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pull.go 18.34 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package privdata
import (
fcommon "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
const (
membershipPollingBackoff = time.Second
responseWaitTime = time.Second * 5
maxMembershipPollIterations = 5
btlPullMarginDefault = 10
// PrivateDataRetriever interfacce which defines API capable
// of retrieving required private data
type PrivateDataRetriever interface {
// CollectionRWSet returns the bytes of CollectionPvtReadWriteSet for a given txID and collection from the transient store
CollectionRWSet(dig *proto.PvtDataDigest) (*util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig, error)
// gossip defines capabilities that the gossip module gives the Coordinator
type gossip interface {
// Send sends a message to remote peers
Send(msg *proto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer)
// PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
// and also subscribed to the channel given
PeersOfChannel(common.ChainID) []discovery.NetworkMember
// PeerFilter receives a SubChannelSelectionCriteria and returns a RoutingFilter that selects
// only peer identities that match the given criteria, and that they published their channel participation
PeerFilter(channel common.ChainID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error)
// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
// If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
// If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
// can be used to send a reply back to the sender
Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *proto.GossipMessage, <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage)
type puller struct {
pubSub *util.PubSub
stopChan chan struct{}
msgChan <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage
channel string
cs privdata.CollectionStore
btlPullMargin uint64
// NewPuller creates new private data puller
func NewPuller(cs privdata.CollectionStore, g gossip, dataRetriever PrivateDataRetriever, factory CollectionAccessFactory, channel string) *puller {
p := &puller{
pubSub: util.NewPubSub(),
stopChan: make(chan struct{}),
channel: channel,
cs: cs,
btlPullMargin: getBtlPullMargin(),
gossip: g,
PrivateDataRetriever: dataRetriever,
CollectionAccessFactory: factory,
_, p.msgChan = p.Accept(func(o interface{}) bool {
msg := o.(proto.ReceivedMessage).GetGossipMessage()
if !bytes.Equal(msg.Channel, []byte(p.channel)) {
return false
return msg.IsPrivateDataMsg()
}, true)
go p.listen()
return p
func (p *puller) listen() {
for {
select {
case <-p.stopChan:
case msg := <-p.msgChan:
if msg == nil {
// comm module stopped, hence this channel
// closed
if msg.GetGossipMessage().GetPrivateRes() != nil {
if msg.GetGossipMessage().GetPrivateReq() != nil {
func (p *puller) handleRequest(message proto.ReceivedMessage) {
logger.Debug("Got", message.GetGossipMessage(), "from", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint)
Channel: []byte(p.channel),
Tag: proto.GossipMessage_CHAN_ONLY,
Nonce: message.GetGossipMessage().Nonce,
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_PrivateRes{
PrivateRes: &proto.RemotePvtDataResponse{
Elements: p.createResponse(message),
func (p *puller) createResponse(message proto.ReceivedMessage) []*proto.PvtDataElement {
authInfo := message.GetConnectionInfo().Auth
var returned []*proto.PvtDataElement
defer func() {
logger.Debug("Returning", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint, len(returned), "elements")
msg := message.GetGossipMessage()
for _, dig := range msg.GetPrivateReq().Digests {
rwSets, err := p.CollectionRWSet(dig)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Wasn't able to get private rwset for [%s] channel, chaincode [%s], collection [%s], txID = [%s], due to [%s]",
p.channel, dig.Namespace, dig.Collection, dig.TxId, err)
if rwSets == nil {
logger.Errorf("No private rwset for [%s] channel, chaincode [%s], collection [%s], txID = [%s] is available, skipping...",
p.channel, dig.Namespace, dig.Collection, dig.TxId)
logger.Debug("Found", len(rwSets.RWSet), "for TxID", dig.TxId, ", collection", dig.Collection, "for", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint)
if len(rwSets.RWSet) == 0 {
colAP, err := p.AccessPolicy(rwSets.CollectionConfig, p.channel)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug("No policy found for channel", p.channel, ", collection", dig.Collection, "txID", dig.TxId, ":", err, "skipping...")
colFilter := colAP.AccessFilter()
if colFilter == nil {
logger.Debug("Collection ", dig.Collection, " has no access filter, txID", dig.TxId, "skipping...")
eligibleForCollection := colFilter(fcommon.SignedData{
Identity: message.GetConnectionInfo().Identity,
Data: authInfo.SignedData,
Signature: authInfo.Signature,
if !eligibleForCollection {
logger.Debug("Peer", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint, "isn't eligible for txID", dig.TxId, "at collection", dig.Collection)
returned = append(returned, &proto.PvtDataElement{
Digest: dig,
Payload: util.PrivateRWSets(rwSets.RWSet...),
return returned
func (p *puller) handleResponse(message proto.ReceivedMessage) {
msg := message.GetGossipMessage().GetPrivateRes()
logger.Debug("Got", msg, "from", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint)
for _, el := range msg.Elements {
if el.Digest == nil {
logger.Warning("Got nil digest from", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint, "aborting")
hash, err := el.Digest.Hash()
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed hashing digest from", message.GetConnectionInfo().Endpoint, "aborting")
p.pubSub.Publish(hash, el)
func (p *puller) waitForMembership() []discovery.NetworkMember {
polIteration := 0
for {
members := p.PeersOfChannel(common.ChainID(p.channel))
if len(members) != 0 {
return members
if polIteration == maxMembershipPollIterations {
return nil
func (p *puller) fetch(dig2src dig2sources, blockSeq uint64) (*FetchedPvtDataContainer, error) {
// computeFilters returns a map from a digest to a routing filter
dig2Filter, err := p.computeFilters(dig2src)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
// Get a list of peers per channel
allFilters := dig2Filter.flattenFilterValues()
members := p.waitForMembership()
logger.Debug("Total members in channel:", members)
members = filter.AnyMatch(members, allFilters...)
logger.Debug("Total members that fit some digest:", members)
if len(members) == 0 {
logger.Warning("Do not know any peer in the channel(", p.channel, ") that matches the policies , aborting")
return nil, errors.New("Empty membership")
members = randomizeMemberList(members)
res := &FetchedPvtDataContainer{}
// Distribute requests to peers, and obtain subscriptions for all their messages
// matchDigestToPeer returns a map from a peer to the digests which we would ask it for
var peer2digests peer2Digests
// We expect all private RWSets represented as digests to be collected
itemsLeftToCollect := len(dig2Filter)
// As long as we still have some data to collect and new members to ask the data for:
for itemsLeftToCollect > 0 && len(members) > 0 {
purgedPvt := p.getPurgedCollections(members, dig2Filter, blockSeq)
// Need to remove purged digest from mapping
for _, dig := range purgedPvt {
res.PurgedElements = append(res.PurgedElements, dig)
// remove digest so we won't even try to pull purged data
delete(dig2Filter, *dig)
if itemsLeftToCollect == 0 {
logger.Debug("No items left to collect")
return res, nil
peer2digests, members = p.assignDigestsToPeers(members, dig2Filter)
if len(peer2digests) == 0 {
logger.Warning("No available peers for digests request, "+
"cannot pull missing private data for following digests [%+v], peer membership: [%+v]",
dig2Filter.digests(), members)
return res, nil
logger.Debug("Matched", len(dig2Filter), "digests to", len(peer2digests), "peer(s)")
subscriptions := p.scatterRequests(peer2digests)
responses := p.gatherResponses(subscriptions)
for _, resp := range responses {
if len(resp.Payload) == 0 {
logger.Debug("Got empty response for", resp.Digest)
delete(dig2Filter, *resp.Digest)
res.AvailableElemenets = append(res.AvailableElemenets, responses...)
return res, nil
func (p *puller) gatherResponses(subscriptions []util.Subscription) []*proto.PvtDataElement {
var res []*proto.PvtDataElement
privateElements := make(chan *proto.PvtDataElement, len(subscriptions))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Listen for all subscriptions, and add then into a single channel
for _, sub := range subscriptions {
go func(sub util.Subscription) {
defer wg.Done()
el, err := sub.Listen()
if err != nil {
privateElements <- el.(*proto.PvtDataElement)
// Wait for all subscriptions to either return, or time out
// Close the channel, to not block when we iterate it.
// Aggregate elements to return them as a slice
for el := range privateElements {
res = append(res, el)
return res
func (p *puller) scatterRequests(peersDigestMapping peer2Digests) []util.Subscription {
var subscriptions []util.Subscription
for peer, digests := range peersDigestMapping {
msg := &proto.GossipMessage{
Tag: proto.GossipMessage_CHAN_ONLY,
Channel: []byte(p.channel),
Nonce: util.RandomUInt64(),
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_PrivateReq{
PrivateReq: &proto.RemotePvtDataRequest{
Digests: digestsAsPointerSlice(digests),
// Subscribe to all digests prior to sending them
for _, dig := range msg.GetPrivateReq().Digests {
hash, err := dig.Hash()
if err != nil {
// Shouldn't happen as we just built this message ourselves
logger.Warning("Failed creating digest", err)
sub := p.pubSub.Subscribe(hash, responseWaitTime)
subscriptions = append(subscriptions, sub)
logger.Debug("Sending", peer.endpoint, "request", msg.GetPrivateReq().Digests)
p.Send(msg, peer.AsRemotePeer())
return subscriptions
type peer2Digests map[remotePeer][]proto.PvtDataDigest
type noneSelectedPeers []discovery.NetworkMember
func (p *puller) assignDigestsToPeers(members []discovery.NetworkMember, dig2Filter digestToFilterMapping) (peer2Digests, noneSelectedPeers) {
if logger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
logger.Debug("Matching", members, "to", dig2Filter.String())
res := make(map[remotePeer][]proto.PvtDataDigest)
// Create a mapping between peer and digests to ask for
for dig, collectionFilter := range dig2Filter {
// Find a peer that is an endorser
selectedPeer := filter.First(members, collectionFilter.endorser)
if selectedPeer == nil {
logger.Debug("No endorser found for", dig)
// Find some peer that is in the collection
selectedPeer = filter.First(members, collectionFilter.anyPeer)
if selectedPeer == nil {
logger.Debug("No peer matches txID", dig.TxId, "collection", dig.Collection)
// Add the peer to the mapping from peer to digest slice
peer := remotePeer{pkiID: string(selectedPeer.PKIID), endpoint: selectedPeer.Endpoint}
res[peer] = append(res[peer], dig)
var noneSelectedPeers []discovery.NetworkMember
for _, member := range members {
peer := remotePeer{endpoint: member.PreferredEndpoint(), pkiID: string(member.PKIid)}
if _, selected := res[peer]; !selected {
noneSelectedPeers = append(noneSelectedPeers, member)
return res, noneSelectedPeers
type collectionRoutingFilter struct {
anyPeer filter.RoutingFilter
endorser filter.RoutingFilter
type digestToFilterMapping map[proto.PvtDataDigest]collectionRoutingFilter
func (dig2f digestToFilterMapping) flattenFilterValues() []filter.RoutingFilter {
var filters []filter.RoutingFilter
for _, f := range dig2f {
filters = append(filters, f.endorser)
filters = append(filters, f.anyPeer)
return filters
func (dig2f digestToFilterMapping) digests() []proto.PvtDataDigest {
var digs []proto.PvtDataDigest
for d := range dig2f {
digs = append(digs, d)
return digs
// String returns a string representation of t he digestToFilterMapping
func (dig2f digestToFilterMapping) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
collection2TxID := make(map[string][]string)
for dig := range dig2f {
collection2TxID[dig.Collection] = append(collection2TxID[dig.Collection], dig.TxId)
for col, txIDs := range collection2TxID {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("{%s: %v}", col, txIDs))
return buffer.String()
func (p *puller) computeFilters(dig2src dig2sources) (digestToFilterMapping, error) {
filters := make(map[proto.PvtDataDigest]collectionRoutingFilter)
for digest, sources := range dig2src {
cc := fcommon.CollectionCriteria{
Channel: p.channel,
TxId: digest.TxId,
Collection: digest.Collection,
Namespace: digest.Namespace,
collection, err := p.cs.RetrieveCollectionAccessPolicy(cc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed obtaining collection policy for channel %s, txID %s, collection %s", p.channel, digest.TxId, digest.Collection))
f := collection.AccessFilter()
if f == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Failed obtaining collection filter for channel %s, txID %s, collection %s", p.channel, digest.TxId, digest.Collection)
anyPeerInCollection, err := p.PeerFilter(common.ChainID(p.channel), func(peerSignature api.PeerSignature) bool {
return f(fcommon.SignedData{
Signature: peerSignature.Signature,
Identity: peerSignature.PeerIdentity,
Data: peerSignature.Message,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
sources := sources
endorserPeer, err := p.PeerFilter(common.ChainID(p.channel), func(peerSignature api.PeerSignature) bool {
for _, endorsement := range sources {
if bytes.Equal(endorsement.Endorser, []byte(peerSignature.PeerIdentity)) {
return true
return false
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
filters[*digest] = collectionRoutingFilter{
anyPeer: anyPeerInCollection,
endorser: endorserPeer,
return filters, nil
func (p *puller) getPurgedCollections(members []discovery.NetworkMember,
dig2Filter digestToFilterMapping, blockSeq uint64) []*proto.PvtDataDigest {
var res []*proto.PvtDataDigest
for dig := range dig2Filter {
dig := dig
purged, err := p.purgedFilter(dig, blockSeq)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug("Failed to obtain purged filter for digest %v", dig, "error", err)
membersWithPurgedData := filter.AnyMatch(members, purged)
// at least one peer already purged the data
if len(membersWithPurgedData) > 0 {
logger.Debugf("Private data on channel [%s], chaincode [%s], collection name [%s] for txID = [%s],"+
"has been purged at peers [%v]", p.channel, dig.Namespace,
dig.Collection, dig.TxId, membersWithPurgedData)
res = append(res, &dig)
return res
func (p *puller) purgedFilter(dig proto.PvtDataDigest, blockSeq uint64) (filter.RoutingFilter, error) {
cc := fcommon.CollectionCriteria{
Channel: p.channel,
TxId: dig.TxId,
Collection: dig.Collection,
Namespace: dig.Namespace,
colPersistConfig, err := p.cs.RetrieveCollectionPersistenceConfigs(cc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return func(peer discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
if peer.Properties == nil {
logger.Debugf("No properties provided for peer %s", peer.Endpoint)
return false
// BTL equals to zero has semantic of never expires
if colPersistConfig.BlockToLive() == uint64(0) {
return false
// handle overflow
expirationSeqNum := addWithOverflow(blockSeq, colPersistConfig.BlockToLive())
peerLedgerHeightWithMargin := addWithOverflow(peer.Properties.LedgerHeight, p.btlPullMargin)
isPurged := peerLedgerHeightWithMargin >= expirationSeqNum
if isPurged {
logger.Debugf("skipping peer [%s], since pvt for channel [%s], txID = [%s], "+
"collection [%s] has been purged or will soon be purged, BTL=[%d]",
peer.Endpoint, p.channel, cc.TxId, cc.Collection, colPersistConfig.BlockToLive())
return isPurged
}, nil
func randomizeMemberList(members []discovery.NetworkMember) []discovery.NetworkMember {
res := make([]discovery.NetworkMember, len(members))
for i, j := range rand.Perm(len(members)) {
res[i] = members[j]
return res
func digestsAsPointerSlice(digests []proto.PvtDataDigest) []*proto.PvtDataDigest {
res := make([]*proto.PvtDataDigest, len(digests))
for i, dig := range digests {
// re-introduce dig variable to allocate
// new address for each iteration
dig := dig
res[i] = &dig
return res
type remotePeer struct {
endpoint string
pkiID string
// AsRemotePeer converts this remotePeer to comm.RemotePeer
func (rp remotePeer) AsRemotePeer() *comm.RemotePeer {
return &comm.RemotePeer{
PKIID: common.PKIidType(rp.pkiID),
Endpoint: rp.endpoint,
func getBtlPullMargin() uint64 {
var result uint64
if viper.IsSet("peer.gossip.pvtData.btlPullMargin") {
btlMarginVal := viper.GetInt("peer.gossip.pvtData.btlPullMargin")
if btlMarginVal < 0 {
result = btlPullMarginDefault
} else {
result = uint64(btlMarginVal)
} else {
result = btlPullMarginDefault
return result
func addWithOverflow(a uint64, b uint64) uint64 {
res := a + b
if res < a {
return math.MaxUint64
return res
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