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features2d_test.go 14.27 KB
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Sebastian Terhorst 提交于 2020-10-19 11:59 . add FlannBasedMatcher
package gocv
import (
func TestAKAZE(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in AKAZE test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
ak := NewAKAZE()
defer ak.Close()
kp := ak.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in AKAZE test: %d", len(kp))
mask := NewMat()
defer mask.Close()
kp2, desc := ak.DetectAndCompute(img, mask)
defer desc.Close()
if len(kp2) < 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in AKAZE DetectAndCompute: %d", len(kp2))
if desc.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat desc in AKAZE DetectAndCompute")
func TestAgastFeatureDetector(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in AgastFeatureDetector test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
ad := NewAgastFeatureDetector()
defer ad.Close()
kp := ad.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 2800 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in AgastFeatureDetector test: %d", len(kp))
func TestBRISK(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in BRISK test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
br := NewBRISK()
defer br.Close()
kp := br.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 513 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in BRISK Detect: %d", len(kp))
mask := NewMat()
defer mask.Close()
kp2, desc := br.DetectAndCompute(img, mask)
defer desc.Close()
if len(kp2) != 1105 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in BRISK DetectAndCompute: %d", len(kp2))
if desc.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat desc in AKAZE DetectAndCompute")
func TestFastFeatureDetector(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in FastFeatureDetector test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
fd := NewFastFeatureDetector()
defer fd.Close()
kp := fd.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 2690 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in FastFeatureDetector test: %d", len(kp))
func TestFastFeatureDetectorWithParams(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in FastFeatureDetector test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
fd := NewFastFeatureDetectorWithParams(10, true, FastFeatureDetectorType916)
defer fd.Close()
kp := fd.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 2690 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in FastFeatureDetector test: %d", len(kp))
func TestGFTTDetector(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in GFTTDetector test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
gft := NewGFTTDetector()
defer gft.Close()
kp := gft.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in GFTTDetector test: %d", len(kp))
func TestKAZE(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in KAZE test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
k := NewKAZE()
defer k.Close()
kp := k.Detect(img)
if len(kp) < 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in KAZE test: %d", len(kp))
mask := NewMat()
defer mask.Close()
kp2, desc := k.DetectAndCompute(img, mask)
defer desc.Close()
if len(kp2) < 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in KAZE DetectAndCompute: %d", len(kp2))
if desc.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat desc in KAZE DetectAndCompute")
func TestMSER(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in MSER test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
mser := NewMSER()
defer mser.Close()
kp := mser.Detect(img)
if len(kp) != 232 && len(kp) != 234 && len(kp) != 261 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in MSER test: %d", len(kp))
func TestORB(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in AgastFeatureDetector test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
od := NewORB()
defer od.Close()
kp := od.Detect(img)
if len(kp) != 500 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in ORB test: %d", len(kp))
mask := NewMat()
defer mask.Close()
kp2, desc := od.DetectAndCompute(img, mask)
defer desc.Close()
if len(kp2) != 500 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in ORB DetectAndCompute: %d", len(kp2))
if desc.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat desc in ORB DetectAndCompute")
func TestSimpleBlobDetector(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/face.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in SimpleBlobDetector test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
bd := NewSimpleBlobDetector()
defer bd.Close()
kp := bd.Detect(img)
if len(kp) != 2 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in SimpleBlobDetector test: %d", len(kp))
func TestSimpleBlobDetectorWithParams(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("images/circles.jpg", IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in SimpleBlobDetector test")
defer img.Close()
params := NewSimpleBlobDetectorParams()
bdp := NewSimpleBlobDetectorWithParams(params)
defer bdp.Close()
kp := bdp.Detect(img)
if len(kp) != 4 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in SimpleBlobDetector test: %d", len(kp))
func TestSimpleBlobDetectorParams(t *testing.T) {
float64EqualityThreshold := 1e-5
knownBlobColor := 235
knownFilterByArea := false
knownFilterByCircularity := true
knownFilterByColor := false
knownFilterByConvexity := false
knownFilterByInertia := false
knownMaxArea := 20000.0
knownMaxCircularity := 0.99
knownMaxConvexity := 0.98
knownMaxInertiaRatio := 0.97
knownMaxThreshold := 233.0
knownMinArea := 230.0
knownMinCircularity := 0.9
knownMinConvexity := 0.89
knownMinDistBetweenBlobs := 15.5
knownMinInertiaRatio := 0.88
knownMinRepeatability := 5
knownMinThreshold := 200.0
knownThresholdStep := 2.0
params := NewSimpleBlobDetectorParams()
if params.GetBlobColor() != knownBlobColor {
t.Error("BlobColor incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetFilterByArea() != knownFilterByArea {
t.Error("FilterByArea incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetFilterByCircularity() != knownFilterByCircularity {
t.Error("FilterByCircularity incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetFilterByColor() != knownFilterByColor {
t.Error("FilterByColor incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetFilterByConvexity() != knownFilterByConvexity {
t.Error("FilterByConvexity incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetFilterByInertia() != knownFilterByInertia {
t.Error("FilterByInertia incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetMaxArea() != knownMaxArea {
t.Error("MaxArea incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
diffMaxCircularity := params.GetMaxCircularity() - knownMaxCircularity
if diffMaxCircularity > float64EqualityThreshold {
t.Errorf("DiffMaxCircularity greater than float64EqualityThreshold in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test. Diff: %f", diffMaxCircularity)
diffMaxConvexity := params.GetMaxConvexity() - knownMaxConvexity
if diffMaxConvexity > float64EqualityThreshold {
t.Errorf("DiffMaxConvexity greater than float64EqualityThreshold in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test. Diff: %f", diffMaxConvexity)
diffMaxInertiaRatio := params.GetMaxInertiaRatio() - knownMaxInertiaRatio
if diffMaxInertiaRatio > float64EqualityThreshold {
t.Errorf("DiffMaxInertiaRatio greater than float64EqualityThreshold in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test. Diff: %f", diffMaxInertiaRatio)
if params.GetMaxThreshold() != knownMaxThreshold {
t.Error("MaxThreshold incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetMinArea() != knownMinArea {
t.Error("MinArea incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
diffMinCircularity := params.GetMinCircularity() - knownMinCircularity
if diffMinCircularity > float64EqualityThreshold {
t.Errorf("DiffMinCircularity greater than float64EqualityThreshold in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test. Diff %f", diffMinCircularity)
diffMinConvexity := params.GetMinConvexity() - knownMinConvexity
if diffMinConvexity > float64EqualityThreshold {
t.Errorf("DiffMinConvexity greater than float64EqualityThreshold in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test. Diff: %f", diffMinConvexity)
if params.GetMinDistBetweenBlobs() != knownMinDistBetweenBlobs {
t.Error("MinDistBetweenBlobs incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
diffMinInertiaRatio := params.GetMinInertiaRatio() - knownMinInertiaRatio
if diffMinInertiaRatio > float64EqualityThreshold {
t.Errorf("DiffMinInertiaRatio greater than float64EqualityThreshold in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test. Diff: %f", diffMinInertiaRatio)
if params.GetMinRepeatability() != knownMinRepeatability {
t.Error("MinRepeatability incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetMinThreshold() != knownMinThreshold {
t.Error("MinThreshold incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
if params.GetThresholdStep() != knownThresholdStep {
t.Error("ThresholdStep incorrect in SimpleBlobDetectorParams test")
func TestBFMatcher(t *testing.T) {
descriptorFile := "images/sift_descriptor.png"
desc1 := IMRead(descriptorFile, IMReadGrayScale)
if desc1.Empty() {
t.Error("descriptor one is empty in BFMatcher test")
defer desc1.Close()
desc2 := IMRead(descriptorFile, IMReadGrayScale)
if desc2.Empty() {
t.Error("descriptor two is empty in BFMatcher test")
defer desc2.Close()
bf := NewBFMatcher()
defer bf.Close()
k := 2
dMatches := bf.KnnMatch(desc1, desc2, k)
if len(dMatches) < 1 {
t.Errorf("DMatches was excepted to have at least one element")
for i := range dMatches {
if len(dMatches[i]) != k {
t.Errorf("Length does not match k cluster amount in BFMatcher")
bfParams := NewBFMatcherWithParams(NormHamming, false)
defer bfParams.Close()
dMatches = bfParams.KnnMatch(desc1, desc2, k)
if len(dMatches) < 1 {
t.Errorf("DMatches was excepted to have at least one element")
for i := range dMatches {
if len(dMatches[i]) != k {
t.Errorf("Length does not match k cluster amount in BFMatcher")
func TestFlannBasedMatcher(t *testing.T) {
descriptorFile := "images/sift_descriptor.png"
desc1 := IMRead(descriptorFile, IMReadGrayScale)
if desc1.Empty() {
t.Error("descriptor one is empty in FlannBasedMatcher test")
defer desc1.Close()
desc1.ConvertTo(&desc1, MatTypeCV32F)
desc2 := IMRead(descriptorFile, IMReadGrayScale)
if desc2.Empty() {
t.Error("descriptor two is empty in FlannBasedMatcher test")
defer desc2.Close()
desc2.ConvertTo(&desc2, MatTypeCV32F)
f := NewFlannBasedMatcher()
defer f.Close()
k := 2
dMatches := f.KnnMatch(desc1, desc2, k)
if len(dMatches) < 1 {
t.Errorf("DMatches was excepted to have at least one element")
for i := range dMatches {
if len(dMatches[i]) != k {
t.Errorf("Length does not match k cluster amount in FlannBasedMatcher")
func TestDrawKeyPoints(t *testing.T) {
keypointsFile := "images/simple.jpg"
img := IMRead(keypointsFile, IMReadColor)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("keypoints file is empty in DrawKeyPoints test")
defer img.Close()
ffd := NewFastFeatureDetector()
kp := ffd.Detect(img)
simpleKP := NewMat()
defer simpleKP.Close()
DrawKeyPoints(img, kp, &simpleKP, color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 0}, DrawDefault)
if simpleKP.Rows() != img.Rows() || simpleKP.Cols() != img.Cols() {
t.Error("Invalid DrawKeyPoints test")
func TestDrawMatches(t *testing.T) {
queryFile := "images/box.png"
trainFile := "images/box_in_scene.png"
query := IMRead(queryFile, IMReadGrayScale)
train := IMRead(trainFile, IMReadGrayScale)
if query.Empty() || train.Empty() {
t.Error("at least one of files is empty in DrawMatches test")
defer query.Close()
defer train.Close()
sift := NewSIFT()
defer sift.Close()
m1 := NewMat()
m2 := NewMat()
defer m1.Close()
defer m2.Close()
kp1, des1 := sift.DetectAndCompute(query, m1)
kp2, des2 := sift.DetectAndCompute(train, m2)
defer des1.Close()
defer des2.Close()
bf := NewBFMatcher()
defer bf.Close()
matches := bf.KnnMatch(des1, des2, 2)
if len(matches) == 0 {
t.Error("no matches found in DrawMatches test")
var good []DMatch
for _, m := range matches {
if len(m) > 1 {
if m[0].Distance < 0.75*m[1].Distance {
good = append(good, m[0])
c := color.RGBA{
R: 255,
G: 0,
B: 0,
A: 0,
mask := make([]byte, 0)
out := NewMat()
defer out.Close()
DrawMatches(query, kp1, train, kp2, good, &out, c, c, mask, DrawDefault)
if out.Cols() != (query.Cols()+train.Cols()) || out.Rows() < train.Rows() || out.Rows() < query.Rows() {
t.Error("Invalid DrawMatches test")
mask = make([]byte, len(good))
smoke := NewMat()
defer smoke.Close()
DrawMatches(query, kp1, train, kp2, good, &smoke, c, c, mask, DrawDefault)
func TestSIFT(t *testing.T) {
img := IMRead("./images/face.jpg", IMReadGrayScale)
if img.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat in SIFT test")
defer img.Close()
dst := NewMat()
defer dst.Close()
si := NewSIFT()
defer si.Close()
kp := si.Detect(img)
if len(kp) == 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in SIFT test: %d", len(kp))
mask := NewMat()
defer mask.Close()
kp2, desc := si.DetectAndCompute(img, mask)
defer desc.Close()
if len(kp2) == 512 {
t.Errorf("Invalid KeyPoint array in SIFT DetectAndCompute: %d", len(kp2))
if desc.Empty() {
t.Error("Invalid Mat desc in SIFT DetectAndCompute")
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