

cNull 暂无简介

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Forks 暂停/关闭的

    cNull / janus-client

    c/c++ webrtc native janus client Qt opengl

    cNull / janus-gateway

    Janus WebRTC Server

    cNull / libwebsockets

    canonical networking library

    cNull / YUVplayer

    Modified from a sourceforge project

    cNull / ffmpeg_video_combine

    本程序实现了对多路视频进行合并实现分屏效果,并且可以添加不同的视频滤镜。This program can combine multiple input videos and output one video which implementing a mutli-screen display, you can also add different filters for each input.

    cNull / live_beautiful_camera_streaming

    In the windows operating system, using a regular USB camera, image acquisition and beauty, and the result is encoded into H264 format push RTMP server sent to live

    cNull / openssl

    TLS/SSL and crypto library

    cNull / cpr

    C++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests

    cNull / mongoose

    Mongoose Embedded Web Server Library - Mongoose is more than an embedded webserver. It is a multi-protocol embedded networking library with functions including TCP, HTTP client and server, WebSocket client and server, MQTT client and broker and much more.

    cNull / mediasoup-broadcaster-demo

    mediasoup broadcaster demo (libmediasoupclient)

    cNull / mediasoup-client

    mediasoup client side JavaScript library

    cNull / licode-windows-1

    cNull / mediasoup-ios-client

    Mediasoup 3 iOS Client

    cNull / TRTCSDK


    cNull / licode

    Open Source Communication Provider based on WebRTC and Cloud technologies

    cNull / mediasoup

    Cutting Edge WebRTC Video Conferencing

    cNull / WiLearning

    Multiparty meeting&e-learning using mediasoup, webrtc ,angular and ionic with powerful whiteboard support

    cNull / mediasoup-demo

    mediasoup official demo application

    cNull / libmediasoupclient

    mediasoup client side C++ library

    cNull / licode-windows

    licode windows server and client
