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ant_path_string_matcher.go 6.26 KB
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codingrun 提交于 2019-04-09 17:43 . update
* Created by GoLand.
* Brief: apache ant path matcher implement
* User: vibrant
* Date: 2019/03/31
* Time: 13:51
package antpath
import (
// QuoteMeta 将字符串 s 中的“特殊字符”转换为其“转义格式”
// 例如,QuoteMeta(`[foo]`)返回`\[foo\]`。
// 特殊字符有:\.+*?()|[]{}^$
// 这些字符用于实现正则语法,所以当作普通字符使用时需要转换
func QuoteMeta
// 通过 Complite、CompilePOSIX、MustCompile、MustCompilePOSIX
// 四个函数可以创建一个 Regexp 对象
struct Regexp
// Compile 用来解析正则表达式 expr 是否合法,如果合法,则返回一个 Regexp 对象
// Regexp 对象可以在任意文本上执行需要的操作
func Compile
// 在 s 中查找 re 中编译好的正则表达式,并返回第一个匹配的内容
// 同时返回子表达式匹配的内容
// {完整匹配项, 子匹配项, 子匹配项, ...}
func FindStringSubmatch
// 在 b 中查找 re 中编译好的正则表达式,并返回第一个匹配的内容
// 同时返回子表达式匹配的内容
// {{完整匹配项}, {子匹配项}, {子匹配项}, ...}
func FindSubmatch
const DefaultVariablePattern = "(.*)"
//MaxFindCount default value = 32
const MaxFindCount = 1<<5
var GlobPattern *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
reg,err := regexp.Compile("\\?|\\*|\\{((?:\\{[^/]+?\\}|[^/{}]|\\\\[{}])+?)\\}")
if err == nil {
GlobPattern = reg
* Tests whether or not a string matches against a pattern via a {@link Pattern}.
* <p>The pattern may contain special characters: '*' means zero or more characters; '?' means one and
* only one character; '{' and '}' indicate a URI template pattern. For example <tt>/users/{user}</tt>.
type AntPathStringMatcher struct {
variableNames []*string
pattern *regexp.Regexp
//caseSensitive 区分大小写
caseSensitive bool
//capturingGroupCount 内部变量计算匹配个数
capturingGroupCount int
//NewDefaultStringMatcher part match
func NewDefaultStringMatcher(pattern string,caseSensitive bool)*AntPathStringMatcher{
stringMatcher := &AntPathStringMatcher{}
stringMatcher.capturingGroupCount = 0
stringMatcher.variableNames = make([]*string,0)
stringMatcher.caseSensitive = caseSensitive
reg,err := regexp.Compile(*stringMatcher.patternBuilder(pattern,false,caseSensitive))
if err == nil {
stringMatcher.pattern = reg
return stringMatcher
//NewMatchesStringMatcher full match
func NewMatchesStringMatcher(pattern string,caseSensitive bool) *AntPathStringMatcher {
stringMatcher := &AntPathStringMatcher{}
stringMatcher.capturingGroupCount = 0
stringMatcher.variableNames = make([]*string,0)
stringMatcher.caseSensitive = caseSensitive
reg,err := regexp.Compile(*stringMatcher.patternBuilder(pattern,true,caseSensitive))
if err == nil {
stringMatcher.pattern = reg
return stringMatcher
* Main entry point.
* @return {@code true} if the string matches against the pattern, or {@code false} otherwise.
func (sm *AntPathStringMatcher) MatchStrings(str string,uriTemplateVariables *map[string]string) bool {
if !sm.caseSensitive {
str = strings.ToLower(str)
matchBytes := Str2Bytes(str)
findIndex := sm.pattern.FindSubmatch(matchBytes)
if len(findIndex) > 0 {
if uriTemplateVariables != nil{
// SPR-8455
if len(sm.variableNames) != sm.GroupCount() {
panic("The number of capturing groups in the pattern segment " +
sm.pattern.String() + " does not match the number of URI template variables it defines, " +
"which can occur if capturing groups are used in a URI template regex. " +
"Use non-capturing groups instead.")
for i := 1; i <= sm.GroupCount(); i++ {
name := sm.variableNames[i - 1]
matched := findIndex[i]
value := Bytes2Str(matched)
(*uriTemplateVariables)[*name] = value
return true
return false
func (sm *AntPathStringMatcher) GroupCount() int {
return sm.capturingGroupCount
//FindSubMatch 子查询
func (sm *AntPathStringMatcher) FindSubMatch(source []byte,index int) *string {
indexCollection := sm.pattern.FindSubmatch(source)
result := Bytes2Str(indexCollection[index])
return &result
func (sm *AntPathStringMatcher) takeOffBrackets(source *string) *string{
var temp = strings.Trim(*source,"{}")
return &temp
func (sm *AntPathStringMatcher) quote(s string,start,end int) string {
if start == end {
return ""
return regexp.QuoteMeta(s[start:end])
func (sm *AntPathStringMatcher) patternBuilder(pattern string,matches,caseSensitive bool) *string {
var patternBuilder string
end := 0
patternBytes := Str2Bytes(pattern)
allIndex := GlobPattern.FindAllIndex(patternBytes,MaxFindCount)
if allIndex != nil && len(allIndex) > 0 {
for _,matched := range allIndex{
matchedStart := matched[0]
matchedEnd := matched[1]
patternBuilder += sm.quote(pattern,end,matchedStart)
matchstr := Bytes2Str(patternBytes[matchedStart:matchedEnd])
if strings.EqualFold("?",matchstr){
patternBuilder += "."
}else if strings.EqualFold("*",matchstr){
patternBuilder += ".*"
}else if strings.HasPrefix(matchstr,"{") && strings.HasSuffix(matchstr,"}"){
colonIdx := strings.Index(matchstr,":")
if colonIdx == -1{
patternBuilder += DefaultVariablePattern
sm.variableNames = append(sm.variableNames,sm.takeOffBrackets(&matchstr))
}else {
bytes := Str2Bytes(matchstr)
variablePattern := Bytes2Str(bytes[colonIdx + 1:len(matchstr)-1])
patternBuilder += "("
patternBuilder += variablePattern
patternBuilder += ")"
variableName :=Bytes2Str(bytes[1:colonIdx])
sm.variableNames = append(sm.variableNames,&variableName)
// group
sm.capturingGroupCount ++
end = matchedEnd
patternBuilder += sm.quote(pattern,end,len(pattern))
if !caseSensitive {
patternBuilder = strings.ToLower(patternBuilder)
//full match
if matches {
patternBuilder = "^" + patternBuilder + "$"
return &patternBuilder


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