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lazycache.go 7.82 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Jtyoui 提交于 2021-07-22 20:40 . 改造国密sdk
Copyright SecureKey Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package lazycache
import (
var logger = logging.NewLogger("fabsdk/util")
// Key holds the string key for the cache entry
type Key interface {
String() string
// EntryInitializer creates a cache value for the given key
type EntryInitializer func(key Key) (interface{}, error)
// EntryInitializerWithData creates a cache value for the given key and the
// additional data passed in from Get(). With expiring cache entries, the
// initializer is called with the same key, but the latest data is passed from
// the Get() call that triggered the data to be cached/re-cached.
type EntryInitializerWithData func(key Key, data interface{}) (interface{}, error)
type future interface {
Get() (interface{}, error)
MustGet() interface{}
IsSet() bool
type closable interface {
// Cache implements a lazy initializing cache. A cache entry is created
// the first time a value is accessed (via Get or MustGet) by invoking
// the provided Initializer. If the Initializer returns an error then the
// entry will not be added.
type Cache struct {
// name is useful for debugging
name string
m sync.Map
initializer EntryInitializerWithData
closed int32
useRef bool
// New creates a new lazy cache.
// - name is the name of the cache and is only used for debugging purpose
// - initializer is invoked the first time an entry is being cached
// - opts are options for the cache. If any lazyref option is passed then a lazy reference
// is created for each of the cache entries to hold the actual value. This makes it possible
// to have expiring values and values that proactively refresh.
func New(name string, initializer EntryInitializer, opts ...options.Opt) *Cache {
return NewWithData(name,
func(key Key, data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return initializer(key)
// NewWithData creates a new lazy cache. The provided initializer accepts optional data that
// is passed in from Get().
// - name is the name of the cache and is only used for debugging purpose
// - initializer is invoked the first time an entry is being cached
// - opts are options for the cache. If any lazyref option is passed then a lazy reference
// is created for each of the cache entries to hold the actual value. This makes it possible
// to have expiring values and values that proactively refresh.
func NewWithData(name string, initializer EntryInitializerWithData, opts ...options.Opt) *Cache {
useRef := useLazyRef(opts...)
if useRef {
initializer = newLazyRefInitializer(name, initializer, opts...)
return &Cache{
name: name,
initializer: initializer,
useRef: useRef,
// Name returns the name of the cache (useful for debugging)
func (c *Cache) Name() string {
return c.name
// Get returns the value for the given key. If the
// key doesn't exist then the initializer is invoked
// to create the value, and the key is inserted. If the
// initializer returns an error then the key is removed
// from the cache.
func (c *Cache) Get(key Key, data ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
keyStr := key.String()
f, ok := c.m.Load(keyStr)
if ok {
v, err := f.(future).Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.value(v, first(data))
// The key wasn't found. Attempt to add one.
newFuture := futurevalue.New(
func() (interface{}, error) {
if closed := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.closed); closed == 1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%s - cache is closed", c.name)
return c.initializer(key, first(data))
f, loaded := c.m.LoadOrStore(keyStr, newFuture)
if loaded {
// Another thread has added the key before us. Return the value.
v, err := f.(future).Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.value(v, first(data))
// We added the key. It must be initialized.
value, err := newFuture.Initialize()
if err != nil {
// Failed. Delete the key.
logger.Debugf("%s - Failed to initialize key [%s]: %s. Deleting key.", c.name, keyStr, err)
return nil, err
return c.value(value, first(data))
// MustGet returns the value for the given key. If the key doesn't
// exist then the initializer is invoked to create the value and the
// key is inserted. If an error is returned during initialization of the
// value then this function will panic.
func (c *Cache) MustGet(key Key) interface{} {
value, err := c.Get(key)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error returned from Get: %s", err))
return value
// Close does the following:
// - calls Close on all values that implement a Close() function
// - deletes all entries from the cache
// - prevents further calls to the cache
func (c *Cache) Close() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&c.closed, 0, 1) {
// Already closed
logger.Debugf("%s - Closing cache", c.name)
// IsClosed reeturns true if the cache has been closed
func (c *Cache) IsClosed() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.closed) == 1
// DeleteAll does the following:
// - calls Close on all values that implement a Close() function
// - deletes all entries from the cache
func (c *Cache) DeleteAll() {
var keys []interface{}
c.m.Range(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
c.close(key.(string), value.(future))
keys = append(keys, key)
return true
for _, key := range keys {
// Delete does the following:
// - calls Close on all values that implement a Close() function
// - deletes key from the cache
func (c *Cache) Delete(key Key) {
logger.Debugf("%s - Deleting cache key", key.String())
value, ok := c.m.Load(key.String())
if ok {
c.close(key.String(), value.(future))
func (c *Cache) close(key string, f future) {
if !f.IsSet() {
logger.Debugf("%s - Reference for [%q] is not set", c.name, key)
value, err := f.Get()
if err == nil && value != nil {
if clos, ok := value.(closable); ok && c != nil {
logger.Debugf("%s - Invoking Close on value for key [%q].", c.name, key)
func newLazyRefInitializer(name string, initializer EntryInitializerWithData, opts ...options.Opt) EntryInitializerWithData {
return func(key Key, data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
logger.Debugf("%s - Calling initializer for [%s], data [%#v]", name, key, data)
ref := lazyref.NewWithData(
func(data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
logger.Debugf("%s - Calling lazyref initializer for [%s], data [%#v]", name, key, data)
return initializer(key, data)
// Make sure no error is returned from lazyref.Get(). If there is
// then return the error. We don't want to cache a reference that always
// returns an error, especially if it's a refreshing reference.
_, err := ref.Get(data)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugf("%s - Error returned from lazyref initializer [%s], data [%#v]: %s", name, key, data, err)
return nil, err
logger.Debugf("%s - Returning lazyref for [%s], data [%#v]", name, key, data)
return ref, nil
func (c *Cache) value(value interface{}, data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if value != nil && c.useRef {
return value.(*lazyref.Reference).Get(data)
return value, nil
func first(data []interface{}) interface{} {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
return data[0]
// useLazyRef returns true if the cache should used lazy references to hold the actual value
func useLazyRef(opts ...options.Opt) bool {
chk := &refOptCheck{}
options.Apply(chk, opts)
return chk.useRef
