This section provides information on defining the character-level convolutional neural network imperative model by using the Deep Java Library block API.
The model architecture is as follows:
(0): Conv1D(None -> 256, kernel_size=(7,), stride=(1,))
(1): MaxPool1D(size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,), ceil_mode=False)
(2): Conv1D(None -> 256, kernel_size=(7,), stride=(1,))
(3): MaxPool1D(size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,), ceil_mode=False)
(4): Conv1D(None -> 256, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,))
(5): Conv1D(None -> 256, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,))
(6): Conv1D(None -> 256, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,))
(7): Conv1D(None -> 256, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,))
(8): MaxPool1D(size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,), ceil_mode=False)
(9): Flatten
(10): Dense(None -> 1024, Activation(relu))
(11): Dropout(p = 0.5)
(12): Dense(None -> 1024, Activation(relu))
(13): Dropout(p = 0.5)
(14): Dense(None -> 2, linear)
The input shape is (69,1014), where 69 is the total number of characters and 1014 is the maximum string length. The NDArray is one-hot encoded per character.
The output layer represents two possible classifications, malicious or benign. The convolutional layers have 256 single-dimensional filters of varying kernel sizes. They feed into FullyConnected layers after pooling.
DJL uses a block level definition of various operators. Each block can have sub-blocks. Individual blocks have their own parameters defined. The model consists of a single block that contains many sub-blocks.
// Declare a model
Model model = model.newInstance();
// Define primary block
SequentialBlock mainBlock = new SequentialBlock();
float dropoutProbability = (float) 0.5;
int fullyConnected = 1024;
int numberOfFilters = 256;
* Every block returns a NDList which feeds into the consecutive Block
* 1D Pooling is defined as a LambdaBlock
new Conv1D.Builder()
.setKernel(new Shape(7))
ndList ->
new NDList(
new Shape(3),
new Shape(3),
new Shape(0))))
new Conv1D.Builder()
.setKernel(new Shape(7))
ndList ->
new NDList(
new Shape(3),
new Shape(3),
new Shape(0))))
new Conv1D.Builder()
.setKernel(new Shape(3))
new Conv1D.Builder()
.setKernel(new Shape(3))
new Conv1D.Builder()
.setKernel(new Shape(3))
new Conv1D.Builder()
.setKernel(new Shape(3))
ndList ->
new NDList(
new Shape(3),
new Shape(3),
new Shape(0))))
.add(new Linear.Builder().setOutChannels(fullyConnected).build())
.add(new Dropout.Builder().optProbability(dropoutProbability).build())
.add(new Linear.Builder().setOutChannels(fullyConnected).build())
.add(new Dropout.Builder().optProbability(dropoutProbability).build())
.add(new Linear.Builder().setOutChannels(2).build());
//Set the mainblock as model's starting point
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