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configmap.go 5.82 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package configtx
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
const (
groupPrefix = "[Group] "
valuePrefix = "[Value] "
policyPrefix = "[Policy] "
pathSeparator = "/"
// Hacky fix constants, used in recurseConfigMap
hackyFixOrdererCapabilities = "[Value] /Channel/Orderer/Capabilities"
hackyFixNewModPolicy = "Admins"
// mapConfig is intended to be called outside this file
// it takes a ConfigGroup and generates a map of fqPath to comparables (or error on invalid keys)
func mapConfig(channelGroup *cb.ConfigGroup, rootGroupKey string) (map[string]comparable, error) {
result := make(map[string]comparable)
if channelGroup != nil {
err := recurseConfig(result, []string{rootGroupKey}, channelGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// addToMap is used only internally by mapConfig
func addToMap(cg comparable, result map[string]comparable) error {
var fqPath string
switch {
case cg.ConfigGroup != nil:
fqPath = groupPrefix
case cg.ConfigValue != nil:
fqPath = valuePrefix
case cg.ConfigPolicy != nil:
fqPath = policyPrefix
if err := validateConfigID(cg.key); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Illegal characters in key: %s", fqPath)
if len(cg.path) == 0 {
fqPath += pathSeparator + cg.key
} else {
fqPath += pathSeparator + strings.Join(cg.path, pathSeparator) + pathSeparator + cg.key
logger.Debugf("Adding to config map: %s", fqPath)
result[fqPath] = cg
return nil
// recurseConfig is used only internally by mapConfig
func recurseConfig(result map[string]comparable, path []string, group *cb.ConfigGroup) error {
if err := addToMap(comparable{key: path[len(path)-1], path: path[:len(path)-1], ConfigGroup: group}, result); err != nil {
return err
for key, group := range group.Groups {
nextPath := make([]string, len(path)+1)
copy(nextPath, path)
nextPath[len(nextPath)-1] = key
if err := recurseConfig(result, nextPath, group); err != nil {
return err
for key, value := range group.Values {
if err := addToMap(comparable{key: key, path: path, ConfigValue: value}, result); err != nil {
return err
for key, policy := range group.Policies {
if err := addToMap(comparable{key: key, path: path, ConfigPolicy: policy}, result); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// configMapToConfig is intended to be called from outside this file
// It takes a configMap and converts it back into a *cb.ConfigGroup structure
func configMapToConfig(configMap map[string]comparable, rootGroupKey string) (*cb.ConfigGroup, error) {
rootPath := pathSeparator + rootGroupKey
return recurseConfigMap(rootPath, configMap)
// recurseConfigMap is used only internally by configMapToConfig
// Note, this function no longer mutates the cb.Config* entries within configMap
func recurseConfigMap(path string, configMap map[string]comparable) (*cb.ConfigGroup, error) {
groupPath := groupPrefix + path
group, ok := configMap[groupPath]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing group at path: %s", groupPath)
if group.ConfigGroup == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ConfigGroup not found at group path: %s", groupPath)
newConfigGroup := cb.NewConfigGroup()
proto.Merge(newConfigGroup, group.ConfigGroup)
for key := range group.Groups {
updatedGroup, err := recurseConfigMap(path+pathSeparator+key, configMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newConfigGroup.Groups[key] = updatedGroup
for key := range group.Values {
valuePath := valuePrefix + path + pathSeparator + key
value, ok := configMap[valuePath]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing value at path: %s", valuePath)
if value.ConfigValue == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ConfigValue not found at value path: %s", valuePath)
newConfigGroup.Values[key] = proto.Clone(value.ConfigValue).(*cb.ConfigValue)
for key := range group.Policies {
policyPath := policyPrefix + path + pathSeparator + key
policy, ok := configMap[policyPath]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing policy at path: %s", policyPath)
if policy.ConfigPolicy == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ConfigPolicy not found at policy path: %s", policyPath)
newConfigGroup.Policies[key] = proto.Clone(policy.ConfigPolicy).(*cb.ConfigPolicy)
logger.Debugf("Setting policy for key %s to %+v", key, group.Policies[key])
// This is a really very hacky fix to facilitate upgrading channels which were constructed
// using the channel generation from v1.0 with bugs FAB-5309, and FAB-6080.
// In summary, these channels were constructed with a bug which left mod_policy unset in some cases.
// If mod_policy is unset, it's impossible to modify the element, and current code disallows
// unset mod_policy values. This hack 'fixes' existing config with empty mod_policy values.
// If the capabilities framework is on, it sets any unset mod_policy to 'Admins'.
// This code needs to sit here until validation of v1.0 chains is deprecated from the codebase.
if _, ok := configMap[hackyFixOrdererCapabilities]; ok {
// Hacky fix constants, used in recurseConfigMap
if newConfigGroup.ModPolicy == "" {
logger.Debugf("Performing upgrade of group %s empty mod_policy", groupPath)
newConfigGroup.ModPolicy = hackyFixNewModPolicy
for key, value := range newConfigGroup.Values {
if value.ModPolicy == "" {
logger.Debugf("Performing upgrade of value %s empty mod_policy", valuePrefix+path+pathSeparator+key)
value.ModPolicy = hackyFixNewModPolicy
for key, policy := range newConfigGroup.Policies {
if policy.ModPolicy == "" {
logger.Debugf("Performing upgrade of policy %s empty mod_policy", policyPrefix+path+pathSeparator+key)
policy.ModPolicy = hackyFixNewModPolicy
return newConfigGroup, nil
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