A Python command-line wrapper with library to access GitHub gists
git-cdn is a git mirror that you can place near your CI workers and developers.
It acts as a git+http(s) proxy, reducing WAN usage and accelerating git access for large repositories.
The uftrace tool is to trace and analyze execution of a program written in C/C++.
CBuild,比 Buildroot 更强大灵活、比 Yocto 更简洁快速的编译系统。
1. 提供网络下载、补丁、编译缓存机制,再次编译直接取本地缓存或网络缓存。
2. 提供编译应用(C/C++/汇编)的模板和编译驱动(C/汇编)的模板。
3. 支持编译最新的交叉编译工具链,举例 cortex-a9 和 cortex-a53。
python3 + pytest + parametrize + requests / httpx + yaml + allure + redis + mysql + pydantic + log + 飞书 / 钉钉 /企微/ 邮箱通知... 低代码数据驱动接口自动化测试框架
This repository is a merger of the formerly separate GoogleTest and GoogleMock projects.