# [-pi, pi]
omega6d = omega6d / math.pi
# [-pi, pi]
theta6d = theta6d / math.pi
# [0, pi]
phi6d = (phi6d / math.pi*2) - 1
coords_6d = np.stack([dist6d,omega6d,theta6d,phi6d],axis=-1)
return coords_6d
class PaddingCollate(object):
def __init__(self, max_len=None):
self.max_len = max_len
def _pad_last(x, n, value=0):
if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
assert x.size(0) <= n
if x.size(0) == n:
return x
# Pairwise embeddings TODO: not very elegant
if len(x.shape) >= 2 and x.shape[-1] != 3 and x.shape[-1] == x.shape[-2]:
x = F.pad(x, (0,n-x.shape[-1],0,n-x.shape[-2]), value=value)
return x
pad_size = [n - x.size(0)] + list(x.shape[1:])
pad = torch.full(pad_size, fill_value=value).to(x)
return torch.cat([x, pad], dim=0)
elif isinstance(x, str):
pad = value * (n - len(x))
return x #+ pad # only change for coding check. should change this back.
elif isinstance(x, list):
pad = [value] * (n - len(x))
return x + pad
return x
def _get_value(k):
if k in ["aa_str"]:
return "_"
elif k == "aa":
return 21 # masking value
elif k in ["id","ss_indices"]:
return ''
return 0
def __call__(self, data_list):
max_length = self.max_len if self.max_len else max([len(data["aa"]) for data in data_list])
data_list_padded = []
for data in data_list:
data_padded = {
k: self._pad_last(v, max_length, value=self._get_value(k)) for k,v in data.items()
return default_collate(data_list_padded)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ds = ProteinDataset(
max_res_num = 64
# for i in range(7):
# plt.imshow(ds[-1]["coords_6d"][:,:,i].numpy())
# plt.savefig(f"test{i}.png")
# dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
# ds,
# batch_size=8,
# collate_fn=PaddingCollate(max_len=128),
# )
# batch = next(iter(dl))
# print(batch["coords_6d"].shape)
# print(batch["aa"].shape)
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