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feature.go 22.11 KB
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package mvt
import (
// errors
var (
ErrNilFeature = fmt.Errorf("Feature is nil")
// ErrUnknownGeometryType is the error retuned when the geometry is unknown.
ErrUnknownGeometryType = fmt.Errorf("Unknown geometry type")
ErrNilGeometryType = fmt.Errorf("Nil geometry passed")
// TODO: Need to put in validation for the Geometry, at current the system
// does not check to make sure that the geometry is following the rules as
// laid out by the spec. It just assumes the user is good.
// Feature describes a feature of a Layer. A layer will contain multiple features
// each of which has a geometry describing the interesting thing, and the metadata
// associated with it.
type Feature struct {
ID *uint64
Tags map[string]interface{}
// Does not support the collection geometry, for this you have to create a feature for each
// geometry in the collection.
Geometry tegola.Geometry
// Unsimplifed weather the Geometry is simple already and thus does not need to be simplified.
Unsimplifed *bool
func wktEncode(g tegola.Geometry) string {
gg, err := convert.ToGeom(g)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("error converting tegola geom to geom geom, %v", err)
s, err := wkt.Encode(gg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("encoding error for geom geom, %v", err)
return s
func (f Feature) String() string {
g := wktEncode(f.Geometry)
if f.ID != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("{Feature: %v, GEO: %v, Tags: %+v}", *f.ID, g, f.Tags)
return fmt.Sprintf("{Feature: GEO: %v, Tags: %+v}", g, f.Tags)
//NewFeatures returns one or more features for the given Geometry
// TODO: Should we consider supporting validation of polygons and multiple polygons here?
func NewFeatures(geo tegola.Geometry, tags map[string]interface{}) (f []Feature) {
if geo == nil {
return f // return empty feature set for a nil geometry
if g, ok := geo.(tegola.Collection); ok {
geos := g.Geometries()
for i := range geos {
f = append(f, NewFeatures(geos[i], tags)...)
return f
f = append(f, Feature{
Tags: tags,
Geometry: geo,
return f
// VTileFeature will return a vectorTile.Feature that would represent the Feature
func (f *Feature) VTileFeature(ctx context.Context, keys []string, vals []interface{}, tile *tegola.Tile, simplify bool) (tf *vectorTile.Tile_Feature, err error) {
tf = new(vectorTile.Tile_Feature)
tf.Id = f.ID
if tf.Tags, err = keyvalTagsMap(keys, vals, f); err != nil {
return tf, err
geo, gtype, err := encodeGeometry(ctx, f.Geometry, tile, simplify)
if err != nil {
return tf, err
if len(geo) == 0 {
return nil, nil
tf.Geometry = geo
tf.Type = &gtype
return tf, nil
// These values came from: https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/tree/master/2.1
const (
cmdMoveTo uint32 = 1
cmdLineTo uint32 = 2
cmdClosePath uint32 = 7
maxCmdCount uint32 = 0x1FFFFFFF
type Command uint32
func NewCommand(cmd uint32, count int) Command {
return Command((cmd & 0x7) | (uint32(count) << 3))
func (c Command) ID() uint32 {
return uint32(c) & 0x7
func (c Command) Count() int {
return int(uint32(c) >> 3)
func (c Command) String() string {
switch c.ID() {
case cmdMoveTo:
return fmt.Sprintf("move Command with count %v", c.Count())
case cmdLineTo:
return fmt.Sprintf("line To command with count %v", c.Count())
case cmdClosePath:
return fmt.Sprintf("close path command with count %v", c.Count())
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown command (%v) with count %v", c.ID(), c.Count())
// encodeZigZag does the ZigZag encoding for small ints.
func encodeZigZag(i int64) uint32 {
return uint32((i << 1) ^ (i >> 31))
// cursor reprsents the current position, this is needed to encode the geometry.
// 0,0 is the origin, it which is the top-left most part of the tile.
type cursor struct {
// The coordinates — these should be int64, when they were float64 they
// introduced a slight drift in the coordinates.
x int64
y int64
// The tile of the screen.
tile *tegola.Tile
// Disabling scaling Use this when using clipping and scaling
DisableScaling bool
func NewCursor(tile *tegola.Tile) *cursor {
return &cursor{
tile: tile,
// GetDeltaPointAndUpdate assumes the Point is in WebMercator.
func (c *cursor) GetDeltaPointAndUpdate(p tegola.Point) (dx, dy int64) {
var ix, iy int64
var tx, ty = p.X(), p.Y()
// TODO: gdey — We should get rid of this, as we generally disable scaling; now.
if !c.DisableScaling {
tpt, err := c.tile.ToPixel(tegola.WebMercator, [2]float64{tx, ty})
if err != nil {
// Conversion error most likly, need to panic.
tx, ty = tpt[0], tpt[1]
ix, iy = int64(tx), int64(ty)
// compute our point delta
dx = ix - int64(c.x)
dy = iy - int64(c.y)
// update our cursor
c.x = ix
c.y = iy
return dx, dy
func (c *cursor) scalept(g tegola.Point) basic.Point {
pt, err := c.tile.ToPixel(tegola.WebMercator, [2]float64{g.X(), g.Y()})
if err != nil {
return basic.Point{pt[0], pt[1]}
func chk3Pts(pt1, pt2, pt3 basic.Point) int {
// If the first and third points are equal we only care about
// the first point.
if tegola.IsPointEqual(pt1, pt3) {
return 1
if tegola.IsPointEqual(pt1, pt2) || tegola.IsPointEqual(pt2, pt3) {
return 2
return 3
func cleanLine(ols basic.Line) (newline basic.Line) {
ls := ols
loop := 0
count := 0
//log.Println("Line:", ls.GoString())
if len(ls) < 3 {
for i := range ls {
newline = append(newline, ls[i])
return newline
for i := 0; i < len(ls); i = i + 1 {
//log.Println(len(ls), "I:", i)
j, k := i+1, i+2
switch {
case i == len(ls)-2:
k = 0
case i == len(ls)-1:
j, k = 0, 1
// Always add the first point.
addFirstPt := true
skip := 3 - chk3Pts(ls[i], ls[j], ls[k])
//log.Println("Skip returned: ", skip, "I:", i)
switch {
case (k == 0 || k == 1) && skip == 2:
addFirstPt = false
case k == 1 && skip == 1:
// remove the first point from newline
newline = newline[1:]
case skip == 0:
if addFirstPt {
newline = append(newline, ls[i])
i += skip
//log.Println(len(ls), "EI:", i)
//log.Println("Out of loop")
if len(ls) != count {
ls = newline
newline = basic.Line{}
if loop > 100 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("infi (%v:%v)?\n%v\n%v", len(ls), count, ols.GoString(), ls.GoString()))
goto Restart
return newline
func simplifyLineString(g tegola.LineString, tolerance float64) basic.Line {
line := basic.CloneLine(g)
if len(line) <= 4 || maths.DistOfLine(g) < tolerance {
return line
pts := line.AsPts()
pts = maths.DouglasPeucker(pts, tolerance, true)
if len(pts) == 0 {
return nil
return basic.NewLineTruncatedFromPt(pts...)
func normalizePoints(pts []maths.Pt) (pnts []maths.Pt) {
if pts[0] == pts[len(pts)-1] {
pts = pts[1:]
if len(pts) <= 4 {
return pts
lpt := 0
pnts = append(pnts, pts[0])
for i := 1; i < len(pts); i++ {
ni := i + 1
if ni >= len(pts) {
ni = 0
m1, _, sdef1 := points.SlopeIntercept(pts[lpt], pts[i])
m2, _, sdef2 := points.SlopeIntercept(pts[lpt], pts[ni])
if m1 != m2 || sdef1 != sdef2 {
pnts = append(pnts, pts[i])
return pnts
func simplifyPolygon(g tegola.Polygon, tolerance float64, simplify bool) basic.Polygon {
lines := g.Sublines()
if len(lines) <= 0 {
return nil
var poly basic.Polygon
sqTolerance := tolerance * tolerance
// First lets look the first line, then we will simplify the other lines.
for i := range lines {
area := maths.AreaOfPolygonLineString(lines[i])
l := basic.CloneLine(lines[i])
if area < sqTolerance {
if i == 0 {
return basic.ClonePolygon(g)
// don't simplify the internal line
poly = append(poly, l)
pts := l.AsPts()
if len(pts) <= 2 {
if i == 0 {
return nil
pts = normalizePoints(pts)
// If the last point is the same as the first, remove the first point.
if len(pts) <= 4 {
if i == 0 {
return basic.ClonePolygon(g)
poly = append(poly, l)
pts = maths.DouglasPeucker(pts, sqTolerance, simplify)
if len(pts) <= 2 {
if i == 0 {
return nil
//log.Println("\t Skipping polygon subline.")
poly = append(poly, basic.NewLineTruncatedFromPt(pts...))
if len(poly) == 0 {
return nil
return poly
func SimplifyGeometry(g tegola.Geometry, tolerance float64, simplify bool) tegola.Geometry {
if !simplify || g == nil {
return g
switch gg := g.(type) {
case tegola.Polygon:
return simplifyPolygon(gg, tolerance, simplify)
case tegola.MultiPolygon:
var newMP basic.MultiPolygon
for _, p := range gg.Polygons() {
sp := simplifyPolygon(p, tolerance, simplify)
if sp == nil {
newMP = append(newMP, sp)
if len(newMP) == 0 {
return nil
return newMP
case tegola.LineString:
return simplifyLineString(gg, tolerance)
case tegola.MultiLine:
var newML basic.MultiLine
for _, l := range gg.Lines() {
sl := simplifyLineString(l, tolerance)
if sl == nil {
newML = append(newML, sl)
if len(newML) == 0 {
return nil
return newML
return g
func (c *cursor) scalelinestr(g tegola.LineString) (ls basic.Line) {
pts := g.Subpoints()
// If the linestring
if len(pts) < 2 {
// Not enought points to make a line.
return nil
ls = make(basic.Line, 0, len(pts))
ls = append(ls, c.scalept(pts[0]))
lidx := len(ls) - 1
for i := 1; i < len(pts); i++ {
npt := c.scalept(pts[i])
if tegola.IsPointEqual(ls[lidx], npt) {
// drop any duplicate points.
ls = append(ls, npt)
lidx = len(ls) - 1
if len(ls) < 2 {
// Not enough points. the zoom must be too far out for this ring.
return nil
return ls
func (c *cursor) scalePolygon(g tegola.Polygon) (p basic.Polygon) {
lines := g.Sublines()
p = make(basic.Polygon, 0, len(lines))
if len(lines) == 0 {
return p
for i := range lines {
ln := c.scalelinestr(lines[i])
if len(ln) < 2 {
if debug {
// skip lines that have been reduced to less then 2 points.
log.Debug("skipping line 2", lines[i], len(ln))
p = append(p, ln)
return p
func (c *cursor) ScaleGeo(geo tegola.Geometry) basic.Geometry {
switch g := geo.(type) {
case tegola.Point:
return c.scalept(g)
case tegola.Point3:
return c.scalept(g)
case tegola.MultiPoint:
pts := g.Points()
if len(pts) == 0 {
return nil
var ptmap = make(map[basic.Point]struct{})
var mp = make(basic.MultiPoint, 0, len(pts))
mp = append(mp, c.scalept(pts[0]))
ptmap[mp[0]] = struct{}{}
for i := 1; i < len(pts); i++ {
npt := c.scalept(pts[i])
if _, ok := ptmap[npt]; ok {
// Skip duplicate points.
ptmap[npt] = struct{}{}
mp = append(mp, npt)
return mp
case tegola.LineString:
return c.scalelinestr(g)
case tegola.MultiLine:
var ml basic.MultiLine
for _, l := range g.Lines() {
nl := c.scalelinestr(l)
if len(nl) > 0 {
ml = append(ml, nl)
return ml
case tegola.Polygon:
return c.scalePolygon(g)
case tegola.MultiPolygon:
var mp basic.MultiPolygon
for _, p := range g.Polygons() {
np := c.scalePolygon(p)
if len(np) > 0 {
mp = append(mp, np)
return mp
return basic.G{}
type geoDebugStruct struct {
Min maths.Pt `json:"min"`
Max maths.Pt `json:"max"`
Geo basic.Geometry `json:"geo"`
func createDebugFile(min, max maths.Pt, geo tegola.Geometry, err error) {
fln := os.Getenv("GenTestCase")
if fln == "" {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/testcase_%v_%p.json", fln, geo)
bgeo, err := basic.CloneGeometry(geo)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to clone geo for test case. %v", err)
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create test file %v : %v.", filename, err)
defer f.Close()
geodebug := geoDebugStruct{
Max: max,
Min: min,
Geo: bgeo,
enc := json.NewEncoder(f)
log.Infof("created file: %v", filename)
func (c *cursor) encodeCmd(cmd uint32, points []tegola.Point) []uint32 {
if len(points) == 0 {
return []uint32{}
// new slice to hold our encode bytes. 2 bytes for each point pluse a command byte.
g := make([]uint32, 0, (2*len(points))+1)
// add the command integer
g = append(g, cmd)
// range through our points
for _, p := range points {
dx, dy := c.GetDeltaPointAndUpdate(p)
// encode our delta point
g = append(g, encodeZigZag(dx), encodeZigZag(dy))
return g
func (c *cursor) MoveTo(points ...tegola.Point) []uint32 {
return c.encodeCmd(uint32(NewCommand(cmdMoveTo, len(points))), points)
func (c *cursor) LineTo(points ...tegola.Point) []uint32 {
return c.encodeCmd(uint32(NewCommand(cmdLineTo, len(points))), points)
func (c *cursor) ClosePath() uint32 {
return uint32(NewCommand(cmdClosePath, 1))
// encodeGeometry will take a tegola.Geometry type and encode it according to the
// mapbox vector_tile spec.
func encodeGeometry(ctx context.Context, geom tegola.Geometry, tile *tegola.Tile, simplify bool) (g []uint32, vtyp vectorTile.Tile_GeomType, err error) {
if geom == nil {
return nil, vectorTile.Tile_UNKNOWN, ErrNilGeometryType
// new cursor
c := NewCursor(tile)
// We are scaling separately, no need to scale in cursor.
c.DisableScaling = true
// Project Geom
// TODO: gdey: We need to separate out the transform, simplification, and clipping from the encoding process. #224
geo := c.ScaleGeo(geom)
sg := SimplifyGeometry(geo, tile.ZEpislon(), simplify)
pbb, err := tile.PixelBufferedBounds()
if err != nil {
return nil, vectorTile.Tile_UNKNOWN, err
ext := points.Extent(pbb)
geom, err = validate.CleanGeometry(ctx, sg, &ext)
if err != nil {
return nil, vectorTile.Tile_UNKNOWN, err
if geom == nil {
return []uint32{}, -1, nil
switch t := geom.(type) {
case tegola.Point:
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(t)...)
return g, vectorTile.Tile_POINT, nil
case tegola.Point3:
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(t)...)
return g, vectorTile.Tile_POINT, nil
case tegola.MultiPoint:
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(t.Points()...)...)
return g, vectorTile.Tile_POINT, nil
case tegola.LineString:
points := t.Subpoints()
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(points[0])...)
g = append(g, c.LineTo(points[1:]...)...)
return g, vectorTile.Tile_LINESTRING, nil
case tegola.MultiLine:
lines := t.Lines()
for _, l := range lines {
points := l.Subpoints()
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(points[0])...)
g = append(g, c.LineTo(points[1:]...)...)
return g, vectorTile.Tile_LINESTRING, nil
case tegola.Polygon:
// TODO: Right now c.ScaleGeo() never returns a Polygon, so this is dead code.
lines := t.Sublines()
for _, l := range lines {
points := l.Subpoints()
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(points[0])...)
g = append(g, c.LineTo(points[1:]...)...)
g = append(g, c.ClosePath())
return g, vectorTile.Tile_POLYGON, nil
case tegola.MultiPolygon:
polygons := t.Polygons()
for _, p := range polygons {
lines := p.Sublines()
for _, l := range lines {
points := l.Subpoints()
g = append(g, c.MoveTo(points[0])...)
g = append(g, c.LineTo(points[1:]...)...)
g = append(g, c.ClosePath())
return g, vectorTile.Tile_POLYGON, nil
return nil, vectorTile.Tile_UNKNOWN, ErrUnknownGeometryType
// keyvalMapsFromFeatures returns a key map and value map, to help with the translation
// to mapbox tile format. In the Tile format, the Tile contains a mapping of all the unique
// keys and values, and then each feature contains a vector map to these two. This is an
// intermediate data structure to help with the construction of the three mappings.
func keyvalMapsFromFeatures(features []Feature) (keyMap []string, valMap []interface{}, err error) {
var didFind bool
for _, f := range features {
for k, v := range f.Tags {
didFind = false
for _, mk := range keyMap {
if k == mk {
didFind = true
if !didFind {
keyMap = append(keyMap, k)
didFind = false
switch vt := v.(type) {
if vt == nil {
// ignore nil types
return keyMap, valMap, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type for value(%v) with key(%v) in tags for feature %v.", vt, k, f)
case string:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(string)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case fmt.Stringer:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(fmt.Stringer)
if !ok {
if tmv.String() == vt.String() {
didFind = true
case int:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(int)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case int8:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(int8)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case int16:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(int16)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case int32:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(int32)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case int64:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(int64)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case uint:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(uint)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case uint8:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(uint8)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case uint16:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(uint16)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case uint32:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(uint32)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case uint64:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(uint64)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case float32:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(float32)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case float64:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(float64)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
case bool:
for _, mv := range valMap {
tmv, ok := mv.(bool)
if !ok {
if tmv == vt {
didFind = true
} // value type switch
if !didFind {
valMap = append(valMap, v)
} // For f.Tags
} // for features
return keyMap, valMap, nil
// keyvalTagsMap will return the tags map as expected by the mapbox tile spec. It takes
// a keyMap and a valueMap that list the the order of the expected keys and values. It will
// return a vector map that refers to these two maps.
func keyvalTagsMap(keyMap []string, valueMap []interface{}, f *Feature) (tags []uint32, err error) {
if f == nil {
return nil, ErrNilFeature
var kidx, vidx int64
for key, val := range f.Tags {
kidx, vidx = -1, -1 // Set to known not found value.
for i, k := range keyMap {
if k != key {
continue // move to the next key
kidx = int64(i)
break // we found a match
if kidx == -1 {
log.Errorf("did not find key (%v) in keymap.", key)
return tags, fmt.Errorf("did not find key (%v) in keymap.", key)
// if val is nil we skip it for now
// https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/issues/62
if val == nil {
for i, v := range valueMap {
switch tv := val.(type) {
return tags, fmt.Errorf("value (%[1]v) of type (%[1]T) for key (%[2]v) is not supported.", tv, key)
case string:
vmt, ok := v.(string) // Make sure the type of the Value map matches the type of the Tag's value
if !ok || vmt != tv { // and that the values match
continue // if they don't match move to the next value.
case fmt.Stringer:
vmt, ok := v.(fmt.Stringer)
if !ok || vmt.String() != tv.String() {
case int:
vmt, ok := v.(int)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case int8:
vmt, ok := v.(int8)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case int16:
vmt, ok := v.(int16)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case int32:
vmt, ok := v.(int32)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case int64:
vmt, ok := v.(int64)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case uint:
vmt, ok := v.(uint)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case uint8:
vmt, ok := v.(uint8)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case uint16:
vmt, ok := v.(uint16)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case uint32:
vmt, ok := v.(uint32)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case uint64:
vmt, ok := v.(uint64)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case float32:
vmt, ok := v.(float32)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case float64:
vmt, ok := v.(float64)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
case bool:
vmt, ok := v.(bool)
if !ok || vmt != tv {
} // Values Switch Statement
// if the values match let's record the index.
vidx = int64(i)
break // we found our value no need to continue on.
} // range on value
if vidx == -1 { // None of the values matched.
return tags, fmt.Errorf("did not find a value: %v in valuemap.", val)
tags = append(tags, uint32(kidx), uint32(vidx))
} // Move to the next tag key and value.
return tags, nil
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