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shape.go 7.52 KB
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lijunwei123 提交于 2015-06-16 13:16 . change package path
package api
import (
// A ShapeRef defines the usage of a shape within the API.
type ShapeRef struct {
API *API `json:"-"`
Shape *Shape `json:"-"`
Documentation string
ShapeName string `json:"shape"`
Location string
LocationName string
QueryName string
Flattened bool
Streaming bool
XMLAttribute bool
XMLNamespace XMLInfo
Payload string
// A XMLInfo defines URL and prefix for Shapes when rendered as XML
type XMLInfo struct {
Prefix string
URI string
// A Shape defines the definition of a shape type
type Shape struct {
API *API `json:"-"`
ShapeName string
Documentation string
MemberRefs map[string]*ShapeRef `json:"members"`
MemberRef ShapeRef `json:"member"`
KeyRef ShapeRef `json:"key"`
ValueRef ShapeRef `json:"value"`
Required []string
Payload string
Type string
Exception bool
Enum []string
Flattened bool
Streaming bool
Location string
LocationName string
XMLNamespace XMLInfo
refs []*ShapeRef // References to this shape
// Rename changes the name of the Shape to newName. Also updates
// the associated API's reference to use newName.
func (s *Shape) Rename(newName string) {
for _, r := range s.refs {
r.ShapeName = newName
delete(s.API.Shapes, s.ShapeName)
s.API.Shapes[newName] = s
s.ShapeName = newName
// MemberNames returns a slice of struct member names.
func (s *Shape) MemberNames() []string {
i, names := 0, make([]string, len(s.MemberRefs))
for n := range s.MemberRefs {
names[i] = n
return names
// GoTypeWithPkgName returns a shape's type as a string with the package name in
// <packageName>.<type> format. Package naming only applies to structures.
func (s *Shape) GoTypeWithPkgName() string {
return goType(s, true)
// GoType returns a shape's Go type
func (s *Shape) GoType() string {
return goType(s, false)
// GoType returns a shape ref's Go type.
func (ref *ShapeRef) GoType() string {
if ref.Shape == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("missing shape definition on reference for %#v", ref))
return ref.Shape.GoType()
// GoTypeWithPkgName returns a shape's type as a string with the package name in
// <packageName>.<type> format. Package naming only applies to structures.
func (ref *ShapeRef) GoTypeWithPkgName() string {
if ref.Shape == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("missing shape definition on reference for %#v", ref))
return ref.Shape.GoTypeWithPkgName()
// Returns a string version of the Shape's type.
// If withPkgName is true, the package name will be added as a prefix
func goType(s *Shape, withPkgName bool) string {
switch s.Type {
case "structure":
if withPkgName {
return fmt.Sprintf("*%s.%s", s.API.PackageName(), s.ShapeName)
return "*" + s.ShapeName
case "map":
return "map[string]" + s.ValueRef.GoType()
case "list":
return "[]" + s.MemberRef.GoType()
case "boolean":
return "*bool"
case "string", "character":
return "*string"
case "blob":
return "[]byte"
case "integer", "long":
return "*int64"
case "float", "double":
return "*float64"
case "timestamp":
s.API.imports["time"] = true
return "*time.Time"
panic("Unsupported shape type: " + s.Type)
// GoTypeElem returns the Go type for the Shape. If the shape type is a pointer just
// the type will be returned minus the pointer *.
func (s *Shape) GoTypeElem() string {
t := s.GoType()
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "*") {
return t[1:]
return t
// GoTypeElem returns the Go type for the Shape. If the shape type is a pointer just
// the type will be returned minus the pointer *.
func (ref *ShapeRef) GoTypeElem() string {
if ref.Shape == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("missing shape definition on reference for %#v", ref))
return ref.Shape.GoTypeElem()
// GoTags returns the rendered tags string for the ShapeRef
func (ref *ShapeRef) GoTags(toplevel bool, isRequired bool) string {
code := "`"
if ref.Location != "" {
code += `location:"` + ref.Location + `" `
} else if ref.Shape.Location != "" {
code += `location:"` + ref.Shape.Location + `" `
if ref.LocationName != "" {
code += `locationName:"` + ref.LocationName + `" `
} else if ref.Shape.LocationName != "" {
code += `locationName:"` + ref.Shape.LocationName + `" `
if ref.QueryName != "" {
code += `queryName:"` + ref.QueryName + `" `
if ref.Shape.MemberRef.LocationName != "" {
code += `locationNameList:"` + ref.Shape.MemberRef.LocationName + `" `
if ref.Shape.KeyRef.LocationName != "" {
code += `locationNameKey:"` + ref.Shape.KeyRef.LocationName + `" `
if ref.Shape.ValueRef.LocationName != "" {
code += `locationNameValue:"` + ref.Shape.ValueRef.LocationName + `" `
code += `type:"` + ref.Shape.Type + `" `
// embed the timestamp type for easier lookups
if ref.Shape.Type == "timestamp" {
code += `timestampFormat:"`
if ref.Location == "header" {
code += "rfc822"
} else {
switch ref.API.Metadata.Protocol {
case "json", "rest-json":
code += "unix"
case "rest-xml", "ec2", "query":
code += "iso8601"
code += `" `
if ref.Shape.Flattened || ref.Flattened {
code += `flattened:"true" `
if ref.XMLAttribute {
code += `xmlAttribute:"true" `
if isRequired {
code += `required:"true"`
if toplevel {
if ref.Shape.Payload != "" {
code += `payload:"` + ref.Shape.Payload + `" `
if ref.XMLNamespace.Prefix != "" {
code += `xmlPrefix:"` + ref.XMLNamespace.Prefix + `" `
} else if ref.Shape.XMLNamespace.Prefix != "" {
code += `xmlPrefix:"` + ref.Shape.XMLNamespace.Prefix + `" `
if ref.XMLNamespace.URI != "" {
code += `xmlURI:"` + ref.XMLNamespace.URI + `" `
} else if ref.Shape.XMLNamespace.URI != "" {
code += `xmlURI:"` + ref.Shape.XMLNamespace.URI + `" `
return strings.TrimSpace(code) + "`"
// Docstring returns the godocs formated documentation
func (ref *ShapeRef) Docstring() string {
if ref.Documentation != "" {
return docstring(ref.Documentation)
return ref.Shape.Docstring()
// Docstring returns the godocs formated documentation
func (s *Shape) Docstring() string {
return docstring(s.Documentation)
// GoCode returns the rendered Go code for the Shape.
func (s *Shape) GoCode() string {
code := s.Docstring() + "type " + s.ShapeName + " "
switch s.Type {
case "structure":
code += "struct {\n"
for _, n := range s.MemberNames() {
m := s.MemberRefs[n]
code += m.Docstring()
if (m.Streaming || m.Shape.Streaming) && s.Payload == n {
rtype := "io.ReadSeeker"
if len(s.refs) > 1 {
rtype = "aws.ReaderSeekCloser"
} else if strings.HasSuffix(s.ShapeName, "Output") {
rtype = "io.ReadCloser"
s.API.imports["io"] = true
code += n + " " + rtype + " " + m.GoTags(false, s.IsRequired(n)) + "\n\n"
} else {
code += n + " " + m.GoType() + " " + m.GoTags(false, s.IsRequired(n)) + "\n\n"
metaStruct := "metadata" + s.ShapeName
ref := &ShapeRef{ShapeName: s.ShapeName, API: s.API, Shape: s}
code += "\n" + metaStruct + " `json:\"-\" xml:\"-\"`\n"
code += "}\n\n"
code += "type " + metaStruct + " struct {\n"
code += "SDKShapeTraits bool " + ref.GoTags(true, false)
code += "}"
panic("Cannot generate toplevel shape for " + s.Type)
return util.GoFmt(code)
// IsRequired returns if member is a required field.
func (s *Shape) IsRequired(member string) bool {
for _, n := range s.Required {
if n == member {
return true
return false
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