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ckbabby / gopdf

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report.go 15.72 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ckbabby 提交于 2020-09-09 15:39 . 9-09
package core
import (
const (
// A PDF page is divided into three parts, the header(Header), the footer(Footer) and
// the main body(Detail).
// Each part has its own executor. The main actuator is necessary because it is the most
// important content that constitutes the PDF page.
Header = "Header"
Footer = "Footer"
Detail = "Detail"
// flags
Flag_AutoAddNewPage = "AutoAddNewPage"
Flag_ResetPageNo = "ResetPageNo"
var (
rline *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
rline, _ = regexp.Compile(`^[01]+$`)
type pageMark struct {
lineNo int
pageNo int
type Executor func(report *Report)
type CallBack func(report *Report)
type Report struct {
FisrtPageNeedHeader bool // Wheather the first page need to execute the header
FisrtPageNeedFooter bool // Wheather the first page need to execute the header
Vars map[string]string
converter *Converter // converter engine (connect with third-party libraries)
config *Config // PDF page config
currX, currY float64 // position
executors map[string]*Executor // executors, include Header, Detail, and Footer
flags map[string]bool // Mark (automatic paging and reset page number)
pageNo int // Record the number of pages of the current Page
linew float64 // line width
// page info
pageWidth, pageHeight float64
contentWidth, contentHeight float64
pageStartX, pageStartY float64
pageEndX, pageEndY float64
// Callback function, executed after PDF generation
callbacks []CallBack
func CreateReport() *Report {
report := new(Report)
report.converter = new(Converter)
report.Vars = make(map[string]string)
report.executors = make(map[string]*Executor)
report.callbacks = make([]CallBack, 0)
report.flags = make(map[string]bool)
report.flags[Flag_AutoAddNewPage] = false
report.flags[Flag_ResetPageNo] = false
return report
func (report *Report) NoCompression() {
Compression level:
-2: Only Huffman compression is used,
-1: Default value, compression level 6
0: Not compress,
1: The fastest compression, but the compression ratio is not the best
9: Maximum compression, but the execution efficiency is also the slowest
func (report *Report) CompressLevel(level int) {
// Execute, execute Executors and generate PDF file
func (report *Report) Execute(filepath string) {
if report.config == nil {
panic("please set page config")
for i := range report.callbacks {
// GetBytesPdf, get PDF file content
func (report *Report) GetBytesPdf() (ret []byte) {
if report.config == nil {
panic("please set page config")
ret = report.converter.GetBytesPdf()
// LoadCellsFromText, generate PDF file from cells file
func (report *Report) LoadCellsFromText(filepath string) error {
return report.converter.ReadFile(filepath)
func (report *Report) execute(exec bool) {
if exec {
// execute the first page header
report.pageNo = 1
report.currX, report.currY = report.GetPageStartXY()
report.addAtomicCell("v|PAGE|" + strconv.Itoa(report.pageNo))
// execute the last page footer
// pagination
func (report *Report) executePageFooter() {
if !report.FisrtPageNeedFooter {
report.FisrtPageNeedFooter = true
curX, curY := report.GetXY()
report.currY = report.config.endY
report.currX = report.config.startX
h := report.executors[Footer]
if h != nil {
report.SetXY(curX, curY)
func (report *Report) executePageHeader() {
if !report.FisrtPageNeedHeader {
report.FisrtPageNeedHeader = true
curX, curY := report.GetXY()
report.currY = 0
report.currX = report.config.startX
h := report.executors[Header]
if h != nil {
report.SetXY(curX, curY)
func (report *Report) executeDetail() {
h := report.executors[Detail]
if h != nil {
if report.flags[Flag_AutoAddNewPage] {
report.flags[Flag_AutoAddNewPage] = false
report.flags[Flag_ResetPageNo] = false
// 分页, 只有一个页面的PDF没有此操作
func (report *Report) pagination() {
lines := report.converter.GetAutomicCells()
list := new(List)
// 第一次遍历单元格, 确定需要创建的PDF页
for i, line := range lines {
if len(line) < 8 {
if line[0:7] == "v|PAGE|" {
h := new(pageMark)
h.lineNo = i
h.pageNo = parseIntPanic(line[7:], line)
//fmt.Printf("hist %v \n", h)
// 第二次遍历单元格, 检查 TotalPage
for i, line := range lines {
if strings.Index(line, "{#TotalPage#}") > -1 {
total := report.getpageNoBylineNo(i, list)
//fmt.Printf("total :%v\n", total)
lines[i] = strings.Replace(lines[i], "{#TotalPage#}", strconv.Itoa(total), -1)
cells := make([]string, 0)
for _, line := range lines {
cells = append(cells, line)
// 获取 lineNo 对应的 pageNo
func (report *Report) getpageNoBylineNo(lineNo int, list *List) int {
count := 0
page := 0
// 遍历到当前的lineNo, 当前的count记录的是list的索引
for i, l := range list.GetAsArray() {
if l.(*pageMark).lineNo >= lineNo {
count = i
// 从新的页面开始, 得到页面号码
for i := count; i < list.Size(); i++ {
pageNo := list.Get(i).(*pageMark).pageNo // 当前item的页号
if pageNo <= page {
return page
page = pageNo
//fmt.Printf("page :%v\n", page)
return page
// 设置可用字体
func (report *Report) SetFonts(fmap []*FontMap) {
report.converter.fonts = fmap
// 获取当前页面编号
func (report *Report) GetCurrentPageNo() int {
return report.pageNo
// 添加新的页面
func (report *Report) AddNewPage(resetpageNo bool) {
report.addAtomicCell("NP") // 构建新的页面
if resetpageNo {
report.pageNo = 1
} else {
report.addAtomicCell("v|PAGE|" + strconv.Itoa(report.pageNo))
func (report *Report) RegisterExecutor(execuror Executor, name string) {
report.executors[name] = &execuror
func (report *Report) GetConfig() Config {
config := *report.config
return config
func (report *Report) GetPageEndXY() (x, y float64) {
return report.pageEndX, report.pageEndY
func (report *Report) GetPageStartXY() (x, y float64) {
return report.pageStartX, report.pageStartY
func (report *Report) GetContentWidthAndHeight() (width, height float64) {
return report.contentWidth, report.contentHeight
// currX, currY, 坐标
func (report *Report) SetXY(currX, currY float64) {
if currX > 0 {
report.currX = currX
if currY > 0 {
report.currY = currY
func (report *Report) GetXY() (x, y float64) {
return report.currX, report.currY
func (report *Report) SetMargin(dx, dy float64) {
x, y := report.GetXY()
report.SetXY(x+dx, y+dy)
// 设置页面的尺寸, unit: mm pt in size: A4 LTR, 目前支持常用的两种方式
func (report *Report) SetPage(size string, orientation string) {
unit := "pt"
config, ok := defaultConfigs[size]
if !ok {
panic("the config not exists, please add config")
switch size {
case "A4":
switch orientation {
case "P":
report.addAtomicCell("P|" + unit + "|A4|P")
report.pageWidth = config.width
report.pageHeight = config.height
case "L":
report.addAtomicCell("P|" + unit + "|A4|L")
report.pageWidth = config.height
report.pageHeight = config.width
case "LTR":
switch orientation {
case "P":
report.pageWidth = config.width
report.pageHeight = config.height
report.addAtomicCell("P|" + unit + "|" + strconv.FormatFloat(report.pageWidth, 'f', 4, 64) +
"|" + strconv.FormatFloat(report.pageHeight, 'f', 4, 64))
case "L":
report.pageWidth = config.height
report.pageHeight = config.width
report.addAtomicCell("P |" + unit + "|" + strconv.FormatFloat(report.pageWidth, 'f', 4, 64) +
"|" + strconv.FormatFloat(report.pageHeight, 'f', 4, 64))
report.contentWidth = config.contentWidth
report.contentHeight = config.contentHeight
report.pageStartX = config.startX
report.pageStartY = config.startY
report.pageEndX = config.endX
report.pageEndY = config.endY
report.config = config
// 获取底层的所有的原子单元内容
func (report *Report) GetAtomicCells() *[]string {
cells := report.converter.GetAutomicCells()
return &cells
// 保存原子操作单元
func (report *Report) SaveAtomicCellText(filepath string) {
cells := report.converter.GetAutomicCells()
text := strings.Join(cells, "\n")
ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte(text), os.ModePerm)
// 计算文本宽度, 必须先调用 SetFontWithStyle() 或者 SetFont()
func (report *Report) MeasureTextWidth(text string) float64 {
return report.converter.MeasureTextWidth(text)
// 设置当前文本字体, 先注册,后设置
func (report *Report) SetFontWithStyle(family, style string, size int) {
report.converter.SetFont(family, style, size)
report.addAtomicCell("F|" + family + "|" + style + "|" + strconv.Itoa(size))
func (report *Report) SetFont(family string, size int) {
report.converter.SetFont(family, "", size)
report.addAtomicCell("F|" + family + "|" + "" + "|" + strconv.Itoa(size))
func (report *Report) AddCallBack(callback CallBack) {
report.callbacks = append(report.callbacks, callback)
func (report *Report) addAtomicCell(s string) {
// 注册当前字体
func (report *Report) Font(fontName string, size int, style string) {
report.addAtomicCell("F|" + fontName + "|" + style + "|" + strconv.Itoa(size))
// 写入字符串内容
func (report *Report) Cell(x float64, y float64, content string) {
report.addAtomicCell("CL|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" + content)
func (report *Report) CellRight(x float64, y float64, w float64, content string) {
report.addAtomicCell("CR|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" +
util.Ftoa(w) + "|" + content)
func (report *Report) CellGray(x float64, y float64, content string, grayScale float64) {
report.addAtomicCell("CL|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" + content)
// 划线
func (report *Report) LineType(ltype string, width float64) {
report.linew = width
report.addAtomicCell("LT|" + ltype + "|" + util.Ftoa(width))
func (report *Report) Line(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) {
report.addAtomicCell("L|" + util.Ftoa(x1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(x2) +
"|" + util.Ftoa(y2))
func (report *Report) LineH(x1 float64, y float64, x2 float64) {
adj := report.linew * 0.5
report.addAtomicCell("LH|" + util.Ftoa(x1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y+adj) + "|" + util.Ftoa(x2))
func (report *Report) LineV(x float64, y1 float64, y2 float64) {
adj := report.linew * 0.5
report.addAtomicCell("LV|" + util.Ftoa(x+adj) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y2))
// 画特定的图形, 目前支持: 长方形, 椭圆两大类
func (report *Report) Rect(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) {
report.addAtomicCell("R|" + util.Ftoa(x1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(x2) +
"|" + util.Ftoa(y2))
func (report *Report) Oval(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) {
report.addAtomicCell("O|" + util.Ftoa(x1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(x2) +
"|" + util.Ftoa(y2))
// 设置当前的字体颜色, 线条颜色
func (report *Report) TextDefaultColor() {
report.addAtomicCell("TC|" + strconv.Itoa(1) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(1) +
"|" + strconv.Itoa(1))
func (report *Report) LineDefaultColor() {
report.addAtomicCell("LC|" + strconv.Itoa(1) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(1) +
"|" + strconv.Itoa(1))
func (report *Report) TextColor(red int, green int, blue int) {
report.addAtomicCell("TC|" + strconv.Itoa(red) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(green) +
"|" + strconv.Itoa(blue))
func (report *Report) LineColor(red int, green int, blue int) {
report.addAtomicCell("LC|" + strconv.Itoa(red) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(green) +
"|" + strconv.Itoa(blue))
// bgcolor: background color. style is "r,g,b", eg. "1,1,1" is black
// lines: whether border lines are needed. eg, "0000" is not needed, "1111" is needed, "0110" is
// required for TOP, RIGHT lines.
// lcolor: line color, style is "r,g,b", eg. "1,1,1" is black
func (report *Report) BackgroundColor(x, y, w, h float64, bgcolor string, lines string, lcolor ...string) {
if !rline.MatchString(lines) {
lines = "0000"
if len(lines) == 1 {
lines = strings.Repeat(lines, 4)
if len(lines) == 2 {
lines = strings.Repeat(lines, 2)
if len(lines) == 3 {
lines += "0"
bgred, bggreen, bgblue := util.RGB(bgcolor)
var lred, lgreen, lblue = 1, 1, 1
if lcolor != nil {
lred, lgreen, lblue = util.RGB(lcolor[0])
report.addAtomicCell("BC|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" + util.Ftoa(w) + "|" +
util.Ftoa(h) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(bgred) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(bggreen) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(bgblue) + "|" + lines + "|" +
strconv.Itoa(lred) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(lgreen) + "|" + strconv.Itoa(lblue))
// 线条灰度
func (report *Report) LineGrayColor(x, y float64, w, h float64, gray float64) {
if gray < 0 || gray > 1 {
gray = 0.85
report.LineType("straight", h)
report.LineH(x, y, x+w)
report.LineType("straight", 0.01)
// 只用于划线
func (report *Report) grayStroke(grayScale float64) {
if grayScale > 1.0 || grayScale < 0.0 {
grayScale = 0
report.addAtomicCell("GS|" + util.Ftoa(grayScale))
// 只用于文本
func (report *Report) grayFill(grayScale float64) {
if grayScale > 1.0 || grayScale < 0.0 {
grayScale = 0
report.addAtomicCell("GF|" + util.Ftoa(grayScale))
// 图片
func (report *Report) Image(path string, x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) {
report.addAtomicCell("I|" + path + "|" + util.Ftoa(x1) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y1) + "|" +
util.Ftoa(x2) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y2))
// 添加变量
func (report *Report) Var(name string, val string) {
report.addAtomicCell("V|" + name + "|" + val)
// 外部链接
func (report *Report) ExternalLink(x, y, th float64, content, link string) {
tw := report.MeasureTextWidth(content)
if x+tw > report.config.endX {
tw = report.config.endX - x
report.addAtomicCell("EL|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" + util.Ftoa(tw) + "|" + util.Ftoa(th) + "|" +
content + "|" + link)
report.SetXY(x+tw, y)
func (report *Report) InternalLinkAnchor(x, y, th float64, content, anchor string) {
tw := report.MeasureTextWidth(content)
if x+tw > report.config.endX {
tw = report.config.endX - x
report.addAtomicCell("ILA|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" + util.Ftoa(tw) + "|" + util.Ftoa(th) + "|" +
content + "|" + anchor)
report.SetXY(x+tw, y)
func (report *Report) InternalLinkLink(x, y float64, content, anchor string) {
tw := report.MeasureTextWidth(content)
if x+tw > report.config.endX {
tw = report.config.endX - x
report.addAtomicCell("ILL|" + util.Ftoa(x) + "|" + util.Ftoa(y) + "|" + util.Ftoa(tw) + "|" + content + "|" + anchor)
report.SetXY(x+tw, y)
