#include <stdio.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include "java_vrpn.h"
#include "vrpn_Button.h"
#include "vrpn_ButtonRemote.h"
jclass jclass_vrpn_ButtonRemote = NULL;
extern jfieldID jfid_vrpn_VRPNDevice_native_device;
// This is called when the Java Virtual Machine loads this library
// and sets some global references that are used elsewhere.
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad_Button_Remote( JavaVM* jvm, void* reserved )
// make sure the general library code set jvm
if( jvm == NULL )
printf( "vrpn_TrackerRemote native: no jvm.\n" );
return JNI_ERR;
// get the JNIEnv pointer
JNIEnv* env;
if( jvm->GetEnv( (void**) &env, JAVA_VRPN_JNI_VERSION ) != JNI_OK )
printf( "Error loading vrpn ButtonRemote native library.\n" );
return JNI_ERR;
// get the jclass reference to vrpn.ButtonRemote
jclass cls = env->FindClass( "vrpn/ButtonRemote" );
if( cls == NULL )
printf( "Error loading vrpn ButtonRemote native library "
"while trying to find class vrpn.ButtonRemote.\n" );
return JNI_ERR;
// make a global reference so the class can be referenced later.
// this must be a _WEAK_ global reference, so the class will be
// garbage collected, and so the JNI_OnUnLoad handler will be called
jclass_vrpn_ButtonRemote = (jclass) env->NewWeakGlobalRef( cls );
if( jclass_vrpn_ButtonRemote == NULL )
printf( "Error loading vrpn ButtonRemote native library "
"while setting up class vrpn.ButtonRemote.\n" );
return JNI_ERR;
} // end JNI_OnLoad
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload_Button_Remote( JavaVM* jvm, void* reserved )
// get the JNIEnv pointer
JNIEnv* env;
if( jvm->GetEnv( (void**) &env, JAVA_VRPN_JNI_VERSION ) != JNI_OK )
printf( "Error unloading vrpn ButtonRemote native library.\n" );
// delete the global reference to the vrpn.ButtonRemote class
env->DeleteWeakGlobalRef( jclass_vrpn_ButtonRemote );
// This is the callback for vrpn to notify us of a new button message
void VRPN_CALLBACK handle_button_change( void* userdata, const vrpn_BUTTONCB info )
if( jvm == NULL )
printf( "button change (C): time: %d.%d; button: %d;\n"
"\tstate: %d;\n", info.msg_time.tv_sec, info.msg_time.tv_usec,
info.button, info.state );
JNIEnv* env;
jvm->AttachCurrentThread( (void**) &env, NULL );
jobject jobj = (jobject) userdata;
jclass jcls = env->GetObjectClass( jobj );
jmethodID jmid = env->GetMethodID( jcls, "handleButtonChange", "(JJII)V" );
if( jmid == NULL )
printf( "Warning: vrpn_ButtonRemote library was unable to find the "
"Java method \'handleButtonChange\'. This may indicate a version mismatch.\n" );
env->CallVoidMethod( jobj, jmid, (jlong) info.msg_time.tv_sec, (jlong) info.msg_time.tv_usec,
(jint) info.button, (jint) info.state );
Java_vrpn_ButtonRemote_mainloop( JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj )
vrpn_Button_Remote* t = (vrpn_Button_Remote*) env->GetLongField( jobj, jfid_vrpn_VRPNDevice_native_device );
if( t == NULL ) // this button is uninitialized or has been shut down already
// now call mainloop
t->mainloop( );
Java_vrpn_ButtonRemote_init( JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jstring jname,
jstring jlocalInLogfileName, jstring jlocalOutLogfileName,
jstring jremoteInLogfileName, jstring jremoteOutLogfileName )
// make a global reference to the Java ButtonRemote
// object, so that it can be referenced in the function
// handle_button_change(...)
jobj = env->NewGlobalRef( jobj );
// create the button
const char* name = env->GetStringUTFChars( jname, NULL );
const char* local_in_logfile_name = jlocalInLogfileName == NULL ? NULL :
env->GetStringUTFChars( jlocalInLogfileName, NULL );
const char* local_out_logfile_name = jlocalOutLogfileName == NULL ? NULL :
env->GetStringUTFChars( jlocalOutLogfileName, NULL );
const char* remote_in_logfile_name = jremoteInLogfileName == NULL ? NULL :
env->GetStringUTFChars( jremoteInLogfileName, NULL );
const char* remote_out_logfile_name = jremoteOutLogfileName == NULL ? NULL :
env->GetStringUTFChars( jremoteOutLogfileName, NULL );
vrpn_Connection* conn
= vrpn_get_connection_by_name( name, local_in_logfile_name, local_out_logfile_name,
remote_in_logfile_name, remote_out_logfile_name );
vrpn_Button_Remote* t = new vrpn_Button_Remote( name, conn );
t->register_change_handler( jobj, handle_button_change );
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars( jname, name );
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars( jlocalInLogfileName, local_in_logfile_name );
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars( jlocalOutLogfileName, local_out_logfile_name );
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars( jremoteInLogfileName, remote_in_logfile_name );
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars( jremoteOutLogfileName, remote_out_logfile_name );
// now stash 't' in the jobj's 'native_device' field
jlong jt = (jlong) t;
env->SetLongField( jobj, jfid_vrpn_VRPNDevice_native_device, jt );
return true;
// this is only supposed to be called when the ButtonRemote
// instance is finalized for garbage collection
Java_vrpn_ButtonRemote_shutdownButton( JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj )
// get the button pointer
vrpn_Button_Remote* t = (vrpn_Button_Remote*) env->GetLongField( jobj, jfid_vrpn_VRPNDevice_native_device );
// unregister a handler and destroy the button
if( t )
t->unregister_change_handler( jobj, handle_button_change );
t->connectionPtr()->removeReference(); // because we called vrpn_get_connection_by_name
delete t;
// set the button pointer to -1
env->SetLongField( jobj, jfid_vrpn_VRPNDevice_native_device, -1 );
// delete global reference to object (that was created in init)
env->DeleteGlobalRef( jobj );
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