

Lily 暂无简介


    704 MindSpore / serving

    A lightweight and high-performance service module that helps MindSpore developers efficiently deploy online inference services in the production environment.

    最近更新: 2个月前

    684 MindSpore / hub

    MindSpore Hub is a pre-trained model application tool of the MindSpore ecosystem, serving as a channel for model developers and application developers.

    最近更新: 6个月前

    1K MindSpore / course

    MindSpore实验,仅用于教学或培训目的。配合MindSpore官网使用。 MindSpore experiments, for teaching or training purposes only. Use it together with the MindSpore official website.

    最近更新: 6个月前

    55 MindSpore / xai

    eXplainable AI on MindSpore.

    最近更新: 7个月前

    43 MindSpore / ide-plugin

    MindSpore Dev Toolkit 是一个面向MindSpore开发者的开发套件。提供包括工程管理、安装环境、智能代码补全、智能知识搜索、算子互搜等一系列全方位辅助功能。全面提升MindSpore框架的易用性。

    最近更新: 7个月前

    55 MindSpore / graphlearning

    MindSpore Graph Learning is an efficient and easy-to-use graph learning framework, which allows researchers and developers to implement graph models according to formula easily and train efficiently.

    最近更新: 7个月前

    75 MindSpore / contrib

    This repository contains reviewed implementations of ideas from recent artificial intelligence papers base on MindSpore.

    最近更新: 1年多前

    611 MindSpore / book

    The code repository stores the complete practice code in 'Introduction DeepLearning with MindSpore'.

    最近更新: 接近2年前

    647 MindSpore / ms-operator

    MindSpore on Kubernetes

    最近更新: 接近2年前

    26 MindSpore / darglint

    A python documentation linter which checks that the docstring description matches the definition.

    最近更新: 2年多前


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