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env.go 6.72 KB
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package commands
import (
const (
envTmpl = `{{ .Prefix }}DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY{{ .Delimiter }}{{ .DockerTLSVerify }}{{ .Suffix }}{{ .Prefix }}DOCKER_HOST{{ .Delimiter }}{{ .DockerHost }}{{ .Suffix }}{{ .Prefix }}DOCKER_CERT_PATH{{ .Delimiter }}{{ .DockerCertPath }}{{ .Suffix }}{{ .Prefix }}DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME{{ .Delimiter }}{{ .MachineName }}{{ .Suffix }}{{ if .ComposePathsVar }}{{ .Prefix }}COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS{{ .Delimiter }}true{{ .Suffix }}{{end}}{{ if .NoProxyVar }}{{ .Prefix }}{{ .NoProxyVar }}{{ .Delimiter }}{{ .NoProxyValue }}{{ .Suffix }}{{end}}{{ .UsageHint }}`
var (
errImproperUnsetEnvArgs = errors.New("Error: Expected no machine name when the -u flag is present")
defaultUsageHinter UsageHintGenerator
runtimeOS = func() string { return runtime.GOOS }
func init() {
defaultUsageHinter = &EnvUsageHintGenerator{}
type ShellConfig struct {
Prefix string
Delimiter string
Suffix string
DockerCertPath string
DockerHost string
DockerTLSVerify string
UsageHint string
MachineName string
NoProxyVar string
NoProxyValue string
ComposePathsVar bool
func cmdEnv(c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) error {
var (
err error
shellCfg *ShellConfig
// Ensure that log messages always go to stderr when this command is
// being run (it is intended to be run in a subshell)
if c.Bool("unset") {
shellCfg, err = shellCfgUnset(c, api)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
shellCfg, err = shellCfgSet(c, api)
if err != nil {
return err
return executeTemplateStdout(shellCfg)
func shellCfgSet(c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) (*ShellConfig, error) {
if len(c.Args()) > 1 {
return nil, ErrExpectedOneMachine
target, err := targetHost(c, api)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
host, err := api.Load(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dockerHost, _, err := check.DefaultConnChecker.Check(host, c.Bool("swarm"))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error checking TLS connection: %s", err)
userShell, err := getShell(c.String("shell"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shellCfg := &ShellConfig{
DockerCertPath: filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), host.Name),
DockerHost: dockerHost,
DockerTLSVerify: "1",
UsageHint: defaultUsageHinter.GenerateUsageHint(userShell, os.Args),
MachineName: host.Name,
if c.Bool("no-proxy") {
ip, err := host.Driver.GetIP()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting host IP: %s", err)
noProxyVar, noProxyValue := findNoProxyFromEnv()
// add the docker host to the no_proxy list idempotently
switch {
case noProxyValue == "":
noProxyValue = ip
case strings.Contains(noProxyValue, ip):
//ip already in no_proxy list, nothing to do
noProxyValue = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", noProxyValue, ip)
shellCfg.NoProxyVar = noProxyVar
shellCfg.NoProxyValue = noProxyValue
if runtimeOS() == "windows" {
shellCfg.ComposePathsVar = true
switch userShell {
case "fish":
shellCfg.Prefix = "set -gx "
shellCfg.Suffix = "\";\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = " \""
case "powershell":
shellCfg.Prefix = "$Env:"
shellCfg.Suffix = "\"\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = " = \""
case "cmd":
shellCfg.Prefix = "SET "
shellCfg.Suffix = "\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = "="
case "tcsh":
shellCfg.Prefix = "setenv "
shellCfg.Suffix = "\";\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = " \""
case "emacs":
shellCfg.Prefix = "(setenv \""
shellCfg.Suffix = "\")\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = "\" \""
shellCfg.Prefix = "export "
shellCfg.Suffix = "\"\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = "=\""
return shellCfg, nil
func shellCfgUnset(c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) (*ShellConfig, error) {
if len(c.Args()) != 0 {
return nil, errImproperUnsetEnvArgs
userShell, err := getShell(c.String("shell"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shellCfg := &ShellConfig{
UsageHint: defaultUsageHinter.GenerateUsageHint(userShell, os.Args),
if c.Bool("no-proxy") {
shellCfg.NoProxyVar, shellCfg.NoProxyValue = findNoProxyFromEnv()
switch userShell {
case "fish":
shellCfg.Prefix = "set -e "
shellCfg.Suffix = ";\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = ""
case "powershell":
shellCfg.Prefix = `Remove-Item Env:\\`
shellCfg.Suffix = "\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = ""
case "cmd":
shellCfg.Prefix = "SET "
shellCfg.Suffix = "\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = "="
case "emacs":
shellCfg.Prefix = "(setenv \""
shellCfg.Suffix = ")\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = "\" nil"
case "tcsh":
shellCfg.Prefix = "unsetenv "
shellCfg.Suffix = ";\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = ""
shellCfg.Prefix = "unset "
shellCfg.Suffix = "\n"
shellCfg.Delimiter = ""
return shellCfg, nil
func executeTemplateStdout(shellCfg *ShellConfig) error {
t := template.New("envConfig")
tmpl, err := t.Parse(envTmpl)
if err != nil {
return err
return tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, shellCfg)
func getShell(userShell string) (string, error) {
if userShell != "" {
return userShell, nil
return shell.Detect()
func findNoProxyFromEnv() (string, string) {
// first check for an existing lower case no_proxy var
noProxyVar := "no_proxy"
noProxyValue := os.Getenv("no_proxy")
// otherwise default to allcaps HTTP_PROXY
if noProxyValue == "" {
noProxyVar = "NO_PROXY"
noProxyValue = os.Getenv("NO_PROXY")
return noProxyVar, noProxyValue
type UsageHintGenerator interface {
GenerateUsageHint(string, []string) string
type EnvUsageHintGenerator struct{}
func (g *EnvUsageHintGenerator) GenerateUsageHint(userShell string, args []string) string {
cmd := ""
comment := "#"
dockerMachinePath := args[0]
if strings.Contains(dockerMachinePath, " ") || strings.Contains(dockerMachinePath, `\`) {
args[0] = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", dockerMachinePath)
commandLine := strings.Join(args, " ")
switch userShell {
case "fish":
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("eval (%s)", commandLine)
case "powershell":
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("& %s | Invoke-Expression", commandLine)
case "cmd":
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("\t@FOR /f \"tokens=*\" %%i IN ('%s') DO @%%i", commandLine)
comment = "REM"
case "emacs":
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("(with-temp-buffer (shell-command \"%s\" (current-buffer)) (eval-buffer))", commandLine)
comment = ";;"
case "tcsh":
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("eval `%s`", commandLine)
comment = ":"
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("eval $(%s)", commandLine)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s Run this command to configure your shell: \n%s %s\n", comment, comment, cmd)
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