/* vrpn_raw_sgibox.C
* This file contains the implementation for a controller to
* the SGI dial and button boxes. This is an implementation that
* goes directly through the serial port rather than using the
* SGI GL library. The two connect together and then to a serial
* port at 9600 baud, 8 bits, 1 start 1 stop, no parity. The single-
* byte command 0x20 resets both of them; they respond with 0x20.
* The dial box returns 3-byte values whenever a dial is moved.
* There are 200 ticks per rotation, and there is an internal counter
* that counts up to 16 bits and then rolls over. The message format
* that is returned is 3Z XX YY, where Z is the dial number and XXYY
* is the new positional value for the dial. The dials are clamped to
* the range -0.5<-->0.5, and this is twice VRPN_DIAL_RANGE. If the
* dials are turned past this, the values are set to clamp. As soon
* as the dial is turned the other direction, it will lower the value;
* this provides a "saturating" dial effect.
* The button box takes commands to turn the lights on or off; the
* command is 0x75 followed by 4 bytes; the bits of byte 1 turn on or
* off the first 8 lights, with MSB turning on light 7 and LSB controlling
* byte 0. Lights 8-15 are byte 2, 16-23 byte 3, 24-31 byte 4. When a
* button is pressed or released, a single-byte message is returned.
* For press, D8 is button 0, D9 is 1... DF is 7; D0 is 8...D7 is 15;
* C8 is 16...CF is 23, C0 is 24...C7 is 31. For release, F8 is 0...
* FF is 7, F0 is 8...F7 is 15, E8 is 16...EF is 23, E0 is 24...E7 is 31.
* The button box needs to have its buttons enabled and activated
* using the 0x73 and 0x71 commands, each followed by FFFFFFFF to turn
* on them all. The dial box enable command is 0x50 followed by xxFF,
* where xx is ignored and FF turns on all of the dials.
//#define VERBOSE
#include <stdio.h> // for perror, fprintf, printf, etc
#include <string.h> // for memcpy
#include "vrpn_Connection.h" // for vrpn_HANDLERPARAM, etc
#include "vrpn_Serial.h"
#include "vrpn_Shared.h" // for vrpn_SleepMsecs, timeval
#include "vrpn_Types.h" // for vrpn_float64, vrpn_int16, etc
#include "vrpn_raw_sgibox.h"
static const unsigned char BBOX_RESET = 0x20;
static const int VRPN_DIAL_RANGE = 200;
static int VRPN_CALLBACK sgibox_raw_con_cb(void * userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK sgibox_raw_alert_handler(void * userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM);
vrpn_raw_SGIBox::vrpn_raw_SGIBox(char * name, vrpn_Connection * c,
char *serialPortName):
vrpn_Analog(name, c), vrpn_Dial(name, c), vrpn_Button_Filter(name, c)
char message[1024];
serialfd = -1;
// Open the serial port that will be used to communicate to
// the dial and button box. Then reset the boxes.
serialfd = vrpn_open_commport(serialPortName, 9600);
if (serialfd < 0) {
sprintf(message,"vrpn_raw_SGIBox: error opening serial port: %s\n",serialPortName);
num_channel = vrpn_SGI_NUM_DIALS;
num_dials = vrpn_SGI_NUM_DIALS;
num_buttons = vrpn_SGI_NUM_BUTTONS;
// We can use either autodeleted handler; choose the one in Analog
register_autodeleted_handler(c->register_message_type(vrpn_got_first_connection), sgibox_raw_con_cb, this);
register_autodeleted_handler(alert_message_id,sgibox_raw_alert_handler, this);
set_alerts(1); //turn on alerts from toggle filter class to notify
//local sgibox that lights should be turned on/off
int vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset() { /* Button/Dial box setup */
int i;
int ret;
unsigned char inbuf[100];
#ifdef VERBOSE
unsigned char lightson[5] = {0x75, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
unsigned char lightsoff[5] = {0x75, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned char activatebuttons[5] = {0x73, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
unsigned char enablebuttons[5] = {0x71, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
unsigned char enabledials[3] = {0x50, 0xff, 0xff};
// Clear the incoming serial buffer of all characters
// Send the reset message to the dials and buttons. Wait for any return
// messages, which should be 1 or 2 "0x20" bytes.
if (serialfd != -1) { // Write reset command
if (vrpn_flush_input_buffer(serialfd) == -1) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't flush incoming buffer");
return -1;
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, &BBOX_RESET,1,1) != 1) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't write reset command");
return -1;
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, &BBOX_RESET,1,1) != 1) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't write reset command");
return -1;
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Give the box time to respond
if ( (ret=vrpn_read_available_characters(serialfd, inbuf, 2)) <= 0) {
//XXX Turn this into a vrpn text message
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't read or no data from serial port");
return -1;
#ifdef VERBOSE
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Box's response to reset command: %02x\n", inbuf[0]);
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
if (inbuf[i] != BBOX_RESET) {
//XXX Turn this into a vrpn text message
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Bad response to reset command : %02x- please restart sgiBox vrpn server\n",inbuf[i]);
return -1;
#ifdef VERBOSE
if (serialfd != -1) {
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBox: flashing the lights on then off...\n");
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, lightson,5,1) != 5) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't turn the lights on");
return -1;
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, lightsoff,5,1) != 5) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't turn the lights off");
return -1;
// Active and enable all of the buttons, enable the dials
if (serialfd != -1) {
// for some reason, enabling the dials disables the buttons
// so we have to enable the dials first
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, enabledials,5,1) != 5) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't enable dials");
return -1;
#ifdef VERBOSE
else {
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::reset() : Enabled Dials\n");
// for some reasn the box doesn't always understand the enable buttons
// command the first time. So we send it twice to make sure
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, enablebuttons,5,1) != 5) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't enable buttons");
return -1;
#ifdef VERBOSE
else {
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::reset() : Enabled Buttons\n");
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, activatebuttons,5,1) != 5) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::reset(): Can't activate buttons\n");
return -1;
#ifdef VERBOSE
else {
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::reset() : Activated Buttons\n");
} // end of loop to send enable and activate commands
// Reset the button and, analog, and dial values to zero, since the dial box
// and button box are now reset.
for (i=0; i<vrpn_SGI_NUM_BUTTONS; i++) {
buttons[i] = lastbuttons[i] = 0; // The buttons are released
//XXX Reset the button-light handling registers
for (i=0; i<vrpn_SGI_NUM_DIALS; i++) {
mid_values[i] = 0; // The middle of saturating analog range
last[i] = channel[i] = 0; // The analog values are reset to 0
dials[i] = 0; // Reset the dials to zero
last_values[i] = 0; // Reset the values used by dial code to zero
// Set the lights to how they should be
return 0;
// This checks one bank of eight buttons to see if the command refers
// to a press event in that bank. If it does, it will set the button.
// If not, it does nothing.
void vrpn_raw_SGIBox::check_press_bank(int base_button, unsigned char base_command,
unsigned char command) {
if ( (command >= base_command) && (command < (base_command+8)) ) {
buttons[base_button + (command-base_command)] = 1;
// This checks one bank of eight buttons to see if the command refers
// to a release event in that bank. If it does, it will clear the button.
// If not, it does nothing.
void vrpn_raw_SGIBox::check_release_bank(int base_button, unsigned char base_command,
unsigned char command) {
if ( (command >= base_command) && (command < (base_command+8)) ) {
buttons[base_button + (command-base_command)] = 0;
// See what reports have come in over the serial port. When something
// comes in, figure out if it is a dial report or a button report
// and act on it accordingly. If we get a partial report, go ahead
// and wait for the rest of the report before leaving the loop.
// XXX This should be modified to handle partial reports the same way
// that the trackers do.
void vrpn_raw_SGIBox::get_report() {
unsigned char command;
int ret;
#ifdef VERBOSE
printf("."); fflush(stdout);
// Read a character if there is one. See if it matches one of
// the known command start bytes. If it does not, there is
// something wrong.
ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serialfd, &command, 1);
if (ret == 0) { // Nothing there, we're done
if (ret == -1) { // Error in the read; try resetting.
#ifdef VERBOSE
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::get_report(): error reading serial port - reseting...");
#ifdef VERBOSE
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::get_report(): Got %02x\n", command);
// If this is a reset command, we can skip it and get the next command
// next time.
if (command == 0x20) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::get_report(): Got reset response when we didn't expect it - reseting...\n");
// See if this is a button report, which are only a single byte.
if ( command >= 0xC0 ) {
// Due to the strange layout of the commands to buttons,
// we need to check each group of 8 button messages in chunks,
// both for the press commands and the release commands.
check_press_bank(24, 0xC0, command);
check_press_bank(16, 0xC8, command);
check_press_bank(8, 0xD0, command);
check_press_bank(0, 0xD8, command);
check_release_bank(24, 0xE0, command);
check_release_bank(16, 0xE8, command);
check_release_bank(8, 0xF0, command);
check_release_bank(0, 0xF8, command);
// Parse the dial turn results, which are more than single-byte
// results so will require reading in the rest of the command.
// We will block until either we get them or get an error or time
// out. If there is an error or timeout, try resetting.
if ( (command >= 0x30) && (command <= 0x37) ) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::get_report(): Got dial event\n");
unsigned char dial_value[2];
int i = command - 0x30; // Which dial
vrpn_int16 value;
struct timeval timeout = {0, 10000}; // 10 milliseconds
// Attempt to read both new values until we run out of time
// and give up. If we give up or have an error, try a reset.
if (vrpn_read_available_characters(serialfd, dial_value, 2, &timeout) != 2) {
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX: starting getting a dial command from box, but message wasn't completed -reseting ...");
#ifdef VERBOSE
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX::get_report(): Dial event %02x:[ %02x %02x] \n",
// Make sure to sign-extend the 16-bit value properly.
value = static_cast<short>((dial_value[0]<<8) | dial_value[1]);
// Figure out the value and adjust the corresponding analog value.
// The analogs are set up to clamp at both the to and bottom end of
// the scale, but will back off immediately if you turn it the other
// direction. The range of outputs (channels) is from -0.5 to 0.5.
int temp = value - mid_values[i];
if (temp > VRPN_DIAL_RANGE) {
channel[i] = 0.5;
mid_values[i] = value - VRPN_DIAL_RANGE;
} else if (temp < -VRPN_DIAL_RANGE) {
channel[i] = -0.5;
mid_values[i] = value + VRPN_DIAL_RANGE;
} else {
channel[i] = temp/400.0;
// Figure out the change for the dial report, and report fraction
// turned.
dials[i] = (value-last_values[i])/(double)(VRPN_DIAL_RANGE);
last_values[i] = value;
// check for an unrecognized command from the box
if (! (
( (command >= 0x30) && (command <= 0x37) ) ||
(command >= 0xC0)
perror("vrpn_raw_SGIBOX: unrecognized command from sgiBox - reseting...");
void vrpn_raw_SGIBox::mainloop()
int vrpn_raw_SGIBox::send_light_command(void) {
int bank, i;
unsigned char lights[4]; // Array to hold the light-control bits
unsigned char msg[5]; // Message to send to turn on lights
// Figure out which lights should be on, and pack them into the
// four bytes that describe which should be on.
for (bank = 0; bank < 4; bank++) {
lights[bank] = 0; //one bit per button light
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int buttonLightNumber = bank*8 + i;
if (buttonstate[buttonLightNumber]==vrpn_BUTTON_TOGGLE_ON) {
lights[bank]=static_cast<unsigned char>(lights[bank]|1<<i);
// Prepare the control message to turn the lights on, then
// send it.
msg[0] = 0x75; memcpy(&msg[1],lights,4);
if (vrpn_write_slowly(serialfd, msg, 5,1) != 5) {
perror("Could not write light control message");
//XXX Should be vrpn_Text message
return -1;
return 0;
// Turn on all the lights that are currently enabled. This ignores
// the HANDLERPARAM parameter, since it is not required to figure this
// out.
static int VRPN_CALLBACK sgibox_raw_alert_handler(void * userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM)
vrpn_raw_SGIBox *me=(vrpn_raw_SGIBox *)userdata;
return 0;
static int VRPN_CALLBACK sgibox_raw_con_cb(void * userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM)
printf("vrpn_raw_SGIBox::Get first new connection, reset the box\n");
((vrpn_raw_SGIBox *)userdata) ->reset();
return 0;
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