

phubin 暂无简介

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Forks 暂停/关闭的

    phubin / ReciprocalRecommender

    I have implemented some reciprocal recommendation models (实现各种互惠推荐模型的算法库,2019-2020)

    phubin / AdvancedPythonPractice


    phubin / DPJF-MBS

    the code of our paper "Beyond Matching: Modeling Two-Sided Multi-Behavioral Sequences For Dynamic Person-Job Fit" (实现十多个人岗匹配模型和动态人岗匹配模型的算法库,2021)

    phubin / pytorch-practice


    phubin / AdvancedNLP

    I have implemented the common operations in NLP domain (实现NLP中各种常规操作,如分词、句法、命名实体识别、语义话题模型、爬虫、ElasticSearch和Faiss向量检索,huggingface-transformers完成各种任务,2023)

    phubin / D-FS

    The code of our paper "D-FS--A Novel Integration Method of Discretization and Feature Selection" (一种离散和特征选择集成方法,2017)

    phubin / FSDC

    The code of our paper "A Feature Selection Framework Based on Supervised Data Clustering" (一种基于有监督数据聚类的特征选择方法,2017)

    phubin / ReinforcementLearning

    I have implemented some Reinforcement Learning methods with Pytorch (实现一些强化学习模型的demo,2022)

    phubin / CollaborativeFilteringUsingTensorflow

    the code of our paper "Generalized Collaborative Personalized Ranking for Recommendation". I realize a Collaborative Filtering Framework using Tensorflow (基于TensorFlow实现的协同过滤推荐框架算法库,2018)

    phubin / CTRRecommenderModels

    I have surveyed the technology and papers of CTR & Recommender System, and implemented 25 common-used models with Pytorch for reusage. (对工业界学术界的CTR推荐调研并实现25个算法模型,2023)


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