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hkkitlee authored 2022-05-26 08:43 . update
更新 Update Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.17.9-2022.05.23-x86_64
(y) Proxmox Backup-Server proxmox-backup-server_2.2-1
(z) Proxmox MailGateway proxmox-mailgateway_7.1-1
更新 Update Distribution Release:
(b) Fedora (Everything, Server, Silverblue) x86_64-36-1.5
更新 Update Distribution Release:
(v) Proxmox-ve OS amd64 (Mirror) proxmox-ve_7.2-1
更新Distribution Release:
(a) Arch Linux amd64 Live with Option Installer Script archlinux-2022.05.01-x86_64
(F) ArcoLinux amd64 (Mirror) arcolinuxl-v22.05.02-x86_64
(g) IPFire ipfire-2.27.x86_64-full-core167
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.17.4-2022.04.26-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(C) Linux-Lite amd64 Live (Mirror) linux-lite-6.0-rc1-64bit
(n) Garuda-Xfce-linux amd64 Live with Installer garuda-xfce-linux-lts-220329
(H) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.17-x86_64
(u) Ubuntu Kylin live with Installer 优麒麟 ubuntukylin-22.04-desktop-amd64
(v) Ubuntu live with Installer ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64
更新Distribution Release:
(J) Install AlmaLinux amd64 AlmaLinux-9.0-beta-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(D) Archman Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) archman-2022.04.18-x86_64
(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.2.6-220416-linux515
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.17.2-2022.04.13-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(I) RebornLinux amd64 (Mirror) RebornOS-2022.04.10-x86_64
(z) EndeavourOS Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) EndeavourOS_Apollo_22_1
更新Distribution Release:
(y) SystemRescue amd64 systemrescue-9.02-amd64
更新Distribution Release:
(c) Alpine amd64/i386 alpine-standard-3.15.4-x86_64
(E) Mabox amd64 (Mirror) mabox-linux-22.04-Herbolth-220403-linux515
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.17.1-2022.03.30-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(H) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.16-x86_64
(g) IPFire ipfire-2.27.x86_64-full-core166
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.17.1-2022.03.21-x86_64
(q) GParted Live 1.4.0-1 amd64 (Mirror)
(c) Alpine amd64/i386 alpine-standard-3.15.2-x86_64
(e) Slax amd64/i386 slax-64bit-11.3.0
更新Distribution Release:
(c) Alpine 3.14.2 amd64/i386 alpine-standard-3.15.2-x86_64
(d) Parrot-Linux amd64/i386 Parrot-home-5.0_amd64
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.16.15-2022.03.21-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.16.12-2022.03.05-x86_64
(F) ArcoLinux amd64 (Mirror) arcolinuxs-v22.03.08-x86_64
(g) IPFire ipfire-2.27.x86_64-full-core164
更新Distribution Release:
(D) Archman Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) archman-xfce-2022.03-x86_64
(a) Arch Linux amd64 Live with Option Installer Script archlinux-2022.03.01-x86_64
新增 New Add Distribution:
(N) Hyperbola amd64 (Mirror) hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4-dual
更新Distribution Release:
(e) Slax amd64/i386 slax-64bit-11.2.1
(B) EuroLinux amd64 (Mirror) EL-9.0-x86_64-20220301
20220301:更新Distribution Release:
(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.2.4-220227-linux515
(H) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.15-x86_64
20220226:更新Distribution Release:
(u) Ubuntu Kylin live with Installer 优麒麟 ubuntukylin-20.04.4-desktop-amd64
20220223:更新Distribution Release:
(e) Slax amd64/i386 slax-64bit-11.2.0
更新Distribution Release:
(H) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.14-x86_64
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.16.10-2022.02.17-x86_64
20220215:更新Distribution Release:
(e) Slax amd64/i386 slax-64bit-11.2.0-rc2
(e) Kali-Linux amd64/i386 kali-linux-2022.1-amd64
更新Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.16.8-2022.02.10-x86_64
(K) ArchLabs amd64 with Installer (Mirror) archlabs-2022.02.12-x86_64
新增 New Add Distribution:
(M) PlopLinux amd64 (Mirror) ploplinux-22.1-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(e) Slax amd64/i386 slax-64bit-11.2.0-rc1
(y) SystemRescue amd64 systemrescue-9.01-amd64
20220209:更新Distribution Release:
(g) IPFire ipfire-2.27.x86_64-full-core163
20220207:更新Distribution Release:
(p) Absolute-Linux amd64 absolute-15.0
(D) Archman Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) archman-xfce-2022.02.05-x86_64
(E) Mabox amd64 (Mirror) mabox-linux-22.02-Herbolth-220205-linux515
20220204:更新Distribution Release:
(f) Slackware Linux 15.0
(a) Arch Linux amd64 Live with Option Installer Script archlinux-2022.02.01-x86_64
20220201:更新Distribution Release:
(b) Tinycore amd64/i386 13
(C) Linux-Lite amd64 Live (Mirror) linux-lite-5.8-64bit
(n) Garuda-Xfce-linux amd64 Live with Installer garuda-xfce-linux-lts-220131
20220127:更新Distribution Release:
(E) Mabox amd64 (Mirror) mabox-linux-22.01-Herbolth-220124-linux515
20220126:更新Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.16.2-2022.01.24-x86_64
新增 New Add Distribution:(L) ArchBang amd64 with Installer (Mirror) archbang-winter-2201-x86_64
更新 Distribution Release:(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.2.2-220123-linux515
20220120:新增 New Add Distribution:
(K) ArchLabs amd64 with Installer (Mirror) archlabs-2022.01.18-x86_64
20220119:更新Distribution Release:
(t) Parted Magic amd64 pmagic_2022_01_18
(p) Absolute-Linux amd64 absolute64-20220117
20220117:更新Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.16.0-2022.01.14-x86_64
(y) SystemRescue amd64 systemrescue-9.00-amd64
20220114:更新Distribution Release:(f) Slackware Linux 15.0-rc3
20220111:新增(x) Live-Raizo (Mirror) Live-Raizo-v13.22.01.08i
20220109:更新Distribution Release:(r) Clonezilla Live/Lite Server clonezilla-live-20220103-impish-amd64
20220105:更新Distribution Release:(u) Clear Linux OS amd64 35500
更新Distribution Release:(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.2.1-220103-linux515
新增鏡像源(sourceforge1) http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryanboot/
更新Distribution Release:
(J) Rescuezilla amd64 (Mirror) rescuezilla-2.3.1-64bit.impish
(n) Garuda-Wayfire-linux-zen amd64 Live with Installer garuda-wayfire-linux-zen-220101
(h) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.12-x86_64
(a) Arch Linux amd64 Live with Option Installer Script archlinux-2022.01.01-x86_64
20220102:更新Distribution Release:
(F) ArcoLinux amd64 (Mirror) arcolinuxl-v22.01.10-x86_64
(C) Linux-Lite amd64 Live (Mirror) linux-lite-5.8-rc1-64bit
20211226:新增Add Distribution:(J) Rescuezilla amd64 (Mirror) rescuezilla-2.3-64bit.impish
20211223:更新Distribution Release:
(E) Mabox amd64 (Mirror) mabox-linux-21.12-Herbolth-211222-linux510
(g) IPFire ipfire-2.27.x86_64-full-core162
(z) EndeavourOS Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) EndeavourOS_Atlantis-21_5
新增Add Distribution:
(E) Univention Corporate Server amd64 UCS_5.0-1-amd64
更新Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.15.10-2021.12.19-x86_64
(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.2.0-211220-linux515
(y) SystemRescue-8.05-amd64 systemrescue-8.07-amd64
(e) Kali-Linux amd64/i386 kali-linux-2021.4-live-amd64
(c) Debian amd64/i386 debian-11.2.0
20211215:更新Distribution Release:(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.15.7-2021.12.13-x86_64
更新Distribution Release:
(z) EndeavourOS Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) EndeavourOS_Atlantis-21_4
(a) Arch Linux amd64 Live with Option Installer Script archlinux-2021.12.01-x86_64
(f) Install openSUSE amd64/i386 openSUSE-Leap-15.4
(n) CentOS amd64 (2-8)
新增Add Distribution:
(D) Centos-Stream amd64 (9-stream)
20211130:更新Distribution Release:
(r) Clonezilla Live/Lite Server clonezilla-live-20211116-impish-amd64 SF
(h) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.11-x86_64
(B) EuroLinux 8 amd64 EL-8.5-x86_64-20211126 (Mirror)
(g) IPFire ipfire-2.27.x86_64-full-core161
20211125:更新Distribution Release:(H) Alpine 3.14.2 amd64/i386 alpine-standard-3.15.0-x86_64
20211124:更新Distribution Release:(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.15.4-2021.11.22-x86_64
20211121:更新Distribution Release:(y) Systemrescue-8.06-amd64
20211118:更新Distribution Release:
(v) Proxmox-ve 7.1-1 OS amd64 (Mirror)
(x) Rocky Linux 8.5 amd64
(w) OracleLinux R8 U5 8.5 Full amd64
(f) Slackware Linux 15.0 RC2
20211115:更新Distribution Release:(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.15.2-2021.11.13-x86_64
20211113:更新Distribution Release:
(J) Install AlmaLinux amd64 AlmaLinux-8.5-x86_64
(H) Alpine 3.14.2 amd64/i386 alpine-standard-3.14.3-x86_64
20211111:更新Distribution Release:(F) ArcoLinux amd64 (Mirror) arcolinuxs-lts-v21.11.05-x86_64
20211104:更新Distribution Release:(D) Archman Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) archman-xfce-2021.11.04
20211103:更新Distribution Release:
(b) Fedora (Everything, Server, Silverblue) amd64 35-1.2
(a) Arch Linux amd64 Live with Option Installer Script 2021.11.01
20211026:更新Distribution Release:(p) Absolute-Linux amd64 absolute64-20211024
20211020:新增Add Distribution:(I) RebornLinux amd64 (Mirror) RebornOS-2021.10.18-x86_64
20211019:新增Add Distribution:(H) Snal amd64 (Mirror) snallinux-1.10-x86_64
20211018:更新Distribution Release:
(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.1.6-211016-linux54
(v) Ubuntu live with Installer 21.10
(u) Ubuntu Kylin live with Installer 优麒麟 21.10
(i) Install Devuan amd64/i586 devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.14.11-2021.10.11-x86_64
20211013:更新Distribution Release:(D) Archman Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) archman-xfce-2021.10.12-x86_64
20210912:新增Add Distribution:(G) Debian-Live xfce amd64/i386
20211011:更新Distribution Release:
(s) Redo-Rescue amd64 (Mirror) redorescue-4.0.0
(E) Mabox amd64 (Mirror) mabox-linux-21.10-Geralt-211010-linux54
20211009:更新Distribution Release:(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.1.5-211008-linux54
20211006:更新Distribution Release: IPFire 2.27 Core 160
20211004:更新Distribution Release:(y)SystemRescue-8.05-amd64
20210930:Install Fedora (Everything, Server, Silverblue) amd64 更新至35_Beta
20210929:更新Distribution Release:(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.14.7-2021.09.26-x86_64
20210924:更新Distribution Release:
Ubuntu live with Installer 21.10-beta
Ubuntu Kylin live with Installer 优麒麟 21.10-beta
20210917:更新Distribution Release:(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) manjaro-xfce-21.1.3-210916-linux513
20210914:更新Distribution Release:(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.14.2-2021.09.12-x86_64
20210910:新增Add Distribution:
(E) Mabox amd64 (Mirror)
(F) ArcoLinux amd64 (Mirror)
20210905:更新Distribution Release:(o) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) Manjaro-xfce-21.1.2-210904-linux513
20210901:更新Distribution Release:
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.13.13-2021.08.28
(C) Linux-Lite amd64 Live (Mirror) Linux-Lite-5.6
20210831:更新Distribution Release:(z) EndeavourOS Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) 2021.08.27
20210828:更新Distribution Release:
(O) Manjaro-xfce-21.1.1-210827
(H) Alpine 3.14.2 amd64/i386
20210827:新增Add Distribution (D) Archman Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) 20210826
20210825:更新Distribution Release:(R) Clonezilla Live/Lite Server alternative stable-20210817-hirsute amd64 SF
20210822:更新Distribution Release: EL-8.4-x86_64-20210816
20210820:更新Distribution Release: Blackarch-linux-slim-2021.09.01-x86_64
20210819:更新Distribution Release: IPFire 2.27 Core 159
20210817:更新Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 RC1
20210815:更新Distribution Release: (c) Debian amd64/i386 (Debian 11 code name "Bullseye")
20210807:更新Distribution Release:(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror) bluestar-linux-5.13.8-2021.08.05
20210802:更新Distribution Release:(p) Absolute-Linux amd64 20210730
20210728:新增Add Distribution (C) Linux-Lite amd64 Live (Mirror)
20210727:新增Add Distribution (B) Grml Linux amd64 Live (Mirror)
20210726:新增Add Distribution
(z) EndeavourOS Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror)
(A) Bluestar Linux amd64 Live with Installer (Mirror)
20210725:新增Add Distribution (y) SystemRescue amd64 (Mirror)
20210724:新增(C) Amahi 11 amd64 (Mirror)
20210723:更新Distribution Release:(q) GParted Live 1.3.1-1 amd64 (Mirror)
20210722:更新Distribution Release:(n) Garuda-Wayfire-linux-zen-210720 amd64 Live with Installer
20210721:新增(x) Live-Raizo Live-Raizo-v12.21.07.17i (Mirror)
20210720:更新Distribution Release:IPFire 2.25-core 158 amd64/i586
20210718:新增(w) Minimal Linux Live amd64 (Mirror) -- https://github.com/ivandavidov/minimal
20210717:更新Distribution Release:(z) Proxmox MailGateway 7.0-1 OS amd64 (Mirror)
20210716:更新Distribution Release:(y) Proxmox Backup-Server 2.0-1 OS amd64 (Mirror)
20210713:新增(B) EuroLinux 8 amd64 (Mirror)
20210708:更新Distribution Release:(u) Clear Linux OS amd64 34830
20210707:更新Distribution Release:(v) Proxmox VE 7.0-1 OS amd64
20210706:新增(A) Vzlinux 8 amd64 (Mirror)
20210704:新增(U) Ubuntu live with Installer 21.04
20210702:新增(U) Ubuntu Kylin live with Installer 优麒麟 21.04
20210630:新增鏡像源(mirror1) http://jackieojackie.ddns.net:8999/ryanboot/
20210628:新增(Z) Proxmox MailGateway OS amd64 SF
新增(Y) Proxmox Backup Server 1.1-1 OS amd64 SF
更新Distribution Release:(V) Proxmox VE 6.4-1 OS amd64
20210623:重新編寫「啟動源」選項部分:由全手輸網址變成選擇項;並繼續支持手動輸入,用以支援私人雲。感謝@chenall 提點
20210619:新增下載:主伺服器 備用 Github Gitee mirror0 SourceForge
20210618:更新iPXE版本 1.21.1+ (g51c88)
20210617:修正了chainload gitee.com 時加載腳本、失敗後等當機問題。將自動重新載入。
20210616:新增(Sort by Based on)
(T) Parted Magic amd64 SF
iPXE config
(Q) Gparted-Live amd64 SF
(R) Clonezilla Live/Lite Server amd64 SF
(S) Redo-Rescue amd64 SF
由於以上原版initrd不支援從https站 fetch filesystem.squashfs,新增選項—使用「注入方式」克服https啟動及免修改啟動文件;或可選繼續使用原版 fetch http/ftp/tftp。詳見原碼。
20210510:(S) Redo-Rescue amd64 SF
20210509:(R) Clonezilla Live/Lite Server amd64 SF
20210508:(Q) Gparted-Live amd64 SF
新增自定義從gitee.com 引導腳本菜單(測試中)
20210503:(7) Install Rocky Linux via VNC by Kit
20210502:(X) Rocky Linux 8 amd64
20210430: 軟件新增ftp協議,有需要請重新下載
20210429:(B) Install Fedora (Everything, Server, Silverblue) amd64 更新至34
20210428:(P) Gentoo Linux Minimal amd64
20210427:(O) Manjaro Linux Xfce amd64 Live with Installer
20210426:(W) OracleLinux R8 Full amd64
20210425:(N) Garuda Linux amd64 Live with Installer
20210424:Add sourceforge.net for file hosting
20210423:(V) Proxmox VE OS amd64
20210422:(M) BlackArch Linux amd64 Live with Installer Script
20210421:(U) Clear Linux OS amd64
20210420:(D) SuperGrub2 Disk
20210419:(C) Memtest86 ##記憶體測試 (Upgrade to 7.5)
20210416:(T) SteamOS Linux amd64
20210413:(L) OneFileLinux (Boot from GitHub or Ryanboot Server)
20210411:(S) ClearOS Linux amd64
20210409:(R) Springdale Linux amd64
20210402:(Q) PureOS Linux amd64
Ubuntu update release Groovy & Hirsute
20210401:(B) Fedora Release (Everything, Server, Silverblue) choose
(P) Absolute-Linux amd64
20210331:(O) Install CloudLinux OS amd64
20210330:(N) Install Centos Stream amd64
新增下載: Github Gitee
20210328:(M) Install openEuler amd64
20210326:(K) Fatdog64 Linux amd64 (Live)
(L) Install Koozali SME Server amd64
20210325:(K) Install Fedora CoreOS amd64
(J) Fedora CoreOS amd64 (Live)
將菜單一分為二:Installer 和 Live並重新編排快捷鍵
20210324:(J) Install AlmaLinux amd64
(9) Container Linux by flatcar amd64
20210323:(H) Install Mageia amd64/i586
(I) Install Devuan amd64/i586
wimboot 版本更新2.7.2
20210321:(8) X-wrt amd64/i386
20210319:(7) Rancher OS amd64/i386
20210318:(6) Slackware amd64/i386 with Installer
20210311:新增Install IPFire amd64/i586
20210305:更新u盤RyanTC PXE Server[桌面,PXE,數據回復],在線啟動最新官方版本。
20210227:新增Slax 9 amd64/i386 (官方伺服網絡慢,需要耐心等候...)
20210226:RyanTC Desktop with PXE & Data Rescue更新版本官方v12
20210219:(G) Tinycore amd64/i386 #官方更新版本12
20210211:新增:(J) Install openSUSE amd64/i386
20210209:更新官方Debian Live 10.8
20210205:(I) SliTaz rolling amd64/i386
20210204:(H) Alpine amd64/i386
自選就近鏡像源(默認:清華大學)Mirror site Selection
版本選擇 Version Selection.
架構自動識別 Auto select amd64/i386.
自選文字/圖像介面 tui/gtk Text/Graphical User Interface
核心參數輸入 Kernel Parameter
刪除:Centos 8(壽終正寢,該死的紅帽!)。Oracle 8 支援差。
20210120:Parrot-Linux , Kali-Linux 更新
|---(C) Install Ubuntu amd64/i386 @
|---(D) Install Fedora amd64 @
|---(E) Install Debian amd64/i386 @
|---(F) Install Parrot-Linux amd64/i386
|---(G) Install Kali-Linux amd64/i386
|---(H) Install Arch Linux amd64
|---(I) Install Arch Linux amd64 by script
|---(J) Install Oracle Linux amd64
auto select amd64/i386. @ Version Selection. tui/gtk Text/Graphical User Interface
amd64/i386為自動判別。@為版本選擇。tui/gtk 文字/圖像交互介面。
20210117:更新Ubuntu bionic , focal; 更新可手動選擇版本。
20210115:更新Debian最新版本bullseye ; Fedora最新版為33 ; 更新可手動選擇版本。
20210111:從你的iPXE伺服器連接至小白雲端啟動系統。dhcp && chain --autofree http://hkkitlee.ddns.net:8999/chain.ipxe
20201229:新增:(M) Install Oracle Linux amd64
20201226: 增加Arch Linux ssl証書;菜單更新為可選就近鏡像站台加速啟動。使用前請重新下載。
20201225:新增:(K) Install Arch Linux amd64
20201207:更新官方Debian Live 10.7,vmlinuz-4.19.0-13-amd64
20201107:Redo Rescue Version 2.0.5 > 3.0.2
20201027:更新官方Debian Live 10.6,vmlinuz-4.19.0-11-amd64
20201012:Ryanboot - 小白云系統
20201005:Redo rescue 2.0.5(自動被控項目) @友联电脑
20200908:bug fix - Kali Linux Parrot Linux netinstaller ssl error
原廠Netinstaller ssl証書錯誤,安裝源取包失敗,導致安裝失敗。
20200808:更新p2p啟動官方Debian Live 10.5
Official Linux Installer
Install Centos8 amd64
Centos8 live CD Rescue mode
Install Current Ubuntu amd64
Install Current Ubuntu i386
Install Fedora32 amd64
Install Debian10.4 amd64
Install Current Parrot-Linux amd64
Install Current Parrot-Linux i386
Install Current Kali-Linux amd64
Install Current Kali-Linux i386
20200801:ipxe網絡啟動Linux上安裝/修改原版Windows(PE) ,源碼編譯wimtool-imagex
Official Linux Installer
Install Centos8 amd64
Centos8 live CD Rescue mode
Install Current Ubuntu amd64
Install Current Ubuntu i386
Install Fedora32 amd64
Install Debian10.4 amd64
Install Current Parrot-Linux amd64
Install Current Parrot-Linux i386
Install Current Kali-Linux amd64
Install Current Kali-Linux i386
20200615:RPBL Ryan P2P/BT Boot Linux (Debian Live Buster 10.x Server 服務端), 一鍵腳本
20200612:更新官方Debian Live 10.4 並顯示核心版本信息 http://bbs.wuyou.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=420972&extra=page%3D1
20200421:Tinycore v11 desktop 桌面連 pxe 伺服器
20200313:更新官方Debian Live 10.3
20200108:更新官方Debian Live 10.2 http://bbs.wuyou.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=418347
20190817:RyanTC增設iPXE編譯環境, 將會自動安裝編譯所需依賴檔案.
iPXE原碼則git clone 到/ipxe下, 編譯指令則參考ipxe.org
2Win連到網絡磁盤名稱:root 密碼:root
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20190716:Debian Live:為加強對應舊網卡驅動,修改對initramfs啟動網卡之timeout,時間改為延長60秒。
20190715:更新Debian 10 Buster Live for Data Rescue,最小3GB內存
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