// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 by Martin Steigemann and Wolfgang Bangerth
// This file is part of the deal.II library.
// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "xml_parameter_reader.h"
namespace dealii
namespace ParameterGui
XMLParameterReader::XMLParameterReader(QTreeWidget *tree_widget)
: tree_widget(tree_widget)
QStyle * style = tree_widget->style();
subsection_icon.addPixmap(style->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
subsection_icon.addPixmap(style->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
bool XMLParameterReader::read_xml_file(QIODevice *device)
// We look for a StartElement "ParameterHandler"
// and start parsing after this.
// <ParameterHandler>
// <subsection>
// ...
// </subsection>
// </ParameterHandler>
while (xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid)
if (xml.isStartElement())
if (xml.name() == "ParameterHandler")
return !xml.error();;
xml.raiseError(QObject::tr("The file is not an ParameterHandler XML file."));
return !xml.error();
QString XMLParameterReader::error_string() const
return QObject::tr("%1\nLine %2, column %3")
void XMLParameterReader::parse_parameters()
Q_ASSERT(xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "ParameterHandler");
// go to the next <start_element>
while (xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid)
// if it is the closing element of ParameterHandler, break the loop
if (xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == "ParameterHandler")
// if it is a start element it must be a subsection or a parameter
if (xml.isStartElement())
void XMLParameterReader::read_subsection_element(QTreeWidgetItem *parent)
// The structure of the parameter file is assumed to be of the form
// <subsection>
// <subsection>
// ...
// <parameter>
// <value> ... </value>
// ...
// <pattern_description> ... </pattern_description>
// </parameter>
// <parameter>
// ...
// </parameter>
// ...
// </subsection>
// <subsection>
// ...
// </subsection>
// ...
// </subsection>
// Any subsection has a user-specified name also any parameter, but we do not know
// the userspecified names and we can not assume anything. So, when parsing the file,
// we do not know, if the actual <start_element> is a <subsection> or a <parameter>
// in a subsection. To decide, if the element is a subsection- or a parameter-name,
// we assume, that if the next <start_element> is <value>, we have a <parameter>
// and a parameter has the entries <value>, <default_value>, <documentation>,
// <pattern> and <pattern_description>
// the actual element is <subsection>
// create a new subsection in the tree
QTreeWidgetItem * subsection = create_child_item(parent);
subsection->setIcon(0, subsection_icon);
subsection->setText(0, demangle(xml.name().toString()));
// the folder is not expanded
tree_widget->setItemExpanded(subsection, 0);
// read the next element
while (xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid)
// if the next element is </subsection>, break the loop
if (xml.isEndElement())
if (xml.isStartElement())
// it can be <value>, then we have found a parameter,
if (xml.name() == "value")
// values can be edited
subsection->setFlags(subsection->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
read_parameter_element (subsection);
// or it can be a new <subsection>
// subsections can not be edited
subsection->setFlags(subsection->flags() | Qt::NoItemFlags);
read_subsection_element (subsection);
void XMLParameterReader::read_parameter_element(QTreeWidgetItem *parent)
// the actual element is <value>,
// then we have found a parameter-item
Q_ASSERT(xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "value");
QString value = xml.readElementText();
// store as text to the item
parent->setText(1, value);
// change the icon of parent
parent->setIcon(0, parameter_icon);
// go to the next <start_element>
while (xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid)
if (xml.isStartElement())
// if it is <default_value> store it
if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "default_value")
QString default_value = xml.readElementText();
parent->setText(2, default_value);
// if it is <documentation> store it
else if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "documentation")
QString documentation = xml.readElementText();
parent->setText(3, documentation);
// if it is <pattern> store it as text,
// we only need this value for writing back to XML later
else if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "pattern")
QString pattern = xml.readElementText();
parent->setText(4, pattern);
// if it is <pattern_description> store it as text
else if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "pattern_description")
QString pattern_description = xml.readElementText();
// show the type and default
// in the StatusLine when
// hovering over column 0 or 1
parent->setText(5, pattern_description);
parent->setStatusTip(0, "Type: " + pattern_description + " Default: " + parent->text(2));
parent->setStatusTip(1, "Type: " + pattern_description + " Default: " + parent->text(2));
// in order to store values as correct data types,
// we check the following types in the pattern_description:
QRegExp rx_string("\\b(Anything|FileName|DirectoryName|Selection|List|MultipleSelection)\\b"),
// store the type "Anything" or "Filename" as a QString
if (rx_string.indexIn (pattern_description) != -1)
QString value = parent->text(1);
parent->setData(1, Qt::EditRole, value);
parent->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value);
// store the type "Integer" as an int
else if (rx_integer.indexIn (pattern_description) != -1)
QString text = parent->text(1);
bool ok = true;
int value = text.toInt(&ok);
if (ok)
parent->setData(1, Qt::EditRole, value);
parent->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value);
xml.raiseError(QObject::tr("Cannot convert integer type to integer!"));
// store the type "Double" as an double
else if (rx_double.indexIn (pattern_description) != -1)
QString text = parent->text(1);
bool ok = true;
double value = text.toDouble(&ok);
if (ok)
parent->setData(1, Qt::EditRole, value);
parent->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value);
xml.raiseError(QObject::tr("Cannot convert double type to double!"));
// store the type "Bool" as an boolean
if (rx_bool.indexIn (pattern_description) != -1)
QRegExp test(parent->text(1));
bool value = true;
if (test.exactMatch("true"))
value = true;
else if (test.exactMatch("false"))
value = false;
xml.raiseError(QObject::tr("Cannot convert boolean type to boolean!"));
// this is needed because we use for booleans the standard delegate
parent->setText(1, "");
parent->setData(1, Qt::EditRole, value);
parent->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value);
// if there is any other element, raise an error
xml.raiseError(QObject::tr("Incomplete or unknown Parameter!"));
QTreeWidgetItem *XMLParameterReader::create_child_item(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
// create a new child-item
QTreeWidgetItem * child_item;
// if item is not empty, append the new item as a child
if (item)
child_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(item);
// otherwise create a new item in the tree
child_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree_widget);
// set xml.tag_name as data
child_item->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, xml.name().toString());
child_item->setText(0, xml.name().toString());
return child_item;
QString XMLParameterReader::demangle (const QString &s)
// this function is copied from the ParameterHandler class
std::string s_temp (s.toStdString());
std::string u;
u.reserve (s_temp.size());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<s_temp.size(); ++i)
if (s_temp[i] != '_')
u.push_back (s_temp[i]);
Q_ASSERT (i+2 < s_temp.size());
unsigned char c = 0;
switch (s_temp[i+1])
case '0': c = 0 * 16; break;
case '1': c = 1 * 16; break;
case '2': c = 2 * 16; break;
case '3': c = 3 * 16; break;
case '4': c = 4 * 16; break;
case '5': c = 5 * 16; break;
case '6': c = 6 * 16; break;
case '7': c = 7 * 16; break;
case '8': c = 8 * 16; break;
case '9': c = 9 * 16; break;
case 'a': c = 10 * 16; break;
case 'b': c = 11 * 16; break;
case 'c': c = 12 * 16; break;
case 'd': c = 13 * 16; break;
case 'e': c = 14 * 16; break;
case 'f': c = 15 * 16; break;
Q_ASSERT (false);
switch (s_temp[i+2])
case '0': c += 0; break;
case '1': c += 1; break;
case '2': c += 2; break;
case '3': c += 3; break;
case '4': c += 4; break;
case '5': c += 5; break;
case '6': c += 6; break;
case '7': c += 7; break;
case '8': c += 8; break;
case '9': c += 9; break;
case 'a': c += 10; break;
case 'b': c += 11; break;
case 'c': c += 12; break;
case 'd': c += 13; break;
case 'e': c += 14; break;
case 'f': c += 15; break;
Q_ASSERT (false);
u.push_back (static_cast<char>(c));
// skip the two characters
i += 2;
QString v (u.c_str());
return v;
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