* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <NvInfer.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <vector>
namespace onnx2trt
class IImporterContext;
class TensorOrWeights;
//! Represents a 0D or 1D tensor of int64_t.
class ShapeTensor
//! Create undefined ShapeTensor.
ShapeTensor() = default;
//! Create ShapeTensor with known rank and values.
ShapeTensor(int rank_, std::vector<int64_t>&& values_);
//! Create ShapeTensor representing value of TensorOrWeights.
ShapeTensor(IImporterContext* ctx, TensorOrWeights& t);
//! Construct ShapeTensor equivalent to applying IShapeLayer depth times.
//! The depth may be in [0,3].
explicit ShapeTensor(nvinfer1::ITensor& t, int depth = 0);
//! True if rank is known.
bool rankKnown() const
return mRank != kRANK_UNKNOWN;
//! Number of dimensions. Always 0 or 1.
int32_t rank() const
return mRank;
//! True if number of elements in tensor is known.
bool sizeKnown() const
return mSize != kSIZE_UNKNOWN;
//! Number of elements in the tensor. Asserts that sizeKnown()==true.
int32_t size() const
return mSize;
//! True if all element values are known.
bool allValuesKnown() const
return mAllValuesKnown;
//! True if all element values equal the given value.
bool isAll(int64_t value) const;
using const_iterator = std::vector<int64_t>::const_iterator;
//! Iterator pointing to beginning of sequence of element values.
//! Requires that allValuesKnown() is true.
const_iterator begin() const
return mValues.begin();
//! Iterator pointing to end of sequence of element values.
//! Requires that allValuesKnown() is true.
const_iterator end() const
return mValues.end();
//! True if operator[](k) is valid.
bool valueKnown(int k) const;
//! Return kth value.
//! For a 0D tensor, k must be 0.
//! Requires that valueKnown(k) is true.
int64_t operator[](int k) const
return mValues[k];
//! Return true if x and y always have the same value.
friend bool operator==(const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
friend ShapeTensor shapeOf(const ShapeTensor& t);
//! Get TensorRT tensor representation.
nvinfer1::ITensor& tensor(IImporterContext* ctx) const;
//! Number of IShapeLayer to apply to mTensor to get ITensor representing value of *this.
//! -1 for undefined *this, a value in [0,2] otherwise.
//! 0: *this represents value of the tensor (always 0D or 1D)
//! 1: *this represents shape of mTensor (always 1D)
//! 2: *this represents rank of mTensor (always 1D tensor of length 1)
mutable int8_t mDepth{-1};
//! True if all values are known.
bool mAllValuesKnown{false};
static constexpr int kRANK_UNKNOWN = -1;
static constexpr int kSIZE_UNKNOWN = -1;
//! Rank of *this.
//! Always -1, 0 or 1.
int8_t mRank{kRANK_UNKNOWN};
//! Number of elements in the tensor, or -1 if unknown.
int32_t mSize{kSIZE_UNKNOWN};
//! Must be non-null if mAllValuesKnown.
mutable nvinfer1::ITensor* mTensor{nullptr};
//! Values of elements if some might be known.
//! mValues.size() is always zero or equal to mSize.
//! When mAllValuesKnown==true, all the values in mValues are correct
//! and mValues.size() == mSize.
//! When mAllValuesKnown==false, only the non-negative values in mValues
//! are guaranteed to be correct, and only so if mValues.size() == mSize.
std::vector<int64_t> mValues;
//! Print ShapeTensor. Unknown values are printed as _.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ShapeTensor& x);
//! Create 1D ShapeTensor of length n filled with value.
//! count must be 1D ShapeTensor of size 1.
ShapeTensor fillShapeVector(IImporterContext* ctx, int64_t value, const ShapeTensor& count);
//! Create 1D ShapeTensor of length 1 containing given value.
ShapeTensor shapeVector(int64_t value);
//! Create 0D ShapeTensor containing the given value.
ShapeTensor shapeScalar(int64_t value);
//! Create 1D ShapeTensor containing [0,n).
ShapeTensor iotaShapeVector(int32_t n);
//! Create ShapeTensor filled with value that has same shape as exemplar.
//! The exemplar must be 1D.
ShapeTensor similar(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& exemplar, int64_t value);
//! Elementwise addition
ShapeTensor add(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Elementwise subtraction
ShapeTensor sub(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Elementwise multiplication
ShapeTensor mul(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Elementwise min
ShapeTensor min(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Elementwise max
ShapeTensor max(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Elementwise floor division
ShapeTensor floorDiv(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Elementwise f, for a partial function f defined by:
//! f(x,x) = x
//! f(1,x) = x
//! f(x,1) = x
//! Undefined otherwise or if x < 0.
ShapeTensor broadcast(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Return product of x[i] for i in [first..last), as 0D or one-element 1D tensor of given rank.
ShapeTensor product(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, int first, int last, int rank);
//! Gather where data is 1D tensor and indices can be 0D or 1D
ShapeTensor gather(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& data, const ShapeTensor& indices);
//! Concatenation of two 1D tensors
ShapeTensor concat(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y);
//! Return gather(concat(x,y),subscripts)
inline ShapeTensor interlace(
IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& x, const ShapeTensor& y, const ShapeTensor& subscripts)
return gather(ctx, concat(ctx, x, y), subscripts);
//! Return shape of a tensor.
ShapeTensor shapeOf(nvinfer1::ITensor& tensor);
ShapeTensor shapeOf(const ShapeTensor& tensor);
ShapeTensor shapeOf(TensorOrWeights& t);
//! Reshape 0D tensor to 1D tensor.
ShapeTensor convertTo1D(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& tensor);
//! Add an ISliceLayer.
nvinfer1::ISliceLayer* addSlice(IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ITensor& data, const ShapeTensor& starts,
const ShapeTensor& sizes, const ShapeTensor& strides);
//! Add an IShuffleLayer.
//! If the result does not need to have its parameters changed, and
//! optimizing the no-op case away is okay, use function reshape instead.
//! In general the default zeroIsPlaceholder=false should be used so
//! that reshaping to empty tensors works correctly. Calling with
//! zeroIsPlaceholder=true should happen only when replicating the
//! semantics of the ONNX Reshape operator.
nvinfer1::IShuffleLayer* addShuffle(
IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ITensor& data, const ShapeTensor& reshapeDims, bool zeroIsPlaceholder = false);
//! Add an IFillLayer.
nvinfer1::IFillLayer* addFill(IImporterContext* ctx, const ShapeTensor& shape, nvinfer1::FillOperation op);
//! Reshape a tensor.
//! Treats any zeros in newShape as dimensions, not placeholders.
//! Implementation note: does not insert shuffle if it's a no-op.
nvinfer1::ITensor& reshape(IImporterContext* ctx, nvinfer1::ITensor& data, const ShapeTensor& newShape);
} // namespace onnx2trt
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