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qemu_arch_base.go 21.19 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package virtcontainers
import (
govmmQemu "github.com/intel/govmm/qemu"
type qemuArch interface {
// enableNestingChecks nesting checks will be honoured
// disableNestingChecks nesting checks will be ignored
// runNested indicates if the hypervisor runs in a nested environment
runNested() bool
// enableVhostNet vhost will be enabled
// disableVhostNet vhost will be disabled
// machine returns the machine type
machine() (govmmQemu.Machine, error)
// qemuPath returns the path to the QEMU binary
qemuPath() (string, error)
// kernelParameters returns the kernel parameters
// if debug is true then kernel debug parameters are included
kernelParameters(debug bool) []Param
//capabilities returns the capabilities supported by QEMU
capabilities() types.Capabilities
// bridges sets the number bridges for the machine type
bridges(number uint32)
// cpuTopology returns the CPU topology for the given amount of vcpus
cpuTopology(vcpus, maxvcpus uint32) govmmQemu.SMP
// cpuModel returns the CPU model for the machine type
cpuModel() string
// memoryTopology returns the memory topology using the given amount of memoryMb and hostMemoryMb
memoryTopology(memoryMb, hostMemoryMb uint64, slots uint8) govmmQemu.Memory
// appendConsole appends a console to devices
appendConsole(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendImage appends an image to devices
appendImage(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendBlockImage appends an image as block device
appendBlockImage(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendNvdimmImage appends an image as nvdimm device
appendNvdimmImage(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendSCSIController appens a SCSI controller to devices
appendSCSIController(devices []govmmQemu.Device, enableIOThreads bool) ([]govmmQemu.Device, *govmmQemu.IOThread, error)
// appendBridges appends bridges to devices
appendBridges(devices []govmmQemu.Device) []govmmQemu.Device
// append9PVolume appends a 9P volume to devices
append9PVolume(devices []govmmQemu.Device, volume types.Volume) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendSocket appends a socket to devices
appendSocket(devices []govmmQemu.Device, socket types.Socket) []govmmQemu.Device
// appendVSock appends a vsock PCI to devices
appendVSock(devices []govmmQemu.Device, vsock types.VSock) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendNetwork appends a endpoint device to devices
appendNetwork(devices []govmmQemu.Device, endpoint Endpoint) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendBlockDevice appends a block drive to devices
appendBlockDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, drive config.BlockDrive) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendVhostUserDevice appends a vhost user device to devices
appendVhostUserDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, drive config.VhostUserDeviceAttrs) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// appendVFIODevice appends a VFIO device to devices
appendVFIODevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, vfioDevice config.VFIODev) []govmmQemu.Device
// appendRNGDevice appends a RNG device to devices
appendRNGDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, rngDevice config.RNGDev) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error)
// addDeviceToBridge adds devices to the bus
addDeviceToBridge(ID string, t types.Type) (string, types.Bridge, error)
// removeDeviceFromBridge removes devices to the bus
removeDeviceFromBridge(ID string) error
// getBridges grants access to Bridges
getBridges() []types.Bridge
// setBridges grants access to Bridges
setBridges(bridges []types.Bridge)
// addBridge adds a new Bridge to the list of Bridges
// handleImagePath handles the Hypervisor Config image path
handleImagePath(config HypervisorConfig)
// supportGuestMemoryHotplug returns if the guest supports memory hotplug
supportGuestMemoryHotplug() bool
// setIgnoreSharedMemoryMigrationCaps set bypass-shared-memory capability for migration
setIgnoreSharedMemoryMigrationCaps(context.Context, *govmmQemu.QMP) error
// appendPCIeRootPortDevice appends a pcie-root-port device to pcie.0 bus
appendPCIeRootPortDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, number uint32) []govmmQemu.Device
type qemuArchBase struct {
machineType string
memoryOffset uint32
nestedRun bool
vhost bool
disableNvdimm bool
dax bool
networkIndex int
qemuPaths map[string]string
supportedQemuMachines []govmmQemu.Machine
kernelParamsNonDebug []Param
kernelParamsDebug []Param
kernelParams []Param
Bridges []types.Bridge
const (
defaultCores uint32 = 1
defaultThreads uint32 = 1
defaultCPUModel = "host"
defaultBridgeBus = "pcie.0"
defaultPCBridgeBus = "pci.0"
maxDevIDSize = 31
defaultMsize9p = 8192
pcieRootPortPrefix = "rp"
// This is the PCI start address assigned to the first bridge that
// is added on the qemu command line. In case of x86_64, the first two PCI
// addresses (0 and 1) are used by the platform while in case of ARM, address
// 0 is reserved.
const bridgePCIStartAddr = 2
const (
// QemuPCLite is the QEMU pc-lite machine type for amd64
QemuPCLite = "pc-lite"
// QemuPC is the QEMU pc machine type for amd64
QemuPC = "pc"
// QemuQ35 is the QEMU Q35 machine type for amd64
QemuQ35 = "q35"
// QemuMicrovm is the QEMU microvm machine type for amd64
QemuMicrovm = "microvm"
// QemuVirt is the QEMU virt machine type for aarch64 or amd64
QemuVirt = "virt"
// QemuPseries is a QEMU virt machine type for ppc64le
QemuPseries = "pseries"
// QemuCCWVirtio is a QEMU virt machine type for for s390x
QemuCCWVirtio = "s390-ccw-virtio"
qmpCapMigrationIgnoreShared = "x-ignore-shared"
qemuNvdimmOption = "nvdimm"
// kernelParamsNonDebug is a list of the default kernel
// parameters that will be used in standard (non-debug) mode.
var kernelParamsNonDebug = []Param{
{"quiet", ""},
// kernelParamsSystemdNonDebug is a list of the default systemd related
// kernel parameters that will be used in standard (non-debug) mode.
var kernelParamsSystemdNonDebug = []Param{
{"systemd.show_status", "false"},
// kernelParamsDebug is a list of the default kernel
// parameters that will be used in debug mode (as much boot output as
// possible).
var kernelParamsDebug = []Param{
{"debug", ""},
// kernelParamsSystemdDebug is a list of the default systemd related kernel
// parameters that will be used in debug mode (as much boot output as
// possible).
var kernelParamsSystemdDebug = []Param{
{"systemd.show_status", "true"},
{"systemd.log_level", "debug"},
func (q *qemuArchBase) enableNestingChecks() {
q.nestedRun = true
func (q *qemuArchBase) disableNestingChecks() {
q.nestedRun = false
func (q *qemuArchBase) runNested() bool {
return q.nestedRun
func (q *qemuArchBase) enableVhostNet() {
q.vhost = true
func (q *qemuArchBase) disableVhostNet() {
q.vhost = false
func (q *qemuArchBase) machine() (govmmQemu.Machine, error) {
for _, m := range q.supportedQemuMachines {
if m.Type == q.machineType {
return m, nil
return govmmQemu.Machine{}, fmt.Errorf("unrecognised machine type: %v", q.machineType)
func (q *qemuArchBase) qemuPath() (string, error) {
p, ok := q.qemuPaths[q.machineType]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown machine type: %s", q.machineType)
return p, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) kernelParameters(debug bool) []Param {
params := q.kernelParams
if debug {
params = append(params, q.kernelParamsDebug...)
} else {
params = append(params, q.kernelParamsNonDebug...)
return params
func (q *qemuArchBase) capabilities() types.Capabilities {
var caps types.Capabilities
return caps
func (q *qemuArchBase) bridges(number uint32) {
for i := uint32(0); i < number; i++ {
q.Bridges = append(q.Bridges, types.NewBridge(types.PCI, fmt.Sprintf("%s-bridge-%d", types.PCI, i), make(map[uint32]string), 0))
func (q *qemuArchBase) cpuTopology(vcpus, maxvcpus uint32) govmmQemu.SMP {
smp := govmmQemu.SMP{
CPUs: vcpus,
Sockets: maxvcpus,
Cores: defaultCores,
Threads: defaultThreads,
MaxCPUs: maxvcpus,
return smp
func (q *qemuArchBase) cpuModel() string {
return defaultCPUModel
func (q *qemuArchBase) memoryTopology(memoryMb, hostMemoryMb uint64, slots uint8) govmmQemu.Memory {
memMax := fmt.Sprintf("%dM", hostMemoryMb)
mem := fmt.Sprintf("%dM", memoryMb)
memory := govmmQemu.Memory{
Size: mem,
Slots: slots,
MaxMem: memMax,
return memory
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendConsole(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
serial := govmmQemu.SerialDevice{
Driver: govmmQemu.VirtioSerial,
ID: "serial0",
DisableModern: q.nestedRun,
devices = append(devices, serial)
console := govmmQemu.CharDevice{
Driver: govmmQemu.Console,
Backend: govmmQemu.Socket,
DeviceID: "console0",
ID: "charconsole0",
Path: path,
devices = append(devices, console)
return devices, nil
func genericImage(path string) (config.BlockDrive, error) {
if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return config.BlockDrive{}, err
randBytes, err := utils.GenerateRandomBytes(8)
if err != nil {
return config.BlockDrive{}, err
id := utils.MakeNameID("image", hex.EncodeToString(randBytes), maxDevIDSize)
drive := config.BlockDrive{
File: path,
Format: "raw",
ID: id,
ShareRW: true,
ReadOnly: true,
return drive, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendNvdimmImage(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
imageFile, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer imageFile.Close()
imageStat, err := imageFile.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
object := govmmQemu.Object{
Driver: govmmQemu.NVDIMM,
Type: govmmQemu.MemoryBackendFile,
DeviceID: "nv0",
ID: "mem0",
MemPath: path,
Size: (uint64)(imageStat.Size()),
devices = append(devices, object)
return devices, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendImage(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
return q.appendBlockImage(devices, path)
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendBlockImage(devices []govmmQemu.Device, path string) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
drive, err := genericImage(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
devices, err = q.appendBlockDevice(devices, drive)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return devices, nil
func genericSCSIController(enableIOThreads, nestedRun bool) (govmmQemu.SCSIController, *govmmQemu.IOThread) {
scsiController := govmmQemu.SCSIController{
ID: scsiControllerID,
DisableModern: nestedRun,
var t *govmmQemu.IOThread
if enableIOThreads {
randBytes, _ := utils.GenerateRandomBytes(8)
t = &govmmQemu.IOThread{
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", "iothread", hex.EncodeToString(randBytes)),
scsiController.IOThread = t.ID
return scsiController, t
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendSCSIController(devices []govmmQemu.Device, enableIOThreads bool) ([]govmmQemu.Device, *govmmQemu.IOThread, error) {
d, t := genericSCSIController(enableIOThreads, q.nestedRun)
devices = append(devices, d)
return devices, t, nil
// appendBridges appends to devices the given bridges
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendBridges(devices []govmmQemu.Device) []govmmQemu.Device {
for idx, b := range q.Bridges {
if b.Type == types.CCW {
t := govmmQemu.PCIBridge
if b.Type == types.PCIE {
t = govmmQemu.PCIEBridge
q.Bridges[idx].Addr = bridgePCIStartAddr + idx
devices = append(devices,
Type: t,
Bus: defaultBridgeBus,
ID: b.ID,
// Each bridge is required to be assigned a unique chassis id > 0
Chassis: idx + 1,
SHPC: true,
Addr: strconv.FormatInt(int64(q.Bridges[idx].Addr), 10),
return devices
func generic9PVolume(volume types.Volume, nestedRun bool) govmmQemu.FSDevice {
devID := fmt.Sprintf("extra-9p-%s", volume.MountTag)
if len(devID) > maxDevIDSize {
devID = devID[:maxDevIDSize]
return govmmQemu.FSDevice{
Driver: govmmQemu.Virtio9P,
FSDriver: govmmQemu.Local,
ID: devID,
Path: volume.HostPath,
MountTag: volume.MountTag,
SecurityModel: govmmQemu.None,
DisableModern: nestedRun,
func (q *qemuArchBase) append9PVolume(devices []govmmQemu.Device, volume types.Volume) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
if volume.MountTag == "" || volume.HostPath == "" {
return devices, nil
d := generic9PVolume(volume, q.nestedRun)
devices = append(devices, d)
return devices, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendSocket(devices []govmmQemu.Device, socket types.Socket) []govmmQemu.Device {
devID := socket.ID
if len(devID) > maxDevIDSize {
devID = devID[:maxDevIDSize]
devices = append(devices,
Driver: govmmQemu.VirtioSerialPort,
Backend: govmmQemu.Socket,
DeviceID: socket.DeviceID,
ID: devID,
Path: socket.HostPath,
Name: socket.Name,
return devices
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendVSock(devices []govmmQemu.Device, vsock types.VSock) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
devices = append(devices,
ID: fmt.Sprintf("vsock-%d", vsock.ContextID),
ContextID: vsock.ContextID,
VHostFD: vsock.VhostFd,
DisableModern: q.nestedRun,
return devices, nil
func networkModelToQemuType(model NetInterworkingModel) govmmQemu.NetDeviceType {
switch model {
case NetXConnectMacVtapModel:
return govmmQemu.MACVTAP
//TAP should work for most other cases
return govmmQemu.TAP
func genericNetwork(endpoint Endpoint, vhost, nestedRun bool, index int) (govmmQemu.NetDevice, error) {
var d govmmQemu.NetDevice
switch ep := endpoint.(type) {
case *VethEndpoint, *BridgedMacvlanEndpoint, *IPVlanEndpoint:
netPair := ep.NetworkPair()
d = govmmQemu.NetDevice{
Type: networkModelToQemuType(netPair.NetInterworkingModel),
Driver: govmmQemu.VirtioNet,
ID: fmt.Sprintf("network-%d", index),
IFName: netPair.TAPIface.Name,
MACAddress: netPair.TAPIface.HardAddr,
DownScript: "no",
Script: "no",
VHost: vhost,
DisableModern: nestedRun,
FDs: netPair.VMFds,
VhostFDs: netPair.VhostFds,
case *MacvtapEndpoint:
d = govmmQemu.NetDevice{
Type: govmmQemu.MACVTAP,
Driver: govmmQemu.VirtioNet,
ID: fmt.Sprintf("network-%d", index),
IFName: ep.Name(),
MACAddress: ep.HardwareAddr(),
DownScript: "no",
Script: "no",
VHost: vhost,
DisableModern: nestedRun,
FDs: ep.VMFds,
VhostFDs: ep.VhostFds,
case *TuntapEndpoint:
netPair := ep.NetworkPair()
d = govmmQemu.NetDevice{
Type: govmmQemu.NetDeviceType("tap"),
Driver: govmmQemu.VirtioNet,
ID: fmt.Sprintf("network-%d", index),
IFName: netPair.TAPIface.Name,
MACAddress: netPair.TAPIface.HardAddr,
DownScript: "no",
Script: "no",
VHost: vhost,
DisableModern: nestedRun,
FDs: netPair.VMFds,
VhostFDs: netPair.VhostFds,
return govmmQemu.NetDevice{}, fmt.Errorf("Unknown type for endpoint")
return d, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendNetwork(devices []govmmQemu.Device, endpoint Endpoint) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
d, err := genericNetwork(endpoint, q.vhost, q.nestedRun, q.networkIndex)
if err != nil {
return devices, fmt.Errorf("Failed to append network %v", err)
devices = append(devices, d)
return devices, nil
func genericBlockDevice(drive config.BlockDrive, nestedRun bool) (govmmQemu.BlockDevice, error) {
if drive.File == "" || drive.ID == "" || drive.Format == "" {
return govmmQemu.BlockDevice{}, fmt.Errorf("Empty File, ID or Format for drive %v", drive)
if len(drive.ID) > maxDevIDSize {
drive.ID = drive.ID[:maxDevIDSize]
return govmmQemu.BlockDevice{
Driver: govmmQemu.VirtioBlock,
ID: drive.ID,
File: drive.File,
AIO: govmmQemu.Threads,
Format: govmmQemu.BlockDeviceFormat(drive.Format),
Interface: "none",
DisableModern: nestedRun,
ShareRW: drive.ShareRW,
ReadOnly: drive.ReadOnly,
}, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendBlockDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, drive config.BlockDrive) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
d, err := genericBlockDevice(drive, q.nestedRun)
if err != nil {
return devices, fmt.Errorf("Failed to append block device %v", err)
devices = append(devices, d)
return devices, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendVhostUserDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, attr config.VhostUserDeviceAttrs) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
qemuVhostUserDevice := govmmQemu.VhostUserDevice{}
switch attr.Type {
case config.VhostUserNet:
qemuVhostUserDevice.TypeDevID = utils.MakeNameID("net", attr.DevID, maxDevIDSize)
qemuVhostUserDevice.Address = attr.MacAddress
qemuVhostUserDevice.VhostUserType = govmmQemu.VhostUserNet
case config.VhostUserSCSI:
qemuVhostUserDevice.TypeDevID = utils.MakeNameID("scsi", attr.DevID, maxDevIDSize)
qemuVhostUserDevice.VhostUserType = govmmQemu.VhostUserSCSI
case config.VhostUserBlk:
qemuVhostUserDevice.VhostUserType = govmmQemu.VhostUserBlk
case config.VhostUserFS:
qemuVhostUserDevice.TypeDevID = utils.MakeNameID("fs", attr.DevID, maxDevIDSize)
qemuVhostUserDevice.Tag = attr.Tag
qemuVhostUserDevice.CacheSize = attr.CacheSize
qemuVhostUserDevice.VhostUserType = govmmQemu.VhostUserFS
qemuVhostUserDevice.SocketPath = attr.SocketPath
qemuVhostUserDevice.CharDevID = utils.MakeNameID("char", attr.DevID, maxDevIDSize)
devices = append(devices, qemuVhostUserDevice)
return devices, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendVFIODevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, vfioDev config.VFIODev) []govmmQemu.Device {
if vfioDev.BDF == "" {
return devices
devices = append(devices,
BDF: vfioDev.BDF,
VendorID: vfioDev.VendorID,
DeviceID: vfioDev.DeviceID,
Bus: vfioDev.Bus,
return devices
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendRNGDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, rngDev config.RNGDev) ([]govmmQemu.Device, error) {
devices = append(devices,
ID: rngDev.ID,
Filename: rngDev.Filename,
return devices, nil
func (q *qemuArchBase) handleImagePath(config HypervisorConfig) {
if config.ImagePath != "" {
kernelRootParams := commonVirtioblkKernelRootParams
if !q.disableNvdimm {
for i := range q.supportedQemuMachines {
q.supportedQemuMachines[i].Options = strings.Join([]string{
}, ",")
if q.dax {
kernelRootParams = commonNvdimmKernelRootParams
} else {
kernelRootParams = commonNvdimmNoDAXKernelRootParams
q.kernelParams = append(q.kernelParams, kernelRootParams...)
q.kernelParamsNonDebug = append(q.kernelParamsNonDebug, kernelParamsSystemdNonDebug...)
q.kernelParamsDebug = append(q.kernelParamsDebug, kernelParamsSystemdDebug...)
func (q *qemuArchBase) supportGuestMemoryHotplug() bool {
return true
func (q *qemuArchBase) setIgnoreSharedMemoryMigrationCaps(ctx context.Context, qmp *govmmQemu.QMP) error {
err := qmp.ExecSetMigrationCaps(ctx, []map[string]interface{}{
"capability": qmpCapMigrationIgnoreShared,
"state": true,
return err
func (q *qemuArchBase) addDeviceToBridge(ID string, t types.Type) (string, types.Bridge, error) {
var err error
var addr uint32
if len(q.Bridges) == 0 {
return "", types.Bridge{}, errors.New("failed to get available address from bridges")
// looking for an empty address in the bridges
for _, b := range q.Bridges {
if t != b.Type {
addr, err = b.AddDevice(ID)
if err == nil {
switch t {
case types.CCW:
return fmt.Sprintf("%04x", addr), b, nil
case types.PCI, types.PCIE:
return fmt.Sprintf("%02x", addr), b, nil
return "", types.Bridge{}, fmt.Errorf("no more bridge slots available")
func (q *qemuArchBase) removeDeviceFromBridge(ID string) error {
var err error
for _, b := range q.Bridges {
err = b.RemoveDevice(ID)
if err == nil {
// device was removed correctly
return nil
return err
func (q *qemuArchBase) getBridges() []types.Bridge {
return q.Bridges
func (q *qemuArchBase) setBridges(bridges []types.Bridge) {
q.Bridges = bridges
func (q *qemuArchBase) addBridge(b types.Bridge) {
q.Bridges = append(q.Bridges, b)
// appendPCIeRootPortDevice appends to devices the given pcie-root-port
func (q *qemuArchBase) appendPCIeRootPortDevice(devices []govmmQemu.Device, number uint32) []govmmQemu.Device {
return genericAppendPCIeRootPort(devices, number, q.machineType)
