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hxz 提交于 2023-12-01 14:57 . print more info when initialize soft time
(defpackage :soft-universal-time
(:use :cl)
(:nicknames :soft-time)
;; Hard time is the time which is got from the OS directly,
;; Soft time is the time which is got from a variable and updated periodically from the OS by another thread.
;; Soft time is suitable for such works that time will be fetched very intensively
;; but not care much about the accuracy.
;; Use case:
;; If a system can tolerate the time error >= 1 millisecond,
;; the thread will get the time from the OS for 1000 times each second and update the soft time variable,
;; Getting the time from a variable can be about 100 times faster than from the OS,
;; if the system gets time much more than 1000 times, soft time may be a good candidate.
(in-package :soft-universal-time)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defmacro define-global (name value &optional doc)
#+sbcl`(sb-ext:defglobal ,name ,value ,doc)
#+ccl`(ccl:defstatic ,name ,value ,doc)
#+:lispworks`(hcl:defglobal-variable ,name ,value ,doc)
#-(or sbcl ccl lispworks) `(defvar ,name ,value ,doc))
(declaim (fixnum **soft-universal-time**))
(define-global **soft-universal-time** 0
"Present the not very accurate universal time in milliseconds.")
(defconstant +milliseconds-per-second+ 1000)
(defconstant +unix-epoch+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
(declaim (single-float *soft-time-resolution*))
(defparameter *soft-time-resolution* 0.005
"Interval second for updating the soft time variable.
This resolution should be less than the resolution of a timer, if the later is used in the same system.")
(defparameter *time-policy* :soft
"Depends on how to get the current time. Can be either :hard or :soft.
If nactor-utils:maintain-soft-time is called, change this var to :soft."))
(defun get-soft-time-resolution ()
"Get the soft time resolution in seconds."
(defun set-soft-time-resolution (&optional (seconds 0.005))
"Set the soft time resolution in seconds."
(declare (real seconds))
(setf *soft-time-resolution* (coerce seconds 'single-float)))
(declaim (inline get-soft-time))
(defun get-soft-time () ; cost 0.27 seconds for 10^9 times
"Get the universal milliseconds from the glocal variable, ultra fast."
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(the fixnum **soft-universal-time**))
(declaim (inline set-soft-time))
(defun set-soft-time (milliseconds)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(declare (fixnum milliseconds))
(setf **soft-universal-time** milliseconds))
(declaim (inline get-hard-time))
(defun get-hard-time () ; cost 18 seconds for 10^9 times
"Get the universal time from the OS, in millisecond, will not set the soft time var."
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(multiple-value-bind (sec nsec) (local-time::%get-current-time)
(the fixnum (+ (the fixnum (* (+ (the fixnum sec) #.+unix-epoch+)
(truncate (/ (the fixnum nsec) 1000000))))))
(declaim (inline get-hard-time*))
(defun get-hard-time* ()
"Get and return the universal time (in millisecond) from the OS and set the soft time var."
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(multiple-value-bind (sec nsec) (local-time::%get-current-time)
(let ((now (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum (* (+ (the fixnum sec) #.+unix-epoch+)
(truncate (/ (the fixnum nsec) 1000000))))))
(set-soft-time now))))
(declaim (inline update-soft-time))
(defun update-soft-time ()
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(defparameter *time-getter*
(cond ((eq :hard *time-policy*)
((eq :soft *time-policy*)
(t #'get-hard-time))
"Funcall this function object to get the current time according to the current time policy.")
(defun get-time-policy ()
"Get the current time policy, return :soft or :hard."
(defun set-time-policy (&optional (policy :soft))
"Set time policy, should be :soft or :hard."
(if (or (eq policy :soft) (eq policy :hard))
(prog1 (setf *time-policy* policy)
(setf *time-getter*
(cond ((eq :hard *time-policy*)
((eq :soft *time-policy*)
(t #'get-hard-time))))
(error "Failed to set time policy, ~d is not valid, should be :soft or :hard." policy)))
(defvar *soft-time-maintainer* nil
"A thread which update soft time periodically if *time-policy* is :soft.")
(defvar %soft-time-enabled-p% nil
"A flag variable shows if soft time is enabled.")
(defun maintain-soft-time ()
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(unless %soft-time-enabled-p%
(setf %soft-time-enabled-p% t)
(setf *soft-time-maintainer*
(bt:make-thread (lambda ()
(loop do (progn (update-soft-time)
(sleep *soft-time-resolution*))
while %soft-time-enabled-p%))
(format t "Soft time maintaining thread started.~%")
(defun soft-time-enabled-p ()
(defun shutdown-soft-time ()
"Destroy soft time maintaining thread and set %soft-time-enabled-p% flag to nil."
(if %soft-time-enabled-p%
(format t "The soft time is shutting down! The thread will be destroyed and the value of soft time will set to zero. You can invoke RESTART-SOFT-TIME if you want to use soft time later.~%")
;;(bt:destroy-thread *soft-time-maintainer*)
(setf %soft-time-enabled-p% nil)
(when (> *soft-time-resolution* 1)
(format t "Pleast wait less than ~d seconds to shutdown soft time maintainer.~%" *soft-time-resolution*))
(bt:join-thread *soft-time-maintainer*)
(setf *soft-time-maintainer* nil
**soft-universal-time** 0))
(format t "The soft time is not enabled!~%")))
(defun initialize-soft-time ()
"Make a thread to update the soft time."
(if %soft-time-enabled-p%
(format t "Soft time maintaining thread is already running!~%")
(defun restart-soft-time ()
(format t "The soft time mainting thread is going to restart!~%")
(ignore-errors (shutdown-soft-time))
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