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handle_map_style.go 4.60 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package server
import (
type HandleMapStyle struct {
// required
mapName string
// the requests extension defaults to "json"
extension string
// returns details about a map according to the
// tileJSON spec (https://github.com/mapbox/tilejson-spec/tree/master/2.1.0)
// URI scheme: /capabilities/:map_name.json
// map_name - map name in the config file
func (req HandleMapStyle) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var err error
params := httptreemux.ContextParams(r.Context())
// read the map_name value from the request
mapName := params["map_name"]
mapNameParts := strings.Split(mapName, ".")
req.mapName = mapNameParts[0]
// check if we have a provided extension
if len(mapNameParts) > 2 {
req.extension = mapNameParts[len(mapNameParts)-1]
} else {
req.extension = "json"
// lookup our Map
m, err := atlas.GetMap(req.mapName)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("map (%v) not configured. check your config file", req.mapName)
http.Error(w, "map ("+req.mapName+") not configured. check your config file", http.StatusNotFound)
// if we have a debug param add it to our URLs
debugQuery := url.Values{}
if r.URL.Query().Get("debug") == "true" {
debugQuery.Set("debug", "true")
// update our map to include the debug layers
m = m.AddDebugLayers()
mapboxStyle := style.Root{
Name: m.Name,
Version: style.Version,
Center: [2]float64{m.Center[0], m.Center[1]},
Zoom: m.Center[2],
Sources: map[string]style.Source{
req.mapName: {
Type: style.SourceTypeVector,
URL: buildCapabilitiesURL(r, []string{"capabilities", req.mapName + ".json"}, debugQuery),
Layers: []style.Layer{},
// determining the min and max zoom for this map
for _, l := range m.Layers {
// check if the layer already exists in our slice. this can happen if the config
// is using the "name" param for a layer to override the providerLayerName
var skip bool
for i := range mapboxStyle.Layers {
if mapboxStyle.Layers[i].ID == l.MVTName() {
skip = true
// entry for layer already exists. move on
if skip {
// build our vector layer details
layer := style.Layer{
ID: l.MVTName(),
Source: req.mapName,
SourceLayer: l.MVTName(),
Layout: &style.LayerLayout{
Visibility: style.LayoutVisible,
// chose our paint type based on the geometry type
switch l.GeomType.(type) {
case geom.Point, geom.MultiPoint:
layer.Type = style.LayerTypeCircle
layer.Paint = &style.LayerPaint{
CircleRadius: 3,
CircleColor: stringToColorHex(l.MVTName()),
case geom.Line, geom.LineString, geom.MultiLineString:
layer.Type = style.LayerTypeLine
layer.Paint = &style.LayerPaint{
LineColor: stringToColorHex(l.MVTName()),
case geom.Polygon, geom.MultiPolygon:
layer.Type = style.LayerTypeFill
hexColor := stringToColorHex(l.MVTName())
hex, err := colors.ParseHEX(hexColor)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error parsing hex color (%v)", hexColor)
hex, _ = colors.ParseHEX("#fff") // default to white on error
rgba := hex.ToRGBA()
// set the opacity to 10%
rgba.A = 0.10
layer.Paint = &style.LayerPaint{
FillColor: rgba.String(),
FillOutlineColor: hexColor,
log.Infof("unable to infer geometry type for providerLayerName: %v. style definition not generated", l.ProviderLayerName)
// add our layer to our tile layer response
mapboxStyle.Layers = append(mapboxStyle.Layers, layer)
// mimetype for protocol buffers
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// cache control headers (no-cache)
w.Header().Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")
w.Header().Add("Pragma", "no-cache")
w.Header().Add("Expires", "0")
if err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(mapboxStyle); err != nil {
log.Errorf("error encoding tileJSON for map (%v)", req.mapName)
// port of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3426404/create-a-hexadecimal-colour-based-on-a-string-with-javascript
func stringToColorHex(str string) string {
var hash uint
for i := range []rune(str) {
hash = uint(str[i]) + ((hash << 5) - hash)
var color string
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
value := (hash >> (uint(i) * 8)) & 0xFF
val := "00" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 16)
color += val[len(val)-2:]
return "#" + color
