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中文新秀榜 > 软件类 > Python

数据更新: 2024-03-06   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated Created
1 binary-husky/gpt_academic 为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, moss ... 52447 2024-03-05 2023-03-20
2 THUDM/ChatGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model 开源双语对话语言模型 38203 2024-02-18 2023-03-13
3 lm-sys/FastChat An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language models. Release repo for Vicuna and Chatbot Arena. 32112 2024-03-03 2023-03-19
4 chatchat-space/Langchain-Chatchat Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain 24331 2024-03-05 2023-03-31
5 svc-develop-team/so-vits-svc SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion 23142 2023-11-11 2023-03-10
6 RVC-Boss/GPT-SoVITS 1 min voice data can also be used to train a good TTS model! (few shot voice cloning) 17363 2024-03-05 2024-01-14
7 langgenius/dify An Open-Source Assistants API and GPTs alternative. Dify.AI is an LLM application development platform. It integrates the concepts of Backend as a Service and LLMOps, covering the core tech stack requ ... 16692 2024-03-05 2023-04-12
8 ymcui/Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca 中文LLaMA&Alpaca大语言模型+本地CPU/GPU训练部署 (Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs) 16591 2024-01-29 2023-03-15
9 THUDM/ChatGLM2-6B ChatGLM2-6B: An Open Bilingual Chat LLM 开源双语对话语言模型 15202 2024-01-30 2023-06-24
10 chatanywhere/GPT_API_free Free ChatGPT API Key,免费ChatGPT API,支持GPT4 API(免费),ChatGPT国内可用免费转发API,直连无需代理。可以搭配ChatBox等软件/插件使用,极大降低接口使用成本。国内即可无限制畅快聊天。 13235 2024-03-04 2023-04-23
11 hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory Unify Efficient Fine-tuning of 100+ LLMs 12537 2024-03-05 2023-05-28
12 THUDM/ChatGLM3 ChatGLM3 series: Open Bilingual Chat LLMs 开源双语对话语言模型 10273 2024-03-05 2023-10-26
13 eosphoros-ai/DB-GPT AI Native Data App Development framework with AWEL(Agentic Workflow Expression Language) and Agents 10173 2024-03-05 2023-04-13
14 Sinaptik-AI/pandas-ai Chat with your data (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG. 10117 2024-03-05 2023-04-22
15 QwenLM/Qwen The official repo of Qwen (通义千问) chat & pretrained large language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud. 9527 2024-03-02 2023-08-03
16 LlamaFamily/Llama-Chinese Llama中文社区,最好的中文Llama大模型,完全开源可商用 8590 2024-02-29 2023-07-19
17 voicepaw/so-vits-svc-fork so-vits-svc fork with realtime support, improved interface and more features. 8088 2024-03-05 2023-03-15
18 RUCAIBox/LLMSurvey The official GitHub page for the survey paper "A Survey of Large Language Models". 7872 2024-01-10 2023-03-14
19 facebookresearch/nougat Implementation of Nougat Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents 7714 2024-02-21 2023-06-07
20 assafelovic/gpt-researcher GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic 7297 2024-03-05 2023-05-12
21 VikParuchuri/marker Convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy 7040 2024-02-12 2023-10-30
22 Plachtaa/VALL-E-X An open source implementation of Microsoft's VALL-E X zero-shot TTS model. Demo is available in https://plachtaa.github.io 6931 2024-02-11 2023-07-29
23 jzhang38/TinyLlama The TinyLlama project is an open endeavor to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens. 6261 2024-03-01 2023-09-02
24 ymcui/Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 中文LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2大模型二期项目 + 64K超长上下文模型 (Chinese LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2 LLMs with 64K long context models) 6235 2024-01-29 2023-07-18
25 fishaudio/Bert-VITS2 vits2 backbone with multilingual-bert 6174 2024-02-28 2023-07-29
26 linyiLYi/street-fighter-ai This is an AI agent for Street Fighter II Champion Edition. 6009 2023-12-24 2023-03-27
27 jianchang512/clone-voice A sound cloning tool with a web interface, using your voice or any sound to record audio / 一个带web界面的声音克隆工具,使用你的音色或任意声音来录制音频 5757 2024-03-05 2023-11-19
28 baichuan-inc/Baichuan-7B A large-scale 7B pretraining language model developed by BaiChuan-Inc. 5570 2023-09-30 2023-06-14
29 OpenGVLab/LLaMA-Adapter [ICLR 2024] Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters 5363 2024-01-23 2023-03-19
30 VikParuchuri/surya OCR and line detection in 90+ languages 4937 2024-03-02 2024-01-10
31 netease-youdao/QAnything Question and Answer based on Anything. 4861 2024-03-05 2024-01-03
32 vvbbnn00/WARP-Clash-API 该项目可以让你通过订阅的方式使用Cloudflare WARP+,自动获取流量。This project enables you to use Cloudflare WARP+ through subscription, automatically acquiring traffic. 4842 2024-03-03 2023-08-23
33 deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-Coder DeepSeek Coder: Let the Code Write Itself 4793 2024-02-28 2023-10-20
34 InternLM/InternLM Official release of InternLM2 7B and 20B base and chat models. 200K context support 4718 2024-03-05 2023-07-06
35 dataelement/bisheng Bisheng is an open LLM devops platform for next generation AI applications. 4566 2024-03-05 2023-08-28
36 THUDM/CogVLM a state-of-the-art-level open visual language model 多模态预训练模型 4400 2024-03-02 2023-09-18
37 madawei2699/myGPTReader A community-driven way to read and chat with AI bots - powered by chatGPT. 4353 2023-11-19 2023-03-08
38 aigc-apps/sd-webui-EasyPhoto 📷 EasyPhoto Your Smart AI Photo Generator. 4348 2024-03-05 2023-08-28
39 jackhawks/rectg 经过精心筛选,从 5000+ 个电报群组/频道/机器人中挑选出的优质推荐!如果您有更多值得推荐的电报群组/频道/机器人,欢迎在 issues 中留言或提交 pull requests。感谢您的关注! 4159 2024-03-05 2023-06-17
40 xxlong0/Wonder3D Single Image to 3D using Cross-Domain Diffusion 4023 2024-02-28 2023-10-14
41 yangjianxin1/Firefly Firefly: 大模型训练工具,支持训练Gemma、MiniCPM、Yi、Deepseek、Orion、Xverse、Mixtral-8x7B、Zephyr、Mistral、Baichuan2、Llma2、Llama、Qwen、Baichuan、ChatGLM2、InternLM、Ziya2、Vicuna、Bloom等大模型 3888 2024-03-02 2023-04-02
42 luosiallen/latent-consistency-model Latent Consistency Models: Synthesizing High-Resolution Images with Few-Step Inference 3869 2023-12-02 2023-10-06
43 THUDM/VisualGLM-6B Chinese and English multimodal conversational language model 多模态中英双语对话语言模型 3831 2023-12-07 2023-04-23
44 jxxghp/MoviePilot NAS媒体库自动化管理工具 3828 2024-03-05 2023-05-31
45 FlagOpen/FlagEmbedding Dense Retrieval and Retrieval-augmented LLMs 3780 2024-03-04 2023-08-02
46 yl4579/StyleTTS2 StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-to-Speech through Style Diffusion and Adversarial Training with Large Speech Language Models 3651 2024-03-02 2023-06-14
47 mymusise/ChatGLM-Tuning 基于ChatGLM-6B + LoRA的Fintune方案 3601 2023-11-25 2023-03-16
48 wenge-research/YAYI2 YAYI 2 是中科闻歌研发的新一代开源大语言模型,采用了超过 2 万亿 Tokens 的高质量、多语言语料进行预训练。(Repo for YaYi 2 Chinese LLMs) 3546 2024-01-12 2023-12-15
49 xaoyaoo/PyWxDump 获取微信账号信息(昵称/账号/手机/邮箱/数据库密钥/wxid);PC微信数据库读取、解密脚本;聊天记录查看工具;聊天记录导出为html(包含语音图片)。支持多账户信息获取,支持所有微信版本。 3539 2024-03-05 2023-08-21
50 tyxsspa/AnyText Official implementation code of the paper <AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing> 3499 2024-02-21 2023-09-18
51 hiyouga/ChatGLM-Efficient-Tuning Fine-tuning ChatGLM-6B with PEFT 基于 PEFT 的高效 ChatGLM 微调 3498 2023-10-12 2023-04-08
52 Kent0n-Li/ChatDoctor - 3309 2024-02-03 2023-03-21
53 EmbraceAGI/LangGPT LangGPT: Empowering everyone to become a prompt expert!🚀 Structured Prompt,Language of GPT, 结构化提示词,结构化Prompt 3281 2024-03-04 2023-05-06
54 wenge-research/YAYI 雅意大模型:为客户打造安全可靠的专属大模型,基于大规模中英文多领域指令数据训练的 LlaMA 2 & BLOOM 系列模型,由中科闻歌算法团队研发。(Repo for YaYi Chinese LLMs based on LlaMA2 & BLOOM) 3198 2024-01-17 2023-05-24
55 CHNZYX/Auto_Simulated_Universe 崩坏:星穹铁道 模拟宇宙自动化 (Honkai Star Rail - Auto Simulated Universe) 3168 2024-02-22 2023-05-18
56 OpenGVLab/InternGPT InternGPT (iGPT) is an open source demo platform where you can easily showcase your AI models. Now it supports DragGAN, ChatGPT, ImageBind, multimodal chat like GPT-4, SAM, interactive image editing, ... 3076 2023-11-24 2023-05-08
57 OpenBMB/MiniCPM MiniCPM-2B: An end-side LLM outperforms Llama2-13B. 3075 2024-03-01 2024-01-29
58 continue-revolution/sd-webui-segment-anything Segment Anything for Stable Diffusion WebUI 3075 2024-02-23 2023-04-10
59 QwenLM/Qwen-VL The official repo of Qwen-VL (通义千问-VL) chat & pretrained large vision language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud. 3053 2024-03-02 2023-08-21
60 PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan This project aim to reproducing Sora (Open AI T2V model), but we only have limited resource. We deeply wish the all open source community can contribute to this project. 2975 2024-03-05 2024-02-20
61 CVI-SZU/Linly Chinese-LLaMA 1&2、Chinese-Falcon 基础模型;ChatFlow中文对话模型;中文OpenLLaMA模型;NLP预训练/指令微调数据集 2931 2024-02-07 2023-03-21
62 baichuan-inc/Baichuan-13B A 13B large language model developed by Baichuan Intelligent Technology 2906 2023-09-06 2023-07-10
63 XPixelGroup/DiffBIR Official codes of DiffBIR: Towards Blind Image Restoration with Generative Diffusion Prior 2866 2023-09-21 2023-08-28
64 moesnow/March7thAssistant 崩坏:星穹铁道全自动 三月七小助手 2840 2024-03-05 2023-08-18
65 llmware-ai/llmware Providing enterprise-grade LLM-based development framework, tools, and fine-tuned models. 2716 2024-03-05 2023-09-29
66 Starry-Wind/StarRailAssistant 崩坏:星穹铁道自动化 崩坏:星穹铁道自动锄大地 崩坏:星穹铁道锄大地 自动锄大地 基于模拟按键 2594 2023-12-18 2023-04-30
67 opengeos/segment-geospatial A Python package for segmenting geospatial data with the Segment Anything Model (SAM) 2573 2024-01-18 2023-04-19
68 continue-revolution/sd-webui-animatediff AnimateDiff for AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI 2501 2024-03-03 2023-07-18
69 liucongg/ChatGLM-Finetuning 基于ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6B模型,进行下游具体任务微调,涉及Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全参微调等 2290 2023-12-12 2023-04-06
70 shibing624/MedicalGPT MedicalGPT: Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline. 训练医疗大模型,实现了包括增量预训练、有监督微调、RLHF(奖励建模、强化学习训练)和DPO(直接偏好优化)。 2283 2024-03-01 2023-06-02
71 DAMO-NLP-SG/Video-LLaMA [EMNLP 2023 Demo] Video-LLaMA: An Instruction-tuned Audio-Visual Language Model for Video Understanding 2205 2023-11-14 2023-05-06
72 butaixianran/Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Civitai-Helper Stable Diffusion Webui Extension for Civitai, to manage your model much more easily. 2204 2024-03-04 2023-03-07
73 freedmand/semantra Multi-tool for semantic search 2201 2023-12-16 2023-03-31
74 ihmily/DouyinLiveRecorder 可循环值守和多人录制的直播录制软件,支持抖音、TikTok、快手、虎牙、斗鱼、B站、小红书、网易cc、pandaTV等平台直播录制,抓取多平台直播源地址,抖音无水印解析,快手无水印解析 2198 2024-03-04 2023-07-17
75 Jittor/JittorLLMs 计图大模型推理库,具有高性能、配置要求低、中文支持好、可移植等特点 2166 2024-01-06 2023-04-02
76 LinkSoul-AI/Chinese-Llama-2-7b 开源社区第一个能下载、能运行的中文 LLaMA2 模型! 2143 2023-10-26 2023-07-20
77 thunlp/UltraChat Large-scale, Informative, and Diverse Multi-round Chat Data (and Models) 2062 2023-10-27 2023-04-03
78 open-compass/opencompass OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (InternLM2,GPT-4,LLaMa2, Qwen,GLM, Claude, etc) over 100+ datasets. 2056 2024-03-05 2023-06-15
79 dot-agent/nextpy 🔮Pythonic App Framework from Future : Build ⚡Blazing Fast , 🤖Self-Modifying Apps! 1988 2024-03-02 2023-08-07
80 CVHub520/X-AnyLabeling Effortless data labeling with AI support from Segment Anything and other awesome models. 1988 2024-03-04 2023-05-23
81 LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot 崩坏:星穹铁道脚本 Honkai: Star Rail auto bot (简体中文/繁體中文/English/Español) 1972 2024-03-05 2023-05-16
82 InternLM/lmdeploy LMDeploy is a toolkit for compressing, deploying, and serving LLMs. 1938 2024-03-05 2023-06-15
83 xorbitsai/inference Replace OpenAI GPT with another LLM in your app by changing a single line of code. Xinference gives you the freedom to use any LLM you need. With Xinference, you're empowered to run inference with any ... 1881 2024-03-05 2023-06-14
84 X-PLUG/mPLUG-Owl mPLUG-Owl & mPLUG-Owl2: Modularized Multimodal Large Language Model 1805 2024-02-27 2023-04-25
85 DLLXW/baby-llama2-chinese 用于从头预训练+SFT一个小参数量的中文LLaMa2的仓库;24G单卡即可运行得到一个具备简单中文问答能力的chat-llama2. 1730 2024-02-29 2023-08-12
86 vietanhdev/anylabeling Effortless AI-assisted data labeling with AI support from YOLO, Segment Anything, MobileSAM!! 1728 2023-12-20 2023-04-08
87 xusenlinzy/api-for-open-llm Openai style api for open large language models, using LLMs just as chatgpt! Support for LLaMA, LLaMA-2, BLOOM, Falcon, Baichuan, Qwen, Xverse, SqlCoder, CodeLLaMA, ChatGLM, ChatGLM2, ChatGLM3 etc. 开源 ... 1714 2024-02-28 2023-05-23
88 refuel-ai/autolabel Label, clean and enrich text datasets with LLMs. 1704 2024-03-04 2023-03-23
89 elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python The official Python API for ElevenLabs Text to Speech. 1683 2024-03-05 2023-03-26
90 modelscope/modelscope-agent ModelScope-Agent(开源版GPTs): An agent framework connecting models in ModelScope with the world 1594 2024-03-05 2023-08-03
91 agiresearch/OpenAGI OpenAGI: When LLM Meets Domain Experts 1578 2024-02-21 2023-04-08
92 jesselau76/ebook-GPT-translator Enjoy reading with your favorite style. 1563 2024-01-19 2023-03-09
93 melih-unsal/DemoGPT Create 🦜️🔗 LangChain apps by just using prompts🌟 Star to support our work! 只需使用句子即可创建 LangChain 应用程序。 给个star支持我们的工作吧! 1515 2024-02-08 2023-06-07
94 friuns2/Leaked-GPTs Leaked GPTs Prompts Bypass the 25 message limit or to try out GPTs without a Plus subscription. 1506 2024-01-17 2023-11-27
95 hsuyelin/nas-tools NAS媒体库管理工具 1491 2024-03-04 2023-05-16
96 cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus - 1473 2024-02-18 2023-08-30
97 barry-far/V2ray-Configs 🛰️✨ Free V2ray Configs , Updating Every 10 minutes. 1470 2024-03-05 2023-09-17
98 YORG-AI/Open-Assistant YORG Open Source Version 1444 2024-01-23 2023-10-24
99 Tele-AI/Telechat - 1436 2024-01-28 2024-01-07
100 Ucas-HaoranWei/Vary Official code implementation of Vary: Scaling Up the Vision Vocabulary of Large Vision Language Models. 1428 2024-01-28 2023-12-07
101 linyiLYi/snake-ai An AI agent that beats the classic game "Snake". 1390 2023-09-21 2023-04-25
102 hkust-nlp/ceval Official github repo for C-Eval, a Chinese evaluation suite for foundation models [NeurIPS 2023] 1371 2023-10-26 2023-05-12
103 hitsz-ids/synthetic-data-generator SDG is a specialized framework designed to generate high-quality structured tabular data. 1294 2024-03-05 2023-08-10
104 mishalhossin/Discord-AI-Chatbot This Discord chatbot is incredibly versatile, offering a wide range of customization options. 1234 2024-02-03 2023-04-29
105 langroid/langroid Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming 1230 2024-03-04 2023-04-16
106 Frrrrrrrrank/auto_job__find__chatgpt__rpa This is a tool used to automatically generate a cover letter using chatgpt based on your resume and job description and send messages to bosses in China. 1228 2024-02-29 2024-01-02
107 alibaba/data-juicer A one-stop data processing system to make data higher-quality, juicier, and more digestible for LLMs! 🍎 🍋 🌽 ➡️ ➡️🍸 🍹 🍷为大语言模型提供更高质量、更丰富、更易”消化“的数据! 1225 2024-02-29 2023-08-01
108 InternLM/InternLM-XComposer InternLM-XComposer2 is a groundbreaking vision-language large model (VLLM) excelling in free-form text-image composition and comprehension. 1201 2024-03-05 2023-09-26
109 HaujetZhao/CapsWriter-Offline CapsWriter 的离线版,一个好用的 PC 端的语音输入工具 1198 2024-01-26 2023-05-28
110 visual-openllm/visual-openllm something like visual-chatgpt, 文心一言的开源版 1187 2024-02-24 2023-03-26
111 chao325/MaoTai_GUIT JD京东抢购、京东抢茅台Windows端、开箱即用无需配置环境。开发在即(开源协议采用Apache License)抢茅台外挂,茅台脚本 1178 2024-03-02 2023-09-20
112 xhongc/music-tag-web 音乐标签编辑器,可编辑本地音乐文件的元数据(Editable local music file metadata.) 1176 2024-03-01 2023-03-11
113 YaoFANGUK/video-subtitle-remover 基于AI的图片/视频硬字幕去除、文本水印去除,无损分辨率生成去字幕、去水印后的图片/视频文件。无需申请第三方API,本地实现。AI-based tool for removing hard-coded subtitles and text-like watermarks from videos or Pictures. 1146 2024-01-17 2023-10-25
114 zwq2018/Data-Copilot Data-Copilot: Bridging Billions of Data and Humans with Autonomous Workflow 1140 2024-03-01 2023-06-09
115 OpenBuddy/OpenBuddy Open Multilingual Chatbot for Everyone 1131 2023-11-18 2023-04-26
116 hnmr293/sd-webui-cutoff Cutoff - Cutting Off Prompt Effect 1123 2023-11-13 2023-03-11
117 ali-vilab/dreamtalk Official implementations for paper: DreamTalk: When Expressive Talking Head Generation Meets Diffusion Probabilistic Models 1122 2024-01-15 2023-12-28
118 jtsang4/claude-to-chatgpt This project converts the API of Anthropic's Claude model to the OpenAI Chat API format. 1108 2023-11-29 2023-05-10
119 OpenLMLab/MOSS-RLHF MOSS-RLHF 1104 2024-03-03 2023-07-05
120 jiran214/GPT-vup GPT-vup BIliBili 抖音 AI 虚拟主播 1098 2023-10-13 2023-04-25
121 PKU-Alignment/safe-rlhf Safe RLHF: Constrained Value Alignment via Safe Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback 1078 2024-01-25 2023-05-15
122 InternLM/xtuner An efficient, flexible and full-featured toolkit for fine-tuning large models (InternLM, Llama, Baichuan, Qwen, ChatGLM) 1071 2024-03-05 2023-07-11
123 dandelionsllm/pandallm Panda项目是于2023年5月启动的开源海外中文大语言模型项目,致力于大模型时代探索整个技术栈,旨在推动中文自然语言处理领域的创新和合作。 1042 2023-10-19 2023-04-28
124 goldfishh/chatgpt-tool-hub An open-source chatgpt tool ecosystem where you can combine tools with chatgpt and use natural language to do anything. 1025 2024-01-17 2023-03-27
125 SkyworkAI/Skywork Skywork series models are pre-trained on 3.2TB of high-quality multilingual (mainly Chinese and English) and code data. We have open-sourced the model, training data, evaluation data, evaluation metho ... 1000 2023-12-14 2023-10-10
126 linyiLYi/voice-assistant A simple toy demo of a local voice assistant with whisper and large language model. 985 2024-01-15 2023-12-09
127 OpenBMB/VisCPM [ICLR'24 spotlight] Chinese and English Multimodal Large Model Series (Chat and Paint) 基于CPM基础模型的中英双语多模态大模型系列 940 2024-02-26 2023-06-30
128 Syan-Lin/CyberWaifu LLM + TTS 的真实感聊天机器人 QQ 机器人 支持表情包、QQ 表情、联网搜索 933 2023-09-17 2023-04-16
129 maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances Comparison of different Lemmy Instances 930 2024-03-05 2023-06-07
130 lyuwenyu/RT-DETR [CVPR 2024] Official RT-DETR (RTDETR paddle pytorch), Real-Time DEtection TRansformer, DETRs Beat YOLOs on Real-time Object Detection. 🔥 🔥 🔥 930 2024-03-01 2023-05-10
131 zjunlp/KnowLM An Open-sourced Knowledgable Large Language Model Framework. 912 2024-03-04 2023-04-01
132 pkuliyi2015/sd-webui-stablesr StableSR for Stable Diffusion WebUI - Ultra High-quality Image Upscaler 911 2023-12-04 2023-05-20
133 numz/sd-wav2lip-uhq Wav2Lip UHQ extension for Automatic1111 896 2024-01-22 2023-08-03
134 OpenLMLab/LOMO LOMO: LOw-Memory Optimization 896 2023-10-24 2023-06-16
135 KwaiKEG/KwaiAgents A generalized information-seeking agent system with Large Language Models (LLMs). 894 2024-03-04 2023-11-13
136 jianchang512/stt Voice Recognition to Text Tool / 一个离线运行的本地语音识别转文字服务,输出json、srt字幕带时间戳、纯文字格式 889 2024-03-04 2023-12-28
137 1j01/textual-paint :art: MS Paint in your terminal. 883 2024-02-01 2023-04-10
138 eosphoros-ai/DB-GPT-Hub A repository that contains models, datasets, and fine-tuning techniques for DB-GPT, with the purpose of enhancing model performance in Text-to-SQL 879 2024-03-05 2023-06-02
139 QwenLM/Qwen-Audio The official repo of Qwen-Audio (通义千问-Audio) chat & pretrained large audio language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud. 877 2024-03-02 2023-11-07
140 gnobitab/InstaFlow :zap: InstaFlow! One-Step Stable Diffusion with Rectified Flow 876 2023-12-18 2023-08-28
141 FreedomIntelligence/HuatuoGPT HuatuoGPT, Towards Taming Language Models To Be a Doctor. (An Open Medical GPT) 874 2023-12-21 2023-04-13
142 Zzaphkiel/Seraphine 英雄联盟战绩查询工具 867 2024-03-05 2023-08-03
143 W01fh4cker/VcenterKit Vcenter综合渗透利用工具包 Vcenter Comprehensive Penetration and Exploitation Toolkit 857 2023-11-01 2023-04-27
144 Clouditera/SecGPT SecGPT网络安全大模型 855 2024-02-27 2023-11-20
145 IrisRainbowNeko/HCP-Diffusion A universal Stable-Diffusion toolbox 853 2024-03-04 2023-04-10
146 yatengLG/ISAT_with_segment_anything Labeling tool by SAM(segment anything model),supports SAM, sam-hq, MobileSAM EdgeSAM etc.交互式半自动图像标注工具 849 2024-02-07 2023-04-18
147 beyondguo/LLM-Tuning Tuning LLMs with no tears💦, sharing LLM-tools with love❤️. 838 2023-10-30 2023-06-19
148 KoljaB/RealtimeTTS Converts text to speech in realtime 832 2024-02-21 2023-08-26
149 mianayang/chromego_merge 绵羊的金属精炼器 830 2024-03-05 2023-09-08
150 SkywalkerDarren/chatWeb ChatWeb can crawl web pages, read PDF, DOCX, TXT, and extract the main content, then answer your questions based on the content, or summarize the key points. 825 2024-02-16 2023-03-09
151 MzeroMiko/VMamba VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba 819 2024-03-03 2024-01-11
152 MiuLab/Taiwan-LLM Traditional Mandarin LLMs for Taiwan 803 2024-01-09 2023-08-10
153 yakami129/VirtualWife VirtualWife是一个虚拟数字人项目,项目还处于孵化阶段,有很多需要优化的地方,作者想打造一个拥有自己“灵魂”的虚拟数字人,你可以像朋友一样和她相识,作者希望虚拟数字人融入人类生活,作为恋爱导师,心理咨询师,解决人类的情感需求。 803 2024-02-10 2023-05-22
154 myhhub/stock stock股票.获取股票数据,计算股票指标,识别股票形态,内置选股策略,股票验证回测,股票自动交易,支持PC及移动设备。 799 2024-01-26 2023-03-21
155 huawei-noah/VanillaNet - 787 2023-10-19 2023-05-20
156 dailenson/SDT This repository is the official implementation of Disentangling Writer and Character Styles for Handwriting Generation (CVPR23). 770 2024-01-24 2023-03-22
157 sqzw-x/mdcx Movie metadata scraper 756 2024-03-03 2023-11-06
158 modelscope/swift ms-swift is a framework for LLM finetuning, inference, and deployment. It supports a wide range of models (such as LLaMA, Qwen, ChatGLM, Yi, Internlm, Mistral, Mixtral, Baichuan, etc.) and training me ... 750 2024-03-05 2023-08-01
159 GAIR-NLP/factool FacTool: Factuality Detection in Generative AI 749 2023-10-16 2023-07-25
160 yangxy/PASD - 745 2024-01-23 2023-09-04
161 InternLM/lagent A lightweight framework for building LLM-based agents 745 2024-03-04 2023-08-20
162 deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-MoE - 741 2024-01-16 2024-01-02
163 WangRongsheng/XrayGLM 🩺 首个会看胸部X光片的中文多模态医学大模型 The first Chinese Medical Multimodal Model that Chest Radiographs Summarization. 740 2023-09-15 2023-05-23
164 fishaudio/fish-speech Brand new TTS solution 730 2024-03-05 2023-10-10
165 qnguyen3/chat-with-mlx Chat with your data natively on Apple Silicon using MLX Framework. 728 2024-03-05 2024-02-16
166 open-compass/MixtralKit A toolkit for inference and evaluation of 'mixtral-8x7b-32kseqlen' from Mistral AI 725 2023-12-15 2023-12-09
167 QwenLM/Qwen-Agent Agent framework and applications built upon Qwen1.5, featuring Function Calling, Code Interpreter, RAG, and Chrome extension. 724 2024-03-05 2023-09-22
168 runhey/OnmyojiAutoScript Onmyoji Auto Script 阴阳师脚本 722 2024-03-03 2023-04-28
169 chao325/QmaoTai 抢茅台2023最新,京东抢茅台,淘宝抢茅台 QmaoTai 711 2023-12-15 2023-09-13
170 barracuda-fsh/pyobd open source obd2 car diagnostics program - reuploaded 706 2024-02-29 2023-08-18
171 BrasD99/HeyGenClone A simple and open-source analogue of the HeyGen system 696 2023-11-27 2023-09-22
172 xionghonglin/DoctorGLM 基于ChatGLM-6B的中文问诊模型 692 2023-10-19 2023-03-29
173 codefuse-ai/codefuse-chatbot An intelligent assistant serving the entire software development lifecycle, powered by a Multi-Agent Framework, working with DevOps Toolkits, Code&Doc Repo RAG, etc. 688 2024-03-01 2023-09-28
174 AndrewZhe/lawyer-llama 中文法律LLaMA (LLaMA for Chinese legel domain) 687 2024-01-09 2023-04-12
175 jianchang512/vocal-separate an extremely simple tool for separating vocals and background music, completely localized for web operation, using 2stems/4stems/5stems models 这是一个极简的人声和背景音乐分离工具,本地化网页操作,无需连接外网 681 2024-03-04 2023-12-26
176 Duxiaoman-DI/XuanYuan 轩辕:度小满中文金融对话大模型 670 2024-03-05 2023-05-21
177 diStyApps/seait SEAIT is a user-friendly application that simplifies the installation process of AI-related projects 666 2023-09-14 2023-04-01
178 vivo-ai-lab/BlueLM BlueLM(蓝心大模型): Open large language models developed by vivo AI Lab 654 2023-11-23 2023-10-16
179 supzhang/epg 抓取多来源电视节目单(EPG),生成TVXML文件,并提供对外访问接口及后台配置。 647 2023-11-23 2023-03-10
180 yuka-friends/Windrecorder Windrecorder is a memory search app by records everything on your screen in small size, to let you rewind what you have seen, query through OCR text or image description, and get activity statistics. ... 642 2024-03-04 2023-07-30
181 open-mmlab/PIA [CVPR 2024] PIA, your Personalized Image Animator. Animate your images by text prompt, combing with Dreambooth, achieving stunning videos. PIA,你的个性化图像动画生成器,利用文本提示将图像变为奇妙的动画 641 2024-01-06 2023-12-21
182 cloud804d/mirrors-pengzhile-pandora 潘多拉,一个让你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。Pandora, a ChatGPT that helps you breathe smoothly. 630 2023-11-13 2023-09-10
183 wd210010/only_for_happly 农夫山泉龙年抽水签到任务★恩山签到★雨云签到白嫖服务器★小茅预约★丽宝乐园小程序签到★天翼云盘签到★腾讯视频签到(会员领成长值)★阿里云盘签到★GW树洞机场签到★富贵论坛签到★一点万向签到打卡★什么值得买达人和关键词取消关注★STLXZ签到★PT站签到★帆软签到+摇摇乐★千图网签到★星空代理签到★什么值得买签到★值得买每日抽奖★小米社区签到★逑美在线app签到和抽卡★ddnsto自动续费七天★爱奇 ... 627 2024-01-15 2023-05-11
184 yokonsan/midjourney-api midjourney in discord api. 621 2024-02-20 2023-05-21
185 charent/ChatLM-mini-Chinese 中文对话0.2B小模型(ChatLM-Chinese-0.2B),开源所有数据集来源、数据清洗、tokenizer训练、模型预训练、SFT指令微调、RLHF优化等流程的全部代码。支持下游任务sft微调,给出三元组信息抽取微调示例。 612 2024-02-06 2023-08-27
186 ruixiangcui/AGIEval - 612 2023-12-15 2023-03-26
187 CS-BAOYAN/CSYuTuiMian2023 - 608 2023-09-29 2023-06-18
188 DUOMO/TransGPT - 593 2023-09-14 2023-07-17
189 ARPSyndicate/puncia The Panthera(P.)uncia of Cybersecurity - Subdomain & Exploit Hunter powered by AI 589 2024-03-03 2023-09-10
190 Soulter/hugging-chat-api HuggingChat Python API🤗 588 2024-03-05 2023-04-27
191 malinkang/weread2notion-pro - 584 2024-03-02 2024-01-03
192 LemonQu-GIT/ChatGLM-6B-Engineering ChatGLM-6B Prompt Engineering Project 584 2023-09-05 2023-04-22
193 IEIT-Yuan/Yuan-2.0 Yuan 2.0 Large Language Model 580 2024-03-05 2023-11-26
194 wladradchenko/wunjo.wladradchenko.ru Wunjo AI: Synthesize & clone voices in English, Russian & Chinese, real-time speech recognition, deepfake face & lips animation, face swap with one photo, change video by text prompts, segmentation, a ... 579 2024-01-23 2023-04-26
195 KenyonY/openai-forward 🚀 大语言模型高效转发服务 · An efficient forwarding service designed for LLMs. · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy 571 2024-02-28 2023-03-28
196 Artrajz/vits-simple-api A simple VITS HTTP API, developed by extending Moegoe with additional features. 571 2024-03-05 2023-03-13
197 Melelery/c-binance-futures-quant low-cost, high-efficiency, easy-to-implement 566 2023-12-10 2023-07-17
198 lemonlove7/dirsearch_bypass403 目录扫描+JS文件中提取URL和子域+403状态绕过+指纹识别 566 2023-09-07 2023-05-05
199 yerfor/GeneFacePlusPlus GeneFace++: Generalized and Stable Real-Time 3D Talking Face Generation; Official Code 558 2024-02-29 2024-02-01
200 PharMolix/OpenBioMed - 555 2023-11-20 2023-04-13

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