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package godirwalk
import (
// Options provide parameters for how the Walk function operates.
type Options struct {
// FollowSymbolicLinks specifies whether Walk will follow symbolic links
// that refer to directories. When set to false or left as its zero-value,
// Walk will still invoke the callback function with symbolic link nodes,
// but if the symbolic link refers to a directory, it will not recurse on
// that directory. When set to true, Walk will recurse on symbolic links
// that refer to a directory.
FollowSymbolicLinks bool
// Unsorted controls whether or not Walk will sort the immediate descendants
// of a directory by their relative names prior to visiting each of those
// entries.
// When set to false or left at its zero-value, Walk will get the list of
// immediate descendants of a particular directory, sort that list by
// lexical order of their names, and then visit each node in the list in
// sorted order. This will cause Walk to always traverse the same directory
// tree in the same order, however may be inefficient for directories with
// many immediate descendants.
// When set to true, Walk skips sorting the list of immediate descendants
// for a directory, and simply visits each node in the order the operating
// system enumerated them. This will be more fast, but with the side effect
// that the traversal order may be different from one invocation to the
// next.
Unsorted bool
// Callback is a required function that Walk will invoke for every file
// system node it encounters.
Callback WalkFunc
// PostChildrenCallback is an option function that Walk will invoke for
// every file system directory it encounters after its children have been
// processed.
PostChildrenCallback WalkFunc
// ScratchBuffer is an optional scratch buffer for Walk to use when reading
// directory entries, to reduce amount of garbage generation. Not all
// architectures take advantage of the scratch buffer.
ScratchBuffer []byte
// WalkFunc is the type of the function called for each file system node visited
// by Walk. The pathname argument will contain the argument to Walk as a prefix;
// that is, if Walk is called with "dir", which is a directory containing the
// file "a", the provided WalkFunc will be invoked with the argument "dir/a",
// using the correct os.PathSeparator for the Go Operating System architecture,
// GOOS. The directory entry argument is a pointer to a Dirent for the node,
// providing access to both the basename and the mode type of the file system
// node.
// If an error is returned by the walk function, processing stops. The sole
// exception is when the function returns the special value filepath.SkipDir. If
// the function returns filepath.SkipDir when invoked on a directory, Walk skips
// the directory's contents entirely. If the function returns filepath.SkipDir
// when invoked on a non-directory file system node, Walk skips the remaining
// files in the containing directory.
type WalkFunc func(osPathname string, directoryEntry *Dirent) error
// Walk walks the file tree rooted at the specified directory, calling the
// specified callback function for each file system node in the tree, including
// root, symbolic links, and other node types. The nodes are walked in lexical
// order, which makes the output deterministic but means that for very large
// directories this function can be inefficient.
// This function is often much faster than filepath.Walk because it does not
// invoke os.Stat for every node it encounters, but rather obtains the file
// system node type when it reads the parent directory.
// func main() {
// dirname := "."
// if len(os.Args) > 1 {
// dirname = os.Args[1]
// }
// err := godirwalk.Walk(dirname, &godirwalk.Options{
// Callback: func(osPathname string, de *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
// fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", de.ModeType(), osPathname)
// return nil
// },
// })
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
func Walk(pathname string, options *Options) error {
pathname = filepath.Clean(pathname)
var fi os.FileInfo
var err error
if options.FollowSymbolicLinks {
fi, err = os.Stat(pathname)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot Stat")
} else {
fi, err = os.Lstat(pathname)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot Lstat")
mode := fi.Mode()
if mode&os.ModeDir == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("cannot Walk non-directory: %s", pathname)
dirent := &Dirent{
name: filepath.Base(pathname),
modeType: mode & os.ModeType,
err = walk(pathname, dirent, options)
if err == filepath.SkipDir {
return nil // silence SkipDir for top level
return err
// walk recursively traverses the file system node specified by pathname and the
// Dirent.
func walk(osPathname string, dirent *Dirent, options *Options) error {
err := options.Callback(osPathname, dirent)
if err != nil {
if err != filepath.SkipDir {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Callback") // wrap potential errors returned by walkFn
return err
// On some platforms, an entry can have more than one mode type bit set.
// For instance, it could have both the symlink bit and the directory bit
// set indicating it's a symlink to a directory.
if dirent.IsSymlink() {
if !options.FollowSymbolicLinks {
return nil
// Only need to Stat entry if platform did not already have os.ModeDir
// set, such as would be the case for unix like operating systems. (This
// guard eliminates extra os.Stat check on Windows.)
if !dirent.IsDir() {
referent, err := os.Readlink(osPathname)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot Readlink")
fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(osPathname), referent))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot Stat")
dirent.modeType = fi.Mode() & os.ModeType
if !dirent.IsDir() {
return nil
// If get here, then specified pathname refers to a directory.
deChildren, err := ReadDirents(osPathname, options.ScratchBuffer)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot ReadDirents")
if !options.Unsorted {
sort.Sort(deChildren) // sort children entries unless upstream says to leave unsorted
for _, deChild := range deChildren {
osChildname := filepath.Join(osPathname, deChild.name)
err = walk(osChildname, deChild, options)
if err != nil {
if err != filepath.SkipDir {
return err
// If received skipdir on a directory, stop processing that
// directory, but continue to its siblings. If received skipdir on a
// non-directory, stop processing remaining siblings.
if deChild.IsSymlink() {
// Only need to Stat entry if platform did not already have
// os.ModeDir set, such as would be the case for unix like
// operating systems. (This guard eliminates extra os.Stat check
// on Windows.)
if !deChild.IsDir() {
// Resolve symbolic link referent to determine whether node
// is directory or not.
referent, err := os.Readlink(osChildname)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot Readlink")
fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(osPathname, referent))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot Stat")
deChild.modeType = fi.Mode() & os.ModeType
if !deChild.IsDir() {
// If not directory, return immediately, thus skipping remainder
// of siblings.
return nil
if options.PostChildrenCallback == nil {
return nil
err = options.PostChildrenCallback(osPathname, dirent)
if err != nil {
if err != filepath.SkipDir {
return errors.Wrap(err, "PostChildrenCallback") // wrap potential errors returned by walkFn
return err
return nil
