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ring.go 23.21 KB
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package plyg
import (
svg "github.com/ajstarks/svgo"
type Ring struct {
Points []maths.Pt
Label maths.Label
hasBB bool
bb [4]float64
func (r *Ring) BBox() [4]float64 {
if r.hasBB {
return r.bb
r.bb = points.BBox(r.Points)
r.hasBB = true
return r.bb
// LineRing returns a copy of the points in the correct winding order.
func (r Ring) LineRing() (pts []maths.Pt) {
pts = append(pts, r.Points...)
wo := maths.WindingOrderOfPts(pts)
if (r.Label == maths.Inside && wo == maths.CounterClockwise) ||
(r.Label != maths.Inside && wo == maths.Clockwise) {
// Lets move the points around so that the left-top most point is first.
return pts
type RingDesc struct {
Idx int
PtIdx int
Label maths.Label
type YEdge struct {
// Start y value (lowest value) of the edge.
Y float64
Descs []RingDesc
type EdgeByY []YEdge
func (s EdgeByY) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s EdgeByY) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Y < s[j].Y }
func (s EdgeByY) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
type RingCol struct {
Rings []Ring
X1, X2 float64
Y1s []YEdge
Y2s []YEdge
foundInside bool
func (rc *RingCol) String() string {
if rc == nil {
return "Ring: nil"
s := fmt.Sprintf("Ring: x1(%v), x2(%v)\n\tRings(%v){", rc.X1, rc.X2, len(rc.Rings))
for i, r := range rc.Rings {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t(%v):%v", i, r)
if len(rc.Rings) > 0 {
s += "\n\t"
s += "}\n"
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tY1s(%v){", len(rc.Y1s))
for i, r := range rc.Y1s {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t(%v):%v", i, r)
if len(rc.Y1s) > 0 {
s += "\n\t"
s += "}\n"
s += fmt.Sprintf("\tY2s(%v){", len(rc.Y2s))
for i, r := range rc.Y2s {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t(%v):%v", i, r)
if len(rc.Y2s) > 0 {
s += "\n\t"
s += "}\n"
return s
func (rc *RingCol) appendToY1(ridx int, label maths.Label, ys []YPart) {
for i := 0; i < len(ys); i++ {
for j := range rc.Y1s {
if rc.Y1s[j].Y == ys[i].Y {
rc.Y1s[j].Descs = append(rc.Y1s[j].Descs,
RingDesc{Idx: ridx, PtIdx: ys[i].Idx, Label: label},
continue YLoop
// Did not find Y, append it.
rc.Y1s = append(rc.Y1s, YEdge{
Y: ys[i].Y,
Descs: []RingDesc{{Idx: ridx, PtIdx: ys[i].Idx, Label: label}},
func (rc *RingCol) appendToY2(ridx int, label maths.Label, ys []YPart) {
for i := 0; i < len(ys); i++ {
for j := range rc.Y2s {
if rc.Y2s[j].Y == ys[i].Y {
rc.Y2s[j].Descs = append(rc.Y2s[j].Descs,
RingDesc{Idx: ridx, PtIdx: ys[i].Idx, Label: label},
continue YLoop
// Did not find Y, append it.
rc.Y2s = append(rc.Y2s, YEdge{
Y: ys[i].Y,
Descs: []RingDesc{{Idx: ridx, PtIdx: ys[i].Idx, Label: label}},
func (rc *RingCol) addPts(hm hitmap.Interface, b *Builder, pts1, pts2 []maths.Pt) {
pts := append(append([]maths.Pt{}, pts1...), pts2...)
tri := maths.Triangle{pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]}
label := hm.LabelFor(tri.Center())
if ring, x1, y1s, x2, y2s, new := b.AddPts(label, pts1, pts2); new {
// We have a new ring.
ridx := len(rc.Rings)
rc.X1, rc.X2 = x1, x2
rc.Rings = append(rc.Rings, ring)
rc.appendToY1(ridx, ring.Label, y1s)
rc.appendToY2(ridx, ring.Label, y2s)
if !rc.foundInside {
rc.foundInside = ring.Label == maths.Inside
func (rc *RingCol) searchY1(y float64, fn func(idx int, ptIdx int, l maths.Label) bool) {
if rc == nil {
for _, yedge := range rc.Y1s {
if y < yedge.Y {
if y != yedge.Y {
for _, desc := range yedge.Descs {
if !fn(desc.Idx, desc.PtIdx, desc.Label) {
func (rc *RingCol) searchY2(y float64, fn func(idx int, ptIdx int, l maths.Label) bool) {
if rc == nil {
for _, yedge := range rc.Y2s {
if y < yedge.Y {
if y != yedge.Y {
for _, desc := range yedge.Descs {
if !fn(desc.Idx, desc.PtIdx, desc.Label) {
func (rc *RingCol) searchEdge(edge []YEdge, y1, y2 float64, fn func(idx int, ptIdx int, l maths.Label) bool) {
if rc == nil {
// Goal: Search through the rings looking for a ring that has a edge based on y1, and y2 and the x of the given YEdge.
// Work through the edge looking for A Y that matches. Since we now that edge is sorted, we need to first
// order y1 and y2.
var wantn bool
if y1 > y2 {
y1, y2 = y2, y1
wantn = true
switchfn := func(desc RingDesc, nptid int) bool {
if wantn {
return fn(desc.Idx, nptid, desc.Label)
return fn(desc.Idx, desc.PtIdx, desc.Label)
for i := range edge {
if y1 < edge[i].Y {
// We have passed smallest point.
if y1 != edge[i].Y {
//log.Println("Found possible jump point.", edge[i], y1, y2)
for _, desc := range edge[i].Descs {
px := rc.Rings[desc.Idx].Points[desc.PtIdx].X
pptid := desc.PtIdx - 1
if pptid < 0 {
pptid = len(rc.Rings[desc.Idx].Points) - 1
ppt := rc.Rings[desc.Idx].Points[pptid]
// We need to check is the previous point create the edge?
if ppt.X == px && ppt.Y == y2 {
// Okay we have found an edge.
if !switchfn(desc, pptid) {
nptid := desc.PtIdx + 1
if nptid >= len(rc.Rings[desc.Idx].Points) {
nptid = 0
npt := rc.Rings[desc.Idx].Points[nptid]
if npt.X == px && npt.Y == y2 {
// Okay we have found an edge.
if !switchfn(desc, nptid) {
func (rc *RingCol) searchY1Edge(y1, y2 float64, fn func(idx int, ptIdx int, l maths.Label) bool) {
rc.searchEdge(rc.Y1s, y1, y2, fn)
func (rc *RingCol) searchY2Edge(y1, y2 float64, fn func(idx int, ptIdx int, l maths.Label) bool) {
rc.searchEdge(rc.Y2s, y1, y2, fn)
type mplysByArea struct {
pmap map[int]int
ply [][][]maths.Pt
func (mp mplysByArea) Len() int { return len(mp.ply) }
func (mp mplysByArea) Swap(i, j int) {
li := mp.pmap[i]
mp.pmap[i] = mp.pmap[j]
mp.pmap[j] = li
mp.ply[i], mp.ply[j] = mp.ply[j], mp.ply[i]
func (mp mplysByArea) Less(i, j int) bool {
return points.SinArea(mp.ply[i][0]) < points.SinArea(mp.ply[j][0])
func (rc *RingCol) MultiPolygon() [][][]maths.Pt {
if rc == nil || rc.Rings == nil {
return nil
var discardPlys = make([]bool, len(rc.Rings))
var outsidePlys []int
var rings [][][]maths.Pt
var miny, maxy float64
// used to remove outside rings. If their bounding box touches these then they can be removed.
if len(rc.Y1s) > 0 {
miny, maxy = rc.Y1s[0].Y, rc.Y1s[0].Y
} else if len(rc.Y2s) > 0 {
miny, maxy = rc.Y2s[0].Y, rc.Y2s[0].Y
// Mark any polygon touching the left and right border as being able to be discarded.
// Start with the left border
for _, yedge := range rc.Y1s {
if miny > yedge.Y {
miny = yedge.Y
if maxy < yedge.Y {
maxy = yedge.Y
for _, desc := range yedge.Descs {
if desc.Label == maths.Outside {
discardPlys[desc.Idx] = true
// Now with the right border.
for _, yedge := range rc.Y2s {
if miny > yedge.Y {
miny = yedge.Y
if maxy < yedge.Y {
maxy = yedge.Y
for _, desc := range yedge.Descs {
if desc.Label == maths.Outside {
discardPlys[desc.Idx] = true
idxmap := make(map[int]int)
segmap := make(map[int]hitmap.Segment)
for i, ring := range rc.Rings {
// We can discard this ring.
if discardPlys[i] {
if ring.Label == maths.Outside {
bb := ring.BBox()
// the ring touches the the top or bottom boader.
if bb[1] == miny || bb[3] == maxy {
// Save for later processing.
outsidePlys = append(outsidePlys, i)
// This is an inside ring. Make a copy.
idxmap[len(rings)] = i
lnring := ring.LineRing()
segmap[len(rings)] = hitmap.NewSegmentFromRing(maths.Inside, ring.Points)
rings = append(rings, [][]maths.Pt{lnring})
// we need to sort the rings by area.
pmap: idxmap,
ply: rings,
// Now run through all the outside Rings.
for _, i := range outsidePlys {
obb := points.BoundingBox(rc.Rings[i].BBox())
for j := len(rings) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
ibb := points.BoundingBox(points.BBox(rings[j][0]))
if ibb.Area() <= obb.Area() {
containsbb := ibb.ContainBB(obb)
if !containsbb {
lnring := rc.Rings[i].LineRing()
//log.Println("Checking to see if the ring contains", lnring[0], "\n", segmap[j], "\n", ibb)
if !segmap[j].Contains(lnring[0]) {
rings[j] = append(rings[j], lnring)
// Go to the next outside polygon.
return rings
func BuildRingCol(ctx context.Context, hm hitmap.Interface, col1, col2 []maths.Pt, pt2my map[maths.Pt]int64) (col RingCol) {
var len1, len2 = len(col1), len(col2)
var b Builder
i := 0
for j := 0; j < len2-1; j++ {
for i < len1 {
// Context cancelled.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return col
maxy, ok := pt2my[col1[i]]
if (i == len1-1) || (ok && int64(col2[j].Y*100) < maxy) {
// We can not draw a line to i+1
// for one of two reasons
// 1. there is no i+1
// 2. there is already a line from i to some point beyound j+1 blocking our path.
col.addPts(hm, &b, col1[i:i+1], col2[j:j+2])
// move to the next j.
col.addPts(hm, &b, col1[i:i+2], col2[j:j+1])
// Context cancelled.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return col
for i < len1-1 {
// Need to fill out the triangles from the last point in j to the last point in i.
col.addPts(hm, &b, col1[i:i+2], []maths.Pt{col2[len2-1]})
// We need to check if there is one last ring in the builder.
ring, x1, y1s, x2, y2s := b.CurrentRing()
if len(ring.Points) == 0 {
// We did not find any rings that were marked as inside
// We don't care about these rings.
if !col.foundInside {
col.Rings = nil
return col
col.X1 = x1
col.X2 = x2
ridx := len(col.Rings)
col.Rings = append(col.Rings, ring)
col.appendToY1(ridx, ring.Label, y1s)
col.appendToY2(ridx, ring.Label, y2s)
if !col.foundInside {
col.foundInside = ring.Label == maths.Inside
if !col.foundInside {
col.Rings = nil
// Context cancelled.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return col
return col
func slopeCheck(pt1, pt2, pt3 maths.Pt, x1, x2 float64) bool {
// if vertical can not do it.
if pt1.X == x1 && pt2.X == x2 && pt3.X == x2 {
return false
if pt1.Y == pt2.Y && pt1.Y == pt3.Y {
return true
m1, _, d1 := maths.Line{pt1, pt2}.SlopeIntercept()
m2, _, d2 := maths.Line{pt1, pt3}.SlopeIntercept()
return d1 && d2 && m1 == m2
func merge2AdjectRC(c1, c2 RingCol) (col RingCol) {
seenRings := make(map[[2]int]bool)
//var skipNextCol bool
xc := c1.X2
cols := [2]RingCol{c1, c2}
col.X1 = c1.X1
col.X2 = c2.X2
var ocoli, ccoli, ptid, nptid int
var searchCol = func(coli int, y1, y2 float64, fn func(idx int, pidx int, l maths.Label) bool) {
if coli == 0 {
cols[0].searchY2Edge(y1, y2, fn)
cols[1].searchY1Edge(y1, y2, fn)
var ringsToProcess [][2]int
// First we are going to loop through y2 of col zero and take notes of the rings.
for i := range c1.Y2s {
for _, d := range c1.Y2s[i].Descs {
if _, ok := seenRings[[2]int{0, d.Idx}]; ok {
seenRings[[2]int{0, d.Idx}] = false
ringsToProcess = append(ringsToProcess, [2]int{0, d.Idx})
// Go through the rings that tourch the Y1 edge only and add them to our list of rings.
for i := range c1.Y1s {
for _, d := range c1.Y1s[i].Descs {
// Skip any rings that are touching Y2 as well.
if _, ok := seenRings[[2]int{0, d.Idx}]; ok {
seenRings[[2]int{0, d.Idx}] = false
col.Rings = append(col.Rings, c1.Rings[d.Idx])
// Add rings that do not touch either edge to our col's rings list.
for i := range c1.Rings {
if _, ok := seenRings[[2]int{0, i}]; ok {
col.Rings = append(col.Rings, c1.Rings[i])
// Now we need to do the same thing for col one.
// Next we are going to loop through y1 of col one and take notes of the rings.
for i := range c2.Y1s {
for _, d := range c2.Y1s[i].Descs {
if _, ok := seenRings[[2]int{1, d.Idx}]; ok {
seenRings[[2]int{1, d.Idx}] = false
ringsToProcess = append(ringsToProcess, [2]int{1, d.Idx})
// Now we want to go through our Y2s and add those polygons to our polygon list and update col.Y2.
for i := range c2.Y2s {
for _, d := range c2.Y2s[i].Descs {
// Skip any rings that are touching Y2 as well.
if _, ok := seenRings[[2]int{1, d.Idx}]; ok {
seenRings[[2]int{1, d.Idx}] = false
col.Rings = append(col.Rings, c2.Rings[d.Idx])
// Now go through the c1 to find and add the rings that don't touch the sides.
for i := range c2.Rings {
if _, ok := seenRings[[2]int{1, i}]; ok {
col.Rings = append(col.Rings, c2.Rings[i])
stime := time.Now()
for p := range ringsToProcess {
c, r := ringsToProcess[p][0], ringsToProcess[p][1]
if seenRings[[2]int{c, r}] {
// It's been processed; skip.
seenRings[[2]int{c, r}] = true
var nring Ring
nring.Label = cols[c].Rings[r].Label
ptid = 0
nptid = 1
ccoli = c
if ccoli == 1 {
ocoli = 0
} else {
ocoli = 1
cri := r
pt := cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points[ptid]
npt := cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points[nptid]
ptmap := make(map[maths.Pt]int)
ptcounter := make(map[maths.Pt]int)
walkedRings := [][2]int{[2]int{c, r}}
walkedPts := []string{}
for {
etime := time.Now()
elapsed := etime.Sub(stime)
if elapsed.Minutes() > 10 {
//if elapsed.Seconds() > 1 {
fn := genWriteoutCols(c1, c2)
log.Println("Taking too long, writing file to ", fn)
panic("Took too long")
if ptcounter[pt] > 5 {
log.Println("Walked Pts:", walkedPts)
log.Println("Col1:", c1.String())
log.Println("Col2:", c2.String())
log.Println("On ring:", ccoli, cri)
pi := walkedRings[len(walkedRings)-2]
log.Println("Previous ring:", pi[0], pi[1])
log.Println("Processing ", p, "(", ringsToProcess[p], ") of the following rings that needed to be processed.:", ringsToProcess)
log.Println("Walked rings:", walkedRings)
fn := genWriteoutCols(c1, c2)
log.Println("Wrote out columns info to:", fn)
writeOutSVG(fn, cols[:], walkedRings)
panic("Inif loop?")
walkedPts = append(walkedPts, fmt.Sprintln(pt))
if idx, ok := ptmap[pt]; ok {
// Need to remove the bubble.
// need to delete the points from the ptmap first.
for _, pt1 := range nring.Points[idx:] {
delete(ptmap, pt1)
nring.Points = nring.Points[:idx]
if len(nring.Points) > 1 && slopeCheck(nring.Points[len(nring.Points)-2], nring.Points[len(nring.Points)-1], pt, xc, xc) {
// have the same slope and not vertical
// can override last point.
delete(ptmap, nring.Points[len(nring.Points)-1])
nring.Points[len(nring.Points)-1] = pt
} else {
nring.Points = append(nring.Points, pt)
ptmap[pt] = len(nring.Points) - 1
if pt.X != xc || npt.X != xc {
goto NextPoint
searchCol(ocoli, pt.Y, npt.Y, func(idx int, pidx int, l maths.Label) bool {
if l != nring.Label {
return true
// We have found our canidate. Need to switch over to it.
ocri := cri
ptid = pidx
nptid = ptid + 1
// swap columns
ccoli, ocoli = ocoli, ccoli
cri = idx
if nptid >= len(cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points) {
nptid = 0
//log.Println("Marking Ring as seen", ccoli, idx)
seenRings[[2]int{ccoli, idx}] = true
walkedRings = append(walkedRings, [2]int{ccoli, idx})
walkedPts = append(walkedPts,
fmt.Sprintf("Jumping to Col: %v Ring %v, Pt[%v] %v -- because of %v : %v\n",
pt, npt,
// don't continue searching.
// Let's check the other column real quick with the new edge.
pt := cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points[ptid]
npt := cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points[nptid]
// This is not an edge.
if npt.X != pt.X {
return false
//log.Println("Searching other col for edge.", ocoli, pt.Y, npt.Y)
searchCol(ocoli, pt.Y, npt.Y, func(idx int, pidx int, l maths.Label) bool {
if l != nring.Label {
return true
// Don't want this polygon.
if idx == ocri {
return true
// We have found our canidate. Need to switch over to it.
// log.Println("Found edge (", pt, "-", npt, ") in our col", ocoli, idx, pidx)
ptid = pidx
nptid = ptid + 1
// swap columns
ccoli, ocoli = ocoli, ccoli
cri = idx
//log.Println("Marking Ring as seen", ccoli, idx)
seenRings[[2]int{ccoli, idx}] = true
walkedRings = append(walkedRings, [2]int{ccoli, idx})
walkedPts = append(walkedPts,
fmt.Sprintf("Jumping to Col: %v Ring %v, Pt[%v] %v -- because of %v : %v\n",
pt, npt,
if nptid >= len(cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points) {
nptid = 0
return false
return false
// Move to the next point
ptid, nptid = nptid, nptid+1
if nptid >= len(cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points) {
nptid = 0
pt = cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points[ptid]
npt = cols[ccoli].Rings[cri].Points[nptid]
if pt.IsEqual(nring.Points[0]) {
plen := len(nring.Points)
if plen > 3 {
switch {
// Let's check the second to last pt, last pt, and the first pt to see if the last point can be dropped.
case slopeCheck(nring.Points[plen-2], nring.Points[plen-1], nring.Points[0], col.X1, col.X2):
nring.Points = nring.Points[:plen-1]
// Let's check the last pt, and the first two pts to see if the first point can be dropped.
case slopeCheck(nring.Points[plen-1], nring.Points[0], nring.Points[1], col.X1, col.X2):
nring.Points = nring.Points[1:]
if plen < 3 {
fn := genWriteoutCols(c1, c2)
log.Println("Generated a ring with fewer then 3 points: ", fn, nring)
panic("Generated a ring with fewer then 3 points. ")
col.Rings = append(col.Rings, nring)
// Calculate out our indexs.
for i, r := range col.Rings {
for j, pt := range r.Points {
switch pt.X {
case col.X1:
col.appendToY1(i, r.Label, []YPart{{Y: pt.Y, Idx: j}})
case col.X2:
col.appendToY2(i, r.Label, []YPart{{Y: pt.Y, Idx: j}})
// Need to sort the Y's from top to bottom.
// Verify that the cols indexes are pointed correctly.
for i := range col.Y1s {
cpt := maths.Pt{col.X1, col.Y1s[i].Y}
for j, d := range col.Y1s[i].Descs {
ring := col.Rings[d.Idx]
if d.Label != ring.Label {
col.Y1s[i].Descs[j].Label = ring.Label
pt := ring.Points[d.PtIdx]
if !cpt.IsEqual(pt) {
// loop through the ring, and find the correct id.
var found bool
for r := range ring.Points {
if cpt.IsEqual(ring.Points[r]) {
col.Y1s[i].Descs[j].PtIdx = r
found = true
if !found {
log.Println("col", col.String())
log.Println("Did not find r when trying to fix up Y1.", i, j)
panic("Did not find r when trying to fix up Y1.")
for i := range col.Y2s {
cpt := maths.Pt{col.X2, col.Y2s[i].Y}
for j, d := range col.Y2s[i].Descs {
ring := col.Rings[d.Idx]
if d.Label != ring.Label {
col.Y2s[i].Descs[j].Label = ring.Label
pt := ring.Points[d.PtIdx]
if !cpt.IsEqual(pt) {
// loop through the ring, and find the correct id.
var found bool
for r := range ring.Points {
if cpt.IsEqual(ring.Points[r]) {
col.Y2s[i].Descs[j].PtIdx = r
found = true
if !found {
log.Println("col", col.String())
log.Println("Did not find r when trying to fix up Y2.", i, j)
panic("Did not find r when trying to fix up Y2.")
return col
func MergeCols(cols []RingCol) RingCol {
lcol := cols[0]
for i := 1; i < len(cols); i++ {
lcol = merge2AdjectRC(lcol, cols[i])
return lcol
func GenerateMultiPolygon(cols []RingCol) (plys [][][]maths.Pt) {
var lock sync.Mutex
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var wChan = make(chan [2]int)
var numWorkers = runtime.NumCPU()
li := -1
var worker = func(id int) {
for i := range wChan {
wcol := MergeCols(cols[i[0]:i[1]])
wply := wcol.MultiPolygon()
for i := range wply {
plys = append(plys, wply[i])
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
go worker(i)
for i := range cols {
if len(cols[i].Rings) == 0 {
if li != -1 {
// We need to do some work.
wChan <- [2]int{li, i}
li = -1
if li == -1 {
li = i
if li != -1 {
wChan <- [2]int{li, len(cols)}
return plys
func writeOutSVG(fn string, cols []RingCol, onlyRings [][2]int) {
var filter bool
ringFilter := make(map[[2]int]bool)
if len(onlyRings) > 0 {
filter = true
for i := range onlyRings {
ringFilter[onlyRings[i]] = true
f, err := os.Create(fn + ".svg")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
canvas := svg.New(f)
canvas.Startview(786, 1024, int(cols[0].X1)-10, 2000, int(cols[1].X2)+10, 2200)
defer canvas.End()
canvas.Marker("markerCircle", 1, 1, 0, 0)
canvas.Circle(5, 5, 1, "stroke:none;fill:#8a8a8a;fill-opacity:0.3")
style := func(l maths.Label, i int) string {
if i == 0 {
if l == maths.Inside {
return "fill:#0000ff;fill-opacity:0.3;stroke:none;marker-mid: url(#markerCircle)"
return "fill:#ff0000;fill-opacity:0.3;stroke:none; marker-mid: url(#markerCircle)"
if l == maths.Inside {
return "fill:#0088ff;fill-opacity:0.3;stroke:none; marker-mid: url(#markerCircle)"
return "fill:#ff8800;fill-opacity:0.3;stroke:none; marker-mid: url(#markerCircle)"
pointsToIntArray := func(pts []maths.Pt) (xs []int, ys []int) {
for _, pt := range pts {
xs = append(xs, int(pt.X))
ys = append(ys, int(pt.Y))
return xs, ys
pointmap := make(map[maths.Pt]struct{})
for i, col := range cols {
for j, r := range col.Rings {
if filter && ringFilter[[2]int{i, j}] {
for _, pt := range r.Points {
pointmap[pt] = struct{}{}
// Draw the X1,X2, X2 lines
canvas.Line(int(cols[0].X1), -20, int(cols[0].X1), 4126, "stroke:#8a8a8a")
canvas.Line(int(cols[0].X2), -20, int(cols[0].X2), 4126, "stroke:#8a8a8a")
canvas.Line(int(cols[1].X2), -20, int(cols[1].X2), 4126, "stroke:#8a8a8a")
for i, c := range cols {
for j, r := range c.Rings {
if filter && ringFilter[[2]int{i, j}] {
xs, ys := pointsToIntArray(r.Points)
canvas.Polygon(xs, ys, style(r.Label, i))
马建仓 AI 助手


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