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commands.go 12.74 KB
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David Gageot 提交于 2015-10-21 21:03 . Report VirtualBox errors
package commands
import (
var (
ErrUnknownShell = errors.New("Error: Unknown shell")
ErrNoMachineSpecified = errors.New("Error: Expected to get one or more machine names as arguments.")
ErrExpectedOneMachine = errors.New("Error: Expected one machine name as an argument.")
RpcClientDriversCh = make(chan *rpcdriver.RpcClientDriver)
RpcDriversClosedCh = make(chan bool)
func newPluginDriver(driverName string, rawContent []byte) (*rpcdriver.RpcClientDriver, error) {
d, err := rpcdriver.NewRpcClientDriver(rawContent, driverName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
RpcClientDriversCh <- d
return d, nil
func DeferClosePluginServers() {
rpcClientDrivers := []*rpcdriver.RpcClientDriver{}
for d := range RpcClientDriversCh {
rpcClientDrivers = append(rpcClientDrivers, d)
doneCh := make(chan bool)
for _, d := range rpcClientDrivers {
d := d
go func() {
if err := d.Close(); err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error closing connection to plugin server: %s", err)
doneCh <- true
for range rpcClientDrivers {
RpcDriversClosedCh <- true
func fatal(args ...interface{}) {
func fatalf(fmtString string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Fatalf(fmtString, args...)
func confirmInput(msg string) bool {
fmt.Printf("%s (y/n): ", msg)
var resp string
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&resp)
if err != nil {
if strings.Index(strings.ToLower(resp), "y") == 0 {
return true
return false
func getStore(c *cli.Context) persist.Store {
certInfo := getCertPathInfoFromContext(c)
return &persist.Filestore{
Path: c.GlobalString("storage-path"),
CaCertPath: certInfo.CaCertPath,
CaPrivateKeyPath: certInfo.CaPrivateKeyPath,
func listHosts(store persist.Store) ([]*host.Host, error) {
cliHosts := []*host.Host{}
hosts, err := store.List()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to list hosts from store: %s", err)
for _, h := range hosts {
d, err := newPluginDriver(h.DriverName, h.RawDriver)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to invoke binary for plugin '%s': %s", h.DriverName, err)
h.Driver = d
cliHosts = append(cliHosts, h)
return cliHosts, nil
func loadHost(store persist.Store, hostName string) (*host.Host, error) {
h, err := store.Load(hostName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Loading host from store failed: %s", err)
d, err := newPluginDriver(h.DriverName, h.RawDriver)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to invoke binary for plugin: %s", err)
h.Driver = d
return h, nil
func saveHost(store persist.Store, h *host.Host) error {
if err := store.Save(h); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to save host to store: %s", err)
return nil
func getFirstArgHost(c *cli.Context) *host.Host {
store := getStore(c)
hostName := c.Args().First()
exists, err := store.Exists(hostName)
if err != nil {
fatalf("Error checking if host %q exists: %s", hostName, err)
if !exists {
fatalf("Host %q does not exist", hostName)
h, err := loadHost(store, hostName)
if err != nil {
// I guess I feel OK with bailing here since if we can't get
// the host reliably we're definitely not going to be able to
// do anything else interesting, but also this premature exit
// feels wrong to me. Let's revisit it later.
fatalf("Error trying to get host %q: %s", hostName, err)
return h
func getHostsFromContext(c *cli.Context) ([]*host.Host, error) {
store := getStore(c)
hosts := []*host.Host{}
for _, hostName := range c.Args() {
h, err := loadHost(store, hostName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not load host %q: %s", hostName, err)
hosts = append(hosts, h)
return hosts, nil
var Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "active",
Usage: "Print which machine is active",
Action: cmdActive,
Name: "config",
Usage: "Print the connection config for machine",
Description: "Argument is a machine name.",
Action: cmdConfig,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "swarm",
Usage: "Display the Swarm config instead of the Docker daemon",
Flags: sharedCreateFlags,
Name: "create",
Usage: "Create a machine.\n\nSpecify a driver with --driver to include the create flags for that driver in the help text.",
Action: cmdCreateOuter,
SkipFlagParsing: true,
Name: "env",
Usage: "Display the commands to set up the environment for the Docker client",
Description: "Argument is a machine name.",
Action: cmdEnv,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "swarm",
Usage: "Display the Swarm config instead of the Docker daemon",
Name: "shell",
Usage: "Force environment to be configured for specified shell",
Name: "unset, u",
Usage: "Unset variables instead of setting them",
Name: "no-proxy",
Usage: "Add machine IP to NO_PROXY environment variable",
Name: "inspect",
Usage: "Inspect information about a machine",
Description: "Argument is a machine name.",
Action: cmdInspect,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "format, f",
Usage: "Format the output using the given go template.",
Value: "",
Name: "ip",
Usage: "Get the IP address of a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdIp,
Name: "kill",
Usage: "Kill a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdKill,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "quiet, q",
Usage: "Enable quiet mode",
Name: "filter",
Usage: "Filter output based on conditions provided",
Value: &cli.StringSlice{},
Name: "ls",
Usage: "List machines",
Action: cmdLs,
Name: "regenerate-certs",
Usage: "Regenerate TLS Certificates for a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdRegenerateCerts,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "force, f",
Usage: "Force rebuild and do not prompt",
Name: "restart",
Usage: "Restart a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdRestart,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "force, f",
Usage: "Remove local configuration even if machine cannot be removed",
Name: "rm",
Usage: "Remove a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdRm,
Name: "ssh",
Usage: "Log into or run a command on a machine with SSH.",
Description: "Arguments are [machine-name] [command]",
Action: cmdSsh,
SkipFlagParsing: true,
Name: "scp",
Usage: "Copy files between machines",
Description: "Arguments are [machine:][path] [machine:][path].",
Action: cmdScp,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "recursive, r",
Usage: "Copy files recursively (required to copy directories)",
Name: "start",
Usage: "Start a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdStart,
Name: "status",
Usage: "Get the status of a machine",
Description: "Argument is a machine name.",
Action: cmdStatus,
Name: "stop",
Usage: "Stop a machine",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdStop,
Name: "upgrade",
Usage: "Upgrade a machine to the latest version of Docker",
Description: "Argument(s) are one or more machine names.",
Action: cmdUpgrade,
Name: "url",
Usage: "Get the URL of a machine",
Description: "Argument is a machine name.",
Action: cmdUrl,
func printIP(h *host.Host) func() error {
return func() error {
ip, err := h.Driver.GetIP()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting IP address: %s", err)
return nil
// machineCommand maps the command name to the corresponding machine command.
// We run commands concurrently and communicate back an error if there was one.
func machineCommand(actionName string, host *host.Host, errorChan chan<- error) {
// TODO: These actions should have their own type.
commands := map[string](func() error){
"configureAuth": host.ConfigureAuth,
"start": host.Start,
"stop": host.Stop,
"restart": host.Restart,
"kill": host.Kill,
"upgrade": host.Upgrade,
"ip": printIP(host),
log.Debugf("command=%s machine=%s", actionName, host.Name)
errorChan <- commands[actionName]()
// runActionForeachMachine will run the command across multiple machines
func runActionForeachMachine(actionName string, machines []*host.Host) []error {
var (
numConcurrentActions = 0
serialMachines = []*host.Host{}
errorChan = make(chan error)
errs = []error{}
for _, machine := range machines {
// Virtualbox is temperamental about doing things concurrently,
// so we schedule the actions in a "queue" to be executed serially
// after the concurrent actions are scheduled.
switch machine.DriverName {
case "virtualbox":
machine := machine
serialMachines = append(serialMachines, machine)
go machineCommand(actionName, machine, errorChan)
// While the concurrent actions are running,
// do the serial actions. As the name implies,
// these run one at a time.
for _, machine := range serialMachines {
serialChan := make(chan error)
go machineCommand(actionName, machine, serialChan)
if err := <-serialChan; err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
// TODO: We should probably only do 5-10 of these
// at a time, since otherwise cloud providers might
// rate limit us.
for i := 0; i < numConcurrentActions; i++ {
if err := <-errorChan; err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return errs
func consolidateErrs(errs []error) error {
finalErr := ""
for _, err := range errs {
finalErr = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", finalErr, err)
return errors.New(strings.TrimSpace(finalErr))
func runActionWithContext(actionName string, c *cli.Context) error {
store := getStore(c)
hosts, err := getHostsFromContext(c)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(hosts) == 0 {
return ErrNoMachineSpecified
if errs := runActionForeachMachine(actionName, hosts); len(errs) > 0 {
return consolidateErrs(errs)
for _, h := range hosts {
if err := saveHost(store, h); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error saving host to store: %s", err)
return nil
// Returns the cert paths.
// codegangsta/cli will not set the cert paths if the storage-path is set to
// something different so we cannot use the paths in the global options. le
// sigh.
func getCertPathInfoFromContext(c *cli.Context) cert.CertPathInfo {
caCertPath := c.GlobalString("tls-ca-cert")
caKeyPath := c.GlobalString("tls-ca-key")
clientCertPath := c.GlobalString("tls-client-cert")
clientKeyPath := c.GlobalString("tls-client-key")
if caCertPath == "" {
caCertPath = filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "ca.pem")
if caKeyPath == "" {
caKeyPath = filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "ca-key.pem")
if clientCertPath == "" {
clientCertPath = filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "cert.pem")
if clientKeyPath == "" {
clientKeyPath = filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "key.pem")
return cert.CertPathInfo{
CaCertPath: caCertPath,
CaPrivateKeyPath: caKeyPath,
ClientCertPath: clientCertPath,
ClientKeyPath: clientKeyPath,
func detectShell() (string, error) {
// attempt to get the SHELL env var
shell := filepath.Base(os.Getenv("SHELL"))
log.Debugf("shell: %s", shell)
if shell == "" {
// check for windows env and not bash (i.e. msysgit, etc)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
log.Printf("On Windows, please specify either 'cmd' or 'powershell' with the --shell flag.\n\n")
return "", ErrUnknownShell
return shell, nil
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