// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
func isLetter(ch rune) bool {
return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
func isDigit(ch rune) bool {
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'
func isIdentChar(ch rune) bool {
return isLetter(ch) || isDigit(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$' || isIdentExtend(ch)
func isIdentExtend(ch rune) bool {
return ch >= 0x80 && ch <= '\uffff'
func isUserVarChar(ch rune) bool {
return isLetter(ch) || isDigit(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$' || ch == '.' || isIdentExtend(ch)
type trieNode struct {
childs [256]*trieNode
token int
fn func(s *Scanner) (int, Pos, string)
var ruleTable trieNode
func initTokenByte(c byte, tok int) {
if ruleTable.childs[c] == nil {
ruleTable.childs[c] = &trieNode{}
ruleTable.childs[c].token = tok
func initTokenString(str string, tok int) {
node := &ruleTable
for _, c := range str {
if node.childs[c] == nil {
node.childs[c] = &trieNode{}
node = node.childs[c]
node.token = tok
func initTokenFunc(str string, fn func(s *Scanner) (int, Pos, string)) {
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
c := str[i]
if ruleTable.childs[c] == nil {
ruleTable.childs[c] = &trieNode{}
ruleTable.childs[c].fn = fn
func init() {
// invalid is a special token defined in parser.y, when parser meet
// this token, it will throw an error.
// set root trie node's token to invalid, so when input match nothing
// in the trie, invalid will be the default return token.
ruleTable.token = invalid
initTokenByte('/', int('/'))
initTokenByte('+', int('+'))
initTokenByte('>', int('>'))
initTokenByte('<', int('<'))
initTokenByte('(', int('('))
initTokenByte(')', int(')'))
initTokenByte('[', int('['))
initTokenByte(']', int(']'))
initTokenByte(';', int(';'))
initTokenByte(',', int(','))
initTokenByte('&', int('&'))
initTokenByte('%', int('%'))
initTokenByte(':', int(':'))
initTokenByte('|', int('|'))
initTokenByte('!', int('!'))
initTokenByte('^', int('^'))
initTokenByte('~', int('~'))
initTokenByte('\\', int('\\'))
initTokenByte('?', paramMarker)
initTokenByte('=', eq)
initTokenByte('{', int('{'))
initTokenByte('}', int('}'))
initTokenString("||", pipes)
initTokenString("&&", andand)
initTokenString("&^", andnot)
initTokenString(":=", assignmentEq)
initTokenString("<=>", nulleq)
initTokenString(">=", ge)
initTokenString("<=", le)
initTokenString("!=", neq)
initTokenString("<>", neqSynonym)
initTokenString("<<", lsh)
initTokenString(">>", rsh)
initTokenString("\\N", null)
initTokenFunc("@", startWithAt)
initTokenFunc("/", startWithSlash)
initTokenFunc("*", startWithStar)
initTokenFunc("-", startWithDash)
initTokenFunc("#", startWithSharp)
initTokenFunc("Xx", startWithXx)
initTokenFunc("Nn", startWithNn)
initTokenFunc("Bb", startWithBb)
initTokenFunc(".", startWithDot)
initTokenFunc("_$ACDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWYZacdefghijklmopqrstuvwyz", scanIdentifier)
initTokenFunc("`", scanQuotedIdent)
initTokenFunc("0123456789", startWithNumber)
initTokenFunc("'\"", startString)
var tokenMap = map[string]int{
"ACCOUNT": account,
"ACTION": action,
"ADD": add,
"ADDDATE": addDate,
"ADMIN": admin,
"AFTER": after,
"ALL": all,
"ALGORITHM": algorithm,
"ALTER": alter,
"ALWAYS": always,
"ANALYZE": analyze,
"AND": and,
"ANY": any,
"AS": as,
"ASC": asc,
"ASCII": ascii,
"AUTO_ID_CACHE": autoIdCache,
"AUTO_INCREMENT": autoIncrement,
"AUTO_RANDOM": autoRandom,
"AUTO_RANDOM_BASE": autoRandomBase,
"AVG": avg,
"AVG_ROW_LENGTH": avgRowLength,
"BEGIN": begin,
"BETWEEN": between,
"BIGINT": bigIntType,
"BINARY": binaryType,
"BINLOG": binlog,
"BIT": bitType,
"BIT_AND": bitAnd,
"BIT_OR": bitOr,
"BIT_XOR": bitXor,
"BLOB": blobType,
"BLOCK": block,
"BOOL": boolType,
"BOOLEAN": booleanType,
"BOTH": both,
"BTREE": btree,
"BUCKETS": buckets,
"BY": by,
"BYTE": byteType,
"CANCEL": cancel,
"CASCADE": cascade,
"CASCADED": cascaded,
"CASE": caseKwd,
"CAST": cast,
"CHANGE": change,
"CHAR": charType,
"CHARACTER": character,
"CHARSET": charsetKwd,
"CHECK": check,
"CHECKSUM": checksum,
"CIPHER": cipher,
"CLEANUP": cleanup,
"CLIENT": client,
"COALESCE": coalesce,
"COLLATE": collate,
"COLLATION": collation,
"COLUMN": column,
"COLUMNS": columns,
"COMMENT": comment,
"COMMIT": commit,
"COMMITTED": committed,
"COMPACT": compact,
"COMPRESSED": compressed,
"COMPRESSION": compression,
"CONNECTION": connection,
"CONSISTENT": consistent,
"CONSTRAINT": constraint,
"CONTEXT": context,
"CONVERT": convert,
"COPY": copyKwd,
"COUNT": count,
"CPU": cpu,
"CREATE": create,
"CROSS": cross,
"CURRENT": current,
"CURRENT_DATE": currentDate,
"CURRENT_TIME": currentTime,
"CURRENT_USER": currentUser,
"CURRENT_ROLE": currentRole,
"CURTIME": curTime,
"DATA": data,
"DATABASE": database,
"DATABASES": databases,
"DATE": dateType,
"DATE_ADD": dateAdd,
"DATE_SUB": dateSub,
"DATETIME": datetimeType,
"DAY": day,
"DAY_HOUR": dayHour,
"DAY_MICROSECOND": dayMicrosecond,
"DAY_MINUTE": dayMinute,
"DAY_SECOND": daySecond,
"DDL": ddl,
"DEALLOCATE": deallocate,
"DEC": decimalType,
"DECIMAL": decimalType,
"DEFAULT": defaultKwd,
"DEFINER": definer,
"DELAY_KEY_WRITE": delayKeyWrite,
"DELAYED": delayed,
"DELETE": deleteKwd,
"DESC": desc,
"DESCRIBE": describe,
"DIRECTORY": directory,
"DISABLE": disable,
"DISTINCT": distinct,
"DISTINCTROW": distinct,
"DIV": div,
"DO": do,
"DOUBLE": doubleType,
"DRAINER": drainer,
"DROP": drop,
"DUAL": dual,
"DUPLICATE": duplicate,
"DYNAMIC": dynamic,
"ELSE": elseKwd,
"ENABLE": enable,
"ENCLOSED": enclosed,
"END": end,
"ENFORCED": enforced,
"ENGINE": engine,
"ENGINES": engines,
"ENUM": enum,
"ERROR": errorKwd,
"ESCAPE": escape,
"ESCAPED": escaped,
"EVENT": event,
"EVENTS": events,
"EXCLUSIVE": exclusive,
"EXCEPT": except,
"EXECUTE": execute,
"EXISTS": exists,
"EXPIRE": expire,
"EXPLAIN": explain,
"EXTRACT": extract,
"FALSE": falseKwd,
"FAULTS": faultsSym,
"FIELDS": fields,
"FIRST": first,
"FIXED": fixed,
"FLOAT": floatType,
"FLUSH": flush,
"FOLLOWING": following,
"FOR": forKwd,
"FORCE": force,
"FOREIGN": foreign,
"FORMAT": format,
"FROM": from,
"FULL": full,
"FULLTEXT": fulltext,
"FUNCTION": function,
"GENERATED": generated,
"GET_FORMAT": getFormat,
"GLOBAL": global,
"GRANT": grant,
"GRANTS": grants,
"GROUP": group,
"GROUP_CONCAT": groupConcat,
"HASH": hash,
"HAVING": having,
"HIGH_PRIORITY": highPriority,
"HISTORY": history,
"HOUR": hour,
"HOUR_MICROSECOND": hourMicrosecond,
"HOUR_MINUTE": hourMinute,
"HOUR_SECOND": hourSecond,
"IDENTIFIED": identified,
"IF": ifKwd,
"IGNORE": ignore,
"IN": in,
"INCREMENTAL": incremental,
"INDEX": index,
"INDEXES": indexes,
"INFILE": infile,
"INNER": inner,
"INPLACE": inplace,
"INSTANT": instant,
"INSERT": insert,
"INT": intType,
"INT1": int1Type,
"INT2": int2Type,
"INT3": int3Type,
"INT4": int4Type,
"INT8": int8Type,
"IO": io,
"IPC": ipc,
"INTEGER": integerType,
"INTERVAL": interval,
"INTERNAL": internal,
"INTO": into,
"INVOKER": invoker,
"IS": is,
"ISSUER": issuer,
"ISOLATION": isolation,
"JOBS": jobs,
"JOB": job,
"JOIN": join,
"JSON": jsonType,
"KEY": key,
"KEY_BLOCK_SIZE": keyBlockSize,
"KEYS": keys,
"KILL": kill,
"LABELS": labels,
"LAST": last,
"LEADING": leading,
"LEFT": left,
"LESS": less,
"LEVEL": level,
"LIKE": like,
"LIMIT": limit,
"LINES": lines,
"LINEAR": linear,
"LIST": list,
"LOAD": load,
"LOCAL": local,
"LOCALTIME": localTime,
"LOCATION": location,
"LOCK": lock,
"LONG": long,
"LONGBLOB": longblobType,
"LONGTEXT": longtextType,
"LOW_PRIORITY": lowPriority,
"MASTER": master,
"MATCH": match,
"MAX": max,
"MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR": maxConnectionsPerHour,
"MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR": maxQueriesPerHour,
"MAX_ROWS": maxRows,
"MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR": maxUpdatesPerHour,
"MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS": maxUserConnections,
"MAXVALUE": maxValue,
"MEDIUMBLOB": mediumblobType,
"MEDIUMINT": mediumIntType,
"MEDIUMTEXT": mediumtextType,
"MEMORY": memory,
"MERGE": merge,
"MICROSECOND": microsecond,
"MIN": min,
"MIN_ROWS": minRows,
"MINUTE": minute,
"MINUTE_MICROSECOND": minuteMicrosecond,
"MINUTE_SECOND": minuteSecond,
"MOD": mod,
"MODE": mode,
"MODIFY": modify,
"MONTH": month,
"NAMES": names,
"NATIONAL": national,
"NATURAL": natural,
"NEVER": never,
"NEXT_ROW_ID": next_row_id,
"NO": no,
"NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG": noWriteToBinLog,
"NODE_ID": nodeID,
"NODE_STATE": nodeState,
"NODEGROUP": nodegroup,
"NONE": none,
"NOT": not,
"NOW": now,
"NULL": null,
"NULLS": nulls,
"NUMERIC": numericType,
"NVARCHAR": nvarcharType,
"OFFSET": offset,
"ON": on,
"ONLY": only,
"OPTIMISTIC": optimistic,
"OPTION": option,
"OPTIONALLY": optionally,
"OR": or,
"ORDER": order,
"OUTER": outer,
"PACK_KEYS": packKeys,
"PAGE": pageSym,
"PARTIAL": partial,
"PARTITION": partition,
"PARTITIONS": partitions,
"PASSWORD": password,
"PESSIMISTIC": pessimistic,
"PLUGINS": plugins,
"POSITION": position,
"PRECEDING": preceding,
"PRECISION": precisionType,
"PREPARE": prepare,
"PRIMARY": primary,
"PRIVILEGES": privileges,
"PROCEDURE": procedure,
"PROCESS": process,
"PROCESSLIST": processlist,
"PROFILE": profile,
"PROFILES": profiles,
"PUMP": pump,
"QUARTER": quarter,
"QUERY": query,
"QUERIES": queries,
"QUICK": quick,
"SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS": shardRowIDBits,
"PRE_SPLIT_REGIONS": preSplitRegions,
"RANGE": rangeKwd,
"RECOVER": recover,
"READ": read,
"REAL": realType,
"RECENT": recent,
"REDUNDANT": redundant,
"REFERENCES": references,
"REGEXP": regexpKwd,
"REGIONS": regions,
"REGION": region,
"RELOAD": reload,
"RENAME": rename,
"REPEAT": repeat,
"REPEATABLE": repeatable,
"REPLACE": replace,
"RESPECT": respect,
"REPLICA": replica,
"REPLICATION": replication,
"REQUIRE": require,
"RESTRICT": restrict,
"REVERSE": reverse,
"REVOKE": revoke,
"RIGHT": right,
"RLIKE": rlike,
"ROLE": role,
"ROLLBACK": rollback,
"ROUTINE": routine,
"ROW": row,
"ROW_COUNT": rowCount,
"ROW_FORMAT": rowFormat,
"SCHEMA": database,
"SCHEMAS": databases,
"SECOND": second,
"SECOND_MICROSECOND": secondMicrosecond,
"SECURITY": security,
"SELECT": selectKwd,
"SERIALIZABLE": serializable,
"SESSION": session,
"SET": set,
"SEPARATOR": separator,
"SHARE": share,
"SHARED": shared,
"SHOW": show,
"SHUTDOWN": shutdown,
"SIGNED": signed,
"SIMPLE": simple,
"SLAVE": slave,
"SLOW": slow,
"SMALLINT": smallIntType,
"SNAPSHOT": snapshot,
"SOME": some,
"SPLIT": split,
"SQL": sql,
"SQL_BIG_RESULT": sqlBigResult,
"SQL_BUFFER_RESULT": sqlBufferResult,
"SQL_CACHE": sqlCache,
"SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS": sqlCalcFoundRows,
"SQL_NO_CACHE": sqlNoCache,
"SQL_SMALL_RESULT": sqlSmallResult,
"SOURCE": source,
"SSL": ssl,
"START": start,
"STARTING": starting,
"STATS": stats,
"STATS_BUCKETS": statsBuckets,
"STATS_HISTOGRAMS": statsHistograms,
"STATS_HEALTHY": statsHealthy,
"STATS_META": statsMeta,
"STATS_PERSISTENT": statsPersistent,
"STATUS": status,
"SWAPS": swaps,
"SWITCHES": switchesSym,
"SYSTEM_TIME": systemTime,
"OPEN": open,
"STD": stddevPop,
"STDDEV": stddevPop,
"STDDEV_POP": stddevPop,
"STDDEV_SAMP": stddevSamp,
"STORED": stored,
"STRAIGHT_JOIN": straightJoin,
"SUBDATE": subDate,
"SUBJECT": subject,
"SUBPARTITION": subpartition,
"SUBPARTITIONS": subpartitions,
"SUBSTR": substring,
"SUBSTRING": substring,
"SUM": sum,
"SUPER": super,
"TABLE": tableKwd,
"TABLES": tables,
"TABLESPACE": tablespace,
"TEMPORARY": temporary,
"TEMPTABLE": temptable,
"TERMINATED": terminated,
"TEXT": textType,
"THAN": than,
"THEN": then,
"TIDB": tidb,
"TIFLASH": tiFlash,
"TIME": timeType,
"TIMESTAMP": timestampType,
"TIMESTAMPADD": timestampAdd,
"TIMESTAMPDIFF": timestampDiff,
"TINYBLOB": tinyblobType,
"TINYINT": tinyIntType,
"TINYTEXT": tinytextType,
"TO": to,
"TOKUDB_DEFAULT": tokudbDefault,
"TOKUDB_FAST": tokudbFast,
"TOKUDB_LZMA": tokudbLzma,
"TOKUDB_QUICKLZ": tokudbQuickLZ,
"TOKUDB_SNAPPY": tokudbSnappy,
"TOKUDB_SMALL": tokudbSmall,
"TOKUDB_UNCOMPRESSED": tokudbUncompressed,
"TOKUDB_ZLIB": tokudbZlib,
"TOP": top,
"TOPN": topn,
"TRACE": trace,
"TRADITIONAL": traditional,
"TRAILING": trailing,
"TRANSACTION": transaction,
"TRIGGER": trigger,
"TRIGGERS": triggers,
"TRIM": trim,
"TRUE": trueKwd,
"TRUNCATE": truncate,
"UNBOUNDED": unbounded,
"UNCOMMITTED": uncommitted,
"UNDEFINED": undefined,
"UNION": union,
"UNIQUE": unique,
"UNKNOWN": unknown,
"UNLOCK": unlock,
"UNSIGNED": unsigned,
"UPDATE": update,
"USAGE": usage,
"USE": use,
"USER": user,
"USING": using,
"UTC_DATE": utcDate,
"UTC_TIME": utcTime,
"UTC_TIMESTAMP": utcTimestamp,
"VALUE": value,
"VALUES": values,
"VARBINARY": varbinaryType,
"VARCHAR": varcharType,
"VARIABLES": variables,
"VARIANCE": varPop,
"VAR_POP": varPop,
"VAR_SAMP": varSamp,
"VIEW": view,
"VIRTUAL": virtual,
"WARNINGS": warnings,
"ERRORS": identSQLErrors,
"WEEK": week,
"WHEN": when,
"WHERE": where,
"WITH": with,
"WRITE": write,
"XOR": xor,
"X509": x509,
"YEAR": yearType,
"YEAR_MONTH": yearMonth,
"ZEROFILL": zerofill,
"BINDING": binding,
"BINDINGS": bindings,
"EXPR_PUSHDOWN_BLACKLIST": exprPushdownBlacklist,
"OPT_RULE_BLACKLIST": optRuleBlacklist,
"NOWAIT": nowait,
"TLS": tls,
"INSTANCE": instance,
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/function-resolution.html for details
var btFuncTokenMap = map[string]int{
"ADDDATE": builtinAddDate,
"BIT_AND": builtinBitAnd,
"BIT_OR": builtinBitOr,
"BIT_XOR": builtinBitXor,
"CAST": builtinCast,
"COUNT": builtinCount,
"CURDATE": builtinCurDate,
"CURTIME": builtinCurTime,
"DATE_ADD": builtinDateAdd,
"DATE_SUB": builtinDateSub,
"EXTRACT": builtinExtract,
"GROUP_CONCAT": builtinGroupConcat,
"MAX": builtinMax,
"MID": builtinSubstring,
"MIN": builtinMin,
"NOW": builtinNow,
"POSITION": builtinPosition,
"SESSION_USER": builtinUser,
"STD": builtinStddevPop,
"STDDEV": builtinStddevPop,
"STDDEV_POP": builtinStddevPop,
"STDDEV_SAMP": builtinStddevSamp,
"SUBDATE": builtinSubDate,
"SUBSTR": builtinSubstring,
"SUBSTRING": builtinSubstring,
"SUM": builtinSum,
"SYSDATE": builtinSysDate,
"SYSTEM_USER": builtinUser,
"TRIM": builtinTrim,
"VARIANCE": builtinVarPop,
"VAR_POP": builtinVarPop,
"VAR_SAMP": builtinVarSamp,
var windowFuncTokenMap = map[string]int{
"CUME_DIST": cumeDist,
"DENSE_RANK": denseRank,
"FIRST_VALUE": firstValue,
"GROUPS": groups,
"LAG": lag,
"LAST_VALUE": lastValue,
"LEAD": lead,
"NTH_VALUE": nthValue,
"NTILE": ntile,
"OVER": over,
"PERCENT_RANK": percentRank,
"RANK": rank,
"ROWS": rows,
"ROW_NUMBER": rowNumber,
"WINDOW": window,
// aliases are strings directly map to another string and use the same token.
var aliases = map[string]string{
// hintedTokens is a set of tokens which recognizes a hint.
// According to https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/optimizer-hints.html,
// only SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE and DELETE accept optimizer hints.
// additionally we support CREATE and PARTITION for hints at table creation.
var hintedTokens = map[int]struct{}{
selectKwd: {},
insert: {},
replace: {},
update: {},
deleteKwd: {},
create: {},
partition: {},
var hintTokenMap = map[string]int{
// MySQL 8.0 hint names
"JOIN_FIXED_ORDER": hintJoinFixedOrder,
"JOIN_ORDER": hintJoinOrder,
"JOIN_PREFIX": hintJoinPrefix,
"JOIN_SUFFIX": hintJoinSuffix,
"BKA": hintBKA,
"NO_BKA": hintNoBKA,
"BNL": hintBNL,
"NO_BNL": hintNoBNL,
"HASH_JOIN": hintHashJoin,
"NO_HASH_JOIN": hintNoHashJoin,
"MERGE": hintMerge,
"NO_MERGE": hintNoMerge,
"INDEX_MERGE": hintIndexMerge,
"NO_INDEX_MERGE": hintNoIndexMerge,
"MRR": hintMRR,
"NO_MRR": hintNoMRR,
"NO_ICP": hintNoICP,
"NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION": hintNoRangeOptimization,
"SKIP_SCAN": hintSkipScan,
"NO_SKIP_SCAN": hintNoSkipScan,
"SEMIJOIN": hintSemijoin,
"NO_SEMIJOIN": hintNoSemijoin,
"MAX_EXECUTION_TIME": hintMaxExecutionTime,
"SET_VAR": hintSetVar,
"RESOURCE_GROUP": hintResourceGroup,
"QB_NAME": hintQBName,
// TiDB hint names
"AGG_TO_COP": hintAggToCop,
"ENABLE_PLAN_CACHE": hintEnablePlanCache,
"HASH_AGG": hintHashAgg,
"IGNORE_INDEX": hintIgnoreIndex,
"INL_HASH_JOIN": hintInlHashJoin,
"INL_JOIN": hintInlJoin,
"INL_MERGE_JOIN": hintInlMergeJoin,
"MEMORY_QUOTA": hintMemoryQuota,
"NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS": hintNoSwapJoinInputs,
"QUERY_TYPE": hintQueryType,
"READ_CONSISTENT_REPLICA": hintReadConsistentReplica,
"READ_FROM_STORAGE": hintReadFromStorage,
"SM_JOIN": hintSMJoin,
"STREAM_AGG": hintStreamAgg,
"SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS": hintSwapJoinInputs,
"USE_INDEX_MERGE": hintUseIndexMerge,
"USE_INDEX": hintUseIndex,
"USE_PLAN_CACHE": hintUsePlanCache,
"USE_TOJA": hintUseToja,
// TiDB hint aliases
"TIDB_HJ": hintHashJoin,
"TIDB_INLJ": hintInlJoin,
"TIDB_SMJ": hintSMJoin,
// Other keywords
"OLAP": hintOLAP,
"OLTP": hintOLTP,
"TIKV": hintTiKV,
"TIFLASH": hintTiFlash,
"FALSE": hintFalse,
"TRUE": hintTrue,
"MB": hintMB,
"GB": hintGB,
"DUPSWEEDOUT": hintDupsWeedOut,
"FIRSTMATCH": hintFirstMatch,
"LOOSESCAN": hintLooseScan,
"MATERIALIZATION": hintMaterialization,
func (s *Scanner) isTokenIdentifier(lit string, offset int) int {
// An identifier before or after '.' means it is part of a qualified identifier.
// We do not parse it as keyword.
if s.r.peek() == '.' {
return 0
if offset > 0 && s.r.s[offset-1] == '.' {
return 0
buf := &s.buf
data := buf.Bytes()[:len(lit)]
for i := 0; i < len(lit); i++ {
if lit[i] >= 'a' && lit[i] <= 'z' {
data[i] = lit[i] + 'A' - 'a'
} else {
data[i] = lit[i]
checkBtFuncToken, tokenStr := false, string(data)
if s.r.peek() == '(' {
checkBtFuncToken = true
} else if s.sqlMode.HasIgnoreSpaceMode() {
if s.r.peek() == '(' {
checkBtFuncToken = true
if checkBtFuncToken {
if tok := btFuncTokenMap[tokenStr]; tok != 0 {
return tok
tok, ok := tokenMap[string(data)]
if !ok && s.supportWindowFunc {
tok = windowFuncTokenMap[string(data)]
return tok
func handleIdent(lval *yySymType) int {
s := lval.ident
// A character string literal may have an optional character set introducer and COLLATE clause:
// [_charset_name]'string' [COLLATE collation_name]
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-literal.html
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "_") {
return identifier
cs, _, err := charset.GetCharsetInfo(s[1:])
if err != nil {
return identifier
lval.ident = cs
return underscoreCS
// SpecialCommentsController controls whether special comments like `/*T![xxx] yyy */`
// can be parsed as `yyy`. To add such rules, please use SpecialCommentsController.Register().
// For example:
// SpecialCommentsController.Register("30100");
// Now the parser will treat
// select a, /*T![30100] mysterious_keyword */ from t;
// and
// select a, mysterious_keyword from t;
// equally.
// Similar special comments without registration are ignored by parser.
var SpecialCommentsController = specialCommentsCtrl{
supportedFeatures: map[string]struct{}{},
type specialCommentsCtrl struct {
supportedFeatures map[string]struct{}
func (s *specialCommentsCtrl) Register(featureID string) {
s.supportedFeatures[featureID] = struct{}{}
func (s *specialCommentsCtrl) Unregister(featureID string) {
delete(s.supportedFeatures, featureID)
func (s *specialCommentsCtrl) ContainsAll(featureIDs []string) bool {
for _, f := range featureIDs {
if _, found := s.supportedFeatures[f]; !found {
return false
return true
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。