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krealseu / dwm

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config.h 13.86 KB
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krealseu 提交于 2024-04-11 14:29 . update
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
#include <X11/XF86keysym.h>
/* appearance */
static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
static const unsigned int gappih = 6; /* horiz inner gap between windows */
static const unsigned int gappiv = 6; /* vert inner gap between windows */
static const unsigned int gappoh = 6; /* horiz outer gap between windows and screen edge */
static const unsigned int gappov = 6; /* vert outer gap between windows and screen edge */
static const int smartgaps = 0; /* 1 means no outer gap when there is only one window */
static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
static const unsigned int systraypinning = 0; /* 0: sloppy systray follows selected monitor, >0: pin systray to monitor X */
static const unsigned int systrayonleft = 0; /* 0: systray in the right corner, >0: systray on left of status text */
static const unsigned int systrayspacing = 2; /* systray spacing */
static const int systraypinningfailfirst = 1; /* 1: if pinning fails, display systray on the first monitor, False: display systray on the last monitor*/
static const int showsystray = 1; /* 0 means no systray */
static const int showbar = 1; /* 0 means no bar */
static const int topbar = 1; /* 0 means bottom bar */
static const Bool viewontag = True;
static const char *fonts[] = { "Source Code Pro:size=14" };
static const char dmenufont[] = "Source Code Pro:size=14";
static const char col_gray1[] = "#202020";
static const char col_gray2[] = "#444444";
static const char col_gray3[] = "#e9e8e9";
static const char col_gray4[] = "#dddddd";
static const char col_cyan[] = "#3a3a3a";
static const char *colors[][3] = {
/* fg bg border */
[SchemeNorm] = { col_gray3, col_gray1, col_gray2 },
[SchemeSel] = { col_gray4, col_cyan, col_cyan },
[SchemeHid] = { col_cyan, col_gray1, col_cyan },
// typedef struct {
// const char *name;
// const void *cmd;
// } Sp;
// static const char *scratchpadcmd[] = {"s", "st", "-t", "scratchpad", NULL};
static const char *scratchpadcmd[] = {"s", "tabbed", "-c", "-r", "2", "-n", "scratchpad", "st", "-w","", NULL};
// static const char *scratchpadcmdFile[] = {"1", "nautilus" , NULL};
static const char *scratchpadcmdFile[] = {"1", "pcmanfm" , NULL};
// static const char *scratchpadcmdTypora[] = {"2", "typora", NULL};
static const char *scratchpadcmdTypora[] = {"2", "trilium-cn", NULL};
// const char *spcmd1[] = {"st", "-n", "scratchpad", "-g", "120x34", "-e", "fish", NULL };
// const char *spcmd2[] = {"dolphin", NULL };
// static Sp scratchpads[] = {
// /* name cmd */
// {"scratchpad", spcmd1},
// {"dolphin", spcmd2},
// };
#include "scratchtagwins.c"
/* tagging */
static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
static const Rule rules[] = {
/* xprop(1):
* WM_CLASS(STRING) = instance, class
* WM_NAME(STRING) = title
/* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
{ "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
{ "feh", "feh", NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
{ NULL, "Godot_Engine", NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
{ "Firefox", NULL, NULL, 0, 0, -1 },
{ "steam", NULL, NULL, 1<<7, 0, -1 },
{ "dota2", NULL, NULL, 1<<6, 0, -1 },
{ "Code", "code", NULL, 1<<1, 0, -1 },
{ "vlc", "vlc", NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
{ "File-roller","file-roller",NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
// { NULL, "scratchpad", NULL, SPTAG(0), 1, -1 },
// { "dolphin","dolphin", NULL, SPTAG(1), 1, -1 },
/* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor scratch key */
{ "tabbed", "scratchpad", NULL, 0, 1, -1, 's' },
{ "org.gnome.Nautilus", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, -1, '01' },
{ "Nemo", "nemo", NULL, 0, 1, -1, '01' },
{ "Pcmanfm", "pcmanfm", NULL, 0, 1, -1, '01' },
{ "Trilium Notes", "trilium notes", NULL, 0, 1, -1, '02' },
// SCRATCHTAGWIN_RULE (scratchtagwin1, 1),
// SCRATCHTAGWIN_RULE (scratchtagwin2, 2),
SCRATCHTAGWIN_RULE (scratchtagwin3, 3),
SCRATCHTAGWIN_RULE (scratchtagwin4, 4),
SCRATCHTAGWIN_RULE (scratchtagwin5, 5),
SCRATCHTAGWIN_RULE (scratchtagwin6, 6),
/* layout(s) */
static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
static const int resizehints = 1; /* 1 means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
static const int lockfullscreen = 1; /* 1 will force focus on the fullscreen window */
static const Layout layouts[] = {
/* symbol arrange function */
{ "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
{ "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
// { "[M]", monocle },
// { "㗊", gaplessgrid },
// { "[D]", deck },
// { "[\\]", fibonacci },
/* key definitions */
#define AltMask Mod1Mask
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask // alt
#define WINKEY Mod4Mask // win
#define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
{ MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
{ MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
/* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
#define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
/* commands */
// static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", dmenufont, "-nb", col_gray1, "-nf", col_gray3, "-sb", col_cyan, "-sf", col_gray4, NULL };
static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "rofi", "-show", "drun", "-show-icons", NULL };
static const char *termcmd[] = { "alacritty", NULL };
static const char *termcmd_st[] = { "st", NULL };
static const char *slockcmd[] = { "slock", "-m" , "克己" ,NULL };
static const char *vol_up[] = { "pamixer", "-i", "5", NULL };
static const char *vol_down[] = { "pamixer", "-d", "5", NULL };
static const char *vol_toggle[] = { "pamixer", "-t", NULL };
static const char *bright_up[] = { "brightnessctl", "set", "10%+", NULL };
static const char *bright_down[] = { "brightnessctl", "set", "10%-", NULL };
static const char *wpcmd[] = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "bash ${HOME}/Documents/scripts/wp-change.sh", NULL };
static const char *one_screen[] = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "bash ${HOME}/Documents/scripts/one_screen.sh", NULL };
static const char *xmenu_cmd[] = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "bash ${HOME}/Documents/scripts/xmenu_cmd.sh", NULL };
static const char *screenshotcmd[] = { "flameshot", "gui", NULL };
SCRATCHTAGWIN (scratchtagwin1, 1);
SCRATCHTAGWIN (scratchtagwin2, 2);
SCRATCHTAGWIN (scratchtagwin3, 3);
SCRATCHTAGWIN (scratchtagwin4, 4);
SCRATCHTAGWIN (scratchtagwin5, 5);
SCRATCHTAGWIN (scratchtagwin6, 6);
static const Key keys[] = {
/* modifier key function argument */
{ MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
{ WINKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_s, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
{ WINKEY|ShiftMask, XK_s, spawn, {.v = termcmd_st } },
{ MODKEY, XK_b, spawn, {.v = wpcmd } },
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_l, spawn, {.v = slockcmd } },
{ 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp, spawn, {.v = bright_up } },
{ 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown, spawn, {.v = bright_down } },
{ 0, XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume, spawn, {.v = vol_up } },
{ 0, XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume, spawn, {.v = vol_down } },
{ 0, XF86XK_AudioMute, spawn, {.v = vol_toggle } },
{ 0, XF86XK_Display, spawn, {.v = one_screen } },
{ 0, XK_Print, spawn, {.v = screenshotcmd } },
{ MODKEY, XK_grave, togglescratch, {.v = scratchpadcmd } },
{ WINKEY, XK_grave, togglescratch, {.v = scratchpadcmd } },
{ WINKEY, XK_1, togglescratch, {.v = scratchpadcmdFile } },
{ WINKEY, XK_2, togglescratch, {.v = scratchpadcmdTypora } },
// { MODKEY, XK_f, togglescratch, {.ui = 1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_f, togglefullscr, {0} },
// SCRATCHTAGWIN_KEY (scratchtagwin1, 1)
// SCRATCHTAGWIN_KEY (scratchtagwin2, 2)
SCRATCHTAGWIN_KEY (scratchtagwin3, 3)
SCRATCHTAGWIN_KEY (scratchtagwin4, 4)
SCRATCHTAGWIN_KEY (scratchtagwin5, 5)
SCRATCHTAGWIN_KEY (scratchtagwin6, 6)
{ WINKEY|AltMask|ShiftMask, XK_0, makescratchtagwin, {.i = 0} },
{ WINKEY|AltMask|ShiftMask, XK_s, makescratchtagwin, {.i = 's'} },
/* { MODKEY, XK_Right, focusstackhid, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_Left, focusstackhid, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_Up, rotatestack, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_Down, rotatestack, {.i = +1 } }, */
{ WINKEY, XK_a, focusstackhid, {.i = -1 } },
{ WINKEY, XK_d, focusstackhid, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_k, focusstackhid, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_j, focusstackhid, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Tab, rotatestack, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_j, rotatestack, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_k, rotatestack, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
{ WINKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
{ WINKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
// { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
// { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
{ MODKEY, XK_g, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
{ WINKEY, XK_space, cyclelayout, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_space, cyclelayout, {.i = +1 } },
{ WINKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, cyclelayout, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, cyclelayout, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
// { MODKEY, XK_s, show, {0} },
// { MODKEY, XK_h, hide, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
{ WINKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {1} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask|ControlMask, XK_Delete, quitprompt, {0} },
/* button definitions */
/* click can be ClkTagBar, ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
static const Button buttons[] = {
/* click event mask button function argument */
// { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
{ ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
{ ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
// { ClkTagBar, MODKEY2, Button1, tag, {0} },
// { ClkTagBar, MODKEY2, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
{ ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, cyclelayout, {.i = +1 } },
{ ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, spawn, {.v = xmenu_cmd } },
{ ClkWinTitle, 0, Button1, togglewin, {0} },
{ ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
// { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
{ ClkClientWin, WINKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
{ ClkClientWin, WINKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
{ ClkClientWin, WINKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
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