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maps.log 10.97 KB
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Milenko Fadic 提交于 2016-09-05 11:05 . First commit
name: <unnamed>
log: C:\Users\Milfadic\Desktop\Maps\maps.log
log type: text
opened on: 3 Sep 2016, 15:17:21
. cap ssc install scmap /*Install it if
> you dont have one*/
. cap ssc install shp2dta
. /*Creates the STAT files from shapefiles
> - They are already created in the FOLDER*/
. cd "C:\Users\Milfadic\Desktop\Maps\\GIS"
. shp2dta using prov2011_g.shp, database(i
> tdb_prov) coordinates(itcoord_prov) gencentroids(stub)
> genid(center)
type: 5
. shp2dta using com2011_g.shp, database(it
> db_com) coordinates(itcoord_com) gencentroids(stub) ge
> nid(center)
type: 5
. shp2dta using reg2011_g.shp, database(it
> db_reg) coordinates(itcoord_reg) gencentroids(stub) ge
> nid(center)
type: 5
. clear
. cd "C:\Users\Milfadic\Desktop\Maps\" /*Setting Diretory
> Again*/
. /*Import and create the indicators*/
. local provindicators "delimited Data\2010_Provin
> ce_Fabbisogni_caratteristiche_prestazioni_generali.csv,
> delimiter(";")"
. import `provindicators'
(3 vars, 83 obs)
. save "Data\indicators", replace
file Data\indicators.dta saved
. /*Import and create the province level informati
> on from OPennCivitas*/
. clear
. local enti "excel Data\Metadati_Enti.xlsx, sheet
> ("Comuni_Province") firstrow"
. import `enti'
> _DENOMINAZIONE PROVINCIA_DES /*Keeping variables we n
> eed*/
. gen COD_PRO=real(PROVINCIA_ISTAT_COD ) /*Transf
> orm from String to Number*/
(1402 missing values generated)
> rmation is at city level, we use province level */
. save "data\prov_inf", replace
file data\prov_inf.dta saved
. /*Load dataset*/
. use "data\indicators", clear
. rename provincia_istat_cod COD_PRO
. merge 1:1 COD_PRO using "data\prov_inf"
> /*Merge with Province info*/
(note: variable COD_PRO was int, now float to
accommodate using data's values)
Result # of obs.
not matched 4
from master 0 (_merge==1)
from using 4 (_merge==2)
matched 83 (_merge==3)
. keep if _merge==3
(4 observations deleted)
. drop _merge
. merge 1:1 COD_PRO using "GIS\itdb_prov"
> /*Merge with Province info from GIS file*/
Result # of obs.
not matched 27
from master 0 (_merge==1)
from using 27 (_merge==2)
matched 83 (_merge==3)
. rename COD_PRO province_code
. /*Normalize the DATA*/
. su ind3, de
> ---
Percentiles Smallest
1% -49.17952 -49.17952
5% -34.57498 -38.83821
10% -27.62422 -37.56331 Obs
> 83
25% -19.2606 -37.17261 Sum of Wgt.
> 83
50% -4.887587 Mean -1.347
> 657
Largest Std. Dev. 22.68
> 329
75% 16.05354 35.20163
90% 26.81269 51.05528 Variance 514.5
> 317
95% 32.42577 53.84278 Skewness .5137
> 033
99% 69.37602 69.37602 Kurtosis 3.203
> 955
. local avg=r(mean)
. local sd=r(sd)
. gen indicator=(ind3-`avg')/`sd'
(27 missing values generated)
. /*Now We map All Of Province Code */
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(c
> enter)
. graph export "Output\map_1.png", as(png) replace
(file Output\map_1.png written in PNG format)
. /*Now We map All Of Province Code with Color */
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(ce
> nter) ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize(none) clmetho
> d(quantile)
. graph export "Output\map_2.png", as(png) replace
(file Output\map_2.png written in PNG format)
. /*Conditioning on some provinces */
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" if cen
> ter==1 | center==2 | center==3, id(center) ///
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize(thick thick)
. /*Osize is the outline of the ma
> p*/
. /*We can control how each set of
> labels and how thick is the outliner for each one*/
. /*Adding Titles*/
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(c
> enter) ///
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize(thick thick
> thick thick thick) /*Osize is the outline of the map*/
. /*Conditioning on some provinces-Changing Legend */
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(c
> enter) ///
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs" ) subti
> tle("From Open Civitas") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize( thin) ///
> /*Osize is the outline of the map*/
> clbreaks( -1 0 1 2 ) ///
> legend(label(2 "Less than -1") label(3 "
> Between -1 and 0" ) ///
> label(4 "Between 0 and 1" ) label(5 "Mo
> re than 1" ) ) ///
> legtitle("Legend")
. /*Superimposing */
. preserve
. keep center NOME_PRO x_stub y_stub
. tempfile file
. save "data\basemap_part.dta", replace
file data\basemap_part.dta saved
. restore
. /*Map of communities- Adding the centroid */
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(center) /
> //
> fcolor(Blues) osize( thin) ///
> /*Osize is the outline of the map*/
> point( xcoord( x_stub) ycoord( y_stub)
> size( vsmall ) )
. graph export "Output\map_3A.png", as(png
> ) replace
(file Output\map_3A.png written in PNG format)
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(center) /
> //
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs" ) subti
> tle("Open Civitas") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize( thin) ///
> /*Osize is the outline of the map*/
> clbreaks( -1 0 1 2 ) ///
> legend(label(2 "Less than -1") label(3 "
> Between -1 and 0" ) ///
> label(4 "Between 0 and 1" ) label(5 "Mo
> re than 1" ) ) ///
> legtitle("Legend") ///
> point( xcoord( x_stub) ycoord( y_stub)
> size( vsmall ) )
. graph export "Output\map_3b.png", as(png) replac
> e
(file Output\map_3b.png written in PNG format)
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(center) /
> //
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs" ) subti
> tle("From Open Civitas") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize( thin) ///
> /*Osize is the outline of the map*/
> clbreaks( -1 0 1 2 ) ///
> legend(label(2 "Less than -1") label(3 "
> Between -1 and 0" ) ///
> label(4 "Between 0 and 1" ) label(5 "Mo
> re than 1" ) ) ///
> legtitle("Legend") ///
> point( xcoord( x_stub) ycoord( y_stub)
> size( vsmall ) ) ///
> label(data("data\basemap_part.dta") xcoo
> rd( x_stub) ycoord(y_stub) ///
> label(NOME_PRO) size(*0.5 ..) position(0
> 6) length(26))
. graph export "Output\map_4.png", as(png)
> replace
(file Output\map_4.png written in PNG format)
. /*Map of communities- SUPERIMPOSE Regional Map*/
. preserve
. use "gis\itcoord_reg", clear
. rename _ID center
. merge m:1 center using "gis\itdb_reg"
Result # of obs.
not matched 0
matched 78,502 (_merge==3)
. rename center _ID
. save "data\basemap_reg.dta", replace
file data\basemap_reg.dta saved
. restore
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(center) /
> //
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs" ) subti
> tle("From Open Civitas") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize( thin) ///
> /*Osize is the outline of the map*/
> clbreaks( -1 0 1 2 ) ///
> legend(label(2 "Less than -1") label(3 "
> Between -1 and 0" ) ///
> label(4 "Between 0 and 1" ) label(5 "Mo
> re than 1" ) ) ///
> legtitle("Legend") ///
> polygon (data("data\basemap_reg.dta") oc
> olor(gs14) osize(thick))
. graph export "Output\map_5.png", as(png) replace
(file Output\map_5.png written in PNG format)
. /*Map of communities- SUPERIMPOSE Regional Map, dissolve
> provincial borders*/
. preserve
. use "gis\itcoord_reg", clear
. rename _ID center
. merge m:1 center using "gis\itdb_reg"
Result # of obs.
not matched 0
matched 78,502 (_merge==3)
. keep if center<10
(43461 observations deleted)
. rename center _ID
. save "data\basemap_reg_part.dta", replace
file data\basemap_reg_part.dta saved
. restore
. spmap indicator using "GIS\itcoord_prov" , id(center) /
> //
> title ( "Index of Expenditure Vs. Needs" ) subti
> tle("From Open Civitas") ///
> fcolor(Blues) osize(thin) ocolor(none no
> ne none none) /// /*Osize is the outline o
> f the map*/
> clbreaks( -1 0 1 2 ) ///
> legend(label(2 "Less than -1") label(3 "
> Between -1 and 0" ) ///
> label(4 "Between 0 and 1" ) label(5 "More than 1" ) )
> ///
> legtitle("Legend") ///
> polygon (data("data\basemap_reg_part.dta
> ") ocolor(black) osize(thick))
. graph export "Output\map_6.png", as(png) replace
(file Output\map_6.png written in PNG format)
end of do-file
马建仓 AI 助手


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