#compdef ppkg
'-h:show help of this command.'
'--help:show help of this command.'
'help:show help of this command.'
'-V:show version of this command.'
'--version:show version of this command.'
'version:show version of this command.'
'about:show basic information about this software.'
'sysinfo:show basic information about your current running operation system.'
'gen-url-transform-sample:generate url-transform sample.'
'setup:install essential tools.'
'integrate:integrate zsh completions.'
'upgrade-self:upgrade this software.'
'cleanup:cleanup the unused cache.'
'update:update all the formula repositories.'
'formula-repo-init:create a new empty formula repository.'
'formula-repo-add:create a new empty formula repository then sync with server.'
'formula-repo-del:delete the given formula repository from your local cache.'
'formula-repo-sync:sync the given formula repository.'
'formula-repo-conf:change the config of the given formula repository.'
'formula-repo-info:show information of the given formula repository.'
'formula-repo-list:list all available formula repositories.'
'search:search all available packages whose name matches the given regular expression partten.'
'info-available:show information of the given available package.'
'info-installed:show information of the given installed package.'
'depends:show packages that are depended by the given package.'
'is-available:check if the given package is available.'
'is-installed:check if the given package is installed.'
'is-outdated:check if the given package is outdated.'
'ls-available:list the available packages.'
'ls-installed:list the installed packages.'
'ls-outdated:list the installed packages which can be upgraded.'
'fetch:download resources of the given package to the local cache.'
'install:install packages.'
'reinstall:reinstall packages.'
'uninstall:uninstall packages.'
'upgrade:upgrade the outdated packages.'
'tree:list the installed files of the given installed package in a tree-like format.'
'logs:show logs of the given installed package.'
'pack:pack the given installed package.'
'export.deb:export the given installed package as deb.'
'export.rpm:export the given installed package as rpm.'
'export.pkg:export the given installed package as pkg.'
'export.apk:export the given installed package as apk.'
'util:common used utilities.'
function _ppkg_available_packages() {
local -a _available_packages
_available_packages=($(ppkg ls-available 2>/dev/null))
_describe 'available-packages' _available_packages
function _ppkg_installed_packages() {
local -a _installed_packages
_installed_packages=($(ppkg ls-installed 2>/dev/null))
_describe 'installed-packages' _installed_packages
function _ppkg_outdated_packages() {
local -a _outdated_packages
_outdated_packages=($(ppkg ls-outdated 2>/dev/null))
_describe 'outdated-packages' _outdated_packages
function _ppkg() {
local context state state_descr line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments \
'1: :{_describe ppkg_actions _ppkg_actions}' \
'*:: :->option'
case $state in
case $words[1] in
_arguments \
'1:formula-repo-name:(name)' \
'2:formula-repo-url:(https://)' \
'--branch=-[set the formula repo branch]' \
+ '(pin)' \
'--pin[set pinned to 1]' \
'--unpin[set pinned to 0]' \
+ '(enable)' \
'--enable[set enabled to 1]' \
'--disable[set enabled to 0]'
_arguments \
'1:formula-repo-name:(name)' \
'2:formula-repo-url:(https://)' \
'--branch=-[set the formula repo branch]' \
+ '(pin)' \
'--pin[set pinned to 1]' \
'--unpin[set pinned to 0]' \
+ '(enable)' \
'--enable[set enabled to 1]' \
'--disable[set enabled to 0]'
_arguments \
'1:formula-repo-name:($(ppkg formula-repo-list | sed -n "/^name: /p" | cut -c7-))' \
'--url=-[change the formula repo url]' \
'--branch=-[change the formula repo branch]' \
+ '(pin)' \
'--pin[set pinned to yes]' \
'--unpin[set pinned to no]' \
+ '(enable)' \
'--enable[set enabled to yes]' \
'--disable[set enabled to no]'
_arguments '1:formula-repo-name:($(ppkg formula-repo-list | sed -n "/^name: /p" | cut -c7-))'
_arguments '1:formula-repo-name:($(ppkg formula-repo-list | sed -n "/^name: /p" | cut -c7-))'
_arguments '1:formula-repo-name:($(ppkg formula-repo-list | sed -n "/^name: /p" | cut -c7-))'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_available_packages' \
'2:key:(--yaml --json summary version license web-url git-url git-sha git-ref git-nth src-url src-uri src-sha fix-url fix-uri fix-sha res-url res-uri res-sha dep-pkg dep-upp dep-pym dep-plm ppflags ccflags xxflags ldflags bscript binbstd bsystem do12345 dopatch install symlink)' \
'-p[specify target platform name]:platform:(linux macos freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd)'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages' \
'2:key:(--prefix --files --yaml --json summary version license web-url git-url git-sha git-ref git-nth src-url src-uri src-sha fix-url fix-uri fix-sha res-url res-uri res-sha dep-pkg dep-upp dep-pym dep-plm ppflags ccflags xxflags ldflags bscript binbstd bsystem do12345 dopatch install symlink builtat builtat-rfc-3339 builtat-iso-8601 builtat-rfc-3339-utc builtat-iso-8601-utc)'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_available_packages' \
'-p[specify target platform name]:platform:(linux macos freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd)'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_available_packages' \
'-t[specify output format]:output-type:(d2 dot box svg png)' \
'-o[specify output filepath or directory]:output-path:_files' \
'-p[specify target platform name]:platform:(linux macos freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd)'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages' \
'-o[specify output filepath or directory]:output-path:_files' \
'--keep-session-dir[do not delete the session directory even if exported success]'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages' \
'-t[specify output type]:output-type:(zip tar.gz tar.xz tar.lz tar.bz2)' \
'-o[specify output filepath or directory]:output-path:_files' \
'--exclude[specify exclude path]:exclude-path:_path_files -/' \
'--keep-session-dir[do not delete the session directory even if packed success]'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages' \
'-a[show all files, including hidden ones]' \
'--dirsfirst[list directories before files]' \
_arguments \
_arguments \
':package-name:_ppkg_available_packages' \
'--target=-[specify the target to be built for]:target:(linux-glibc-x86_64 linux-musl-x86_64 freebsd-13.2-amd64 openbsd-7.4-amd64 netbsd-9.3-amd64)' \
'--profile=-[specify build profile]:profile:(debug release)' \
'--static[create fully statically linked executables]' \
'-j[specify the number of jobs you can run in parallel]:jobs:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)' \
'-I[specify the formula search directory]:search-dir:_path_files -/' \
'-U[upgrade if possible]' \
'-K[keep the session directory even if successfully installed]' \
'-E[export compile_commands.json]' \
'--disable-ccache[do not use ccache]' \
'-v-env[show all environment variables before starting to build]' \
'-v-http[show http request/response]' \
'-v-formula[show formula content]' \
'-v-toolchain[show C/C++ toolchain information]' \
'-v-go[pass -v argument to go build command]' \
'-v-uppm[pass -v argument to uppm command]' \
'-v-cargo[pass -v argument to cargo command]' \
'-v-meson[pass -v argument to meson command]' \
'-v-ninja[pass -v argument to ninja command]' \
'-v-gmake[pass V=1 argument to gmake command]' \
'-v-xmake[pass -v argument to xmake command]' \
'-v-cmake[pass -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE argument to cmake command]' \
'-x-sh[set -x to debug current running shell]' \
'-x-cc[pass -v argument to clang command]' \
'-x-ld[pass -Wl,-v argument to linker]' \
'-x-go[pass -x argument to go build command]' \
'-x-cargo[pass -vv argument to cargo command]' \
'-x-gmake[pass --debug argument to gmake command]' \
'-x-cmake[pass -DCMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE=ON argument to cmake command]' \
'-x-xmake[pass -vD argument to xmake command]' \
'-x-pkg-config[export PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW=1]' \
+ '(verbose_level)' \
'-x[very verbose mode. equivalent to -v-* and -x-* options all are supplied]' \
'-v[verbose mode. equivalent to -v-* options all are supplied]' \
'-q[silent mode.]'
_arguments \
':package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages' \
'--target=-[specify the target to be built for]:target:(linux-glibc-x86_64 linux-musl-x86_64 freebsd-13.2-amd64 openbsd-7.4-amd64 netbsd-9.3-amd64)' \
'--profile=-[specify build profile]:profile:(debug release)' \
'--static[create fully statically linked executables]' \
'-j[specify the number of jobs you can run in parallel]:jobs:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)' \
'-I[specify the formula search directory]:search-dir:_path_files -/' \
'-U[upgrade if possible]' \
'-K[keep the session directory even if successfully installed]' \
'-E[export compile_commands.json]' \
'--disable-ccache[do not use ccache]' \
'-v-env[show all environment variables before starting to build]' \
'-v-http[show http request/response]' \
'-v-formula[show formula content]' \
'-v-toolchain[show C/C++ toolchain information]' \
'-v-go[pass -v argument to go build command]' \
'-v-uppm[pass -v argument to uppm command]' \
'-v-ninja[pass -v argument to ninja command]' \
'-v-meson[pass -v argument to meson command]' \
'-v-cargo[pass -v argument to cargo command]' \
'-v-gmake[pass V=1 argument to gmake command]' \
'-v-xmake[pass -v argument to xmake command]' \
'-v-cmake[pass -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE argument to cmake command]' \
'-x-sh[set -x to debug current running shell]' \
'-x-go[pass -x argument to go build command]' \
'-x-cc[pass -v argument to clang command]' \
'-x-ld[pass -Wl,-v argument to linker]' \
'-x-cargo[pass -vv argument to cargo command]' \
'-x-gmake[pass --debug argument to gmake command]' \
'-x-cmake[pass -DCMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE=ON argument to cmake command]' \
'-x-xmake[pass -vD argument to xmake command]' \
'-x-pkg-config[export PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW=1]' \
+ '(verbose_level)' \
'-x[very verbose mode. equivalent to -v-* and -x-* options all are supplied]' \
'-v[verbose mode. equivalent to -v-* options all are supplied]' \
'-q[silent mode.]'
_arguments \
':package-name:_ppkg_outdated_packages' \
'--target=-[specify the target to be built for]:target:(linux-glibc-x86_64 linux-musl-x86_64 freebsd-13.2-amd64 openbsd-7.4-amd64 netbsd-9.3-amd64)' \
'--profile=-[specify build profile]:profile:(debug release)' \
'--static[create fully statically linked executables]' \
'-j[specify the number of jobs you can run in parallel]:jobs:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)' \
'-I[specify the formula search directory]:search-dir:_path_files -/' \
'-U[upgrade if possible]' \
'-K[keep the session directory even if successfully installed]' \
'-E[export compile_commands.json]' \
'--disable-ccache[do not use ccache]' \
'-v-env[show all environment variables before starting to build]' \
'-v-http[show http request/response]' \
'-v-formula[show formula content]' \
'-v-toolchain[show C/C++ toolchain information]' \
'-v-go[pass -v argument to go build command]' \
'-v-uppm[pass -v argument to uppm command]' \
'-v-ninja[pass -v argument to ninja command]' \
'-v-meson[pass -v argument to meson command]' \
'-v-cargo[pass -v argument to cargo command]' \
'-v-gmake[pass V=1 argument to gmake command]' \
'-v-xmake[pass -v argument to xmake command]' \
'-v-cmake[pass -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE argument to cmake command]' \
'-x-sh[set -x to debug current running shell]' \
'-x-cc[pass -v argument to clang command]' \
'-x-ld[pass -Wl,-v argument to linker]' \
'-x-go[pass -x argument to go build command]' \
'-x-cargo[pass -vv argument to cargo command]' \
'-x-gmake[pass --debug argument to gmake command]' \
'-x-cmake[pass -DCMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE=ON argument to cmake command]' \
'-x-xmake[pass -vD argument to xmake command]' \
'-x-pkg-config[export PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW=1]' \
+ '(verbose_level)' \
'-x[very verbose mode. equivalent to -v-* and -x-* options all are supplied]' \
'-v[verbose mode. equivalent to -v-* options all are supplied]' \
'-q[silent mode.]'
_arguments '*:package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages'
_arguments \
'-p[specify target platform name]:platform:(linux macos freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd)'
_arguments \
'--target=-[specify target platform]:target:(linux-glibc-x86_64 linux-musl-x86_64 freebsd-13.2-amd64 openbsd-7.4-amd64 netbsd-9.3-amd64)'
_arguments \
'--target=-[specify target platform]:target:(linux-glibc-x86_64 linux-musl-x86_64 freebsd-13.2-amd64 openbsd-7.4-amd64 netbsd-9.3-amd64)'
_arguments \
'1:package-name:_ppkg_available_packages' \
'-p[specify target platform name]:platform:(linux macos freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd)'
_arguments '1:package-name:_ppkg_installed_packages'
_arguments '1:package-name:_ppkg_outdated_packages'
_arguments '1:what:(zsh)'
_arguments \
'1: :(wfetch uncompress)' \
'*:: :->util-option'
case $state in
case $words[1] in
_arguments \
'1:what:(https://)' \
'-v[verbose mode. many messages will be output to terminal]'
_ppkg "$@"
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