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中文增速榜 > 软件类 > Swift

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# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion Run Stable Diffusion on Mac natively 6952 16 2024-03-05
2 mazzzystar/Queryable Run OpenAI's CLIP model on iOS to search photos. 2286 9 2024-02-07
3 pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind. 10919 8 2024-03-05
4 realm/SwiftLint A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions. 18179 6 2024-03-05
5 XcodesOrg/XcodesApp The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click. 6302 5 2024-03-02
6 xmartlabs/Eureka Elegant iOS form builder in Swift 11729 4 2023-12-07
7 Moya/Moya Network abstraction layer written in Swift. 14910 4 2024-03-05
8 TopWidgets/SwingAnimation 小组件平移动画 Widget on the Move, A Playful Animation 698 4 2023-11-21
9 PerfectlySoft/Perfect Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…) 13834 4 2024-02-03
10 thebarbican19/BatteryBoi The battery app your Mac's been dreaming about behind your back. 807 4 2024-01-11
11 p0deje/Maccy Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS 9970 4 2024-03-05
12 jacklandrin/OnlySwitch ⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts 3086 4 2024-02-27
13 tw93/MiaoYan ⛷ Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences. ⛷ 轻灵的 Markdown 笔记本伴你写出妙言 5101 4 2024-01-17
14 Ji4n1ng/OpenInTerminal ✨ Finder Toolbar app for macOS to open the current directory in Terminal, iTerm, Hyper or Alacritty. 5637 3 2023-12-27
15 guinmoon/LLMFarm llama and other large language models on iOS and MacOS offline using GGML library. 742 3 2024-03-04
16 ddddxxx/LyricsX 🎶 Ultimate lyrics app for macOS. 4456 2 2024-01-18
17 sparrowcode/PermissionsKit Universal API for request permission and get its statuses. 5487 2 2023-12-14
18 gee1k/uPic 📤uPic is a native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS. 3326 2 2023-11-08
19 EhPanda-Team/EhPanda An unofficial E-Hentai App for iOS built with SwiftUI & TCA. 2841 2 2024-02-26
20 37MobileTeam/iChatGPT OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS 890 2 2023-12-20
21 longitachi/ZLPhotoBrowser Wechat-like image picker. Support select photos, videos, gif and livePhoto. Support edit image and crop video. 微信样式的图片选择器,支持预览/相册内拍照及录视频、拖拽/滑动选择,编辑图片/视频,支持多语言国际化等功能; 4628 2 2024-03-01
22 ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController [EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自 ... 6861 2 2023-12-15
23 ZhangDo/NeteaseTVDemo NeteaseTVDemo (Vibefy) - tvOS 客户端 136 1 2024-03-05
24 coteditor/CotEditor Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS 5960 1 2024-03-05
25 xjbeta/iina-plus Extra danmaku support for iina. (iina 弹幕支持 1044 1 2024-02-25
26 JoanKing/JKSwiftExtension Swift常用扩展、组件、协议,方便项目快速搭建,提供完整清晰的Demo示例,不断的完善中...... 660 1 2024-01-30
27 soulverteam/SoulverCore A powerful Swift framework for evaluating natural language math expressions 791 1 2024-02-20
28 onevcat/FengNiao A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode. 3322 1 2024-01-23
29 SilenceLove/HXPhotoPicker 图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iC ... 2883 1 2024-02-16
30 ArtSabintsev/Siren Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade. 4184 1 2023-12-30
31 OpenIntelWireless/HeliPort Intel Wi-Fi Client for itlwm 1050 1 2023-11-12
32 netyouli/WHC_ConfuseSoftware iOS代码混淆工具,Uniapp代码混淆工具,react-native代码混淆, iOS代码混淆助手,Android代码混淆助手,Uniapp代码混淆助手,过机器审核,过4.3审核,过other审核,android、ios、uniapp、u3d、cocos2dx、flutter、代码翻新(WHC_ConfuseSoftware)是一款运行在MAC OS平台的App、完美支持Objc和Swift、U ... 1577 1 2024-03-03
33 cmushroom/redis-pro redis-pro redis 桌面管理工具 637 1 2024-02-08
34 onevcat/APNGKit High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS. 2174 1 2024-02-19
35 VideoFlint/Cabbage A video composition framework build on top of AVFoundation. It's simple to use and easy to extend. 1487 1 2023-11-08
36 aahung/Unshaky A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard [not actively maintained] 2970 1 2023-11-20
37 ts1/BLEUnlock Lock/unlock your Mac with your iPhone, Apple Watch, or any other Bluetooth LE devices 1993 1 2024-03-03
38 Danie1s/Tiercel 简单易用、功能丰富的纯 Swift 下载框架 2545 1 2024-02-21
39 Dimillian/ACHNBrowserUI Animal Crossing New Horizon companion app in SwiftUI 1645 1 2023-12-06
40 MxABC/swiftScan A barcode and qr code scanner( 二维码 各种码识别,生成,界面效果) 1567 1 2023-10-25
41 underthestars-zhy/IconChanger Simply change your app's icon on macOS. Just a click. 806 1 2024-01-03
42 intsig171/SmartCodable SwiftCodable 是一个简单易用的数据解析库,基于 Swift 的 Codable 协议实现。它提供了强大的数据解析功能,并在解析失败时提供了良好的兼容性支持,并拥有优良的解析性能。参考了HandyJSON的对外API的实现,可以快速的替换HandyJSON。 85 1 2024-02-23
43 HuangRunHua/swiftui-animation-demo SwiftUI animation demo. SwiftUI 动画示例。 344 1 2023-10-20
44 Schlaubischlump/LocationSimulator MacOS application to spoof / fake / mock your iOS / iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location. WatchOS and TvOS are partially supported. 2249 1 2023-12-22
45 igorkulman/iOSLocalizationEditor Simple macOS editor app to help you manage iOS and macOS app localizations by allowing you to edit all the translations side by side 1412 1 2024-01-04
46 WeTransfer/WeScan Document Scanning Made Easy for iOS 2755 1 2024-02-26
47 isaced/V2exOS 一个用 SwiftUI 编写的 V2ex macOS/iOS/tvOS 客户端 (A V2ex macOS/iOS/tvOS client written in SwiftUI) 640 1 2023-12-24
48 kyleduo/TinyPNG4Mac TinyPNG client for Mac 3423 1 2023-11-16
49 tid-kijyun/Kanna Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift. 2374 1 2024-02-22
50 eggswift/pull-to-refresh #Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh' 1789 1 2023-09-27
51 axclogo/AxcUIKit-Swift (重构中)快速构建通用型的UI库 230 0 2023-09-27
52 vChewing/vChewing-macOS 威注音輸入法 macOS 版,恐怕是截至目前為止在功能多樣性方面最強的第三方免費 macOS 系統專用輸入法,採純 Swift 語言寫就。威注音的著力點是盡可能在力所能及的範圍內將整個產品的功能做得更好用,搭配特製的簡體中文與繁體中文專用辭庫。是純粹的簡體中文注音輸入法(也內贈原生繁體中文輸入模式),更具諸多威注音特色功能。目前研發管理工作均在 CSDN GitCode 進行。 267 0 2024-03-04
53 zgjff/JJKit 包括便捷扩展、路由、轮播图、转场动画的框架 10 0 2024-01-19
54 zhoubenjian/SwiftRebuildOC Swift5:实现默认及自定义TableViewCell;普通CollectionViewCell及瀑布流CollectionViewCell,TableViewCell自适应高度; ScrollView嵌套TableView,CollectionView; TableView分组标题悬浮吸顶; CollectionView分组标题悬浮吸顶; CollectionView画廊效果 6 0 2023-10-20
55 Jdb156158/JbbAnimateWidget ios小组件动画效果调研 52 0 2023-09-26
56 ListenNotes/podcast-api-swift The Official Swift Library for the Listen Notes Podcast API. 20 0 2023-09-08
57 Myoland/wechatpay-swift 微信支付 V3 API 的 Swift 服务端 SDK 48 0 2024-01-18
58 julianschiavo/LocoBuddy A Swift command-line tool to parse and traverse AppleGlot Localization Glossaries 24 0 2023-09-17
59 yuetyam/jyutping Cantonese Keyboard for iOS & macOS. 粵語粵拼輸入法鍵盤 99 0 2024-03-05
60 Jacke-xu/WYBasisKit-swift "WYBasisKit" is a toolkit aimed at greatly improving efficiency. 15 0 2024-03-01
61 Liao-Hexo/Daily-Bill 蜗牛记账-简约精致的记账app 15 0 2024-01-07
62 gsyhei/GXRefresh Swift版的下拉刷新上拉加载,支持Gif、支持自定义刷新动画。 16 0 2023-12-10
63 fatbobman/SwiftUIOverlayContainer SwiftUI Overlay Container is a view container component for SwiftUI. It is a customizable, efficient and convenient view manager. 291 0 2024-02-06
64 vermont42/RaceRunner RaceRunner is a run-tracking app focused on racing. 78 0 2023-12-20
65 DreamSaddle/MacCopier MacCopier 是一个提供在 Macos 中收到短信验证码后自动复制到剪贴板功能的软件。 109 0 2024-01-11
66 zhshijie/SJAudioPlayer 对 AVPlayer 的封装,支持本地和远程音频的播放 7 0 2023-09-06
67 zhtut/SSURLSession 对swift的URLSession进行拆分,增加支持设置resolve和connectTo的能力,常用于ios的IP直连 9 0 2023-12-05
68 dev-coco/Music-Player Music player for Mac, the windows always on top. Mac音乐播放器,窗口置顶。 7 0 2024-01-01
69 outtable/9live 🔥🔥🔥 专业版iOS混淆工具,马甲工具,提供试用版本,过机器审核,支持语言 c/c++/objc/objc++/swift 支持各种资源改名,混淆、一键出包,提供良好的UI界面,支持多包管理一包一特征,解决4.3问题 33 0 2024-01-07
70 Cantoboard/Cantoboard Cantoboard - Smart Cantonese Keyboard on iOS 57 0 2023-10-15
71 monako97/2fa-for-macOS 使用Swift UI开发的身份验证器(2FA) 9 0 2024-02-19
72 DamonHu/ZXFileBrowser The iOS sandbox file browser, which has view, copy, move, delete files and other operations. iOS端沙盒文件浏览器,可以查看、拷贝、移动、删除等操作 29 0 2023-11-29
73 DevForrestWang/SwiftCase Swift开发示例,包括基本组件、常用方法使用、设计模式、算法和一些示例。 12 0 2024-01-16
74 linhay/SectionKit 动态表单框架 5 0 2024-02-26
75 lszzy/FWFramework iOS开发框架,主要解决原生开发中的常规和痛点问题,搭建模块化项目架构,方便iOS开发。 7 0 2024-03-05
76 Tokoy/miniword 潜移默化学英语 6 0 2023-12-06
77 SwiftCommunityRes/CustomerTabBar-Swift Swift 自定义 Tab bar 5 0 2023-10-26
78 AttemptD/SwiftUI-MyBill 一个使用SwiftUI开发的本地记账app 20 0 2023-11-14
79 InsectQY/Candy Video iOS client is written in RxSwift and MVVM clean architecture 66 0 2023-10-09
80 xiaoxidong/Awesome-Library-For-SwiftUI-Beginners SwiftUI「做个应用」初学者用到的第三方开源库 7 0 2023-12-19
81 Lebron1992/WeChat-SwiftUI 用 SwiftUI 仿写的微信。 311 0 2023-09-14
82 sshiqiao/douyin-ios-swift 抖音 iOS Swift版 584 0 2023-12-02
83 litecoin-foundation/litewallet-ios iOS version of Litewallet , official SPV Wallet from the Litecoin Foundation. Maintained by the Litewallet Team & Charlie Lee (Creator of Litecoin) 19 0 2024-02-27
84 Mastercard-Gateway/gateway-ios-sdk - 23 0 2024-02-13
85 wyqACoffer/DynamicWidget 动态Widget(小组件、实时活动) 14 0 2023-10-23
86 1691665955/MZRefresh Swift下拉刷新、上拉加载组件,简单易用 20 0 2023-12-07
87 o2oa/o2oa-ios 开源OA企业信息化平台O2OA iOS端源码 19 0 2023-11-01
88 yungfan/New-in-iOS What's new in UIKit? 10 0 2023-11-01
89 Pircate/EachNavigationBar A custom navigation bar for each view controller. 582 0 2023-09-27
90 vChewing/Tekkon 鐵恨引擎是用來處理注音輸入法並擊行為的一個模組。該倉庫乃威注音專案的弒神行動(Operation Longinus)的一部分。Tekkon Engine is a module made for processing combo-composition of stroke-based Mandarin Chinese phonetics (i.e. Zhuyin / Bopomofo). This ... 7 0 2023-11-25
91 HDCodePractice/CodePracticeResult 同学们的代码练习参考 20 0 2023-11-04
92 siyuan-note/siyuan-ios SiYuan iOS APP 53 0 2023-09-08
93 zjinhu/SwiftLog swift砖块系列:Swift Log输出工具,可分级别打印log,方便排查日志,添加unicode转码,持续输出中文,支持swift4以上,支持log到本地文件中,添加淘汰算法默认七天淘汰一次log日志文件 21 0 2024-01-16
94 miku1958/HappyCodable A happier codable 46 0 2023-09-22
95 IFTTT/ConnectSDK-iOS Connect Button SDK for iOS 15 0 2023-12-04
96 iwill/ExCodable Key-Mapping Extensions for Swift Codable 118 0 2024-01-24
97 jiasongs/JSNestedScroll 嵌套滚动 7 0 2023-10-13
98 zgjff/JJCarouselView 泛型、block、无任何第三方、易于扩展的轮播图框架 18 0 2023-09-18
99 liujunliuhong/SimpleInput 轻量级输入控件处理库。可以设置输入的最大长度,输入指定内容,获取实时输入回调,设置占位符等。支持UITextField和UITextView 6 0 2024-01-15
100 WITMOTION/WitBluetooth_BWT901BLE5_0 蓝牙5.0传感器示例程序 9 0 2024-02-18
101 MQZHot/DaisyNet 1. - Alamofire与Cache封装 , 更容易存储请求数据. 2. - 封装Alamofire下载,使用更方便 373 0 2024-02-06
102 yuman07/EMHentai 一个简易,小巧,快速,纯Swift的Ehentai的iOS APP 52 0 2024-01-30
103 aliyun/aliyun-log-ios-sdk Aliyun LOG iOS SDK 78 0 2024-03-05
104 wenping-office/WPCommand 通用库 7 0 2024-02-05
105 intsig171/BTBubble 气泡,提示,Tips,Popup。一款基于Swift编写的气泡弹窗,可高度自定义。 15 0 2024-03-05
106 lightank/URLServiceRouter A Swift URL router implemented by a high-degree-of-freedom nodeTree and RPC 38 0 2023-11-08
107 BugenZhao/MNGA 💬 A refreshing NGA Forum App in SwiftUI. Make NGA Great Again! aka "NGA 论坛 iOS 开源客户端" 208 0 2024-01-17
108 lexrus/RegExPlus A nifty RegEx test tool built with SwiftUI 203 0 2024-02-22
109 justaLoli/VPet-Mac 虚拟桌宠模拟器的饭制Mac版(功能不全!) 29 0 2023-09-17
110 WangWenzhuang/ZKProgressHUD iOS App 上极易于使用的 HUD 101 0 2023-12-10
111 CrazyFanFan/Aquarius A tool to obtain dependencies by analyzing "Podfile.lock" 126 0 2024-02-21
112 tangjianfengVS/WisdomScanKit 推荐一个强大,好用的摄像,扫描器框架: WisdomScanKit 。 WisdomScanKit 最低支持 iOS 8.0 / Swift 4 编写,SDK处理了系统兼容性问题,并且完全兼容OC项目调用。 WisdomScanKit 目前支持四大功能: 一:系统相册图片选择器; 二:全屏摄像功能; 三:扫二维码功能; 四:图片浏览器功能; 16 0 2023-09-08
113 Louiswu2011/chafenqi 中二节奏/舞萌DX国服查分器 19 0 2024-02-19
114 JmoVxia/CLPlayer 自定义视频播放器 417 0 2024-01-31
115 summerHearts/TheRouter-Swift 一个用于模块间解耦和通信,基于接口进行模块管理和依赖注入的组件化路由工具。用多种方式最大程度地发挥编译检查的功能。 通过 protocol 寻找对应的模块,并用 protocol 进行依赖注入和模块通信。 14 0 2023-09-28
116 TsinHzl/ZLCollectionLeftLayout left aligned CollectionView layout. Written in Swift 自动左对齐collection cell的样式 5 0 2023-12-28
117 fcbox/Lantern 基于Swift的高可用视图框架 667 0 2024-02-18
118 openvanilla/McBopomofo 小麥注音輸入法 576 0 2024-03-02
119 choiceyou/FWPopupView 弹窗控件:支持AlertView、Sheet、自定义视图的PopupView。AlertView中可以嵌套自定义视图,各组件的显示隐藏可配置;Sheet仿微信样式;同时提供自定义弹出。更多配置请参考”可设置参数“,提供OC使用Demo。 448 0 2024-02-24
120 623637646/ImpressionKit A tool to detect impression events for UIView (exposure of UIView) in iOS. SwiftUI supported. 118 0 2024-01-01
121 BinaryParadise/PracticeTLS TLS 1.2、1.3的swift简单实现 10 0 2023-11-19
122 sunsx9316/DanDanPlay_Experience 弹弹play体验版 write in flutter 32 0 2023-10-06
123 DFTT/XYZ_ImagesetChange 用来修改OC项目马甲包的.xcassets以及bundle中的图片文件 5 0 2023-09-22
124 Darktt/JsonProtection 處理後端提供各種神奇 Json 資料,而做的解析保護 9 0 2024-02-21
125 wlgemini/Driftwood Driftwood is a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on iOS, tvOS and macOS. 14 0 2023-12-11
126 turkeyaa/TemplateSwiftAPP 根据实际项目开发总结,旨在让我们更加快速、高效的开发移动app 6 0 2024-02-27
127 6tail/lunar-swift 日历、公历(阳历)、农历(阴历、老黄历)、佛历、道历,节假日、星座、儒略日、干支、生肖、节气、节日、彭祖百忌、每日宜忌、吉神宜趋凶煞宜忌、吉神(喜神/福神/财神/阳贵神/阴贵神)方位、胎神方位、冲煞、纳音、星宿、八字、五行、十神、建除十二值星、青龙名堂等十二神、黄道日及吉凶等。lunar is a calendar library for Solar and Chinese Lunar. 42 0 2024-02-29
128 xiaoyouPrince/XYNav 简单易用的全屏导航控制器 Swift 5.0 13 0 2024-02-28
129 pujiaxin33/StackUI StackUI just like SwiftUI 136 0 2023-10-12
130 haoburongyi/ZHCodable Swift 封装 Codable 字典转模型 11 0 2023-11-01
131 zjinhu/SwiftMesh swift砖块系列:基于Alamofire5的Combine封装,更加快捷的发起网络请求,支持SwiftUI 21 0 2023-09-28
132 yangKJ/RxNetworks 🧚 MVP Network Api library. 插件版网络基础架构,支持响应式。 195 0 2024-02-09
133 XiongJoJo/OFO OFO共享单车(Swift版) 219 0 2023-09-21
134 stripe/stripe-ios Stripe iOS SDK 2011 0 2024-03-05
135 natfrp/launcher-macos SakuraFrp 启动器 macOS 用户界面 5 0 2023-11-05
136 cdnbye/ios-p2p-engine Let your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN. 37 0 2023-10-31
137 JiongXing/PhotoBrowser Elegant photo browser in Swift. 图片与视频浏览器。 1227 0 2024-02-18
138 xaoxuu/ProHUD 一个易于上手又完全可定制化的专业HUD库(内含Toast、Alert、Sheet三件套) 89 0 2023-12-11
139 blabla-yy/monitor mac 系统状态小组件:网络、CPU、内存. Mac system status widgets include: network, CPU, memory. 37 0 2023-11-16
140 Allen0828/AEAlertView Custom AlertView supports multiple modes 自定义AlertView 支持多种模式弹窗 309 0 2023-09-25
141 rztime/RZRichTextView iOS 原生UITextView 富文本编辑器 207 0 2024-01-29
142 zjinhu/SwiftBrick swift砖块系列:UI基础框架,有各种工具方便快速搭建APP 44 0 2024-01-15
143 cdoky/URLNavigatorExt 使用注解自动生成Router以及Router相关参数 12 0 2023-11-03
144 swiftdo/vapor-blog Swift Vapor Blog(基于 Swift Vapor 的博客系统) 7 0 2024-01-18
145 AnyImageKit/AnyImageKit A toolbox for pick/edit/capture photo or video. Written in Swift. 693 0 2024-01-24
146 zqqf16/SYM A crash log symbolicating Mac app 一个图形化的崩溃日志符号化工具 561 0 2023-09-18
147 William-Weng/Swift-5 Swift-5 小小心得 7 0 2024-01-10
148 tinode/ios Tinodios: Tinode Messaging Client for iOS 219 0 2024-02-12
149 gltwy/LTScrollView ScrollView嵌套ScrolloView(UITableView 、UICollectionView)解决方案, 支持OC / Swift(持续更新中...)实现原理:http://blog.csdn.net/glt_code/article/details/78576628 1040 0 2023-09-05
150 CloverHackyColor/HWMonitorSMC2 Application for monitoring hardware health in macOS 230 0 2023-09-08
151 lizhi0123/LZTag ios swift 标签选择器 tag Label selector,支持左对齐,右对齐,中间对齐。支持自定义样式cell 12 0 2023-09-26
152 Starkrimson/MovieDB 🌇 探索发现海量影视作品 14 0 2023-11-30
153 KeenTeam1990/KTTodayNews 🍍Swift开源项目-今日头条集新闻与娱乐于一体的iOS新闻客户端 35 0 2023-10-19
154 luoxuhai/react-native-classify-image 🏞 react-native library to classify images using Vision 对图像进行分类的 react-native 库 29 0 2023-10-21
155 alenpaulkevin/UICollectionViewDemo 用collectionView实现各种效果 30 0 2023-09-26
156 xiaoxidong/Shoots SwiftUI「做个应用」开源项目,管理,发现有用的产品设计截图 16 0 2023-10-10
157 QuintGao/GKNavigationBarSwift GKNavigationBar的Swift版本 145 0 2023-10-13
158 kingslay/KSPlayer A video player for iOS、macOS、tvOS、visionOS , based on AVPlayer and FFmpeg, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles. 734 0 2024-03-02
159 seasonZhu/RxStudy RxSwift/RxCocoa框架,MVVM模式编写wanandroid客户端 183 0 2024-01-29
160 developerjet/JetChat  Swift5.0简仿微信聊天,完美支持表情键盘、单聊、群聊、本地消息会话缓存、朋友圈、黑夜模式。 177 0 2024-03-05
161 winddpan/CodableWrapper @CodingKey("encoder", "decoder") var cool: Bool = true 252 0 2024-02-01
162 qoli/TestVOD 一個基於正則測試 VOD 可用性的 App,SwiftUI 編寫 12 0 2023-12-10
163 Lakr233/Fix-GPS 从一生足迹中读取位置数据并写入图片 16 0 2023-11-03
164 lifution/FSPopoverView An iOS customizable view that displays a popover view. 739 0 2024-02-28
165 FreeYXY/SwiftProject swift项目实战 56 0 2023-09-15
166 623637646/SwiftHook A library to hook methods in Swift and Objective-C. Making Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) easy. 267 0 2024-01-06
167 Xcoder1011/SKGenerateModelTool Automatically generate model files, support JSON and URL requests. JSON转model工具(Mac软件) 51 0 2023-11-09
168 Rogue24/JPCrop 高仿小红书App裁剪功能的轻量级工具。 58 0 2023-10-26
169 ZhouXingma/QingmuAccount 青木账本,一个简单的本地的账本 56 0 2024-02-16
170 JWAutumn/ACarousel A carousel view for SwiftUI SwiftUI 旋转木马效果 346 0 2024-01-31
171 creepymonster/GlucoseDirect App programmed in Swift/SwiftUI for using Libre blood glucose sensors. 302 0 2024-01-16
172 fatbobman/NavigationViewKit NavigationViewKit is a NavigationView extension library for SwiftUI. 97 0 2023-09-06
173 pdcodeunder/NFTPlayer NFTPlayer 基于系统AVPlayer渲染的视频播放器,通过接管resourceLoader来管理整个视频播放的网络层和缓存层 7 0 2023-09-13
174 Tliens/SpeedySwift 这是一个app开发的加速库。This is an accelerated library for app development 483 0 2024-02-07
175 netease-kit/nim-uikit-ios 云信 IM UIKit 是基于 NIM SDK(网易云信 IM SDK)开发的一款即时通讯 UI 组件库,包括聊天、会话、圈组、搜索、群管理等组件。通过 IM UIKit,可快速集成包含 UI 界面的即时通讯应用。 1475 0 2024-02-21
176 Jumio/mobile-react Jumio Mobile Plugin for React Native 35 0 2024-02-22
177 yxh265/YYRouter YYRouter一个简单好用的swift路由组件 12 0 2024-03-05
178 wxxsw/GSPlayer ⏯ Video player, support for caching, preload, fullscreen transition and custom control view. 视频播放器,支持边下边播、预加载、全屏转场和自定义控制层 370 0 2023-12-14
179 chenxing640/CXSwiftKit 提供Swift丰富的扩展和实用工具类,并大多数支持Objective-C。 7 0 2024-01-01
180 Panway/PandaNote markdown note taking App on iOS & macOS 支持iOS和macOS的markdown笔记 74 0 2024-03-04
181 erduoniba/HDSwiftStructSizeDemo Swift中struct二进制大小分析 6 0 2023-09-22
182 a51095/HelloSwift swift5.0,定时器,活动倒计时,alter弹框,吐司弹框 22 0 2024-03-01
183 shang1219178163/SwiftTemplet Swift项目模板,代封装、优化、复用、重构试验场。。。 29 0 2023-11-19
184 shmilyQin/RxSwiftLearn Rx的操作符使用和分析。一些基于MVVM+RxSwift+Moya+HandyJSON(Decodable) 11 0 2023-11-17
185 HuangRunHua/PicsCase 给你的图片添加设备外壳 Add a  device case to your picture 79 0 2023-10-19
186 fhl43211/StockBar A menu bar app to track stock prices, currency exchange rates, and cryptocurrency prices. 23 0 2024-01-01
187 jch12138/ncmdump-mac-gui mac平台下将网易云ncm格式转换为mp3/flac的小工具 7 0 2023-11-05
188 yangKJ/Color 🎨. Pixel color extension with Swift and SwiftUI. 8 0 2023-11-10
189 vChewing/Megrez 天權星引擎是用來處理輸入法語彙庫的一個模組。該倉庫承載其 Swift 版本。 Megrez Engine is a module made for processing lingual data of an input method. This repository holds the Swift version of it. For C# version: https://github.com ... 7 0 2023-12-18
190 qyz777/DanmakuKit 高性能弹幕框架 DanmakuKit is a high performance library that provides the basic functions of danmaku. 174 0 2024-02-06
191 liujunliuhong/DragCardContainer A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder and TanTan 80 0 2023-10-27
192 CoderMaoWX/WXNetworkingSwift iOS基于Alamofire封装的可定制的多功能网络请求框架 8 0 2023-11-17
193 yangKJ/ImageX 👓 GIFs and images displayed. 动态图像滤镜播放图像框架。 26 0 2024-01-12
194 wangtao311/JYPageController iOS左右滚动切换页面PageController组件封装 7 0 2023-09-25
195 DuckDeck/iOSDemo - 53 0 2024-03-05
196 xjbeta/NeteaseMusic-macOS 网易云音乐 for macOS on swift. (Unofficial Completion 70% 34 0 2023-12-25
197 ZzzM/HostsX A lightweight macOS app for updating local hosts 276 0 2023-12-31
198 james19870606/TronWeb 接入波场钱包,TronWallet for iOS. 6 0 2024-02-18
199 Taiwan-Ebook-Lover/EbookTW-iOS 台灣電子書搜尋 iOS App 13 0 2023-11-23
200 AppDevGuy/OSSSpeechKit OSSSpeechKit offers a native iOS Speech wrapper for AVFoundation and Apple's Speech. 111 0 2023-11-23

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