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蔡风华 / pdf

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page.go 22.99 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package pdf
import (
// A Page represent a single page in a PDF file.
// The methods interpret a Page dictionary stored in V.
type Page struct {
V Value
// Page returns the page for the given page number.
// Page numbers are indexed starting at 1, not 0.
// If the page is not found, Page returns a Page with p.V.IsNull().
func (r *Reader) Page(num int) Page {
num-- // now 0-indexed
page := r.Trailer().Key("Root").Key("Pages")
for page.Key("Type").Name() == "Pages" {
count := int(page.Key("Count").Int64())
if count < num {
return Page{}
kids := page.Key("Kids")
for i := 0; i < kids.Len(); i++ {
kid := kids.Index(i)
if kid.Key("Type").Name() == "Pages" {
c := int(kid.Key("Count").Int64())
if num < c {
page = kid
continue Search
num -= c
if kid.Key("Type").Name() == "Page" {
if num == 0 {
return Page{kid}
return Page{}
// NumPage returns the number of pages in the PDF file.
func (r *Reader) NumPage() int {
return int(r.Trailer().Key("Root").Key("Pages").Key("Count").Int64())
// GetPlainText returns all the text in the PDF file
func (r *Reader) GetPlainText() (reader io.Reader, err error) {
pages := r.NumPage()
var buf bytes.Buffer
fonts := make(map[string]*Font)
for i := 1; i <= pages; i++ {
p := r.Page(i)
for _, name := range p.Fonts() { // cache fonts so we don't continually parse charmap
if _, ok := fonts[name]; !ok {
f := p.Font(name)
fonts[name] = &f
text, err := p.GetPlainText(fonts)
if err != nil {
return &bytes.Buffer{}, err
return &buf, nil
func (p Page) findInherited(key string) Value {
for v := p.V; !v.IsNull(); v = v.Key("Parent") {
if r := v.Key(key); !r.IsNull() {
return r
return Value{}
func (p Page) MediaBox() Value {
return p.findInherited("MediaBox")
func (p Page) CropBox() Value {
return p.findInherited("CropBox")
// Resources returns the resources dictionary associated with the page.
func (p Page) Resources() Value {
return p.findInherited("Resources")
// Fonts returns a list of the fonts associated with the page.
func (p Page) Fonts() []string {
return p.Resources().Key("Font").Keys()
// Font returns the font with the given name associated with the page.
func (p Page) Font(name string) Font {
return Font{p.Resources().Key("Font").Key(name), nil}
// A Font represent a font in a PDF file.
// The methods interpret a Font dictionary stored in V.
type Font struct {
V Value
enc TextEncoding
// BaseFont returns the font's name (BaseFont property).
func (f Font) BaseFont() string {
return f.V.Key("BaseFont").Name()
// FirstChar returns the code point of the first character in the font.
func (f Font) FirstChar() int {
return int(f.V.Key("FirstChar").Int64())
// LastChar returns the code point of the last character in the font.
func (f Font) LastChar() int {
return int(f.V.Key("LastChar").Int64())
// Widths returns the widths of the glyphs in the font.
// In a well-formed PDF, len(f.Widths()) == f.LastChar()+1 - f.FirstChar().
func (f Font) Widths() []float64 {
x := f.V.Key("Widths")
var out []float64
for i := 0; i < x.Len(); i++ {
out = append(out, x.Index(i).Float64())
return out
// Width returns the width of the given code point.
func (f Font) Width(code int) float64 {
first := f.FirstChar()
last := f.LastChar()
if code < first || last < code {
return 0
return f.V.Key("Widths").Index(code - first).Float64()
// Encoder returns the encoding between font code point sequences and UTF-8.
func (f Font) Encoder() TextEncoding {
if f.enc == nil { // caching the Encoder so we don't have to continually parse charmap
f.enc = f.getEncoder()
return f.enc
func (f Font) getEncoder() TextEncoding {
enc := f.V.Key("Encoding")
switch enc.Kind() {
case Name:
switch enc.Name() {
case "WinAnsiEncoding":
return &byteEncoder{&winAnsiEncoding}
case "MacRomanEncoding":
return &byteEncoder{&macRomanEncoding}
case "Identity-H":
return f.charmapEncoding()
if DebugOn {
println("unknown encoding", enc.Name())
return &nopEncoder{}
case Dict:
return &dictEncoder{enc.Key("Differences")}
case Null:
return f.charmapEncoding()
if DebugOn {
println("unexpected encoding", enc.String())
return &nopEncoder{}
func (f *Font) charmapEncoding() TextEncoding {
toUnicode := f.V.Key("ToUnicode")
if toUnicode.Kind() == Stream {
m := readCmap(toUnicode)
if m == nil {
return &nopEncoder{}
return m
return &byteEncoder{&pdfDocEncoding}
type dictEncoder struct {
v Value
func (e *dictEncoder) Decode(raw string) (text string) {
r := make([]rune, 0, len(raw))
for i := 0; i < len(raw); i++ {
ch := rune(raw[i])
n := -1
for j := 0; j < e.v.Len(); j++ {
x := e.v.Index(j)
if x.Kind() == Integer {
n = int(x.Int64())
if x.Kind() == Name {
if int(raw[i]) == n {
r := nameToRune[x.Name()]
if r != 0 {
ch = r
r = append(r, ch)
return string(r)
// A TextEncoding represents a mapping between
// font code points and UTF-8 text.
type TextEncoding interface {
// Decode returns the UTF-8 text corresponding to
// the sequence of code points in raw.
Decode(raw string) (text string)
type nopEncoder struct {
func (e *nopEncoder) Decode(raw string) (text string) {
return raw
type byteEncoder struct {
table *[256]rune
func (e *byteEncoder) Decode(raw string) (text string) {
r := make([]rune, 0, len(raw))
for i := 0; i < len(raw); i++ {
r = append(r, e.table[raw[i]])
return string(r)
type byteRange struct {
low string
high string
type bfchar struct {
orig string
repl string
type bfrange struct {
lo string
hi string
dst Value
type cmap struct {
space [4][]byteRange // codespace range
bfrange []bfrange
bfchar []bfchar
func (m *cmap) Decode(raw string) (text string) {
var r []rune
for len(raw) > 0 {
for n := 1; n <= 4 && n <= len(raw); n++ { // number of digits in character replacement (1-4 possible)
for _, space := range m.space[n-1] { // find matching codespace Ranges for number of digits
if space.low <= raw[:n] && raw[:n] <= space.high { // see if value is in range
text := raw[:n]
raw = raw[n:]
for _, bfchar := range m.bfchar { // check for matching bfchar
if len(bfchar.orig) == n && bfchar.orig == text {
r = append(r, []rune(utf16Decode(bfchar.repl))...)
continue Parse
for _, bfrange := range m.bfrange { // check for matching bfrange
if len(bfrange.lo) == n && bfrange.lo <= text && text <= bfrange.hi {
if bfrange.dst.Kind() == String {
s := bfrange.dst.RawString()
if bfrange.lo != text { // value isn't at the beginning of the range so scale result
b := []byte(s)
b[len(b)-1] += text[len(text)-1] - bfrange.lo[len(bfrange.lo)-1] // increment last byte by difference
s = string(b)
r = append(r, []rune(utf16Decode(s))...)
continue Parse
if bfrange.dst.Kind() == Array {
n := text[len(text)-1] - bfrange.lo[len(bfrange.lo)-1]
v := bfrange.dst.Index(int(n))
if v.Kind() == String {
s := v.RawString()
r = append(r, []rune(utf16Decode(s))...)
continue Parse
if DebugOn {
fmt.Printf("array %v\n", bfrange.dst)
} else {
if DebugOn {
fmt.Printf("unknown dst %v\n", bfrange.dst)
r = append(r, noRune)
continue Parse
r = append(r, noRune)
continue Parse
if DebugOn {
println("no code space found")
r = append(r, noRune)
raw = raw[1:]
return string(r)
func readCmap(toUnicode Value) *cmap {
n := -1
var m cmap
ok := true
Interpret(toUnicode, func(stk *Stack, op string) {
if !ok {
switch op {
case "findresource":
stk.Pop() // category
stk.Pop() // key
case "begincmap":
case "endcmap":
case "begincodespacerange":
n = int(stk.Pop().Int64())
case "endcodespacerange":
if n < 0 {
if DebugOn {
println("missing begincodespacerange")
ok = false
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
hi, lo := stk.Pop().RawString(), stk.Pop().RawString()
if len(lo) == 0 || len(lo) != len(hi) {
if DebugOn {
println("bad codespace range")
ok = false
m.space[len(lo)-1] = append(m.space[len(lo)-1], byteRange{lo, hi})
n = -1
case "beginbfchar":
n = int(stk.Pop().Int64())
case "endbfchar":
if n < 0 {
panic("missing beginbfchar")
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
repl, orig := stk.Pop().RawString(), stk.Pop().RawString()
m.bfchar = append(m.bfchar, bfchar{orig, repl})
case "beginbfrange":
n = int(stk.Pop().Int64())
case "endbfrange":
if n < 0 {
panic("missing beginbfrange")
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
dst, srcHi, srcLo := stk.Pop(), stk.Pop().RawString(), stk.Pop().RawString()
m.bfrange = append(m.bfrange, bfrange{srcLo, srcHi, dst})
case "defineresource":
stk.Pop().Name() // category
value := stk.Pop()
stk.Pop().Name() // key
if DebugOn {
println("interp\t", op)
if !ok {
return nil
return &m
type matrix [3][3]float64
var ident = matrix{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}
func (x matrix) mul(y matrix) matrix {
var z matrix
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
for k := 0; k < 3; k++ {
z[i][j] += x[i][k] * y[k][j]
return z
// A Text represents a single piece of text drawn on a page.
type Text struct {
Font string // the font used
FontSize float64 // the font size, in points (1/72 of an inch)
X float64 // the X coordinate, in points, increasing left to right
Y float64 // the Y coordinate, in points, increasing bottom to top
W float64 // the width of the text, in points
S string // the actual UTF-8 text
// A Rect represents a rectangle.
type Rect struct {
Min, Max Point
// A Point represents an X, Y pair.
type Point struct {
X float64
Y float64
// Content describes the basic content on a page: the text and any drawn rectangles.
type Content struct {
Text []Text
Rect []Rect
type gstate struct {
Tc float64
Tw float64
Th float64
Tl float64
Tf Font
Tfs float64
Tmode int
Trise float64
Tm matrix
Tlm matrix
Trm matrix
CTM matrix
// GetPlainText returns the page's all text without format.
// fonts can be passed in (to improve parsing performance) or left nil
func (p Page) GetPlainText(fonts map[string]*Font) (result string, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
result = ""
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprint(r))
strm := p.V.Key("Contents")
var enc TextEncoding = &nopEncoder{}
if fonts == nil {
fonts = make(map[string]*Font)
for _, font := range p.Fonts() {
f := p.Font(font)
fonts[font] = &f
var textBuilder bytes.Buffer
showText := func(s string) {
for _, ch := range enc.Decode(s) {
_, err := textBuilder.WriteRune(ch)
if err != nil {
Interpret(strm, func(stk *Stack, op string) {
n := stk.Len()
args := make([]Value, n)
for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
args[i] = stk.Pop()
switch op {
case "T*": // move to start of next line
case "Tf": // set text font and size
if len(args) != 2 {
panic("bad TL")
if font, ok := fonts[args[0].Name()]; ok {
enc = font.Encoder()
} else {
enc = &nopEncoder{}
case "\"": // set spacing, move to next line, and show text
if len(args) != 3 {
panic("bad \" operator")
case "'": // move to next line and show text
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad ' operator")
case "Tj": // show text
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad Tj operator")
case "TJ": // show text, allowing individual glyph positioning
v := args[0]
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
x := v.Index(i)
if x.Kind() == String {
return textBuilder.String(), nil
// Column represents the contents of a column
type Column struct {
Position int64
Content TextVertical
// Columns is a list of column
type Columns []*Column
// GetTextByColumn returns the page's all text grouped by column
func (p Page) GetTextByColumn() (Columns, error) {
result := Columns{}
var err error
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
result = Columns{}
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprint(r))
showText := func(enc TextEncoding, currentX, currentY float64, s string) {
var textBuilder bytes.Buffer
for _, ch := range enc.Decode(s) {
_, err := textBuilder.WriteRune(ch)
if err != nil {
text := Text{
S: textBuilder.String(),
X: currentX,
Y: currentY,
var currentColumn *Column
columnFound := false
for _, column := range result {
if int64(currentX) == column.Position {
currentColumn = column
columnFound = true
if !columnFound {
currentColumn = &Column{
Position: int64(currentX),
Content: TextVertical{},
result = append(result, currentColumn)
currentColumn.Content = append(currentColumn.Content, text)
for _, column := range result {
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return result[i].Position < result[j].Position
return result, err
// Row represents the contents of a row
type Row struct {
Position int64
Content TextHorizontal
// Rows is a list of rows
type Rows []*Row
// GetTextByRow returns the page's all text grouped by rows
func (p Page) GetTextByRow() (Rows, error) {
result := Rows{}
var err error
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
result = Rows{}
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprint(r))
showText := func(enc TextEncoding, currentX, currentY float64, s string) {
var textBuilder bytes.Buffer
for _, ch := range enc.Decode(s) {
_, err := textBuilder.WriteRune(ch)
if err != nil {
// if DebugOn {
// fmt.Println(textBuilder.String())
// }
text := Text{
S: textBuilder.String(),
X: currentX,
Y: currentY,
var currentRow *Row
rowFound := false
for _, row := range result {
if int64(currentY) == row.Position {
currentRow = row
rowFound = true
if !rowFound {
currentRow = &Row{
Position: int64(currentY),
Content: TextHorizontal{},
result = append(result, currentRow)
currentRow.Content = append(currentRow.Content, text)
for _, row := range result {
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return result[i].Position > result[j].Position
return result, err
func (p Page) walkTextBlocks(walker func(enc TextEncoding, x, y float64, s string)) {
strm := p.V.Key("Contents")
fonts := make(map[string]*Font)
for _, font := range p.Fonts() {
f := p.Font(font)
fonts[font] = &f
var enc TextEncoding = &nopEncoder{}
var currentX, currentY float64
Interpret(strm, func(stk *Stack, op string) {
n := stk.Len()
args := make([]Value, n)
for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
args[i] = stk.Pop()
// if DebugOn {
// fmt.Println(op, "->", args)
// }
switch op {
case "T*": // move to start of next line
case "Tf": // set text font and size
if len(args) != 2 {
panic("bad TL")
if font, ok := fonts[args[0].Name()]; ok {
enc = font.Encoder()
} else {
enc = &nopEncoder{}
case "\"": // set spacing, move to next line, and show text
if len(args) != 3 {
panic("bad \" operator")
case "'": // move to next line and show text
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad ' operator")
case "Tj": // show text
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad Tj operator")
walker(enc, currentX, currentY, args[0].RawString())
case "TJ": // show text, allowing individual glyph positioning
v := args[0]
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
x := v.Index(i)
if x.Kind() == String {
walker(enc, currentX, currentY, x.RawString())
case "Td":
walker(enc, currentX, currentY, "")
case "Tm":
currentX = args[4].Float64()
currentY = args[5].Float64()
// Content returns the page's content.
func (p Page) Content() Content {
strm := p.V.Key("Contents")
var enc TextEncoding = &nopEncoder{}
var g = gstate{
Th: 1,
CTM: ident,
var text []Text
showText := func(s string) {
n := 0
decoded := enc.Decode(s)
for _, ch := range decoded {
var w0 float64
if n < len(s) {
w0 = g.Tf.Width(int(s[n]))
f := g.Tf.BaseFont()
if i := strings.Index(f, "+"); i >= 0 {
f = f[i+1:]
Trm := matrix{{g.Tfs * g.Th, 0, 0}, {0, g.Tfs, 0}, {0, g.Trise, 1}}.mul(g.Tm).mul(g.CTM)
text = append(text, Text{f, Trm[0][0], Trm[2][0], Trm[2][1], w0 / 1000 * Trm[0][0], string(ch)})
tx := w0/1000*g.Tfs + g.Tc
tx *= g.Th
g.Tm = matrix{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {tx, 0, 1}}.mul(g.Tm)
var rect []Rect
var gstack []gstate
Interpret(strm, func(stk *Stack, op string) {
n := stk.Len()
args := make([]Value, n)
for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
args[i] = stk.Pop()
switch op {
// if DebugOn {
// fmt.Println(op, args)
// }
case "cm": // update g.CTM
if len(args) != 6 {
panic("bad g.Tm")
var m matrix
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
m[i/2][i%2] = args[i].Float64()
m[2][2] = 1
g.CTM = m.mul(g.CTM)
case "gs": // set parameters from graphics state resource
//gs := p.Resources().Key("ExtGState").Key(args[0].Name())
//font := gs.Key("Font")
//if font.Kind() == Array && font.Len() == 2 {
// if DebugOn {
// fmt.Println("FONT", font)
// }
case "f": // fill
case "g": // setgray
case "l": // lineto
case "m": // moveto
case "cs": // set colorspace non-stroking
case "scn": // set color non-stroking
case "re": // append rectangle to path
if len(args) != 4 {
panic("bad re")
x, y, w, h := args[0].Float64(), args[1].Float64(), args[2].Float64(), args[3].Float64()
rect = append(rect, Rect{Point{x, y}, Point{x + w, y + h}})
case "q": // save graphics state
gstack = append(gstack, g)
case "Q": // restore graphics state
n := len(gstack) - 1
g = gstack[n]
gstack = gstack[:n]
case "BT": // begin text (reset text matrix and line matrix)
g.Tm = ident
g.Tlm = g.Tm
case "ET": // end text
case "T*": // move to start of next line
x := matrix{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, -g.Tl, 1}}
g.Tlm = x.mul(g.Tlm)
g.Tm = g.Tlm
case "Tc": // set character spacing
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad g.Tc")
g.Tc = args[0].Float64()
case "TD": // move text position and set leading
if len(args) != 2 {
panic("bad Td")
g.Tl = -args[1].Float64()
case "Td": // move text position
if len(args) != 2 {
panic("bad Td")
tx := args[0].Float64()
ty := args[1].Float64()
x := matrix{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {tx, ty, 1}}
g.Tlm = x.mul(g.Tlm)
g.Tm = g.Tlm
case "Tf": // set text font and size
if len(args) != 2 {
panic("bad TL")
f := args[0].Name()
g.Tf = p.Font(f)
enc = g.Tf.Encoder()
if enc == nil {
if DebugOn {
println("no cmap for", f)
enc = &nopEncoder{}
g.Tfs = args[1].Float64()
case "\"": // set spacing, move to next line, and show text
if len(args) != 3 {
panic("bad \" operator")
g.Tw = args[0].Float64()
g.Tc = args[1].Float64()
args = args[2:]
case "'": // move to next line and show text
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad ' operator")
x := matrix{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, -g.Tl, 1}}
g.Tlm = x.mul(g.Tlm)
g.Tm = g.Tlm
case "Tj": // show text
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad Tj operator")
case "TJ": // show text, allowing individual glyph positioning
v := args[0]
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
x := v.Index(i)
if x.Kind() == String {
} else {
tx := -x.Float64() / 1000 * g.Tfs * g.Th
g.Tm = matrix{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {tx, 0, 1}}.mul(g.Tm)
case "TL": // set text leading
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad TL")
g.Tl = args[0].Float64()
case "Tm": // set text matrix and line matrix
if len(args) != 6 {
panic("bad g.Tm")
var m matrix
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
m[i/2][i%2] = args[i].Float64()
m[2][2] = 1
g.Tm = m
g.Tlm = m
case "Tr": // set text rendering mode
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad Tr")
g.Tmode = int(args[0].Int64())
case "Ts": // set text rise
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad Ts")
g.Trise = args[0].Float64()
case "Tw": // set word spacing
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad g.Tw")
g.Tw = args[0].Float64()
case "Tz": // set horizontal text scaling
if len(args) != 1 {
panic("bad Tz")
g.Th = args[0].Float64() / 100
return Content{text, rect}
// TextVertical implements sort.Interface for sorting
// a slice of Text values in vertical order, top to bottom,
// and then left to right within a line.
type TextVertical []Text
func (x TextVertical) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x TextVertical) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x TextVertical) Less(i, j int) bool {
if x[i].Y != x[j].Y {
return x[i].Y > x[j].Y
return x[i].X < x[j].X
// TextHorizontal implements sort.Interface for sorting
// a slice of Text values in horizontal order, left to right,
// and then top to bottom within a column.
type TextHorizontal []Text
func (x TextHorizontal) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x TextHorizontal) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x TextHorizontal) Less(i, j int) bool {
if x[i].X != x[j].X {
return x[i].X < x[j].X
return x[i].Y > x[j].Y
// An Outline is a tree describing the outline (also known as the table of contents)
// of a document.
type Outline struct {
Title string // title for this element
Child []Outline // child elements
// Outline returns the document outline.
// The Outline returned is the root of the outline tree and typically has no Title itself.
// That is, the children of the returned root are the top-level entries in the outline.
func (r *Reader) Outline() Outline {
return buildOutline(r.Trailer().Key("Root").Key("Outlines"))
func buildOutline(entry Value) Outline {
var x Outline
x.Title = entry.Key("Title").Text()
for child := entry.Key("First"); child.Kind() == Dict; child = child.Key("Next") {
x.Child = append(x.Child, buildOutline(child))
return x
