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gainovel / go-test-case

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001_test.go 14.78 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
gainovel 提交于 2024-03-14 23:36 . total commit
* @Author : gainovel
* @Organization : Copyright © 2023-2024 gainovel.com All Rights Reserved.
* @Date : 2024-03-13 12:21:30 星期三
* @ProductName : GoLand
* @PrjectName : test-case
* @File : stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory/001_test.go
* @Version : v0.1.0
* @Description : 开发中···
// qmemcodestart
package memory
import (
commonprint "github.com/gainovel/testcase/tools/common/print"
var (
myfmt = commonprint.MyFmt
func sleepG() {
func TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43(t *testing.T) {
// chan的基本用法
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/chan_crud github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("chan crud", func(t *testing.T) {
var (
ch1 chan int
val int
ok bool
myfmt.VarInitPrintln(`var (
ch1 chan int
val int
ok bool
// 内置函数make()进行初始化,可创建无缓冲管道和有缓冲管道
ch1 = make(chan int, 2)
// 向管道ch1中写数据1
ch1 <- 1
// len(ch1):缓冲区中元素个数 | cap(ch):缓冲区容量
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("ch1 = make(chan int, 2);ch1 <- 1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1))
// 向管道ch1中写数据1
ch1 <- 2
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("ch1 <- 2")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1))
// 从管道中读取数据,存入ch1中
val = <-ch1
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("val = <-ch1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1), "val", val)
// 使用逗号模式从管道中读取数据,ok为bool类型,表示是否读取到数据
val, ok = <-ch1
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("val, ok = <-ch1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1), "val", val, "ok", ok)
// 管道关闭&管道缓冲区中无数据 ⇌ ok为false
// 管道关闭后读取管道需通过ok判断本次是否读取到数据,以防返回零值,误操作
val, ok = <-ch1
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("val, ok = <-ch1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1), "val", val, "ok", ok)
// 协程读取管道时,阻塞的条件有3个:①管道无缓冲区②管道缓冲区中无数据③管道为nil。
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/1.read_no_buf github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("1.read no buf", func(t *testing.T) {
go sleepG()
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 = make(chan int)
fmt.Println("before return...")
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/2.read_no_data github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("2.read no data", func(t *testing.T) {
go sleepG()
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 = make(chan int, 2)
fmt.Println("before return...")
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/3.read_nil_chan github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("3.read nil chan", func(t *testing.T) {
go sleepG()
var (
ch1 chan int
fmt.Println("before return...")
// 协程写入管道时,阻塞的条件有3个:①管道无缓冲区②管道缓冲区已满③管道为nil。
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/1.write_no_buf github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("1.write no buf", func(t *testing.T) {
go sleepG()
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 = make(chan int)
ch1 <- 1
fmt.Println("before return...")
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/2.write_full_data github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("2.write full data", func(t *testing.T) {
go sleepG()
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 = make(chan int, 2)
ch1 <- 1
ch1 <- 1
ch1 <- 1
fmt.Println("before return...")
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/3.write_nil_chan github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("3.write nil chan", func(t *testing.T) {
go sleepG()
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 <- 1
fmt.Println("before return...")
// panic的情况有两种,①向关闭的管道写数据会触发panic②关闭已经关闭的管道
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/1.write_to_a_closed_chan github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
// panic: send on closed channel
t.Run("1.write to a closed chan", func(t *testing.T) {
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 = make(chan int, 1)
ch1 <- 1
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/2.close_a_closed_chan github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
// panic: close of closed channel
t.Run("2.close a closed chan", func(t *testing.T) {
var (
ch1 chan int
ch1 = make(chan int, 1)
// 管道关闭后,仍然可以读取数据
// 使用逗号模式(val,ok := <-ch1)从管道中读取数据,ok为bool类型,表示是否读取到数据
// 管道关闭&管道缓冲区中无数据 ⇌ ok为false;管道关闭后读取管道需通过ok判断本次是否读取到数据,以防返回零值,误操作
// go test -v -run TestName_2024_01_09_14_59_43/read_from_a_close_chan github.com/gainovel/testcase/stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory
t.Run("read from a close chan", func(t *testing.T) {
var (
ch1 chan int
val int
ok bool
ch1 = make(chan int, 2)
ch1 <- 1
ch1 <- 2
myfmt.VarInitPrintln(`var (
ch1 chan int
val int
ok bool
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("ch1 = make(chan int, 2);ch1 <- 1;ch1 <- 2;close(ch1)")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1))
val, ok = <-ch1
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("val, ok = <-ch1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1), "val", val, "ok", ok)
val, ok = <-ch1
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("val, ok = <-ch1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1), "val", val, "ok", ok)
val, ok = <-ch1
myfmt.ColorDescPrintln("val, ok = <-ch1")
myfmt.KeyValuePrintln("len(ch1)", len(ch1), "cap(ch1)", cap(ch1), "val", val, "ok", ok)
// qmemcodeend
// qmemoutputstart
//* 测试用例运行方法:
//* 0.前置要求:安装go(version>=1.20),安装make(可选)
//* 1.git clone git@gitee.com:gainovel/go-test-case.git 👉 cd go-test-case
//* 👉 cd docs/tests/stdlib/runtime/chan.md
//* 👉 找到对应的命令依次复制执行即可(回到根目录(go-test-case)执行)
//* 2.或者直接打开测试文件stdlib/runtime/chan/features_and_usages/memory/001_test.go,
//* 每个子测试上都有对应的命令,直接执行即可(回到根目录(go-test-case)执行)
//* 3. ❗ 注意:所有命令都在根目录下执行
//* Test Command: make 001/chan_crud -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result:
//* 👇
//* 变量初始化:
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* var (
//* ch1 chan int
//* val int
//* ok bool
//* )
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* ch1 = make(chan int, 2);ch1 <- 1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 1
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* ch1 <- 2
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 2
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* val = <-ch1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 1
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* | val | 1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* val, ok = <-ch1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 0
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* | val | 2
//* | ok | true
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* val, ok = <-ch1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 0
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* | val | 0
//* | ok | false
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* Test Command: make 001/1.read_no_buf -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: 管道ch1无缓冲区,读取阻塞...
//* Test Command: make 001/2.read_no_data -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: 管道ch1缓冲区中无数据,读取阻塞...
//* Test Command: make 001/3.read_nil_chan -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: 管道ch1为nil,读取阻塞...
//* Test Command: make 001/1.write_no_buf -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: 管道ch1无缓冲区,写入阻塞...
//* Test Command: make 001/2.write_full_data -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: 管道ch1缓冲区已满,写入阻塞...
//* Test Command: make 001/3.write_nil_chan -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: 管道ch1为nil,写入阻塞...
//* Test Command: make 001/1.write_to_a_closed_chan -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: panic: send on closed channel
//* Test Command: make 001/2.close_a_closed_chan -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result: panic: close of closed channel
//* Test Command: make 001/read_from_a_close_chan -f Makefiles/stdlib/runtime/chan.mk
//* Test Result:
//* 👇 变量初始化:
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* var (
//* ch1 chan int
//* val int
//* ok bool
//* )
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* ch1 = make(chan int, 2);ch1 <- 1;ch1 <- 2;close(ch1)
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 2
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* val, ok = <-ch1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 1
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* | val | 1
//* | ok | true
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* val, ok = <-ch1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 0
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* | val | 2
//* | ok | true
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* 👇
//* val, ok = <-ch1
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | key | value
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//* | len(ch1) | 0
//* | cap(ch1) | 2
//* | val | 0
//* | ok | false
//* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// qmemoutputend
