package main
import (
// _ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
var (
input string
output string
pkgName string
structs []string
func init() {
pkg.LoadEnv() // auto load has path issue
flagStructs := flag.String("structs", "", "[Required] The name of schema structs to generate structs for, comma separated\n")
flagInput := flag.String("input", "", "[Required] The name of the input file dir\n")
flagOutput := flag.String("output", "", "The name of the output file dir\n")
flagPkg := flag.String("pkg", "", "The name of the package, default is the same with the input module\n")
if *flagStructs == "" || *flagInput == "" {
structs = strings.Split(*flagStructs, ",")
input = *flagInput
if *flagOutput != "" {
output = *flagOutput
} else {
output = input
if *flagPkg != "" {
pkgName = *flagPkg
func main() {
mongo := os.Getenv("GO_GORM_MONGO")
log.Println("gormgen mongo:", mongo)
var template *template.Template
if mongo == "1" || mongo == "true" {
template = pkg.OutputTemplate_mongo
if strings.Contains(output, "/mysql/") {
output = strings.ReplaceAll(output, "/mysql/", "/mongo/")
} else {
template = pkg.OutputTemplate
gen := pkg.NewGenerator(input, output, pkgName, template)
p := pkg.NewParser(input)
if err := gen.ParserAST(p, structs).Generate().Format().Flush(); err != nil {
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