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member_subscriber.go 4.19 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
zhouyp 提交于 2024-07-27 15:28 +08:00 . feat:视频管理-视频播放
// ==========================================================================
// Code generated and maintained by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT. Created at 2024-07-27 14:08:35
// ==========================================================================
package internal
import (
// MemberSubscriberDao is the data access object for table member_subscriber.
type MemberSubscriberDao struct {
table string // table is the underlying table name of the DAO.
group string // group is the database configuration group name of current DAO.
columns MemberSubscriberColumns // columns contains all the column names of Table for convenient usage.
// MemberSubscriberColumns defines and stores column names for table member_subscriber.
type MemberSubscriberColumns struct {
Id string // 会员订阅ID
SubscriberNo string // 订阅编号
Uid string // 用户ID
PayStatus string // 支付状态:0待支付,1已支付
Status string // 订阅状态:0待确认,1服务中,2服务完成,3取消服务,4已退款
PayCode string // 支付方式别名
PayName string // 支付方式名
DayFee string // 折扣每日单价=支付总额/订阅天数
SubTotalNum string // 订阅天数
PayFee string // 支付金额
RefundFee string // 退款金额
MbId string // 会员身份ID
MbName string // 会员身份名
SubStartDate string // 会员生效时间
SubEndDate string // 会员过期时间
PayAt string // 会员支付时间
TradeNo string // 商户交易支付号
PayNo string // 第三方支付交易号
RefundNo string // 第三方退款交易号
RefundAt string // 退款时间
Remark string // 备注
UpdateAt string // 更新时间
CreateAt string // 创建时间
// memberSubscriberColumns holds the columns for table member_subscriber.
var memberSubscriberColumns = MemberSubscriberColumns{
Id: "id",
SubscriberNo: "subscriber_no",
Uid: "uid",
PayStatus: "pay_status",
Status: "status",
PayCode: "pay_code",
PayName: "pay_name",
DayFee: "day_fee",
SubTotalNum: "sub_total_num",
PayFee: "pay_fee",
RefundFee: "refund_fee",
MbId: "mb_id",
MbName: "mb_name",
SubStartDate: "sub_start_date",
SubEndDate: "sub_end_date",
PayAt: "pay_at",
TradeNo: "trade_no",
PayNo: "pay_no",
RefundNo: "refund_no",
RefundAt: "refund_at",
Remark: "remark",
UpdateAt: "update_at",
CreateAt: "create_at",
// NewMemberSubscriberDao creates and returns a new DAO object for table data access.
func NewMemberSubscriberDao() *MemberSubscriberDao {
return &MemberSubscriberDao{
group: "default",
table: "member_subscriber",
columns: memberSubscriberColumns,
// DB retrieves and returns the underlying raw database management object of current DAO.
func (dao *MemberSubscriberDao) DB() gdb.DB {
return g.DB(dao.group)
// Table returns the table name of current dao.
func (dao *MemberSubscriberDao) Table() string {
return dao.table
// Columns returns all column names of current dao.
func (dao *MemberSubscriberDao) Columns() MemberSubscriberColumns {
return dao.columns
// Group returns the configuration group name of database of current dao.
func (dao *MemberSubscriberDao) Group() string {
return dao.group
// Ctx creates and returns the Model for current DAO, It automatically sets the context for current operation.
func (dao *MemberSubscriberDao) Ctx(ctx context.Context) *gdb.Model {
return dao.DB().Model(dao.table).Safe().Ctx(ctx)
// Transaction wraps the transaction logic using function f.
// It rollbacks the transaction and returns the error from function f if it returns non-nil error.
// It commits the transaction and returns nil if function f returns nil.
// Note that, you should not Commit or Rollback the transaction in function f
// as it is automatically handled by this function.
func (dao *MemberSubscriberDao) Transaction(ctx context.Context, f func(ctx context.Context, tx gdb.TX) error) (err error) {
return dao.Ctx(ctx).Transaction(ctx, f)
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