// Copyright (C) 2017 The GoHBase Authors. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of GoHBase.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
// that can be found in the COPYING file.
package hrpc
import (
// baseQuery bundles common fields that can be provided for quering requests: Scans and Gets
type baseQuery struct {
families map[string][]string
filter *pb.Filter
fromTimestamp uint64
toTimestamp uint64
maxVersions uint32
storeLimit uint32
storeOffset uint32
priority uint32
cacheBlocks bool
consistency ConsistencyType
// ConsistencyType is used to specify the required consistency of data
// See https://docs.cloudera.com/HDPDocuments/HDP2/HDP-2.2.9/bk_hadoop-ha/
// content/ha-hbase-timeline-consistency.html
type ConsistencyType int
const (
// Use HBase's default
DefaultConsistency ConsistencyType = iota
// Guarantees that the client receives the latest data.
// Client might receive stale data (indicated by the Stale field), but
// the data that is received was valid at a given point of time.
func (c ConsistencyType) toProto() (ret *pb.Consistency) {
ret = new(pb.Consistency)
switch c {
case TimelineConsistency:
*ret = pb.Consistency_TIMELINE
case StrongConsistency:
*ret = pb.Consistency_STRONG
case DefaultConsistency:
panic("default consistency depends on context")
panic("invalid value for ConsistencyType")
// newBaseQuery return baseQuery with all default values
func newBaseQuery() baseQuery {
return baseQuery{
storeLimit: DefaultMaxResultsPerColumnFamily,
fromTimestamp: MinTimestamp,
toTimestamp: MaxTimestamp,
maxVersions: DefaultMaxVersions,
cacheBlocks: DefaultCacheBlocks,
func (bq *baseQuery) setFamilies(families map[string][]string) {
bq.families = families
func (bq *baseQuery) setFilter(filter *pb.Filter) {
bq.filter = filter
func (bq *baseQuery) setTimeRangeUint64(from, to uint64) {
bq.fromTimestamp = from
bq.toTimestamp = to
func (bq *baseQuery) setMaxVersions(versions uint32) {
bq.maxVersions = versions
func (bq *baseQuery) setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(maxresults uint32) {
bq.storeLimit = maxresults
func (bq *baseQuery) setResultOffset(offset uint32) {
bq.storeOffset = offset
func (bq *baseQuery) setCacheBlocks(cacheBlocks bool) {
bq.cacheBlocks = cacheBlocks
func (bq *baseQuery) setConsistency(consistency ConsistencyType) {
bq.consistency = consistency
func (bq *baseQuery) setPriority(priority uint32) {
bq.priority = priority
func (bq *baseQuery) Priority() uint32 {
return bq.priority
// GetPriority returns the priority of a Call. Returns 0 for calls
// that don't have a priority set or don't support setting a priority.
func GetPriority(c Call) uint32 {
p, ok := c.(interface{ Priority() uint32 })
if !ok {
return 0
return p.Priority()
// Families option adds families constraint to a Scan or Get request.
func Families(f map[string][]string) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
return nil
return errors.New("'Families' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// Filters option adds filters constraint to a Scan or Get request.
func Filters(f filter.Filter) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
pbF, err := f.ConstructPBFilter()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return errors.New("'Filters' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// TimeRange is used as a parameter for request creation. Adds TimeRange constraint to a request.
// It will get values in range [from, to[ ('to' is exclusive).
func TimeRange(from, to time.Time) func(Call) error {
return TimeRangeUint64(uint64(from.UnixNano()/1e6), uint64(to.UnixNano()/1e6))
// TimeRangeUint64 is used as a parameter for request creation.
// Adds TimeRange constraint to a request.
// from and to should be in milliseconds
// // It will get values in range [from, to[ ('to' is exclusive).
func TimeRangeUint64(from, to uint64) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
if from >= to {
// or equal is becuase 'to' is exclusive
return errors.New("'from' timestamp is greater or equal to 'to' timestamp")
c.setTimeRangeUint64(from, to)
return nil
return errors.New("'TimeRange' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// MaxVersions is used as a parameter for request creation.
// Adds MaxVersions constraint to a request.
func MaxVersions(versions uint32) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
if versions > math.MaxInt32 {
return errors.New("'MaxVersions' exceeds supported number of versions")
return nil
return errors.New("'MaxVersions' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// MaxResultsPerColumnFamily is an option for Get or Scan requests that sets the maximum
// number of cells returned per column family in a row.
func MaxResultsPerColumnFamily(maxresults uint32) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
if maxresults > math.MaxInt32 {
return errors.New(
"'MaxResultsPerColumnFamily' exceeds supported number of value results")
return nil
return errors.New(
"'MaxResultsPerColumnFamily' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// ResultOffset is a option for Scan or Get requests that sets the offset for cells
// within a column family.
func ResultOffset(offset uint32) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
if offset > math.MaxInt32 {
return errors.New("'ResultOffset' exceeds supported offset value")
return nil
return errors.New("'ResultOffset' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// CacheBlocks is an option for Scan or Get requests to enable/disable the block cache
// for the request
func CacheBlocks(cacheBlocks bool) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
return nil
return errors.New("'CacheBlocks' option can only be used with Get or Scan request")
// Consistency is a Scan or Get option that requests the given
// consistency of data.
func Consistency(consistency ConsistencyType) func(Call) error {
return func(g Call) error {
if c, ok := g.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
return nil
return errors.New("'Consistency' option can only be used with Get or Scan requests")
func Priority(priority uint32) func(Call) error {
return func(hc Call) error {
if c, ok := hc.(hasQueryOptions); ok {
return nil
return errors.New("'Priority' option can only be used with Get or Scan requests")
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