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manager.go 10.87 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package multichain
import (
configtxapi "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/configtx/api"
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
var logger = logging.MustGetLogger("orderer/multichain")
const (
msgVersion = int32(0)
epoch = 0
// Manager coordinates the creation and access of chains
type Manager interface {
// GetChain retrieves the chain support for a chain (and whether it exists)
GetChain(chainID string) (ChainSupport, bool)
// SystemChannelID returns the channel ID for the system channel
SystemChannelID() string
// NewChannelConfig returns a bare bones configuration ready for channel
// creation request to be applied on top of it
NewChannelConfig(envConfigUpdate *cb.Envelope) (configtxapi.Manager, error)
type configResources struct {
func (cr *configResources) SharedConfig() config.Orderer {
return cr.OrdererConfig()
type ledgerResources struct {
ledger ledger.ReadWriter
type multiLedger struct {
chains map[string]*chainSupport
consenters map[string]Consenter
ledgerFactory ledger.Factory
signer crypto.LocalSigner
systemChannelID string
systemChannel *chainSupport
func getConfigTx(reader ledger.Reader) *cb.Envelope {
lastBlock := ledger.GetBlock(reader, reader.Height()-1)
index, err := utils.GetLastConfigIndexFromBlock(lastBlock)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Chain did not have appropriately encoded last config in its latest block: %s", err)
configBlock := ledger.GetBlock(reader, index)
if configBlock == nil {
logger.Panicf("Config block does not exist")
return utils.ExtractEnvelopeOrPanic(configBlock, 0)
// NewManagerImpl produces an instance of a Manager
func NewManagerImpl(ledgerFactory ledger.Factory, consenters map[string]Consenter, signer crypto.LocalSigner) Manager {
ml := &multiLedger{
chains: make(map[string]*chainSupport),
ledgerFactory: ledgerFactory,
consenters: consenters,
signer: signer,
existingChains := ledgerFactory.ChainIDs()
for _, chainID := range existingChains {
rl, err := ledgerFactory.GetOrCreate(chainID)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Ledger factory reported chainID %s but could not retrieve it: %s", chainID, err)
configTx := getConfigTx(rl)
if configTx == nil {
logger.Panicf("Could not find config transaction for chain %s", chainID)
ledgerResources := ml.newLedgerResources(configTx)
chainID := ledgerResources.ChainID()
if _, ok := ledgerResources.ConsortiumsConfig(); ok {
if ml.systemChannelID != "" {
logger.Panicf("There appear to be two system chains %s and %s", ml.systemChannelID, chainID)
chain := newChainSupport(createSystemChainFilters(ml, ledgerResources),
logger.Infof("Starting with system channel %s and orderer type %s", chainID, chain.SharedConfig().ConsensusType())
ml.chains[string(chainID)] = chain
ml.systemChannelID = chainID
ml.systemChannel = chain
// We delay starting this chain, as it might try to copy and replace the chains map via newChain before the map is fully built
defer chain.start()
} else {
logger.Debugf("Starting chain: %s", chainID)
chain := newChainSupport(createStandardFilters(ledgerResources),
ml.chains[string(chainID)] = chain
if ml.systemChannelID == "" {
logger.Panicf("No system chain found. If bootstrapping, does your system channel contain a consortiums group definition?")
return ml
func (ml *multiLedger) SystemChannelID() string {
return ml.systemChannelID
// GetChain retrieves the chain support for a chain (and whether it exists)
func (ml *multiLedger) GetChain(chainID string) (ChainSupport, bool) {
cs, ok := ml.chains[chainID]
return cs, ok
func (ml *multiLedger) newLedgerResources(configTx *cb.Envelope) *ledgerResources {
initializer := configtx.NewInitializer()
configManager, err := configtx.NewManagerImpl(configTx, initializer, nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Error creating configtx manager and handlers: %s", err)
chainID := configManager.ChainID()
ledger, err := ml.ledgerFactory.GetOrCreate(chainID)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Error getting ledger for %s", chainID)
return &ledgerResources{
configResources: &configResources{Manager: configManager},
ledger: ledger,
func (ml *multiLedger) newChain(configtx *cb.Envelope) {
ledgerResources := ml.newLedgerResources(configtx)
ledgerResources.ledger.Append(ledger.CreateNextBlock(ledgerResources.ledger, []*cb.Envelope{configtx}))
// Copy the map to allow concurrent reads from broadcast/deliver while the new chainSupport is
newChains := make(map[string]*chainSupport)
for key, value := range ml.chains {
newChains[key] = value
cs := newChainSupport(createStandardFilters(ledgerResources), ledgerResources, ml.consenters, ml.signer)
chainID := ledgerResources.ChainID()
logger.Infof("Created and starting new chain %s", chainID)
newChains[string(chainID)] = cs
ml.chains = newChains
func (ml *multiLedger) channelsCount() int {
return len(ml.chains)
func (ml *multiLedger) NewChannelConfig(envConfigUpdate *cb.Envelope) (configtxapi.Manager, error) {
configUpdatePayload, err := utils.UnmarshalPayload(envConfigUpdate.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failing initial channel config creation because of payload unmarshaling error: %s", err)
configUpdateEnv, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigUpdateEnvelope(configUpdatePayload.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failing initial channel config creation because of config update envelope unmarshaling error: %s", err)
configUpdate, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigUpdate(configUpdateEnv.ConfigUpdate)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failing initial channel config creation because of config update unmarshaling error: %s", err)
if configUpdate.WriteSet == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Config update has an empty writeset")
if configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups == nil || configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups[config.ApplicationGroupKey] == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Config update has missing application group")
if uv := configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups[config.ApplicationGroupKey].Version; uv != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Config update for channel creation does not set application group version to 1, was %d", uv)
consortiumConfigValue, ok := configUpdate.WriteSet.Values[config.ConsortiumKey]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Consortium config value missing")
consortium := &cb.Consortium{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(consortiumConfigValue.Value, consortium)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading unmarshaling consortium name: %s", err)
applicationGroup := cb.NewConfigGroup()
consortiumsConfig, ok := ml.systemChannel.ConsortiumsConfig()
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The ordering system channel does not appear to support creating channels")
consortiumConf, ok := consortiumsConfig.Consortiums()[consortium.Name]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown consortium name: %s", consortium.Name)
applicationGroup.Policies[config.ChannelCreationPolicyKey] = &cb.ConfigPolicy{
Policy: consortiumConf.ChannelCreationPolicy(),
applicationGroup.ModPolicy = config.ChannelCreationPolicyKey
// Get the current system channel config
systemChannelGroup := ml.systemChannel.ConfigEnvelope().Config.ChannelGroup
// If the consortium group has no members, allow the source request to have no members. However,
// if the consortium group has any members, there must be at least one member in the source request
if len(systemChannelGroup.Groups[config.ConsortiumsGroupKey].Groups[consortium.Name].Groups) > 0 &&
len(configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups[config.ApplicationGroupKey].Groups) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Proposed configuration has no application group members, but consortium contains members")
// If the consortium has no members, allow the source request to contain arbitrary members
// Otherwise, require that the supplied members are a subset of the consortium members
if len(systemChannelGroup.Groups[config.ConsortiumsGroupKey].Groups[consortium.Name].Groups) > 0 {
for orgName := range configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups[config.ApplicationGroupKey].Groups {
consortiumGroup, ok := systemChannelGroup.Groups[config.ConsortiumsGroupKey].Groups[consortium.Name].Groups[orgName]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempted to include a member which is not in the consortium")
applicationGroup.Groups[orgName] = consortiumGroup
channelGroup := cb.NewConfigGroup()
// Copy the system channel Channel level config to the new config
for key, value := range systemChannelGroup.Values {
channelGroup.Values[key] = value
if key == config.ConsortiumKey {
// Do not set the consortium name, we do this later
for key, policy := range systemChannelGroup.Policies {
channelGroup.Policies[key] = policy
// Set the new config orderer group to the system channel orderer group and the application group to the new application group
channelGroup.Groups[config.OrdererGroupKey] = systemChannelGroup.Groups[config.OrdererGroupKey]
channelGroup.Groups[config.ApplicationGroupKey] = applicationGroup
channelGroup.Values[config.ConsortiumKey] = config.TemplateConsortium(consortium.Name).Values[config.ConsortiumKey]
templateConfig, _ := utils.CreateSignedEnvelope(cb.HeaderType_CONFIG, configUpdate.ChannelId, ml.signer, &cb.ConfigEnvelope{
Config: &cb.Config{
ChannelGroup: channelGroup,
}, msgVersion, epoch)
initializer := configtx.NewInitializer()
// This is a very hacky way to disable the sanity check logging in the policy manager
// for the template configuration, but it is the least invasive near a release
pm, ok := initializer.PolicyManager().(*policies.ManagerImpl)
if ok {
pm.SuppressSanityLogMessages = true
defer func() {
pm.SuppressSanityLogMessages = false
return configtx.NewManagerImpl(templateConfig, initializer, nil)
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