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hyz / RPA-Python

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tagui.py 75.54 KB
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hyz 提交于 2023-10-16 10:18 . init
# Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2019 Tebel.Automation Private Limited
# https://github.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
__author__ = 'Ken Soh <opensource@tebel.org>'
__version__ = '1.50.0'
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import time
import platform
# required for python 2 usage of io.open
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import io
# default timeout in seconds for UI element
_tagui_timeout = 10.0
# default delay in seconds in while loops
_tagui_delay = 0.1
# default debug flag to print debug output
_tagui_debug = False
# error flag to raise exception on error
_tagui_error = False
# flag to track if tagui session is started
_tagui_started = False
# flag to track visual automation connected
_tagui_visual = False
# flag to track chrome browser connected
_tagui_chrome = False
# id to track instruction count from rpa python to tagui
_tagui_id = 0
# to track the original directory when init() was called
_tagui_init_directory = ''
# to track file download directory for web browser
_tagui_download_directory = ''
# to track location of TagUI (default user home folder)
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
_tagui_location = os.environ['APPDATA']
_tagui_location = os.path.expanduser('~')
# delete tagui temp output text file to avoid reading old data
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.txt'): os.remove('rpa_python.txt')
# define local custom javascript functions for use in tagui
_tagui_local_js = \
"""// local custom helper function to check if UI element exists
// keep checking until timeout is reached before return result
// effect is interacting with element as soon as it appears
function exist(element_identifier) {
var exist_timeout = Date.now() + casper.options.waitTimeout;
while (Date.now() < exist_timeout) {
if (present(element_identifier))
return true;
return false;
// function to replace add_concat() in tagui_header.js
// gain - echoing string with single and double quotes
// loss - no text-like variables usage since Python env
function add_concat(source_string) {
return source_string;
def _python2_env():
"""function to check python version for compatibility handling"""
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return True
else: return False
def _python3_env():
"""function to check python version for compatibility handling"""
return not _python2_env()
def _py23_decode(input_variable = None):
"""function for python 2 and 3 str-byte compatibility handling"""
if input_variable is None: return None
elif _python2_env(): return input_variable
else: return input_variable.decode('utf-8')
def _py23_encode(input_variable = None):
"""function for python 2 and 3 str-byte compatibility handling"""
if input_variable is None: return None
elif _python2_env(): return input_variable
else: return input_variable.encode('utf-8')
def _py23_open(target_filename, target_mode = 'r'):
"""function for python 2 and 3 open utf-8 compatibility handling"""
if _python2_env():
return io.open(target_filename, target_mode, encoding = 'utf-8')
return open(target_filename, target_mode, encoding = 'utf-8')
def _py23_read(input_text = None):
"""function for python 2 and 3 read utf-8 compatibility handling"""
if input_text is None: return None
if _python2_env(): return input_text.encode('utf-8')
else: return input_text
def _py23_write(input_text = None):
"""function for python 2 and 3 write utf-8 compatibility handling"""
if input_text is None: return None
if _python2_env(): return input_text.decode('utf-8')
else: return input_text
def _tagui_read():
"""function to read from tagui process live mode interface"""
# readline instead of read, not expecting user input to tagui
global _process; return _py23_decode(_process.stdout.readline())
def _tagui_write(input_text = ''):
"""function to write to tagui process live mode interface"""
global _process; _process.stdin.write(_py23_encode(input_text))
_process.stdin.flush(); # flush to ensure immediate delivery
def _tagui_output():
"""function to wait for tagui output file to read and delete it"""
global _tagui_delay, _tagui_init_directory
# to handle user changing current directory after init() is called
init_directory_output_file = os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.txt')
# sleep to not splurge cpu cycles in while loop
while not os.path.isfile('rpa_python.txt'):
if os.path.isfile(init_directory_output_file): break
# roundabout implementation to ensure backward compatibility
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.txt'):
tagui_output_file = _py23_open('rpa_python.txt', 'r')
tagui_output_text = _py23_read(tagui_output_file.read())
tagui_output_file = _py23_open(init_directory_output_file, 'r')
tagui_output_text = _py23_read(tagui_output_file.read())
return tagui_output_text
def _esq(input_text = ''):
"""function for selective escape of single quote ' for tagui"""
# [BACKSLASH_QUOTE] marker to work together with send()
return input_text.replace("'",'[BACKSLASH_QUOTE]')
def _sdq(input_text = ''):
"""function to escape ' in xpath for tagui live mode"""
# change identifier single quote ' to double quote "
return input_text.replace("'",'"')
def _started():
global _tagui_started; return _tagui_started
def _visual():
global _tagui_visual; return _tagui_visual
def _chrome():
global _tagui_chrome; return _tagui_chrome
def _python_flow():
"""function to create entry tagui flow without visual automation"""
flow_text = '// NORMAL ENTRY FLOW FOR RPA FOR PYTHON ~ TEBEL.ORG\r\n\r\nlive'
flow_file = _py23_open('rpa_python', 'w')
def _visual_flow():
"""function to create entry tagui flow with visual automation"""
'// mouse_xy() - dummy trigger for SikuliX integration\r\n\r\nlive'
flow_file = _py23_open('rpa_python', 'w')
def _tagui_local():
"""function to create tagui_local.js for custom local functions"""
global _tagui_local_js
javascript_file = _py23_open('tagui_local.js', 'w')
def _tagui_delta(base_directory = None):
"""function to download stable delta files from tagui cutting edge version"""
global __version__
if base_directory is None or base_directory == '': return False
# skip downloading if it is already done before for current release
if os.path.isfile(base_directory + '/' + 'rpa_python_' + __version__): return True
# define list of key tagui files to be downloaded and synced locally
delta_list = ['tagui', 'tagui.cmd', 'end_processes', 'end_processes.cmd',
'tagui_header.js', 'tagui_parse.php', 'tagui.sikuli/tagui.py']
for delta_file in delta_list:
tagui_delta_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tebelorg/Tump/master/TagUI-Python/' + delta_file
tagui_delta_file = base_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + delta_file
if not download(tagui_delta_url, tagui_delta_file): return False
# make sure execute permission is there for .tagui/src/tagui and end_processes
if platform.system() in ['Linux', 'Darwin']:
os.system('chmod -R 755 "' + base_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui" > /dev/null 2>&1')
os.system('chmod -R 755 "' + base_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'end_processes" > /dev/null 2>&1')
# create marker file to skip syncing delta files next time for current release
delta_done_file = _py23_open(base_directory + '/' + 'rpa_python_' + __version__, 'w')
delta_done_file.write(_py23_write('TagUI installation files used by RPA for Python'))
return True
def _patch_macos_pjs():
"""patch PhantomJS to latest v2.1.1 that plays well with new macOS versions"""
if platform.system() == 'Darwin' and not os.path.isdir(tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src/phantomjs_old'):
original_directory = os.getcwd(); os.chdir(tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src')
print('[RPA][INFO] - downloading latest PhantomJS to fix OpenSSL issue')
download('https://github.com/tebelorg/Tump/releases/download/v1.0.0/phantomjs-2.1.1-macosx.zip', 'phantomjs.zip')
if not os.path.isfile('phantomjs.zip'):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - unable to download latest PhantomJS v2.1.1')
return False
unzip('phantomjs.zip'); os.rename('phantomjs', 'phantomjs_old'); os.rename('phantomjs-2.1.1-macosx', 'phantomjs')
if os.path.isfile('phantomjs.zip'): os.remove('phantomjs.zip')
os.system('chmod -R 755 phantomjs > /dev/null 2>&1')
os.chdir(original_directory); return True
return True
def _patch_macos_py3():
"""because newer macOS does not have python command only python3 command"""
if platform.system() == 'Darwin' and not os.path.isfile(tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src/py3_patched'):
if not os.system('python --version > /dev/null 2>&1') == 0:
if os.system('python3 --version > /dev/null 2>&1') == 0:
list_of_patch_files = [tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src/casperjs/bin/casperjs',
tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src/casperjs/tests/clitests/runtests.py',
tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src/slimerjs/slimerjs.py']
for patch_file in list_of_patch_files:
dump(load(patch_file).replace('#!/usr/bin/env python', '#!/usr/bin/env python3'), patch_file)
dump('python updated to python 3', tagui_location() + '/.tagui/src/py3_patched')
return True
def coord(x_coordinate = 0, y_coordinate = 0):
"""function to form a coordinate string from x and y integers"""
return '(' + str(x_coordinate) + ',' + str(y_coordinate) + ')'
def debug(on_off = None):
"""function to set debug mode, eg print debug info"""
global _tagui_debug
if on_off is not None:
if isinstance(on_off, int):
_tagui_debug = on_off
send('// ' + on_off)
return _tagui_debug
def error(on_off = None):
"""function to set mode to raise exception on error"""
global _tagui_error
if on_off is not None: _tagui_error = on_off
return _tagui_error
def show_error(error_message = None):
"""function to raise exception with given message"""
if error_message is None:
error_message = '[RPA][ERROR] - unknown error encountered'
if not error():
raise Exception(error_message)
return False
def tagui_location(location = None):
"""function to set location of TagUI installation"""
global _tagui_location
if location is not None: _tagui_location = location
return _tagui_location
def unzip(file_to_unzip = None, unzip_location = None):
"""function to unzip zip file to specified location"""
import zipfile
if file_to_unzip is None or file_to_unzip == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for unzip()')
return False
elif not os.path.isfile(file_to_unzip):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - file specified missing for unzip()')
return False
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(file_to_unzip, 'r')
if unzip_location is None or unzip_location == '':
return True
def setup():
"""function to setup TagUI to user home folder on Linux / macOS / Windows"""
# get user home folder location to setup tagui
home_directory = tagui_location()
print('[RPA][INFO] - setting up TagUI for use in your Python environment')
# special check for macOS - download() will fail due to no SSL certs for Python 3
if platform.system() == 'Darwin' and _python3_env():
if os.system('/Applications/Python\ 3.9/Install\ Certificates.command > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0:
if os.system('/Applications/Python\ 3.8/Install\ Certificates.command > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0:
if os.system('/Applications/Python\ 3.7/Install\ Certificates.command > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0:
os.system('/Applications/Python\ 3.6/Install\ Certificates.command > /dev/null 2>&1')
# set tagui zip filename for respective operating systems
if platform.system() == 'Linux': tagui_zip_file = 'TagUI_Linux.zip'
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': tagui_zip_file = 'TagUI_macOS.zip'
elif platform.system() == 'Windows': tagui_zip_file = 'TagUI_Windows.zip'
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - unknown ' + platform.system() + ' operating system to setup TagUI')
return False
if not os.path.isfile('rpa_python.zip'):
# primary installation pathway by downloading from internet, requiring internet access
print('[RPA][INFO] - downloading TagUI (~200MB) and unzipping to below folder...')
print('[RPA][INFO] - ' + home_directory)
# set tagui zip download url and download zip for respective operating systems
tagui_zip_url = 'https://github.com/tebelorg/Tump/releases/download/v1.0.0/' + tagui_zip_file
if not download(tagui_zip_url, home_directory + '/' + tagui_zip_file):
# error message is shown by download(), no need for message here
return False
# unzip downloaded zip file to user home folder
unzip(home_directory + '/' + tagui_zip_file, home_directory)
if not os.path.isfile(home_directory + '/' + 'tagui' + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui'):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - unable to unzip TagUI to ' + home_directory)
return False
# secondary installation pathway by using the rpa_python.zip generated from pack()
print('[RPA][INFO] - unzipping TagUI (~200MB) from rpa_python.zip to below folder...')
print('[RPA][INFO] - ' + home_directory)
import shutil
shutil.move('rpa_python.zip', home_directory + '/' + tagui_zip_file)
if not os.path.isdir(home_directory + '/tagui'): os.mkdir(home_directory + '/tagui')
unzip(home_directory + '/' + tagui_zip_file, home_directory + '/tagui')
if not os.path.isfile(home_directory + '/' + 'tagui' + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui'):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - unable to unzip TagUI to ' + home_directory)
return False
# set correct tagui folder for different operating systems
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
tagui_directory = home_directory + '/' + 'tagui'
tagui_directory = home_directory + '/' + '.tagui'
# overwrite tagui to .tagui folder for Linux / macOS
# first rename existing .tagui folder to .tagui_previous
if os.path.isdir(tagui_directory):
os.rename(tagui_directory, tagui_directory + '_previous')
# next rename extracted tagui folder (verified earlier) to .tagui
os.rename(home_directory + '/' + 'tagui', tagui_directory)
# finally remove .tagui_previous folder if it exists
if os.path.isdir(tagui_directory + '_previous'):
import shutil
shutil.rmtree(tagui_directory + '_previous')
# after unzip, remove downloaded zip file to save disk space
if os.path.isfile(home_directory + '/' + tagui_zip_file):
os.remove(home_directory + '/' + tagui_zip_file)
# download stable delta files from tagui cutting edge version
print('[RPA][INFO] - done. syncing TagUI with stable cutting edge version')
if not _tagui_delta(tagui_directory): return False
# perform Linux specific setup actions
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
# zipfile extractall does not preserve execute permissions
# invoking chmod to set all files with execute permissions
# and update delta tagui/src/tagui with execute permission
if os.system('chmod -R 755 "' + tagui_directory + '" > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - unable to set permissions for .tagui folder')
return False
# check that php, a dependency for tagui, is installed and working
if os.system('php --version > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0:
print('[RPA][INFO] - PHP is not installed by default on your Linux distribution')
print('[RPA][INFO] - google how to install PHP (eg for Ubuntu, apt-get install php)')
print('[RPA][INFO] - after that, TagUI ready for use in your Python environment')
print('[RPA][INFO] - visual automation (optional) requires special setup on Linux,')
print('[RPA][INFO] - see the link below to install OpenCV and Tesseract libraries')
print('[RPA][INFO] - https://sikulix-2014.readthedocs.io/en/latest/newslinux.html')
return False
print('[RPA][INFO] - TagUI now ready for use in your Python environment')
print('[RPA][INFO] - visual automation (optional) requires special setup on Linux,')
print('[RPA][INFO] - see the link below to install OpenCV and Tesseract libraries')
print('[RPA][INFO] - https://sikulix-2014.readthedocs.io/en/latest/newslinux.html')
# perform macOS specific setup actions
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
# zipfile extractall does not preserve execute permissions
# invoking chmod to set all files with execute permissions
# and update delta tagui/src/tagui with execute permission
if os.system('chmod -R 755 "' + tagui_directory + '" > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - unable to set permissions for .tagui folder')
return False
# patch PhantomJS to solve OpenSSL issue
if not _patch_macos_pjs(): return False
# patch files to solve no python issue
if not _patch_macos_py3(): return False
print('[RPA][INFO] - TagUI now ready for use in your Python environment')
# perform Windows specific setup actions
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# check that tagui packaged php is working, it has dependency on MSVCR110.dll
if os.system('"' + tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'php/php.exe" -v > nul 2>&1') != 0:
print('[RPA][INFO] - now installing missing Visual C++ Redistributable dependency')
# download from hosted setup file, if not already present when deployed using pack()
if not os.path.isfile(tagui_directory + '/vcredist_x86.exe'):
vcredist_x86_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tebelorg/Tump/master/vcredist_x86.exe'
if not download(vcredist_x86_url, tagui_directory + '/vcredist_x86.exe'):
return False
# run setup to install the MSVCR110.dll dependency (user action required)
os.system('"' + tagui_directory + '/vcredist_x86.exe"')
# check again if tagui packaged php is working, after installing vcredist_x86.exe
if os.system('"' + tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'php/php.exe" -v > nul 2>&1') != 0:
print('[RPA][INFO] - MSVCR110.dll is still missing, install vcredist_x86.exe from')
print('[RPA][INFO] - the vcredist_x86.exe file in ' + home_directory + '\\tagui or from')
print('[RPA][INFO] - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679')
print('[RPA][INFO] - after that, TagUI ready for use in your Python environment')
return False
print('[RPA][INFO] - TagUI now ready for use in your Python environment')
print('[RPA][INFO] - TagUI now ready for use in your Python environment')
return True
def init(visual_automation = False, chrome_browser = True, headless_mode = False, turbo_mode = False):
"""start and connect to tagui process by checking tagui live mode readiness"""
global _process, _tagui_started, _tagui_id, _tagui_visual, _tagui_chrome, _tagui_init_directory, _tagui_download_directory
if _tagui_started:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use close() before using init() again')
return False
# reset id to track instruction count from rpa python to tagui
_tagui_id = 0
# reset variable to track original directory when init() was called
_tagui_init_directory = ''
# get user home folder location to locate tagui executable
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
tagui_directory = tagui_location() + '/' + 'tagui'
tagui_directory = tagui_location() + '/' + '.tagui'
tagui_executable = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui'
end_processes_executable = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'end_processes'
# if tagui executable is not found, initiate setup() to install tagui
if not os.path.isfile(tagui_executable):
if not setup():
# error message is shown by setup(), no need for message here
return False
# sync tagui delta files for current release if needed
if not _tagui_delta(tagui_directory): return False
# on macOS, patch PhantomJS to latest v2.1.1 to solve OpenSSL issue
if platform.system() == 'Darwin' and not _patch_macos_pjs(): return False
# newer macOS has no python command, patch some files header to python3
if platform.system() == 'Darwin' and not _patch_macos_py3(): return False
# create entry flow to launch SikuliX accordingly
if visual_automation:
# check for working java jdk for visual automation mode
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
shell_silencer = '> nul 2>&1'
shell_silencer = '> /dev/null 2>&1'
# check whether java is installed on the computer
if os.system('java -version ' + shell_silencer) != 0:
print('[RPA][INFO] - to use visual automation mode, OpenJDK v8 (64-bit) or later is required')
print('[RPA][INFO] - download from Amazon Corretto\'s website - https://aws.amazon.com/corretto')
print('[RPA][INFO] - OpenJDK is preferred over Java JDK which is free for non-commercial use only')
return False
# then check whether it is 64-bit required by sikulix
os.system('java -version > java_version.txt 2>&1')
java_version_info = load('java_version.txt').lower()
if '64 bit' not in java_version_info and '64-bit' not in java_version_info:
print('[RPA][INFO] - to use visual automation mode, OpenJDK v8 (64-bit) or later is required')
print('[RPA][INFO] - download from Amazon Corretto\'s website - https://aws.amazon.com/corretto')
print('[RPA][INFO] - OpenJDK is preferred over Java JDK which is free for non-commercial use only')
return False
# start a dummy first run if never run before, to let sikulix integrate jython
sikulix_folder = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'sikulix'
if os.path.isfile(sikulix_folder + '/' + 'jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar'):
os.system('java -jar "' + sikulix_folder + '/' + 'sikulix.jar" -h ' + shell_silencer)
# create tagui_local.js for custom functions
# invoke web browser accordingly with tagui option
browser_option = ''
if chrome_browser:
browser_option = 'chrome'
if headless_mode:
browser_option = 'headless'
# special handling for turbo mode to run 10X faster
tagui_chrome_php = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui_chrome.php'
tagui_header_js = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui_header.js'
tagui_sikuli_py = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'tagui.sikuli/tagui.py'
if not turbo_mode:
dump(load(tagui_chrome_php).replace('$scan_period = 10000;', '$scan_period = 100000;'), tagui_chrome_php)
dump(load(tagui_header_js).replace('function sleep(ms) {ms *= 0.1; //', 'function sleep(ms) { //').replace("chrome_step('Input.insertText',{text: value});};", "for (var character = 0, length = value.length; character < length; character++) {\nchrome_step('Input.dispatchKeyEvent',{type: 'char', text: value[character]});}};"), tagui_header_js)
dump(load(tagui_sikuli_py).replace('scan_period = 0.05\n\n# teleport mouse instead of moving to target\nSettings.MoveMouseDelay = 0', 'scan_period = 0.5'), tagui_sikuli_py)
dump(load(tagui_chrome_php).replace('$scan_period = 100000;', '$scan_period = 10000;'), tagui_chrome_php)
dump(load(tagui_header_js).replace('function sleep(ms) { //', 'function sleep(ms) {ms *= 0.1; //').replace("for (var character = 0, length = value.length; character < length; character++) {\nchrome_step('Input.dispatchKeyEvent',{type: 'char', text: value[character]});}};", "chrome_step('Input.insertText',{text: value});};"), tagui_header_js)
dump(load(tagui_sikuli_py).replace('scan_period = 0.5', 'scan_period = 0.05\n\n# teleport mouse instead of moving to target\nSettings.MoveMouseDelay = 0'), tagui_sikuli_py)
# entry shell command to invoke tagui process
tagui_cmd = '"' + tagui_executable + '"' + ' rpa_python ' + browser_option
# run tagui end processes script to flush dead processes
# for eg execution ended with ctrl+c or forget to close()
os.system('"' + end_processes_executable + '"')
# launch tagui using subprocess
_process = subprocess.Popen(
tagui_cmd, shell=True,
# loop until tagui live mode is ready or tagui process has ended
while True:
# failsafe exit if tagui process gets killed for whatever reason
if _process.poll() is not None:
print('[RPA][ERROR] - following happens when starting TagUI...')
print('The following command is executed to start TagUI -')
print('It leads to following output when starting TagUI -')
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
return False
# read next line of output from tagui process live mode interface
tagui_out = _tagui_read()
# check that tagui live mode is ready then start listening for inputs
if 'LIVE MODE - type done to quit' in tagui_out:
# dummy + start line to clear live mode backspace char before listening
_tagui_write('echo "[RPA][STARTED]"\n')
_tagui_write('echo "[RPA][' + str(_tagui_id) + '] - listening for inputs"\n')
_tagui_visual = visual_automation
_tagui_chrome = chrome_browser
_tagui_started = True
# loop until tagui live mode is ready and listening for inputs
# also check _tagui_started to handle unexpected termination
while _tagui_started and not _ready(): pass
if not _tagui_started:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - TagUI process ended unexpectedly')
return False
# remove generated tagui flow, js code and custom functions files
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python'): os.remove('rpa_python')
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.js'): os.remove('rpa_python.js')
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.raw'): os.remove('rpa_python.raw')
if os.path.isfile('tagui_local.js'): os.remove('tagui_local.js')
# increment id and prepare for next instruction
_tagui_id = _tagui_id + 1
# set variable to track original directory when init() was called
_tagui_init_directory = os.getcwd()
# set variable to track file download directory for web browser
_tagui_download_directory = os.getcwd()
return True
except Exception as e:
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + str(e))
return False
def pack():
"""function to pack TagUI files for installation on an air-gapped computer without internet"""
print('[RPA][INFO] - pack() is to deploy RPA for Python to a computer without internet')
print('[RPA][INFO] - update() is to update an existing installation deployed from pack()')
print('[RPA][INFO] - detecting and zipping your TagUI installation to rpa_python.zip ...')
# first make sure TagUI files have been downloaded and synced to latest stable delta files
global _tagui_started
if _tagui_started:
if not close():
return False
if not init(False, False):
return False
if not close():
return False
# next download jython to tagui/src/sikulix folder (after init() it can be moved away)
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
tagui_directory = tagui_location() + '/' + 'tagui'
# pack in Visual C++ MSVCR110.dll dependency from PHP for offline installation
vcredist_x86_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tebelorg/Tump/master/vcredist_x86.exe'
if not download(vcredist_x86_url, tagui_directory + '/vcredist_x86.exe'):
return False
tagui_directory = tagui_location() + '/' + '.tagui'
sikulix_directory = tagui_directory + '/' + 'src' + '/' + 'sikulix'
sikulix_jython_url = 'https://github.com/tebelorg/Tump/releases/download/v1.0.0/jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar'
if not download(sikulix_jython_url, sikulix_directory + '/' + 'jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar'):
return False
# finally zip entire TagUI installation and save a copy of tagui.py to current folder
import shutil
shutil.make_archive('rpa_python', 'zip', tagui_directory)
shutil.copyfile(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/tagui.py', 'rpa.py')
print('[RPA][INFO] - done. copy rpa_python.zip and rpa.py to your target computer.')
print('[RPA][INFO] - then install and use with import rpa as r followed by r.init()')
return True
def update():
"""function to update package and TagUI files on an air-gapped computer without internet"""
print('[RPA][INFO] - pack() is to deploy RPA for Python to a computer without internet')
print('[RPA][INFO] - update() is to update an existing installation deployed from pack()')
print('[RPA][INFO] - downloading latest RPA for Python and TagUI files...')
# first download updated files to rpa_update folder and zip them to rpa_update.zip
if not os.path.isdir('rpa_update'): os.mkdir('rpa_update')
if not os.path.isdir('rpa_update/tagui.sikuli'): os.mkdir('rpa_update/tagui.sikuli')
rpa_python_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python/master/tagui.py'
if not download(rpa_python_url, 'rpa_update' + '/' + 'rpa.py'): return False
# get version number of latest release for the package to use in generated update.py
rpa_python_py = load('rpa_update' + '/' + 'rpa.py')
v_front_marker = "__version__ = '"; v_back_marker = "'"
rpa_python_py = rpa_python_py[rpa_python_py.find(v_front_marker) + len(v_front_marker):]
rpa_python_py = rpa_python_py[:rpa_python_py.find(v_back_marker)]
delta_list = ['tagui', 'tagui.cmd', 'end_processes', 'end_processes.cmd',
'tagui_header.js', 'tagui_parse.php', 'tagui.sikuli/tagui.py']
for delta_file in delta_list:
tagui_delta_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tebelorg/Tump/master/TagUI-Python/' + delta_file
tagui_delta_file = 'rpa_update' + '/' + delta_file
if not download(tagui_delta_url, tagui_delta_file): return False
import shutil
shutil.make_archive('rpa_update', 'zip', 'rpa_update')
# next define string variables for update.py header and footer to be used in next section
# indentation formatting has to be removed below, else unwanted indentation added to file
update_py_header = \
"""import rpa as r
import platform
import base64
import shutil
import os
rpa_update_zip = \\
update_py_footer = \
# create update.zip from base64 data embedded in update.py
update_zip_file = open('update.zip','wb')
# unzip update.zip to tagui folder in user home directory
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
base_directory = os.environ['APPDATA'] + '/tagui'
base_directory = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.tagui'
# uncomment below to define and use custom TagUI folder
#base_directory = 'your_full_path'
r.unzip('update.zip', base_directory + '/src')
if os.path.isfile('update.zip'): os.remove('update.zip')
# make sure execute permission is there for Linux / macOS
if platform.system() in ['Linux', 'Darwin']:
os.system('chmod -R 755 "' + base_directory + '/src/tagui" > /dev/null 2>&1')
os.system('chmod -R 755 "' + base_directory + '/src/end_processes" > /dev/null 2>&1')
# create marker file to skip syncing for current release
delta_done_file = r._py23_open(base_directory + '/' + 'rpa_python_' + __version__, 'w')
delta_done_file.write(r._py23_write('TagUI installation files used by RPA for Python'))
# move updated package file rpa.py to package folder
shutil.move(base_directory + '/src/rpa.py', os.path.dirname(r.__file__) + '/rpa.py')
print('[RPA][INFO] - done. RPA for Python updated to version ' + __version__)
# finally create update.py containing python code and zipped data of update in base64
import base64
dump("__version__ = '" + rpa_python_py + "'\n\n", 'update.py')
write(update_py_header, 'update.py')
update_zip_file = open('rpa_update.zip','rb')
zip_base64_data = (base64.b64encode(update_zip_file.read())).decode('utf-8')
write('"""' + zip_base64_data + '"""', 'update.py')
write(update_py_footer, 'update.py')
# remove temporary folder and downloaded files, show result and usage message
if os.path.isdir('rpa_update'): shutil.rmtree('rpa_update')
if os.path.isfile('rpa_update.zip'): os.remove('rpa_update.zip')
print('[RPA][INFO] - done. copy or email update.py to your target computer and run')
print('[RPA][INFO] - python update.py to update RPA for Python to version ' + rpa_python_py)
print('[RPA][INFO] - to use custom TagUI folder, set base_directory in update.py')
return True
except Exception as e:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + str(e))
return False
def _ready():
"""internal function to check if tagui is ready to receive instructions after init() is called"""
global _process, _tagui_started, _tagui_id, _tagui_visual, _tagui_chrome
if not _tagui_started:
# print output error in calling parent function instead
return False
# failsafe exit if tagui process gets killed for whatever reason
if _process.poll() is not None:
# print output error in calling parent function instead
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
return False
# read next line of output from tagui process live mode interface
tagui_out = _tagui_read()
# print to screen debug output that is saved to rpa_python.log
if debug():
sys.stdout.write(tagui_out); sys.stdout.flush()
# check if tagui live mode is listening for inputs and return result
if tagui_out.strip().startswith('[RPA][') and tagui_out.strip().endswith('] - listening for inputs'):
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + str(e))
return False
def send(tagui_instruction = None):
"""send next live mode instruction to tagui for processing if tagui is ready"""
global _process, _tagui_started, _tagui_id, _tagui_visual, _tagui_chrome
if not _tagui_started:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using send()')
return False
if tagui_instruction is None or tagui_instruction == '': return True
# failsafe exit if tagui process gets killed for whatever reason
if _process.poll() is not None:
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - no active TagUI process to send()')
return False
# escape special characters for them to reach tagui correctly
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\\','\\\\')
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\n','\\n')
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\r','\\r')
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\t','\\t')
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\a','\\a')
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\b','\\b')
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\f','\\f')
# special handling for single quote to work with _esq() for tagui
tagui_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('[BACKSLASH_QUOTE]','\\\'')
# escape backslash to display source string correctly after echoing
echo_safe_instruction = tagui_instruction.replace('\\','\\\\')
# escape double quote because echo step below uses double quotes
echo_safe_instruction = echo_safe_instruction.replace('"','\\"')
# echo live mode instruction, after preparing string to be echo-safe
_tagui_write('echo "[RPA][' + str(_tagui_id) + '] - ' + echo_safe_instruction + '"\n')
# send live mode instruction to be executed
_tagui_write(tagui_instruction + '\n')
# echo marker text to prepare for next instruction
_tagui_write('echo "[RPA][' + str(_tagui_id) + '] - listening for inputs"\n')
# loop until tagui live mode is ready and listening for inputs
# also check _tagui_started to handle unexpected termination
while _tagui_started and not _ready(): pass
if not _tagui_started:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - TagUI process ended unexpectedly')
return False
# increment id and prepare for next instruction
_tagui_id = _tagui_id + 1
return True
except Exception as e:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + str(e))
return False
def close():
"""disconnect from tagui process by sending 'done' trigger instruction"""
global _process, _tagui_started, _tagui_id, _tagui_visual, _tagui_chrome, _tagui_init_directory
if not _tagui_started:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using close()')
return False
# failsafe exit if tagui process gets killed for whatever reason
if _process.poll() is not None:
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - no active TagUI process to close()')
return False
# send 'done' instruction to terminate live mode and exit tagui
_tagui_write('echo "[RPA][FINISHED]"\n')
# loop until tagui process has closed before returning control
while _process.poll() is None: pass
# remove again generated tagui flow, js code and custom functions files
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python'): os.remove('rpa_python')
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.js'): os.remove('rpa_python.js')
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.raw'): os.remove('rpa_python.raw')
if os.path.isfile('tagui_local.js'): os.remove('tagui_local.js')
# to handle user changing current directory after init() is called
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python')):
os.remove(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python'))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.js')):
os.remove(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.js'))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.raw')):
os.remove(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.raw'))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'tagui_local.js')):
os.remove(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'tagui_local.js'))
# remove generated tagui log and data files if not in debug mode
if not debug():
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.log'): os.remove('rpa_python.log')
if os.path.isfile('rpa_python.txt'): os.remove('rpa_python.txt')
# to handle user changing current directory after init() is called
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.log')):
os.remove(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.log'))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.txt')):
os.remove(os.path.join(_tagui_init_directory, 'rpa_python.txt'))
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
return True
except Exception as e:
_tagui_visual = False
_tagui_chrome = False
_tagui_started = False
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + str(e))
return False
def exist(element_identifier = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using exist()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
return False
# return True for keywords as the computer screen always exists
if element_identifier.lower() in ['page.png', 'page.bmp']:
if _visual():
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - page.png / page.bmp requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
# pre-emptive checks if image files are specified for visual automation
if element_identifier.lower().endswith('.png') or element_identifier.lower().endswith('.bmp'):
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + element_identifier + ' identifier requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
# assume that (x,y) coordinates for visual automation always exist
if element_identifier.startswith('(') and element_identifier.endswith(')'):
if len(element_identifier.split(',')) in [2, 3]:
if not any(c.isalpha() for c in element_identifier):
if _visual():
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - x, y coordinates require init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
send('exist_result = exist(\'' + _sdq(element_identifier) + '\').toString()')
send('dump exist_result to rpa_python.txt')
if _tagui_output() == 'true':
return True
return False
def url(webpage_url = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using url()')
return False
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - url() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return False
if webpage_url is not None and webpage_url != '':
if webpage_url.lower().startswith('www.'): webpage_url = 'https://' + webpage_url
if webpage_url.startswith('http://') or webpage_url.startswith('https://'):
if not send(_esq(webpage_url)):
return False
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - URL does not begin with http:// or https:// ')
return False
send('dump url() to rpa_python.txt')
url_result = _tagui_output()
return url_result
def click(element_identifier = None, test_coordinate = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using click()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for click()')
return False
if test_coordinate is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, test_coordinate)
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('click ' + _sdq(element_identifier)):
return False
return True
def rclick(element_identifier = None, test_coordinate = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using rclick()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for rclick()')
return False
if test_coordinate is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, test_coordinate)
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('rclick ' + _sdq(element_identifier)):
return False
return True
def dclick(element_identifier = None, test_coordinate = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using dclick()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for dclick()')
return False
if test_coordinate is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, test_coordinate)
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('dclick ' + _sdq(element_identifier)):
return False
return True
def hover(element_identifier = None, test_coordinate = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using hover()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for hover()')
return False
if test_coordinate is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, test_coordinate)
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('hover ' + _sdq(element_identifier)):
return False
return True
def type(element_identifier = None, text_to_type = None, test_coordinate = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using type()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for type()')
return False
if text_to_type is None or text_to_type == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - text missing for type()')
return False
if test_coordinate is not None and isinstance(text_to_type, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, text_to_type)
text_to_type = test_coordinate
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('type ' + _sdq(element_identifier) + ' as ' + _esq(text_to_type)):
return False
return True
def select(element_identifier = None, option_value = None, test_coordinate1 = None, test_coordinate2 = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using select()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for select()')
return False
if option_value is None or option_value == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - option value missing for select()')
return False
if element_identifier.lower() in ['page.png', 'page.bmp'] or option_value.lower() in ['page.png', 'page.bmp']:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - page.png / page.bmp identifiers invalid for select()')
return False
if test_coordinate1 is not None and test_coordinate2 is not None and \
isinstance(option_value, int) and isinstance(test_coordinate2, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, option_value)
option_value = coord(test_coordinate1, test_coordinate2)
# pre-emptive checks if image files are specified for visual automation
if element_identifier.lower().endswith('.png') or element_identifier.lower().endswith('.bmp'):
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + element_identifier + ' identifier requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
if option_value.lower().endswith('.png') or option_value.lower().endswith('.bmp'):
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + option_value + ' identifier requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('select ' + _sdq(element_identifier) + ' as ' + _esq(option_value)):
return False
return True
def read(element_identifier = None, test_coordinate1 = None, test_coordinate2 = None, test_coordinate3 = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using read()')
return ''
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for read()')
return ''
if test_coordinate1 is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate1, int):
if test_coordinate2 is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate2, int):
if test_coordinate3 is not None and isinstance(test_coordinate3, int):
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, test_coordinate1) + '-'
element_identifier = element_identifier + coord(test_coordinate2, test_coordinate3)
if element_identifier.lower() != 'page' and not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return ''
send('read ' + _sdq(element_identifier) + ' to read_result')
send('dump read_result to rpa_python.txt')
read_result = _tagui_output()
return read_result
def snap(element_identifier = None, filename_to_save = None, test_coord1 = None, test_coord2 = None, test_coord3 = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using snap()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for snap()')
return False
if filename_to_save is None or filename_to_save == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for snap()')
return False
if test_coord2 is not None and test_coord3 is None:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for snap()')
return False
if isinstance(element_identifier, int) and isinstance(filename_to_save, int):
if test_coord1 is not None and isinstance(test_coord1, int):
if test_coord2 is not None and isinstance(test_coord2, int):
if test_coord3 is not None and test_coord3 != '':
element_identifier = coord(element_identifier, filename_to_save) + '-'
element_identifier = element_identifier + coord(test_coord1, test_coord2)
filename_to_save = test_coord3
if element_identifier.lower() != 'page' and not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('snap ' + _sdq(element_identifier) + ' to ' + _esq(filename_to_save)):
return False
return True
def load(filename_to_load = None):
if filename_to_load is None or filename_to_load == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for load()')
return ''
elif not os.path.isfile(filename_to_load):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot load file ' + filename_to_load)
return ''
load_input_file = _py23_open(filename_to_load, 'r')
load_input_file_text = _py23_read(load_input_file.read())
return load_input_file_text
def echo(text_to_echo = ''):
return True
def dump(text_to_dump = None, filename_to_save = None):
if text_to_dump is None:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - text missing for dump()')
return False
elif filename_to_save is None or filename_to_save == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for dump()')
return False
dump_output_file = _py23_open(filename_to_save, 'w')
return True
def write(text_to_write = None, filename_to_save = None):
if text_to_write is None:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - text missing for write()')
return False
elif filename_to_save is None or filename_to_save == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for write()')
return False
write_output_file = _py23_open(filename_to_save, 'a')
return True
def ask(text_to_prompt = ''):
if _chrome():
return dom("return prompt('" + _esq(text_to_prompt) + "')")
if text_to_prompt == '':
space_padding = ''
space_padding = ' '
if _python2_env():
return raw_input(text_to_prompt + space_padding)
return input(text_to_prompt + space_padding)
def telegram(telegram_id = None, text_to_send = None, custom_endpoint = None):
if telegram_id is None or telegram_id == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - Telegram ID missing for telegram()')
return False
if text_to_send is None or text_to_send == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - text message missing for telegram()')
return False
# in case number is given instead of string
telegram_id = str(telegram_id)
telegram_endpoint = 'https://tebel.org/rpapybot'
telegram_params = {'chat_id': telegram_id, 'text': text_to_send}
if custom_endpoint is not None and custom_endpoint != '':
telegram_endpoint = custom_endpoint
# handle case where no internet or url is invalid
if _python2_env():
import json; import urllib
telegram_endpoint = telegram_endpoint + '/sendMessage.php?' + urllib.urlencode(telegram_params)
telegram_response = urllib.urlopen(telegram_endpoint).read()
return json.loads(telegram_response)['ok']
import json; import urllib.request; import urllib.parse
telegram_endpoint = telegram_endpoint + '/sendMessage.php?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(telegram_params)
telegram_response = urllib.request.urlopen(telegram_endpoint).read()
return json.loads(telegram_response)['ok']
except Exception as e:
return False
def keyboard(keys_and_modifiers = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using keyboard()')
return False
if keys_and_modifiers is None or keys_and_modifiers == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - keys to type missing for keyboard()')
return False
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - keyboard() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
elif not send('keyboard ' + _esq(keys_and_modifiers)):
return False
return True
def mouse(mouse_action = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using mouse()')
return False
if mouse_action is None or mouse_action == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - \'down\' / \'up\' missing for mouse()')
return False
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - mouse() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
elif mouse_action.lower() != 'down' and mouse_action.lower() != 'up':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - \'down\' / \'up\' missing for mouse()')
return False
elif not send('mouse ' + mouse_action):
return False
return True
def focus(app_to_focus = None):
if app_to_focus is None or app_to_focus == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - app to focus missing for focus()')
return False
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# download sendKeys.bat if not present
if not os.path.isfile('sendKeys.bat'):
sendKeys_url = 'https://github.com/tebelorg/Tump/releases/download/v1.0.0/sendKeys.bat'
if not download(sendKeys_url, 'sendKeys.bat'):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot download sendKeys.bat for focus()')
return False
if os.system('sendKeys.bat "' + app_to_focus + '" "" > nul 2>&1') == 0:
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + app_to_focus + ' not found for focus()')
return False
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
if os.system('osascript -e \'tell application "' + app_to_focus + '" to activate\' > /dev/null 2>&1') == 0:
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + app_to_focus + ' not found for focus()')
return False
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - Linux not supported for focus()')
return False
def table(element_identifier = None, filename_to_save = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using table()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for table()')
return False
elif filename_to_save is None or filename_to_save == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for table()')
return False
element_identifier = str(element_identifier)
if not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('table ' + _sdq(element_identifier) + ' to ' + _esq(filename_to_save)):
return False
return True
def wait(delay_in_seconds = 5.0):
time.sleep(float(delay_in_seconds)); return True
def check(condition_to_check = None, text_if_true = '', text_if_false = ''):
if condition_to_check is None:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - condition missing for check()')
return False
if condition_to_check:
return True
def bin(file_to_bin = None, password = None, server = 'https://tebel.org/bin/'):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using bin()')
return ''
if file_to_bin is None or file_to_bin == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - file_to_bin required for bin()')
return ''
file_to_bin = os.path.abspath(file_to_bin)
if not os.path.isfile(file_to_bin):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + file_to_bin)
return ''
original_url = url(); url(server)
if not exist('//*[@id = "message"]'):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot connect to ' + server)
return ''
file_head, file_tail = os.path.split(file_to_bin)
type('//*[@id = "message"]', file_tail)
if password is not None:
type('//*[@id = "passwordinput"]', password)
click('//*[@id = "attach"]')
upload('#file', file_to_bin)
click('//*[@id = "sendbutton"]')
bin_url = read('//*[@id = "pastelink"]/a/@href')
if bin_url == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - failed uploading to ' + server)
if original_url != 'about:blank':
return bin_url
def upload(element_identifier = None, filename_to_upload = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using upload()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - target missing for upload()')
return False
elif filename_to_upload is None or filename_to_upload == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - filename missing for upload()')
return False
elif not exist(element_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find ' + element_identifier)
return False
elif not send('upload ' + _sdq(element_identifier) + ' as ' + _esq(filename_to_upload)):
return False
return True
def download(download_url = None, filename_to_save = None):
"""function for python 2/3 compatible file download from url"""
if download_url is None or download_url == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - download URL missing for download()')
return False
# if not given, use last part of url as filename to save
if filename_to_save is None or filename_to_save == '':
download_url_tokens = download_url.split('/')
filename_to_save = download_url_tokens[-1]
# delete existing file if exist to ensure freshness
if os.path.isfile(filename_to_save):
# handle case where url is invalid or has no content
if _python2_env():
import urllib; urllib.urlretrieve(download_url, filename_to_save)
import urllib.request; urllib.request.urlretrieve(download_url, filename_to_save)
except Exception as e:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - failed downloading from ' + download_url + '...')
return False
# take the existence of downloaded file as success
if os.path.isfile(filename_to_save):
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - failed downloading to ' + filename_to_save)
return False
def frame(main_frame = None, sub_frame = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using frame()')
return False
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - frame() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return False
# reset webpage context to document root, by sending custom tagui javascript code
send('js chrome_step("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "mainframe_context = null"})')
send('js chrome_step("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "subframe_context = null"})')
send('js chrome_context = "document"; frame_step_offset_x = 0; frame_step_offset_y = 0;')
# return True if no parameter, after resetting webpage context above
if main_frame is None or main_frame == '':
return True
# set webpage context to main frame specified, by sending custom tagui javascript code
frame_identifier = '(//frame|//iframe)[@name="' + main_frame + '" or @id="' + main_frame + '"]'
if not exist(frame_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find frame with @name or @id as \'' + main_frame + '\'')
return False
send('js new_context = "mainframe_context"')
send('js frame_xpath = \'(//frame|//iframe)[@name="' + main_frame + '" or @id="' + main_frame + '"]\'')
send('js frame_rect = chrome.getRect(xps666(frame_xpath))')
send('js frame_step_offset_x = frame_rect.left; frame_step_offset_y = frame_rect.top;')
send('js chrome_step("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: new_context + " = document.evaluate(\'" + frame_xpath + "\'," + chrome_context + ",null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null).snapshotItem(0).contentDocument"})')
send('js chrome_context = new_context')
# set webpage context to sub frame if specified, by sending custom tagui javascript code
if sub_frame is not None and sub_frame != '':
frame_identifier = '(//frame|//iframe)[@name="' + sub_frame + '" or @id="' + sub_frame + '"]'
if not exist(frame_identifier):
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find sub frame with @name or @id as \'' + sub_frame + '\'')
return False
send('js new_context = "subframe_context"')
send('js frame_xpath = \'(//frame|//iframe)[@name="' + sub_frame + '" or @id="' + sub_frame + '"]\'')
send('js frame_rect = chrome.getRect(xps666(frame_xpath))')
send('js frame_step_offset_x = frame_rect.left; frame_step_offset_y = frame_rect.top;')
send('js chrome_step("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: new_context + " = document.evaluate(\'" + frame_xpath + "\'," + chrome_context + ",null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null).snapshotItem(0).contentDocument"})')
send('js chrome_context = new_context')
return True
def popup(string_in_url = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using popup()')
return False
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - popup() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return False
# reset webpage context to main page, by sending custom tagui javascript code
send('js if (chrome_targetid !== "") {found_targetid = chrome_targetid; chrome_targetid = ""; chrome_step("Target.detachFromTarget", {sessionId: found_targetid});}')
# return True if no parameter, after resetting webpage context above
if string_in_url is None or string_in_url == '':
return True
# set webpage context to the popup tab specified, by sending custom tagui javascript code
send('js found_targetid = ""; chrome_targets = []; ws_message = chrome_step("Target.getTargets", {});')
send('js try {ws_json = JSON.parse(ws_message); if (ws_json.result.targetInfos) chrome_targets = ws_json.result.targetInfos; else chrome_targets = [];} catch (e) {chrome_targets = [];}')
send('js chrome_targets.forEach(function(target) {if (target.url.indexOf("' + string_in_url + '") !== -1) found_targetid = target.targetId;})')
send('js if (found_targetid !== "") {ws_message = chrome_step("Target.attachToTarget", {targetId: found_targetid}); try {ws_json = JSON.parse(ws_message); if (ws_json.result.sessionId !== "") found_targetid = ws_json.result.sessionId; else found_targetid = "";} catch (e) {found_targetid = "";}}')
send('js chrome_targetid = found_targetid')
# check if chrome_targetid is successfully set to sessionid of popup tab
send('dump chrome_targetid to rpa_python.txt')
popup_result = _tagui_output()
if popup_result != '':
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - cannot find popup tab containing URL string \'' + string_in_url + '\'')
return False
def api(url_to_query = None):
print('[RPA][INFO] - although TagUI supports calling APIs with headers and body,')
print('[RPA][INFO] - recommend using requests package with lots of online docs')
return True
def run(command_to_run = None):
if command_to_run is None or command_to_run == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - command(s) missing for run()')
return ''
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
command_delimiter = ' & '
command_delimiter = '; '
return _py23_decode(subprocess.check_output(
command_to_run + command_delimiter + 'exit 0',
def dom(statement_to_run = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using dom()')
return ''
if statement_to_run is None or statement_to_run == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - statement(s) missing for dom()')
return ''
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - dom() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return ''
send('dom ' + statement_to_run)
send('dump dom_result to rpa_python.txt')
dom_result = _tagui_output()
return dom_result
def vision(command_to_run = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using vision()')
return False
if command_to_run is None or command_to_run == '':
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - command(s) missing for vision()')
return False
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - vision() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
elif not send('vision ' + command_to_run):
return False
return True
def timeout(timeout_in_seconds = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using timeout()')
return False
global _tagui_timeout
if timeout_in_seconds is None:
return float(_tagui_timeout)
_tagui_timeout = float(timeout_in_seconds)
if not send('timeout ' + str(timeout_in_seconds)):
return False
return True
def present(element_identifier = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using present()')
return False
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
return False
# return True for keywords as the computer screen is always present
if element_identifier.lower() in ['page.png', 'page.bmp']:
if _visual():
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - page.png / page.bmp requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
# pre-emptive checks if image files are specified for visual automation
if element_identifier.lower().endswith('.png') or element_identifier.lower().endswith('.bmp'):
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - ' + element_identifier + ' identifier requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
# assume that (x,y) coordinates for visual automation always exist
if element_identifier.startswith('(') and element_identifier.endswith(')'):
if len(element_identifier.split(',')) in [2, 3]:
if not any(c.isalpha() for c in element_identifier):
if _visual():
return True
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - x, y coordinates require init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
send('present_result = present(\'' + _sdq(element_identifier) + '\').toString()')
send('dump present_result to rpa_python.txt')
if _tagui_output() == 'true':
return True
return False
def count(element_identifier = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using count()')
return int(0)
if element_identifier is None or element_identifier == '':
return int(0)
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - count() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return int(0)
send('count_result = count(\'' + _sdq(element_identifier) + '\').toString()')
send('dump count_result to rpa_python.txt')
return int(_tagui_output())
def title():
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using title()')
return ''
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - title() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return ''
send('dump title() to rpa_python.txt')
title_result = _tagui_output()
return title_result
def text():
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using text()')
return ''
if not _chrome():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - text() requires init(chrome_browser = True)')
return ''
send('dump text() to rpa_python.txt')
text_result = _tagui_output()
return text_result
def timer():
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using timer()')
return float(0)
send('dump timer() to rpa_python.txt')
timer_result = _tagui_output()
return float(timer_result)
def mouse_xy():
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using mouse_xy()')
return ''
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - mouse_xy() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return ''
send('dump mouse_xy() to rpa_python.txt')
mouse_xy_result = _tagui_output()
return mouse_xy_result
def mouse_x():
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using mouse_x()')
return int(0)
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - mouse_x() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return int(0)
send('dump mouse_x() to rpa_python.txt')
mouse_x_result = _tagui_output()
return int(mouse_x_result)
def mouse_y():
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using mouse_y()')
return int(0)
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - mouse_y() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return int(0)
send('dump mouse_y() to rpa_python.txt')
mouse_y_result = _tagui_output()
return int(mouse_y_result)
def clipboard(text_to_put = None):
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using clipboard()')
return False
if not _visual():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - clipboard() requires init(visual_automation = True)')
return False
if text_to_put is None:
send('dump clipboard() to rpa_python.txt')
clipboard_result = _tagui_output()
return clipboard_result
elif not send("js clipboard('" + text_to_put.replace("'",'[BACKSLASH_QUOTE]') + "')"):
return False
return True
def download_location(location = None):
global _tagui_download_directory
if not _started():
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - use init() before using download_location()')
return False
if location is None:
return _tagui_download_directory
if "'" in location:
show_error('[RPA][ERROR] - single quote in location not supported here')
return False
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
location = location.replace('/', '\\')
if not send("chrome_step('Page.setDownloadBehavior',{behavior: 'allow', downloadPath: '" + location + "'});"):
return False
_tagui_download_directory = location
return True
def get_text(source_text = None, left = None, right = None, count = 1):
if source_text is None or left is None or right is None:
return ''
left_position = source_text.find(left)
if left_position == -1: return ''
right_position = source_text.find(right, left_position + 1)
if right_position == -1: return ''
if count > 1:
occurrence_count = 2
while occurrence_count <= count:
occurrence_count += 1
left_position = source_text.find(left, right_position + 1)
if left_position == -1: return ''
right_position = source_text.find(right, left_position + 1)
if right_position == -1: return ''
return source_text[left_position + len(left) : right_position].strip()
def del_chars(source_text = None, characters = None):
if source_text is None:
return ''
elif characters is None:
return source_text
for character in characters:
source_text = source_text.replace(character, '')
return source_text
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