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chain.go 19.53 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package kafka
import (
localconfig "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/localconfig"
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
ab "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/orderer"
// Used for capturing metrics -- see processMessagesToBlocks
const (
indexRecvError = iota
func newChain(consenter commonConsenter, support multichain.ConsenterSupport, lastOffsetPersisted int64) (*chainImpl, error) {
lastCutBlockNumber := getLastCutBlockNumber(support.Height())
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Starting chain with last persisted offset %d and last recorded block %d",
support.ChainID(), lastOffsetPersisted, lastCutBlockNumber)
errorChan := make(chan struct{})
close(errorChan) // We need this closed when starting up
return &chainImpl{
consenter: consenter,
support: support,
channel: newChannel(support.ChainID(), defaultPartition),
lastOffsetPersisted: lastOffsetPersisted,
lastCutBlockNumber: lastCutBlockNumber,
errorChan: errorChan,
haltChan: make(chan struct{}),
startChan: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
type chainImpl struct {
consenter commonConsenter
support multichain.ConsenterSupport
channel channel
lastOffsetPersisted int64
lastCutBlockNumber uint64
producer sarama.SyncProducer
parentConsumer sarama.Consumer
channelConsumer sarama.PartitionConsumer
// When the partition consumer errors, close the channel. Otherwise, make
// this an open, unbuffered channel.
errorChan chan struct{}
// When a Halt() request comes, close the channel. Unlike errorChan, this
// channel never re-opens when closed. Its closing triggers the exit of the
// processMessagesToBlock loop.
haltChan chan struct{}
// // Close when the retriable steps in Start have completed.
startChan chan struct{}
// Errored returns a channel which will close when a partition consumer error
// has occurred. Checked by Deliver().
func (chain *chainImpl) Errored() <-chan struct{} {
return chain.errorChan
// Start allocates the necessary resources for staying up to date with this
// Chain. Implements the multichain.Chain interface. Called by
// multichain.NewManagerImpl() which is invoked when the ordering process is
// launched, before the call to NewServer(). Launches a goroutine so as not to
// block the multichain.Manager.
func (chain *chainImpl) Start() {
go startThread(chain)
// Halt frees the resources which were allocated for this Chain. Implements the
// multichain.Chain interface.
func (chain *chainImpl) Halt() {
select {
case <-chain.haltChan:
// This construct is useful because it allows Halt() to be called
// multiple times (by a single thread) w/o panicking. Recal that a
// receive from a closed channel returns (the zero value) immediately.
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Halting of chain requested again", chain.support.ChainID())
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Halting of chain requested", chain.support.ChainID())
chain.closeKafkaObjects() // Also close the producer and the consumer
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Closed the haltChan", chain.support.ChainID())
// Enqueue accepts a message and returns true on acceptance, or false otheriwse.
// Implements the multichain.Chain interface. Called by Broadcast().
func (chain *chainImpl) Enqueue(env *cb.Envelope) bool {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Enqueueing envelope...", chain.support.ChainID())
select {
case <-chain.startChan: // The Start phase has completed
select {
case <-chain.haltChan: // The chain has been halted, stop here
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Will not enqueue, consenter for this channel has been halted", chain.support.ChainID())
return false
default: // The post path
marshaledEnv, err := utils.Marshal(env)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] cannot enqueue, unable to marshal envelope = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
return false
// We're good to go
payload := utils.MarshalOrPanic(newRegularMessage(marshaledEnv))
message := newProducerMessage(chain.channel, payload)
if _, _, err := chain.producer.SendMessage(message); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] cannot enqueue envelope = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
return false
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Envelope enqueued successfully", chain.support.ChainID())
return true
default: // Not ready yet
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Will not enqueue, consenter for this channel hasn't started yet", chain.support.ChainID())
return false
// Called by Start().
func startThread(chain *chainImpl) {
var err error
// Set up the producer
chain.producer, err = setupProducerForChannel(chain.consenter.retryOptions(), chain.haltChan, chain.support.SharedConfig().KafkaBrokers(), chain.consenter.brokerConfig(), chain.channel)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("[channel: %s] Cannot set up producer = %s", chain.channel.topic(), err)
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Producer set up successfully", chain.support.ChainID())
// Have the producer post the CONNECT message
if err = sendConnectMessage(chain.consenter.retryOptions(), chain.haltChan, chain.producer, chain.channel); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("[channel: %s] Cannot post CONNECT message = %s", chain.channel.topic(), err)
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] CONNECT message posted successfully", chain.channel.topic())
// Set up the parent consumer
chain.parentConsumer, err = setupParentConsumerForChannel(chain.consenter.retryOptions(), chain.haltChan, chain.support.SharedConfig().KafkaBrokers(), chain.consenter.brokerConfig(), chain.channel)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("[channel: %s] Cannot set up parent consumer = %s", chain.channel.topic(), err)
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Parent consumer set up successfully", chain.channel.topic())
// Set up the channel consumer
chain.channelConsumer, err = setupChannelConsumerForChannel(chain.consenter.retryOptions(), chain.haltChan, chain.parentConsumer, chain.channel, chain.lastOffsetPersisted+1)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("[channel: %s] Cannot set up channel consumer = %s", chain.channel.topic(), err)
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Channel consumer set up successfully", chain.channel.topic())
close(chain.startChan) // Broadcast requests will now go through
chain.errorChan = make(chan struct{}) // Deliver requests will also go through
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Start phase completed successfully", chain.channel.topic())
chain.processMessagesToBlocks() // Keep up to date with the channel
// processMessagesToBlocks drains the Kafka consumer for the given channel, and
// takes care of converting the stream of ordered messages into blocks for the
// channel's ledger.
func (chain *chainImpl) processMessagesToBlocks() ([]uint64, error) {
counts := make([]uint64, 11) // For metrics and tests
msg := new(ab.KafkaMessage)
var timer <-chan time.Time
defer func() { // When Halt() is called
select {
case <-chain.errorChan: // If already closed, don't do anything
for {
select {
case <-chain.haltChan:
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Consenter for channel exiting", chain.support.ChainID())
return counts, nil
case kafkaErr := <-chain.channelConsumer.Errors():
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] Error during consumption: %s", chain.support.ChainID(), kafkaErr)
select {
case <-chain.errorChan: // If already closed, don't do anything
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Closed the errorChan", chain.support.ChainID())
// This covers the edge case where (1) a consumption error has
// closed the errorChan and thus rendered the chain unavailable to
// deliver clients, (2) we're already at the newest offset, and (3)
// there are no new Broadcast requests coming in. In this case,
// there is no trigger that can recreate the errorChan again and
// mark the chain as available, so we have to force that trigger via
// the emission of a CONNECT message. TODO Consider rate limiting
go sendConnectMessage(chain.consenter.retryOptions(), chain.haltChan, chain.producer, chain.channel)
case in, ok := <-chain.channelConsumer.Messages():
if !ok {
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Kafka consumer closed.", chain.support.ChainID())
return counts, nil
select {
case <-chain.errorChan: // If this channel was closed...
chain.errorChan = make(chan struct{}) // ...make a new one.
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Marked consenter as available again", chain.support.ChainID())
if err := proto.Unmarshal(in.Value, msg); err != nil {
// This shouldn't happen, it should be filtered at ingress
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Unable to unmarshal consumed message = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
} else {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Successfully unmarshalled consumed message, offset is %d. Inspecting type...", chain.support.ChainID(), in.Offset)
switch msg.Type.(type) {
case *ab.KafkaMessage_Connect:
_ = processConnect(chain.support.ChainID())
case *ab.KafkaMessage_TimeToCut:
if err := processTimeToCut(msg.GetTimeToCut(), chain.support, &chain.lastCutBlockNumber, &timer, in.Offset); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Consenter for channel exiting", chain.support.ChainID())
return counts, err // TODO Revisit whether we should indeed stop processing the chain at this point
case *ab.KafkaMessage_Regular:
if err := processRegular(msg.GetRegular(), chain.support, &timer, in.Offset, &chain.lastCutBlockNumber); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Error when processing incoming message of type REGULAR = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
} else {
case <-timer:
if err := sendTimeToCut(chain.producer, chain.channel, chain.lastCutBlockNumber+1, &timer); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] cannot post time-to-cut message = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
// Do not return though
} else {
func (chain *chainImpl) closeKafkaObjects() []error {
var errs []error
err := chain.channelConsumer.Close()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] could not close channelConsumer cleanly = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
errs = append(errs, err)
} else {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Closed the channel consumer", chain.support.ChainID())
err = chain.parentConsumer.Close()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] could not close parentConsumer cleanly = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
errs = append(errs, err)
} else {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Closed the parent consumer", chain.support.ChainID())
err = chain.producer.Close()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] could not close producer cleanly = %s", chain.support.ChainID(), err)
errs = append(errs, err)
} else {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Closed the producer", chain.support.ChainID())
return errs
// Helper functions
func getLastCutBlockNumber(blockchainHeight uint64) uint64 {
return blockchainHeight - 1
func getLastOffsetPersisted(metadataValue []byte, chainID string) int64 {
if metadataValue != nil {
// Extract orderer-related metadata from the tip of the ledger first
kafkaMetadata := &ab.KafkaMetadata{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(metadataValue, kafkaMetadata); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("[channel: %s] Ledger may be corrupted:"+
"cannot unmarshal orderer metadata in most recent block", chainID)
return kafkaMetadata.LastOffsetPersisted
return (sarama.OffsetOldest - 1) // default
func newConnectMessage() *ab.KafkaMessage {
return &ab.KafkaMessage{
Type: &ab.KafkaMessage_Connect{
Connect: &ab.KafkaMessageConnect{
Payload: nil,
func newRegularMessage(payload []byte) *ab.KafkaMessage {
return &ab.KafkaMessage{
Type: &ab.KafkaMessage_Regular{
Regular: &ab.KafkaMessageRegular{
Payload: payload,
func newTimeToCutMessage(blockNumber uint64) *ab.KafkaMessage {
return &ab.KafkaMessage{
Type: &ab.KafkaMessage_TimeToCut{
TimeToCut: &ab.KafkaMessageTimeToCut{
BlockNumber: blockNumber,
func newProducerMessage(channel channel, pld []byte) *sarama.ProducerMessage {
return &sarama.ProducerMessage{
Topic: channel.topic(),
Key: sarama.StringEncoder(strconv.Itoa(int(channel.partition()))), // TODO Consider writing an IntEncoder?
Value: sarama.ByteEncoder(pld),
func processConnect(channelName string) error {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] It's a connect message - ignoring", channelName)
return nil
func processRegular(regularMessage *ab.KafkaMessageRegular, support multichain.ConsenterSupport, timer *<-chan time.Time, receivedOffset int64, lastCutBlockNumber *uint64) error {
env := new(cb.Envelope)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(regularMessage.Payload, env); err != nil {
// This shouldn't happen, it should be filtered at ingress
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal/%s", err)
batches, committers, ok, pending := support.BlockCutter().Ordered(env)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Ordering results: items in batch = %d, ok = %v, pending = %v", support.ChainID(), len(batches), ok, pending)
if ok && len(batches) == 0 && *timer == nil {
*timer = time.After(support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout())
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Just began %s batch timer", support.ChainID(), support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout().String())
return nil
offset := receivedOffset
if pending || len(batches) == 2 {
// If the newest envelope is not encapsulated into the first batch,
// the LastOffsetPersisted of first block should be receivedOffset-1.
// If !ok, batches == nil, so this will be skipped
for i, batch := range batches {
block := support.CreateNextBlock(batch)
encodedLastOffsetPersisted := utils.MarshalOrPanic(&ab.KafkaMetadata{LastOffsetPersisted: offset})
support.WriteBlock(block, committers[i], encodedLastOffsetPersisted)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Batch filled, just cut block %d - last persisted offset is now %d", support.ChainID(), *lastCutBlockNumber, offset)
if len(batches) > 0 {
*timer = nil
return nil
func processTimeToCut(ttcMessage *ab.KafkaMessageTimeToCut, support multichain.ConsenterSupport, lastCutBlockNumber *uint64, timer *<-chan time.Time, receivedOffset int64) error {
ttcNumber := ttcMessage.GetBlockNumber()
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] It's a time-to-cut message for block %d", support.ChainID(), ttcNumber)
if ttcNumber == *lastCutBlockNumber+1 {
*timer = nil
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Nil'd the timer", support.ChainID())
batch, committers := support.BlockCutter().Cut()
if len(batch) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("got right time-to-cut message (for block %d),"+
" no pending requests though; this might indicate a bug", *lastCutBlockNumber+1)
block := support.CreateNextBlock(batch)
encodedLastOffsetPersisted := utils.MarshalOrPanic(&ab.KafkaMetadata{LastOffsetPersisted: receivedOffset})
support.WriteBlock(block, committers, encodedLastOffsetPersisted)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Proper time-to-cut received, just cut block %d", support.ChainID(), *lastCutBlockNumber)
return nil
} else if ttcNumber > *lastCutBlockNumber+1 {
return fmt.Errorf("got larger time-to-cut message (%d) than allowed/expected (%d)"+
" - this might indicate a bug", ttcNumber, *lastCutBlockNumber+1)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Ignoring stale time-to-cut-message for block %d", support.ChainID(), ttcNumber)
return nil
// Post a CONNECT message to the channel using the given retry options. This
// prevents the panicking that would occur if we were to set up a consumer and
// seek on a partition that hadn't been written to yet.
func sendConnectMessage(retryOptions localconfig.Retry, exitChan chan struct{}, producer sarama.SyncProducer, channel channel) error {
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] About to post the CONNECT message...", channel.topic())
payload := utils.MarshalOrPanic(newConnectMessage())
message := newProducerMessage(channel, payload)
retryMsg := "Attempting to post the CONNECT message..."
postConnect := newRetryProcess(retryOptions, exitChan, channel, retryMsg, func() error {
_, _, err := producer.SendMessage(message)
return err
return postConnect.retry()
func sendTimeToCut(producer sarama.SyncProducer, channel channel, timeToCutBlockNumber uint64, timer *<-chan time.Time) error {
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Time-to-cut block %d timer expired", channel.topic(), timeToCutBlockNumber)
*timer = nil
payload := utils.MarshalOrPanic(newTimeToCutMessage(timeToCutBlockNumber))
message := newProducerMessage(channel, payload)
_, _, err := producer.SendMessage(message)
return err
// Sets up the partition consumer for a channel using the given retry options.
func setupChannelConsumerForChannel(retryOptions localconfig.Retry, haltChan chan struct{}, parentConsumer sarama.Consumer, channel channel, startFrom int64) (sarama.PartitionConsumer, error) {
var err error
var channelConsumer sarama.PartitionConsumer
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Setting up the channel consumer for this channel (start offset: %d)...", channel.topic(), startFrom)
retryMsg := "Connecting to the Kafka cluster"
setupChannelConsumer := newRetryProcess(retryOptions, haltChan, channel, retryMsg, func() error {
channelConsumer, err = parentConsumer.ConsumePartition(channel.topic(), channel.partition(), startFrom)
return err
return channelConsumer, setupChannelConsumer.retry()
// Sets up the parent consumer for a channel using the given retry options.
func setupParentConsumerForChannel(retryOptions localconfig.Retry, haltChan chan struct{}, brokers []string, brokerConfig *sarama.Config, channel channel) (sarama.Consumer, error) {
var err error
var parentConsumer sarama.Consumer
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Setting up the parent consumer for this channel...", channel.topic())
retryMsg := "Connecting to the Kafka cluster"
setupParentConsumer := newRetryProcess(retryOptions, haltChan, channel, retryMsg, func() error {
parentConsumer, err = sarama.NewConsumer(brokers, brokerConfig)
return err
return parentConsumer, setupParentConsumer.retry()
// Sets up the writer/producer for a channel using the given retry options.
func setupProducerForChannel(retryOptions localconfig.Retry, haltChan chan struct{}, brokers []string, brokerConfig *sarama.Config, channel channel) (sarama.SyncProducer, error) {
var err error
var producer sarama.SyncProducer
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Setting up the producer for this channel...", channel.topic())
retryMsg := "Connecting to the Kafka cluster"
setupProducer := newRetryProcess(retryOptions, haltChan, channel, retryMsg, func() error {
producer, err = sarama.NewSyncProducer(brokers, brokerConfig)
return err
return producer, setupProducer.retry()
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