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Joshua Conero/uymas

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time_parse.go 5.53 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package str
import (
func TimeParse(tmStr string) (time.Time, error) {
layout, err := TimeParseLayout(tmStr)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return time.Parse(layout, tmStr)
type TimeLayoutDetector struct {
input string
layout string
// HH:ii:ss
func (c *TimeLayoutDetector) timeDetect(tm string) string {
var layout string
if tm == "" {
return layout
tmSpl := ":"
// time
if strings.Index(tm, tmSpl) > -1 {
for j, ss := range strings.Split(tm, tmSpl) {
ssLn := len(ss)
if j == 0 {
if ssLn == 2 {
layout += "15"
} else if ssLn == 1 {
layout += "3"
} else if j == 1 {
if ssLn == 2 {
layout += tmSpl + "04"
} else if ssLn == 1 {
layout += tmSpl + "4"
} else if j == 2 {
if ssLn == 2 {
layout += tmSpl + "05"
} else if ssLn == 1 {
layout += tmSpl + "5"
return layout
// yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii:ss
// yyyy/mm/dd HH:ii:ss
func (c *TimeLayoutDetector) layoutFmt1(spl string) string {
tmStr := c.input
var layout string
var layoutQueue []string
// yyyy-mm-dd
if strings.Index(tmStr, spl) == -1 {
return layout
for idx, s := range strings.Split(tmStr, spl) {
sLen := len(s)
if idx == 0 { // yyyy|yy
if sLen == 4 {
layoutQueue = append(layoutQueue, "2006")
} else {
layoutQueue = append(layoutQueue, "06")
} else if idx == 1 {
if sLen == 1 {
layoutQueue = append(layoutQueue, "1")
} else {
layoutQueue = append(layoutQueue, "01")
} else if idx == 2 { // Is there a time format present
if sLen == 1 {
layoutQueue = append(layoutQueue, "2")
} else {
spanSpl := " "
var dayStr = s
var tStr = s
var part3 string
cIdx := strings.Index(s, spanSpl)
if cIdx > -1 {
dayStr = s[:cIdx]
tStr = s[cIdx+1:]
dayStrLen := len(dayStr)
if dayStrLen == 2 {
part3 += "02"
} else if dayStrLen == 1 {
part3 += "2"
tmLayout := c.timeDetect(tStr)
if tmLayout != "" {
if cIdx > -1 {
tmLayout = spanSpl + tmLayout
part3 += tmLayout
layoutQueue = append(layoutQueue, part3)
return strings.Join(layoutQueue, spl)
// yyyymmdd
func (c *TimeLayoutDetector) layoutFmt2() string {
input := c.input
var layout string
isMatched, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^(\d{2}|\d{4})\d*(\s?\d*)?$`, input)
if !isMatched {
return ""
spaceSpl := " "
idx := strings.Index(input, spaceSpl)
var dtStr, tmStr string = input, ""
if idx > -1 {
dtStr = input[:idx]
tmStr = input[idx+1:]
// date detected
rIdx := 0
for {
dtLn := len(dtStr)
if rIdx == 0 {
if dtLn == 8 {
layout = "20060102"
} else if dtLn == 6 && tmStr == "" {
layout = "060102"
} else if dtLn >= 4 {
layout += "2006"
dtStr = dtStr[4:]
} else if rIdx == 1 {
if dtLn >= 2 {
layout += "01"
dtStr = dtStr[2:]
} else if rIdx == 2 {
if dtLn >= 2 {
layout += "02"
dtStr = dtStr[:2]
} else {
rIdx += 1
// time detected
if tmStr != "" {
if idx > -1 {
layout += " "
rIdx = 0
for {
tmLn := len(tmStr)
if rIdx == 0 {
if tmLn == 6 {
layout += "150405"
} else if tmLn >= 2 {
layout += "15"
tmStr = tmStr[2:]
} else if rIdx == 1 {
if tmLn >= 2 {
layout += "04"
tmStr = tmStr[2:]
} else if rIdx == 2 {
if tmLn >= 2 {
layout += "05"
tmStr = tmStr[2:]
} else {
rIdx += 1
return layout
// yyyy年mm月dd日
func (c *TimeLayoutDetector) layoutFmt3() string {
input := c.input
var layout string
isMatched, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^(\d{2}|\d{4})年(\d{1,2}月)?(\d{1,2}日?)?$`, input)
if !isMatched {
return ""
// year
splYear := "年"
queue := strings.Split(input, splYear)
yearVal := queue[0]
vLn := len(yearVal)
if vLn == 4 {
layout += "2006年"
} else if vLn == 2 {
layout += "06年"
input = queue[1]
// month
splMon := "月"
queue = strings.Split(input, splMon)
val := queue[0]
ln := len(val)
if ln == 2 {
layout += "01月"
} else if vLn == 2 {
layout += "1月"
if len(queue) > 1 {
input = queue[1]
} else {
input = ""
// month
splMon = "日"
queue = strings.Split(input, splMon)
val = queue[0]
ln = len(val)
if ln == 2 {
layout += "02"
} else if vLn == 2 {
layout += "2"
if strings.Index(input, splMon) > -1 {
layout += "日"
return layout
func (c *TimeLayoutDetector) Parse() (string, error) {
c.layout = ""
if c.input == "" {
return "", errors.New("输入的日期格式为空,解析失败!")
var lot string
if lot = c.layoutFmt1("-"); lot != "" {
c.layout = lot
return lot, nil
} else if lot = c.layoutFmt1("/"); lot != "" {
c.layout = lot
return lot, nil
} else if lot = c.layoutFmt2(); lot != "" {
c.layout = lot
return lot, nil
} else if lot = c.layoutFmt3(); lot != "" {
c.layout = lot
return lot, nil
return "", errors.New("日期格式失败!")
func (c *TimeLayoutDetector) Layout() string {
return c.layout
func NewTimeLotDtr(tmStr string) *TimeLayoutDetector {
return &TimeLayoutDetector{
input: tmStr,
// TimeParseLayout Resolve the given time format into (convert to) standard format.
// The supported formats are as follows(time can be missing):
// - 2006-01-02 15:04:06
// - 2006-01-02
// - 2006-1-2
// - 2006/01/02 15:04:06
// - 2006年01月02日 15:04:06
// - 20060102 15:04:06
func TimeParseLayout(tmStr string) (string, error) {
tld := NewTimeLotDtr(tmStr)
return tld.Parse()
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